The strongest player in history

Chapter 2425 Can't kill, can't kill

Chen Yang was more worried about Chen Tianya's life and death.He is already immortal, and he is not afraid of the explosion of his soul at all.However, can Chen Tianya's immortal body resist this prajna wisdom?

Chen Yang took a deep breath continuously.

The power of prajna wisdom is invading his body. If it continues to invade, after Chen Yang is controlled by prajna wisdom, he can be turned into any species by the other party.Of course, Chen Yang couldn't accept this kind of situation. He is immortal, and he is not afraid of death, but he is also afraid of being sealed!

He used to think that Chen Tianya's immortal body was too difficult to deal with.

When I have an immortal body today, I realize that there are many things I fear.

For example, right now, if he is completely sealed and turned into an animal, there is nothing he can do!

In this situation, Chen Yang did not panic, but absorbed it again.

Chen Yang concentrated, his Xuanhuang God Valley seed power completely exploded.The Xuanhuang God Valley Seed was originally only aimed at the mana of the Human Snake Race.For mana from other places, it's not always compatible.Of course, it is also possible to throw other things and magic weapons into the sacrifice.

But now, Chen Yang's Xuanhuang Shengu seed has been transformed by the eternal spar, and it has completely changed.

The first time Chen Yang absorbed was the loss of the wisdom of Prajna, this time he continued to use the seeds of Xuanhuang Shengu as the main force.The Great Devouring Technique is only responsible for absorbing it. Previously, in order to cover up the seeds of the Xuanhuang God Valley, he mainly used the Great Devouring Technique!

The power of the Xuanhuang Shengu seed completely exploded, and it actually began to digest the power of Prajna wisdom regardless of Sanqi 21.Chen Yang finally succeeded in absorbing it.

The mana contained in that prajna wisdom is extremely strange, and there is a kind of prajna world in a trace of mana.He had only absorbed a little bit, and felt the strength in his body start to skyrocket.The consumed mana is instantly filled.

"Prajna wisdom is truly terrifying!" Chen Yang secretly said.He followed, roaring loudly, when his body could no longer bear this kind of strength, he once again slashed out with a flourishing sword Donglai.

Unreservedly come to the east with a sword!

Jian Guang slashed out fiercely, and landed on the big handprint of Shen Wuzui.

Countless cracks finally appeared in the big handprint, and then, it exploded.Chen Yang felt a tearing pain in his body, all the strength in his body disappeared, and blood overflowed.He didn't care about these, and quickly swallowed the elixir to replenish energy.

Before, after Yijian Donglai used it, people would pass out.But now, the physical endurance has greatly increased.After being injured, he recovered quickly.

So soon, Chen Yang regained some strength.

He exploded the big handprint of God's Innocence, and stood directly opposite God's Innocence.

At the same time, another mahamudra of God's innocence also exploded.

Chen Tianya also stood opposite the innocent God.

In this way, the two ants both broke through God's innocence's mana restriction.

At this moment, Shen Wuzui's complexion changed drastically.

Everything in front of me was too unbelievable and unbelievable.

Shen Wugou and the others also changed their colors, they were too clear about Shen Wugui's cultivation.With such a grasp, even if they are at the fourth level of the realm of creation, they can't struggle!

"Sure enough, it's not easy!" Shen Wuzui stared at Chen Yang and Chen Tianya, and said coldly.

It wasn't too much of a surprise for Chen Tianya to break free from God's innocence. He turned his whole body into raging flames and burned the infinite wisdom of Prajna, and finally burned him to death.His solution was simpler than Chen Yang's.

However, it is also extremely labor-intensive.

Chen Yang knew that it would be difficult for him and Chen Tianya to leave here today.

But at this moment, Shen Wuzui looked at Chen Yang, sneered, and said, "The seeds of the Wugusheji Sacred Tree are in your body. You absorbed and dissolved the old man's power just now, relying on the Wugusheji Sacred Tree .”

Chen Yang suddenly panicked, and he said: "You are stupid, the sacred tree of the Wugu Sheji can only absorb the power of the people and snakes in the fairy world. When will it be able to absorb your power? I can absorb your power, but My Great Devouring Technique was made by comprehending the law of wormholes. Damn, you old man, you are still pretending here. You took the seeds yourself, but you still wronged me. You are too vicious."

"Hmph!" Shen Wuzuo didn't say any more, and he shot again.

At this moment, it was a push with the right hand.Suddenly, a pure prajna power enveloped Chen Tianya.

Chen Tianya fell into another Prajna world in an instant, and could no longer take Chen Yang into consideration.At the same time, the nails of Shen Wuzui's left hand suddenly grew longer, and five black ink-like nails entwined around Chen Yang like five heavenly pillars.

There is no escape, there is no escape!

Chen Yang quickly started to absorb it, but the power of those five nails was unbreakable, and Chen Yang couldn't absorb it at all.

"Although the Sacred Tree of the Wugusheji didn't fight us head-on back then, we thought about it. These five nails are for dealing with the Sacred Tree of the Wugusheji." Shen Wuzui sneered. "The old man traps you first, and then goes to arrest your father. See if you are really so stubborn."

His five nails completely bound Chen Yang, and then put Chen Yang in the sleeve robe.

Chen Yang felt that there was a boundless world of darkness inside the innocent sleeve of God. He was bound and could not move at all.

"It seems that if you don't come up with some unique skills, you won't be able to get through today." Chen Yang secretly said.

He quickly sacrificed the black hole spar, the black hole spar came out, and then wrapped Chen Yang's entire body.

At this time, Shen Wuzui was dealing with Chen Tianya.Chen Tianya was not so easy to deal with.

Therefore, God is innocent and has no time to take care of Chen Yang.

Then, Chen Yang used the black hole spar to isolate part of God's innocent consciousness.

After preparing everything, Chen Yang did not hesitate... blew himself up.boom!

In the black hole spar, Chen Yang exploded into countless fragments.After being broken into pieces, the body quickly closed again, and the Yuanshen Bomb belonging to Shen Wuzui in the brain was restored, and all kinds of imprints were also restored.

Then, Chen Yang turned into a black light, and left the sleeve robe of God's innocence.

Shen Wuzui is suppressing Chen Tianya here, and Chen Tianya is Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death, which is causing Shen Wuzui a headache.You know, before this is done, I feel that the sleeves are empty, and I have lost control of Chen Yang.

Chen Yang came before Shen Wuzui again, he laughed loudly and said, "Old man, this ability alone is not enough!"

"Wugou, don't forget, you two work together to capture him, don't hurt his life!" Shen Wuzui was furious and shouted loudly.

"Yes!" Shen Wugou and Ying Buwang responded immediately, and the two rushed towards Chen Yang.

Shen Wuzui concentrated on suppressing Chen Tianya.His problem now is to catch the living.

"Roar!" At this moment, there was a dragon roar in the sky, and then, a giant dragon appeared in the air.

The giant dragon has golden scales all over its body, it is majestic and majestic, and it contains the infinite power of the ancestor dragon.

This kind of majesty comes from the aura of His Majesty Zulong, the ancient ancestors of the Spirit Venerables.

Therefore, the spiritual masters have a natural sense of awe.

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