At that moment, Huo Hongjin burst into tears.

At this time, Chen Yang also looked directly at the incoming Lingzun troops.A total of 32 people!The leader is an old Lingzun, who looks a little old.But it also gives people a sense of majesty and coldness that is unambiguous.

This old Lingzun's cultivation has reached the sixth level of the Creation Realm!

Chen Yang couldn't see it clearly, but he could feel its horror.

Of the 32 Spiritual Venerables, the most powerful one is this old Spiritual Venerable.As for the rest, the weakest is the Celestial Realm master, and the strongest is the fourth level of the Creation Realm, and there are only two of the fourth level of the Creation Realm.

There are three in the third stage of the Creation Realm.The rest are in the first level and the heavenly level, and most of them are in the first level of the creation level and the heavenly level.

The aged Spirit Venerable is called God Innocent!

Shen Wuzui looked at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang also looked at God's innocence.

"You are Chen Yang?" Shen Wuzui said.When their spiritual masters came to the earth, they instantly learned all the languages ​​of the earth.So at this moment, Shen Wuzui asked Chen Yang in Chinese language.

Chen Yang nodded and said, "I am Chen Yang."

God was innocent and said, "Are you convicted of sin?"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "Sin? What crime do I have? You are aliens. It is our responsibility to fight against aliens and kill aliens."

Shen Wuzui said indifferently and coldly: "Even if you are not guilty, at this moment, the most important thing you should do is to kneel down and confess your sin. It seems that you still don't understand this truth, then, this old man will let you understand this truth!"

After he finished speaking, he said to his subordinates: "Kill his apprentice Huo Hongjin."

"Yes!" Immediately, a Lingzun master responded.That Lingzun master is a Celestial Realm cultivator, and he wanted to kill Huo Hongjin at the first thought.

"Slow down!" Chen Yang shouted immediately.

"What, you're convicted? If you're guilty, you'll kneel down. It's as if you're confessing!" Shen Wuzui looked at Chen Yang and said word by word.

"Since I came alone today, I have no intention of leaving alive. But since I dare to come, I must rely on something. I know that you are all for the sacred tree of Wugusheji. You want the sacred tree to deal with those Immortal, this is the biggest killer. But I have already placed the Wugu Sheji Sacred Tree in Yanjing, and put it in my friend's hands. If I don't go back, he will destroy the Wugu Sheji Sacred Tree!"

"The sacred tree of Wugu Sheji has been turned into the seed of the mysterious divine valley, and the mysterious yellow divine valley seed has been integrated into your eyebrows and cannot be separated." A spiritual master of the fourth level of the realm of creation spoke from the side.He is called Shen Wugou, and he is the younger brother of Shen Wuxu.

Shen Wugou sneered and said, "Do you think we know nothing?"

"The information has a validity period, but I'm sorry, your information has expired." Chen Yang said: "It's useless to say these things. Come and see if there are any seeds of Xuanhuang God Valley between my brows."

The Lingzun originally planned to capture Chen Yang alive, and then study how to grab the seeds of the Xuanhuang God Valley.Or refine Chen Yang into a puppet that obeys their commands, etc.

But right now, Chen Yang was a bachelor, he opened his arms without any resistance, and let all the spirits search.

This is not surprising, given Chen Yang's insignificant cultivation at the first level of the Creation Realm.Since he came here, it doesn't make much sense to resist or not.

Shen Wugou didn't say much, and immediately flicked his fingers, pointing out the magic power of one finger.His magic power contained the power of creation, which instantly enveloped Chen Yang.Moreover, this magic power searched Chen Yang's whole body.

It's like searching for souls.

"Hey, you kid, it's so strange. Although you're only at the first stage of the Creation Realm, your mana is so strong that it's unbelievable. Also, your body cells also contain enormous mana." Shen Wugou felt extremely strange.

Chen Yang said: "I am the King of Destiny in the Great Thousand World, the one chosen by the Emperor of the Universe. If there is nothing special about me, how can I be worthy of this title. But now, you should also see clearly, what is there in me?" No Xuanhuang God Valley seeds?"

Shen Wugou's face darkened, and he said to Shen Wuzui: "Brother, he does not have the Xuanhuang Shengu seed on him."

God's innocence also changed slightly.He then stared at Chen Yang again: "Go and get the seeds of the Xuanhuang God Valley, otherwise, you should know the consequences."

"The Xuanhuang Shengu seed is my only hole card!" Chen Yang said immediately: "If it were you, would you just hand it over?"

Shen Wuzui narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Then what do you want?"

Chen Yang said: "I have two conditions, as long as you agree, I will hand over the seeds of the Xuanhuang God Valley."

"Tell me!" God said innocently.

"The first condition is to let everyone in the Garan Hall go. The masters of the Garan Hall will not pose a real threat to the future Imperial Skyship. Especially, the biggest threat to the Garan Hall comes from me and Bai Suzhen. You kill them These people don’t even have a master of the realm of creation, so it doesn’t make much sense, don’t you think so?”

"You can let it go!" Shen Wuzui said: "As long as you bring the Xuanhuang Shengu seeds."

Chen Yang said: "That's impossible. Once I get it, whether you let it go or not is up to you. If you say whether to let it go, I can't beat you. You have to let it go, and you have to let it all go."

Shen Wuzui said: "If you can't see the seeds of the Xuanhuang God Valley, it is impossible for the old man to let him go."

Chen Yang said: "If you don't let people go, you can't see the seeds of Xuanhuang God Valley. I know that you can kill them one by one in front of me and force me like this. However, I am already in my brain I planted a soul bomb. As long as you dare to kill one of them, I will dare to blow my brain and die here. Anyway, it’s a matter of one shot and two parts.”

Shen Wuzui said: "This matter needs to be discussed. The old man can let go of some people, all of them, but that's impossible. How about this, the old man let go of most of the people in the Garan Temple. Only your apprentice, and those two The elder is in the hands of the old man."

"Actually, I have an idea!" Chen Yang immediately said: "I have arranged everything in Yanjing, and I need my apprentice, Huo Hongjin, to go to the Great Thousand World. I will be your hostage here, and she will go to get the seeds of the Xuanhuang God Valley. You let everyone go, and I will be the hostage."

"You are already in our hands." Another Lingzun master spoke, and he sneered again and again: "I'm afraid you are stupid."

"Not everyone can go to the Great Thousand World." Shen Wuzui said: "Just send someone with a slightly lower level of cultivation to take it."

"I don't know many people in the Garan Palace. You can send someone casually, but you won't be able to get them," Chen Yang said.

"You can make a spiritual imprint, or set up a Void Primordial Spirit to explain it." Shen Wuzui said coldly: "Chen Yang, the old man has heard of you, and you are a scheming person. But don't put other creatures They are all considered fools. What kind of wishful thinking are you playing, and everything revolves around you, okay?"

Chen Yang fell silent.

After a while, he said: "Forget it, we can't reach an agreement. Then let's not talk about it! You can kill them all, I don't plan to live anymore, and don't care about the flood after his death."

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