The strongest player in history

Chapter 2435 Prajna Wisdom World

Qian Zichen summoned all the masters of Yuqingmen in Yunding Tiangong.

She already knew the situation outside of Yuqing's world, and right now, Yuqingmen was facing another crisis comparable to Xuan Zhenghao's burning of Yuqingmen.

But Qian Zichen seemed very calm.

Facing the crowd below, she calmly said two things.

The first thing is that Chen Yang is dead.The sacred tree of Wugusheji and Chen Yang merged into one, and now, the sacred tree of Wugusheji disappeared along with Chen Yang.

"Really, are you dead?" When the news came out, even Fu Zhichen was taken aback.He always felt that it was not real, because Chen Yang, a monster, was too difficult to kill.

When Ya Zhenyuan below heard the news, her delicate body trembled suddenly.

She felt an unspeakable grief rising up inside her.She hated this feeling very much, and she couldn't help asking herself, shouldn't she want Chen Yang to die the most?

"It's ridiculous." Ya Zhenyuan felt that she despised herself a little, and she asked herself secretly: "Ya Zhenyuan, why do you feel sad? Don't you feel ashamed? Don't you really fall in love with a rapist? ? It's ridiculous, isn't it?"

"No..." Immediately, another voice deep in her heart spoke. "No, I'm not in love with the rapist at all, but you don't understand at all. He, after all, is the father of the child. Shouldn't I be sad when the father of the child is dead? I'm sad for Ya Luo, and Nothing else!"

Ya Zhenyuan suddenly understood her heart.

Women, mothers are strong!

But in fact, after becoming a mother, the heart will be extra soft.

She understood herself, her mourning was not for Chen Yang's death, but for poor Ya Luo.Ya Luo, who lost her father before seeing her father.

Everyone at the scene breathed a sigh of relief after hearing that Chen Yang and the Wugu Sheji Sacred Tree were destroyed together.

Qian Zichen said to Fu Zhichen: "This envoy smashed his body into pieces with his own hands, and the pieces dissipated in the air, which was like ashes. Do you think he still has the ability to come back from the dead?"

Elder Tan smiled slightly and said, "He won't have this ability. No one can come back to life after being wiped out."

Qian Zichen smiled in satisfaction.Then, her face straightened again, and she said: "Right now, the Lingzun is gathering people to try to attack us. This is the most important battle. With my envoy, I can assure everyone that the Yuqing Gate was burned to death The failure will never happen again.”

Qian Zichen was full of fighting spirit, and her confidence gave everyone more confidence.

"Get ready to meet the enemy!" Qian Zichen said afterwards.

The great war is coming, and the rain is about to come, and the wind is full of wind!

Qian Zichen was not aimless, she had her own preparations when the incident happened.

After Shen Wuzui summoned many masters under his command, Shen Wuzui shattered the enchantment of Yuqing World in one fell swoop.

At the same time that the barrier was broken, Qian Zichen also did one thing.

She conveyed her thoughts, which were conveyed through the spiritual imprints of Yun Huaying and others.Since the barrier in Yuqing's world was destroyed, and Qian Zichen was at the fifth level of the Creation Realm, she finally broke through the barrier of the barrier and passed on the information.

Qian Zichen subdued Yuntianzong, Yuhuamen, and the Protoss.

She wanted all the three factions to rush to Dakang Imperial City and wait for Xuan Zhenghao's orders.

Qian Zichen couldn't contact Xuan Zhenghao directly, but she had confidence in Xuan Zhenghao.She also believed that Xuan Zhenghao would definitely make a move for the sake of the earth.

The black cloud overwhelms the city and wants to destroy it!

Shen Wuzui has assembled a total of 53 masters, including 32 Lingzun himself.In addition, 21 masters from all over the world were recruited.

In the entire earth, Tianzhou should be regarded as the place with the most masters.This place is full of treasures and aura.

But Tianzhou was occupied by Qian Zichen in advance.

As for the innocence of God, although he has recruited many experts in the world, there are not many that can be sold.

For example, Central World only has one Tang Yin.

For the rest, there is no master of creation.

God's innocent attack this time is very meaningful.No matter what the result is, as long as more masters of the realm of creation are exhausted, there will be less and less resistance for the imperial skyship to descend on the earth in the future.

It's just a pity that the doomsday cemetery originally had many divine beasts and magical beasts, which can be called a world with extraordinary strength.But God is innocent but can't use them, because the enchantment of the doomsday cemetery is one of the rules of the earth.It is specially banned those divine beasts and monsters.

The enchantment in the Yuqing world is different, it was sealed by the people of Yuqingmen themselves.So, it doesn't matter if you tear it up.

Shen Wuzui and his party quickly came to the sky above Yuqing Gate.

Then, God innocently released his Prajna wisdom world.

In an instant, white mist enveloped the entire Yuqing Gate, covering a hundred miles around.

Fighting on Earth is always more restrained than in the universe. The competition between many great powers is about understanding the world.No strong person would want to destroy the earth. It's not that the strong people cherish the earth very much, but that if they have caused enough damage to the earth, the backlash of the earth is also quite terrifying.

Moreover, the reason why the earth has three thousand worlds is because the way of heaven is to deal with the battle of the strong.Lest the battle of the strong destroy the earth!

Therefore, in the earth, the Great Thousand Worlds is the general outline of the Three Thousand Worlds!

And in the Great Thousand World, people with great supernatural powers are never allowed to appear.Except for the destiny!And the guardian has to stay in the Great Thousand World all the time, also to protect the Great Thousand World.

The entire system on the earth is extremely perfect and complete.

Right now, Prajna Wisdom has formed a white mist like hoarfrost. These mist are like water mist, and the tentacles are moist.

With a radius of hundreds of miles, it has become a white world.

This scene is also terrifying.

After the wisdom of prajna permeates, besides Qian Zichen, Qian Zichen can barely break through the doubts and confusion caused by prajna wisdom with her all-encompassing power.The rest, even the fourth-level masters of the Creation Realm, have doubts about the reality and falsehood of things.

As for the masters of the third and second levels of the Creation Realm, it is difficult to mobilize even the mana magnetic field from the outside world.Because the boss is here, we have to listen to the boss here.

Before Chen Yang's First Level of Creation Realm fought against God's Innocence, he was absorbing the power of God's Innocence, and he did not have the ability to mobilize the power of the outside world.Having said that, God was innocent before and did not display the world of prajna wisdom on a large scale.

In the sky above Yuqingmen, Qian Zichen had also used the power of all phenomena to envelop the masters in a small group.

However, there is still the power of prajna wisdom in the Vientiane World that has not been expelled.

Qian Zichen moved a little bit, and expelled this experience of Prajna wisdom from the world of Vientiane.

Elder Tan said in a deep voice: "Girl, this Prajna world of wisdom is indeed terrifying. In the Prajna world, his masters can attack at will, but we have to rely on your Vientiane World to protect us. This is by no means a long-term solution!"

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