Chen Yang's coming here was not an accident.After Qian Zichen smashed Chen Yang's body, the various pieces of Chen Yang still had thoughts.And under the attraction of the attributes of the eternal spar, it can automatically condense.But Chen Yang didn't condense, but floated out with the trend.He quickly floated hundreds of miles away, and then began to condense his body.

After the body was successfully condensed, even the blue clothes were restored.But at the same time, Chen Yang controlled the Yuanshen bomb and did not restore it.When it exploded before, he was not very good at operating it, but now he has mastered some essentials.

What frightened Chen Yang was that the star master's mark could not be destroyed.It's like merging with the eternal spar, no matter how it explodes, it can't be destroyed.

Chen Yang thought about it, but he didn't hesitate.Just take it as a souvenir and put it in your mind, anyway, you are not afraid of it exploding.

When Shen Wuzui waited for Lingzun to attack Yuqingmen, Chen Yang watched from afar.He didn't have the heart to help. If he went, who would he help?It was Qian Zichen who killed him.It is even more impossible to help Lingzun.

Chen Yang's overall view is still not as good as Xuan Zhenghao's.

"How did you escape Qian Zichen's killing?" Xuan Zhenghao was also curious.

Chen Yang didn't intend to hide Xuan Zhenghao, and said directly: "How could I escape, and was blasted into countless fragments by her mana. I circulated these fragments for hundreds of miles, and then condensed."

"Aren't you joking?" Di Xuan was stunned aside.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I don't think I'm joking, I met that Tang Yin today, he was blasted into pieces, and he came back to life as if condensed. Today's young people are more monstrous than each other!"

Dixuan said: "Then Tang Yin is much older than you."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Who said that, don't forget that I have been in the one-yuan boat for a thousand years."

Di Xuan rolled his eyes.

Xuan Zhenghao smiled after finishing speaking, looked at Chen Yang again, and said, "Then, Elder Lingzun's soul bomb?"

"It's gone." Chen Yang said.

Xuan Zhenghao said, "That's good." After that, he didn't continue to ask Chen Yang any more.

Dixuan was very curious about the mystery of Chen Yang's immortality, but just as he was about to speak, Xuan Zhenghao changed the subject.

Dixuan and Xuan Zhenghao are close friends, so they knew what Xuan Zhenghao meant when they saw this.In fact, this is not a good thing to ask.Because everyone has their own secrets.

Dixuan then asked Xuan Zhenghao: "Next, do you have any plans?"

Xuan Zhenghao looked at Chen Yang and said, "Do you have any plans?"

Chen Yang was taken aback, and then he said: "I don't have any plans yet, I plan to wait and see what happens. Now Qian Zichen thinks I'm dead."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Yes, you still have to maintain a suspended animation. I will handle other things."

"Then what are your plans, Your Majesty?" Chen Yang couldn't help being excited when he heard this.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Right now, we have Qian Zichen and Pangu Banner on our side. There is still a fight between us and Lingzun. If we can put the battlefield in my Yuan Yuan boat, then we will fight with Lingzun." In the battle between Lingzun, there is an absolute chance of winning."

Dixuan immediately said: "But those Lingzun elders are not fools, how could they come to you to fight?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "So this needs to be considered in the long run. We still have a bait, that is the sacred tree of Wugusheji! Elder Lingzun is determined to get this thing, although Qian Zichen thinks that the sacred tree of Wugusheji has been destroyed. But Ling Elder Zun, that is, the head elder, his power of prajna wisdom has been sensed by the sacred tree of Wugu Sheji, and he can feel that the sacred tree of Wugu Sheji still exists."

Dixuan said: "Despite this, it is almost impossible to lead them into the one-yuan boat."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "It depends on human effort."

He paused, and said: "Okay, I'm going to meet Qian Zichen next."

Dixuan said: "I'll go with you."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Alright!" Then he looked at Chen Yang and said, "You should stay in my yuan boat first, so as not to leak any rumors."

Chen Yang said: "I think of one thing, and I want to go to a place right now."

"Oh?" Xuan Zhenghao said, "A very important thing?"

Chen Yang said: "Yes!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "If you leave, the aura of the sacred tree of Wugu Sheji will follow. I'm worried that Elder Lingzun will chase after you."

Chen Yang said: "I wrapped it with a black hole spar, I wonder if it will leak the breath?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "It may be useful, but you can't take this risk lightly. Let's see if I can send someone to take care of your business?"

Chen Yang thought for a while and said, "That's okay!"

What he has to do is to ask Xuan Zhenghao to send someone to the Lost Continent to find Yalena, and then take the Taiyu Scepter and use it.He once used the Taiyu scepter to develop a formation, which can be inside for a day and outside for ten years.Now he wants to seize the time to cultivate secretly and improve his cultivation base.Along the way, Chen Yang seldom has the sense of urgency he has now.But now, he felt that he could no longer slack off.So, I turned my brains to the Taiyu Scepter.

After hearing this, Xuan Zhenghao immediately said, "It's useless."

"Huh?" Chen Yang was puzzled.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I understand the Lost Continent, that world is very special. In other words, its currency is not compatible with other worlds. No matter how high the power in it is cultivated, it will be useless in other worlds."

Chen Yang said: "But I know the Taiyu Scepter, which can really change the time."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "This, it is not easy for me to explain to you clearly. Your previous power came from the Lost Continent, so you can change time. Because you and the Lost Continent are one. But now, your power is very Strong, but does not belong to the Lost Continent. Then, the time rules of the entire Lost Continent can no longer be changed by you. Neither can the Taiyu Scepter! Unless you dissipate your mana and reintegrate into the power of the Lost Continent. But, you are inside No matter how strong you are in cultivation, you are still nothing if you leave the Lost Continent."

"Really? Your Majesty, how could you know so clearly?" Chen Yang felt very frustrated.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I know the affairs of the world, if you don't believe me, I can go and get the Taiyu Scepter for you."

Chen Yang said, "Forget it, I naturally believe you."

His eyes lit up again, and he said, "One Yuan Boat, can you use the One Yuan Boat to change the time?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "There are enough pills now, so it is not impossible to change the time. However, there were some problems before. I still need to wait for me to fix them. After I fix them, I will make calculations. Moreover, the boat of one yuan is turned on to reverse time. Once, there is a heavy karma. I don’t dare to open the furnace lightly, and the next time I open the furnace, the time will be reversed. I still have to wait for the sect master and other friends to come together.”

"That's true!" Chen Yang said.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Anyway, when the furnace is turned on again, I will definitely call you."

Chen Yang said, "Thank you very much."

Next, Chen Yang stayed in a hidden place in the Yuanzhizhou to meditate.Xuan Zhenghao and Di Xuanze went to meet Qian Zichen together.

Xuan Zhenghao asked Qian Zichen to call everyone for a meeting.

Qian Zichen still trusts and convinces Xuan Zhenghao now, so he also obeys Xuan Zhenghao.

Yuntianzong, Yuhuamen, and the masters of the Protoss are still there.

All the members of Yuqing Sect, plus the masters of the three sects all gathered in the main hall.

This time, Xuan Zhenghao took the main seat at the top of the hall.After all, he is the host.Qian Zichen sat on the vice seat.Emperor Xuan was on Xuan Zhenghao's left, while Tan Lao and Fu Zhichen were on Qian Zichen's right.

Among the crowd below, there are masters from three factions, as well as Nalan Yunxue and Ya Zhenyuan.Yazhenyuan's daughter, Yaluo, has always been in her magic weapon, and has not been frightened or hurt.Even so, Ya Zhenyuan was still uneasy. The current battle level is really full of too many variables and crises. She is not afraid that she will be robbed, but she is afraid that her daughter will...

At this time, Ya Zhenyuan looked at Xuan Zhenghao who was elegant and majestic above him.She suddenly had an idea!

Xuan Zhenghao glanced at the crowd, and he said in a deep voice: "I...had grievances with many people present. I know that many of you would like to have my skin cramped. You are all people who cultivate the Dao. It's not that I can make you give up your hatred by saying a few passionate words. But..."

Xuan Zhenghao paused, and said: "But I implore you, first, work together to deal with the crisis of Lingzun. We will talk about our own personal grievances later. You should also know that what the elder Lingzun wants is the sacred tree of Wugu Sheji. It is one. Second, their imperial skyship will descend on the earth in 18 years. Before the skyship descends, they will clear the obstacles on the earth. Who are these obstacles? I think everyone here must be Obstacles. Unless you are willing to take refuge in the Spirit Venerable and be their lackeys. Otherwise, you will not be able to escape!"

"But, relying on the one-yuan boat, I can live in peace for the time being. At least, I am sure that if the empire's sky boat does not come, I will be able to keep safe. In 18 years, I can think of countermeasures!"

Xuan Zhenghao's words are like a knife, and every sentence makes sense.

These masters are all outstanding people.

The life they experienced is so wonderful that it can be called a legend, and it can also be written about in a book.Therefore, they absolutely disdain the brainwashing behavior of others.

But Xuan Zhenghao is not brainwashing, every word he said is reality.

The Lingzun crisis is coming, indeed, you must obey or be killed.

obedience?That is absolutely not reconciled.Qian Zichen can still give them respect, and their conscience is easier to accept.After all, Qian Zichen belongs to the fairy envoy.The human snake race in the fairy world is of the same origin as human beings.

This is the same as taking refuge in the national army or the Japanese army. They are both going to take refuge, but the difference is a world of difference.

They also had to admit that if Xuan Zhenghao hid in the one-yuan boat, there would be absolutely nothing the spirit masters could do for the time being.

So at this time, Yun Huaying spoke first. "Xuan Zhenghao, what do you want to express when you say this? Are you trying to be wise and protect yourself?"

"Haha, Master Yun, you're asking a good question!" Xuan Zhenghao looked at Yun Huaying. "In the scene, there is no one who is not smart. Smart people, of course, will protect themselves wisely, and they will also watch the snipe and the clam fight to gain benefits."

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