After listening to Xuan Zhenghao's words, Qian Zichen said, "Is this what you mean?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "What is the purpose of the Spiritual Venerable, I have also inquired clearly. They need the energy of the earth, and they don't care about the future of the earth. Your human snake race is also born from the earth. If you really lose the root of the earth, there will be What consequences. I think you are not sure, are you?"

Qian Zichen said: "We never thought about dealing with the earth. Naturally, we also hope that the earth can be defended!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "In other words, Chen Yang never thought about dealing with you immortals. But if you come to kill him again and again, aren't you pushing him towards the enemy?"

Qian Zichen said: "We just want to destroy the sacred tree of Wugu Sheji."

"The Sacred Tree of the Wugu Sheji and Chen Yang are integrated into one, unless Chen Yang dies...Of course, you definitely don't care about Chen Yang's life or death. But he is the king of destiny chosen by the universe emperor, and he is an important part of dealing with the Lingzun." Xuan Zhenghao Said.

He paused, and continued: "So what if the sacred tree of Wugusheji is destroyed? From then on, you can sit back and relax? Didn't you destroy it once before? But now, the sacred tree of Wugusheji has grown again."

"Do you know what a heavy price we paid for destroying the sacred tree of Wugusheji back then. That's why today, we cannot allow the sacred tree of Wugusheji to grow again." Qian Zichen said: "This is for all the immortals There is a consensus that no matter the devil or the god of heaven, they don't want to see this sacred tree of grains and grains grow up. Our roots come from the earth, but the earth grows this kind of thing again and again. In my opinion, I'm afraid there is a conspiracy of the universe emperor in it."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "It's just that all things grow and restrain each other. Well, I advise you not to come and destroy the sacred tree of the Wugu Sheji, and you can't agree. If you agree, the immortals behind you can't agree. Let's talk about it later Right. I can provide you with the whereabouts of those spiritual venerables, on the condition that you don’t deal with my Dakang Imperial City anymore. In addition, I can also be your backing when necessary. As long as you encounter an irresistible danger, My Dakang Imperial City takes you in."

"A joke..." Qian Zichen said.

"There is no such thing as a joke, everything is possible. One more way out is one more way out!" Xuan Zhenghao said.

Qian Zichen said: "The purpose of Lingzun is also Chen Yang. If they can't find Chen Yang, they will come to you. You want to use us to help you deal with Lingzun, but you say you are helping us. Who do you think is Fool?"

"Then tell me, what do you want to do?" Xuan Zhenghao said helplessly.

Qian Zichen was slightly taken aback, she had been thinking about Xuan Zhenghao's plan, and was trying not to be fooled by Xuan Zhenghao.So when Xuan Zhenghao asked back, she was stunned.

Qian Zichen also knew in her heart that it was really not worthwhile to go shopping with Xuan Zhenghao today.She thought for a while, then said: "Well, you promise this fairy envoy one thing. Then, this immortal envoy will not make things difficult for you. If you can't do it, then this immortal envoy will let you , Blood flowed like a river."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Okay, I promise you that I will not take in Chen Yang, nor will I help Chen Yang."

Qian Zichen was slightly taken aback, and then said: "You are really smart."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Then, do you need me to provide information about the whereabouts of the Lingzun?"

Qian Zichen said: "You can provide it, but as for how we do it, you don't need to worry about it."

Xuan Zhenghao said, "Of course."

Qian Zichen and Xuan Zhenghao then exchanged imprints in order to achieve communication.Of course, even if they are immortal envoys, they cannot communicate through imprints if they are separated by the world.But Xuan Zhenghao also told Qian Zichen that if there was any news, he would send Yuanshen to inform him.Now, he is still checking the whereabouts of Ling Zun.

After that, Qian Zichen and his party left.

A disaster was easily eliminated by Xuan Zhenghao.

Dakang Imperial City has become an iron-clad country.Xuan Zhenghao has been planning for many years, but his hard work has not been in vain.

After Qian Zichen and his party left, they returned to Yuqing's world.

This time, Qian Zichen was very unhappy when he returned home.

Yanjing could not go, and the Tianzhou operation failed...

"Emissary, since Chen Yang is not on the earth, now we have to wait. Chen Yang has a lot of tricks, and Xuan Zhenghao is full of tricks..." Fu Zhichen gave Qian Zichen an idea.He said: "Chen Yang will definitely return to the earth. When he returns to the earth, he must go to the Great Thousand World. We will guard the periphery of the Great Thousand World. When he leaves the Great Thousand World, it will be easy to start. Also, Lingzun will not They will let Chen Yang go, and they will also think of arresting Chen Yang's relatives and friends. Therefore, I think that Lingzun will attack Dakang, but Dakang Lingzun will not be able to break through. After that, Lingzun may Go attack the world of Shennong. On the one hand, we pay attention to Chen Yang, and on the other hand, we pay attention to the actions of the Lingzun. It is best to wait for Chen Yang and the Lingzun to get up, and then start, so that we can reap the benefits of the fisherman."

"What you said makes sense!" Qian Zichen's eyes lit up.

Three days later, the earth, the world!

A figure flickered into the Great Thousand World.This figure is none other than... the long-lost Chen Yang.Chen Yang has experienced in the universe, and his clothes have also been tempered, and now the clothes on his body can also change as he wishes.In the Great Thousand World, the hair will naturally shorten, and the clothes will become the clothes of the Great Thousand World.

After that, Chen Yang entered Yanjing.

It is the weather in May in Yanjing, and the weather is sunny and sunny.It was ten o'clock in the morning, Wednesday.

The kids are all off to school.

And Qin Lin had already left the Great Thousand World, and he didn't know where to search for the Star Stone.

Chen Yang returned to the garden villa. There were only Fu Qingzhu, Liu Ma, and Zhao Ma in the garden villa.Fu Qingzhu was basking in the sun in the garden of the villa.The sun in May is still very comfortable.

Chen Yang fell in front of Fu Qingzhu, and he saw that Fu Qingzhu was wearing white loose home pajamas, looking like an ordinary young man.It can't be seen at all that he was once the all-powerful Central World King of Destiny.

"Brother Chen Yang, you are back." Fu Qingzhu was overjoyed when he saw Chen Yang, and quickly stood up from the reclining chair.

He is really happy.

Chen Yang couldn't help but feel ashamed, and said guiltily: "I went this time, but I didn't find a way to break the creative energy in your body."

Fu Qingzhu said: "What are you talking about, I feel that this life is very happy now! I really hope that this life can pass so easily. Xiaoai is also very happy."

Although Fu Qingzhu said so, Chen Yang also knew that Fu Qingzhu definitely wanted to restore his strength.A king, who is used to the world of kings, cannot adapt to this ordinary life.

"Brother Fu, don't worry. I will help you find a solution as soon as possible." Chen Yang assured Fu Qingzhu again.

"I'm not in a hurry." Fu Qingzhu said.

The two exchanged pleasantries for a while, and Mama Liu and Mama Zhao brought them tea and snacks.Chen Yang also sat with Fu Qingzhu at the door and chatted.Chen Yang briefly talked about his adventures. He didn't talk about his promotion because he was afraid of stimulating Fu Qingzhu.It just said that Qiao Ning was fine, which made Fu Qingzhu heave a sigh of relief.

In fact, Fu Qingzhu didn't know about the ups and downs of the outside world.So there is no information to provide Chen Yang.

Chen Yang actually didn't know what happened to the earth.

However, half an hour later, Shen Mo Nong came back.

When Chen Yang came back, Shen Murong had already sensed his imprint.

Shen Mo Nong walked over directly from the void.

"Mo Nong!" Fu Qingzhu smiled slightly.

Shen Mo Nong shouted politely: "Brother Fu!"

Chen Yang stood up with a smile, and gave Shen Mo Nong a kiss without hesitation. "You came back so soon and left your work behind. Do you miss me so much?"

Shen Mo Nong's face was serious: "How is sister Qiao Ning?" She asked first.

"She..." Chen Yang briefly explained what happened.

Shen Murong was slightly relieved to hear that Qiao Ning was fine.Then she said, "There are some things I have to let you know."

"What's the matter?" Chen Yang noticed that Shen Mo Nong's expression was different, and was taken aback.

"The first thing!" Shen Mo Nong took out the black spar: "Bai Suzhen gave it to me, and she said that Linger was inside. She said she had something to do, as for what it is, I have no idea."

"What?" Chen Yang's expression changed.He knew Hei Yi Suzhen too well.She put Ling'er in Yanjing. Doesn't it mean that she did so only when she was in danger that could not be resolved?

Chen Yang couldn't be calm anymore, he took the black spar and quickly checked inside.

Inside, Linger was still sleeping peacefully.

At the same time, Chen Yang discovered that there was a star stone inside.

Chen Yang grabbed the star stone, he knew that Hei Yi Suzhen found the star stone and kept it for himself.

"She will be fine, definitely not!" Chen Yang murmured.

"There's a second big thing!" Shen Mo Nong continued.

She said that she didn't shy away from Fu Qingzhu, and there was no need to shy away from it.

"What else?" Chen Yang was very surprised.

Shen Mo Nong said: "Xuan Zhenghao has some old friends in Hong Kong, and he passed the news through Hong Kong."

"What news?" Chen Yang asked.

Shen Mo Nong said: "The fairy world has sent down several fairy envoys through Yuqingmen's fairy world talisman. Among them, one of the highest cultivation bases has reached the fifth level of the creation realm. In short, the cultivation bases of the fairy envoys are all in the creation realm Realm. They came for the sacred tree of Wugu Sheji. Also, there is a killer team from the Imperial Tianzhou on Lingzun's side. This killer team was originally going to execute the death list in advance to wipe out some threats to the earth. But now, their target may be you. The elders of the Lingzun also sent masters from the fairy world through some mysterious means, and it is estimated that all of them are at the level of creation. Their target is all you."

"Also, Xuan Zhenghao said that he has been besieged once by the immortal envoys. Moreover, in order to keep the imperial city and Dakang. He made an agreement with the immortal envoys, that is, Dakang will not take you in or help you So, Xuan Zhenghao said, everything is up to you right now."

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