It was also Qian Zichen's first meeting with Chen Yang.The previous meetings were all in a hurry, or there was no face-to-face meeting.

Chen Yang was wearing a blue long gown. He had gone through so many years and hardships, and his face was full of vicissitudes.But the vicissitudes of life can't hide the brightness of his eyes, he will always have his sincerity.

At the same time, Chen Yang still had a hint of delicacy.

He is indeed an attractive man.

Qian Zichen looked at Chen Yang, she then smiled slightly and said, "You are a lover, I suddenly admire you very much. As far as I know, you and Nie Meiniang don't seem to be lovers?"

Chen Yang said coldly: "This has nothing to do with you. What's important is that I'm here, you promised me, let me go!"

"Of course no problem!" Qian Zichen immediately grabbed Nie Meiniang from her magic weapon storage, and threw it to Chen Yang.Chen Yang immediately reached out and hugged Nie Meiniang.

Nie Meiniang was so soft and beautiful that she fell into Chen Yang's embrace.At this moment, there is an unreal feeling.

Afterwards, Chen Yang cast a spell to make Nie Meiniang stand firm in the air.Nie Meiniang stared at Chen Yang...

When Chen Yang and Qiao Ning got married, Nie Meiniang came here quietly once.She sincerely wished Chen Yang and Qiao Ning, but left sadly.

Now, more than a year has passed since Chen Yang and Qiao Ning got married.

Nie Meiniang thought that she would never see Chen Yang again in this life.She never expected that meeting again was such a situation.

Tears welled up in Nie Meiniang's eyes, she was extremely sad: "I'm sorry, Chen Yang, I hurt you again."

At this moment, it's more about resignation.Nie Meiniang felt that Chen Yang's choice at the beginning was right, she couldn't help him, and would only bring trouble.Unlike Qiao Ning, who can call the wind and call the rain and fight with him.

However, Chen Yang also felt sorry for Nie Meiniang. He smiled slightly, and then gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes: "Then why are you sorry? If I am in trouble, can you leave me alone? We are friends!"

Nie Meiniang cried even more sadly when she heard the words.

Chen Yang took a deep breath, and then said, "I'll send you to Xuan Zhenghao's imperial city now."

"No..." Nie Meiniang panicked, she held Chen Yang's hand tightly, and said, "I want to die with you, and die together."

"Don't be stupid." Chen Yang ignored Nie Meiniang's objection and pushed Nie Meiniang towards the lower realm.Immediately, a wave of magic power enveloped Nie Meiniang, and galloped towards the Dakang Imperial City.

In the air, Chen Yang immediately felt Xuan Zhenghao's response.

After Chen Yang made sure that Nie Meiniang was picked up by Xuan Zhenghao, he was slightly relieved.

"Let's go!" At this time, Qian Zichen looked at Chen Yang, and followed, she was about to reach out to control Chen Yang.Chen Yang didn't bother to resist, besides, resisting was useless.

But at this moment, a voice came. "Wait!"

It was Xuan Zhenghao's voice.

A ray of light flickered, followed by Xuan Zhenghao stepping through the void.

What he came this time was the body.

"Xuan Zhenghao, you are so courageous, you dare to use your body to come here." Seeing Xuan Zhenghao, Qian Zichen sneered and said, "Why, you want to join forces with Chen Yang to deal with me?"

Xuan Zhenghao was dressed in a bright yellow robe, elegant and indifferent.He said directly: "You have the Pangu banner, how can we be your opponent. Even if there is no Pangu banner, we can't beat you. What's more, there are masters hidden beside you."

"Since you are here, I don't think you will leave today." Qian Zichen said, "Come with Chen Yang to Yuqing World for trial."

"That's no problem." Xuan Zhenghao said.

Chen Yang couldn't help turning pale: "Your Majesty, you..." He couldn't figure out, what is Xuan Zhenghao such a smart person, what is his real body coming here at this time?Isn't this self-inflicted?

Xuan Zhenghao ignored Chen Yang, but said to Qian Zichen: "You should understand me, I am not a fool. There must be a reason for coming here like this."

Qian Zichen said lightly: "I know you are eloquent, so I don't want to hear a word from you."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Lingzun is gathering a large number of soldiers and horses, because they are afraid that you will also gather soldiers and horses. If you really don't care about it now, then you don't have to wait until the imperial sky boat comes. Our earth has already fallen in advance. This is what you created evil!"

"Joke!" Qian Zichen said: "The Spirit Venerable comes first, and I come later. Also, I came here according to the decree of the ancestors. Your guardians of the earth once expelled all the strong. Now, the earth should suffer the consequences. Also, if your guardian takes action, won't everything be resolved?"

"The guardian's move is against the rules. If the rules are broken today, how can they resist Tian Zhou in the future?" Xuan Zhenghao said.

"It's not my business, nor is it something I want to consider." Qian Zichen said.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "We work together to deal with them together. The earth is your mother clan, don't you really miss it?"

"This feeling needs to be filled with blood and human life." Qian Zichen said.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "It seems that I really misunderstood you. The earth deserves this catastrophe, and the spiritual masters are still able to unite as one, but our strong ones are looking forward to our death. Anyway, late death, early death is also death. Then you can kill me directly, this kind of endgame is too tiring, and it is impossible to win!"

"Okay, I'll help you!" Qian Zichen sneered again and again.

"Girl, wait a minute!" At this moment, Qian Zichen's deputy Tan Lao appeared.Old Tan came through the void, and he stopped Qian Zichen.

"Old Tan, this man is full of tricks, do you really think he will suffer death?" Qian Zichen said to Elder Tan.

Elder Tan came to Qian Zichen's side, and he said: "Girl, the current situation on Earth is indeed not very good. Don't act recklessly!"

Qian Zichen said: "Right now, Chen Yang is already in our hands. We will return to the Immortal Realm after the Wugu Sheji Sacred Tree is settled. We don't have to worry about the bad things about this earth."

Elder Tan said: "Girl..."

He immediately sent a voice to Qian Zichen and said softly: "The earth is indeed our mother clan. Even if we don't do anything, we can't kill Xuan Zhenghao. He is an important force against Lingzun! Among them, also There will be a great cause and effect. Moreover, if the ancestor knows that you have acted like this, I am afraid that he will also be punished."

Qian Zichen said angrily: "This Xuan Zhenghao is extremely hateful."

Elder Tan said: "You can't do things according to your preferences!"

Qian Zichen said: "Alright, let's not kill him."

After the two discussed it, Qian Zichen gave Xuan Zhenghao a cold look, and said, "Old Tan pleaded for you, you are lucky."

Then, she grabbed Chen Yang and left with Tan Lao.

Xuan Zhenghao stood where he was, and he couldn't save Chen Yang.

Of course, Xuan Zhenghao was also prepared for daring to come.He has already completed the teleportation array in the boat of one yuan.As long as Qian Zichen really makes a move, the teleportation array will be activated in his body, and some hyperspace beings will be released to stop Qian Zichen.

This is still in Tianzhou, so Xuan Zhenghao can still mobilize some of the power of the boat of one yuan.

Calm was quickly restored in the sky.

The cold moon hangs in the sky, deserted.

Xuan Zhenghao appeared on the One Yuan Bridge in the next second.

Di Xuan and Nie Meiniang were waiting there.

"Your Majesty?" Nie Meiniang came up to meet her, her face full of anxiety.

"You don't have to worry about Chen Yang, he has his own way to come back." Xuan Zhenghao said to Nie Meiniang slightly indifferently.

"Really?" Nie Meiniang couldn't believe it.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Although I don't know how he came back, I know that he has his own secret method. Nie Meiniang, you should go back to the Zhenguohou Mansion where Chen Yang is located to rest, which is the former Shaowei Mansion. There are still big things to deal with here!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand without waiting for Nie Meiniang's answer.

Nie Meiniang felt phantoms flickering in front of her eyes, and a passage opened.When she saw clearly again, she saw a big mansion in front of her, and a pair of stone lions stood in front of the gate of the mansion.

At the same time, the big characters of Zhen Guohou's Mansion also caught her eyes.

In the bridge of one yuan, Emperor Xuan said to Xuan Zhenghao: "It seems that the result is not ideal."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "If you want to talk about being cruel and selfish, even Lingzun can't keep up with human beings. Of course, it also includes women like Qian Zichen. This result, I thought of it."

Dixuan said: "Then you still want to take risks?"

Xuan Zhenghao said indifferently: "There is always some effort to be made. You and I may not be able to avoid this murder. But we have to increase the odds of winning for the earth."

Di Xuan smiled and said, "Are you so compassionate now?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I have a son, a wife, a sect master, and a sect master's family. These are my motivations."

Dixuan said: "There is nothing on Earth that I miss."

"Really?" Xuan Zhenghao said.

Dixuan said: "At least, after I die, I don't have any fond memories."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Maybe, so, if you don't want to help, I won't force you."

Dixuan laughed and said, "But you are my friend, of course I will help you. But I am not for the earth."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "The earth gave birth to you and gave you such abilities. You should really pay back. You shouldn't just do it for me as a friend."

"Don't care about his many complicated things, I don't want to die yet. Now let's take it for myself, for you, and for the earth." Dixuan said.

Xuan Zhenghao smiled.He followed up and said, "Now there is an important task for you."

"Say it!" Dixuan got serious.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Besides Tianzhou, there is also Tianchi Pavilion? You have to bypass Qian Zichen's side and send news to the outside Tianchi Pavilion. Some Tianchi Pavilions have been controlled by Lingzun, so I want you to send The news has reached Lingzun's ears."

"What news do you want me to convey?" Dixuan asked.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Let's say, Chen Yang fell into the hands of Qian Zichen. Moreover, the sacred tree of Wugu Sheji has been controlled by Qian Zichen and is about to return to the fairyland. No matter what we say, we can't let Qian Zichen return to the fairyland smoothly. She must die on earth."

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult." Dixuan said.

"It depends on human effort! I believe that destiny is on our side." Xuan Zhenghao said.

Di Xuan nodded and said, "I'll do it right away."

In Yuqing World, in Yunding Tiangong, Chen Yang stood in the center of the hall.

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