The strongest player in history

Chapter 2404 Cosmic Creation

"Your Highness!" At this moment, Lan Ziyi also came forward, she took out the Tian Que Star Orb, and said, "Return it to its original owner!"

In fact, Lan Ziyi was deliberately taken out at this time.She really seemed to keep the Tianque Star Orb for Chen Yang.

Just now, Chen Yang made a lot of preparations, and also gave Chen Yu the Wuji Blood Robe.And as I said, this Wuji Blood Robe is more powerful than the Tianque Star Orb.The meaning is very clear.

If Chen Yu wanted to accept the Tianque Star Orb at this time, then Chen Yu would be too dishonest.

Sure enough, Chen Yu immediately refused, saying: "This star bead can only exert its greatest power in the hands of Miss Lan. I planned to study it and give it to Miss Lan. Now, this is the best Arrangement. Miss Lan, take it back quickly."

"How embarrassing is that?" Lan Ziyi said.

Chen Yu said: "Miss Lan, don't refuse anymore. I get the Wuji Blood Robe, and you get the Star Bead. This is the best arrangement." He paused, looked at Chen Yang, and said, "Chen Yang Brother, do you think so?"

Chen Yang also simply said, "Since it is His Highness's kind intention, then we will be disrespectful."

Lan Ziyi also said: "Then thank you, Your Highness."

Chen Yu said, "You're welcome, Miss Lan!"

And just like that, the Tianque Star Orb remained in Lan Ziyi's hands after all.

Afterwards, after returning to Pearl Country.Lan Ziyi found Chen Yang alone, and wanted to give Chen Yang the Tianque Star Orb.

"I don't want it, you take it." Chen Yang said: "The bridge of Naihe has been destroyed, and you lack a suitable magic weapon in your hand now."

Lan Ziyi said: "I still have the five-color divine light."

Chen Yang said: "No way!"

Lan Ziyi said: "Why are you so stupid, don't you want to collect star stones? Here are eight, how good it is!"

Chen Yang said: "The Star Stone is to be collected, but I have to say whether I need it or not. When I have time, I will see if I can completely refine the mark of the Star Lord. Anyway, now, I am not afraid of my brain exploding." .In addition, even if I want to collect it, it will be ten years later. You will come back after ten years. It is a long and dangerous journey to Tianhe Divine Kingdom, and you need such a magic weapon."

"I'm carrying it with me, I'm afraid Chen Yu will miss it!" Lan Ziyi said.

Chen Yang said: "No, he didn't dare. You are not made of mud."

This time, Chen Yang was very firm.At the same time, he also gave the star master in his hand to Lan Ziyi.Lan Ziyi also saw Chen Yang's determination, and finally accepted it. "I'm just keeping it for you temporarily!" she said.

Chen Yang laughed, but he didn't care so much.

After that, Chen Yang gave most of the pills on his body to Lan Ziyi, Mingyue and Qiao Ning.He himself brought 100 billion pure yang pills.

According to him, that is, when he returns to Earth, there are many ways to get the pill.But they have to travel far, everything is unknown.

After hearing this, Lan Ziyi and the others didn't refuse anymore.


In this life, people will face many partings.Some parting is for the next reunion.Some farewells are forever farewells.

Whether it is a farewell or the next meeting, this is something that no one can be sure of.Because no one knows, the accident and tomorrow will come first.

On the night before parting, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning had endless lovesickness.

Compared with spiritual and physical cultivation, the fusion of spirit and flesh is the best state.

Chen Yang has always resisted this impulse for the sake of the child.But Qiao Ning finally told Chen Yang that she could protect the entire uterus with magic power.That way you'll be fine.

Therefore, Chen Yang was more polite.

It was a long-lost, hearty love.

Qiao Ning supported the bed and stood under the bed, her hair dripping with sweat.

After a long time, it subsided.

After Huan Ai, Chen Yang remembered one thing.He once again proposed to take away Qiao Ning's Great Teleportation and Great Devouring Skills.Those are Qiao Ning's only remaining two three-thousand avenues.

But Qiao Ning directly refused.

"I know how you feel, but it's not that I don't want to...well, I just don't want to. But, I've already been tainted by you, and I've already been tainted by the Three Thousand Ways. Whether you take it or not, it should be mine. Jie, I can't escape. Therefore, I will not escape!"

Qiao Ning was very determined.

Seeing this, Chen Yang could only sigh helplessly.He also knew in his heart that Qiao Ning was right.

After one night, Qiao Ning, Lan Ziyi and Immortal Mingyue boarded Chen Yu's spaceship.

At the same time, Chen Yu and Chen Yang exchanged information.Chen Yang told Chen Yu the location of the earth and his own mark.

In this case, it would be easier for Chen Yu to find Chen Yang when he sent people to Earth.

Chen Yang also left the mark of Tianhe Divine Kingdom and Chen Yu's mark in his mind.From the message left by Chen Yu, Chen Yang saw the grand and vast Tianhe Divine Kingdom in the distant galaxy.

However, this information is somewhat vague.After all, there is only a small mark!It was just to let Chen Yang remember the location of Tianhe Kingdom.

And Chen Yu probably knew some information about the earth.

That information is only a location, nothing else.

Chen Yang stood with King Shi Gexi and the important courtiers of the Pearl Kingdom, and they waved goodbye to the spaceship.Then, Chen Yang saw the spaceship quickly fly out of the sky and disappear into the clouds.

At that moment, Chen Yang's heart was empty.

In his life, the important people left and died, the world is so big, but it made him feel desolate and desolate.

Afterwards, Chen Yang didn't stop any longer.

After saying goodbye to the king and others, he escaped into the black hole spar, and then flew into the universe.

In outer space, this is where the light of the stars shines, with strong light and infinite radiation.Chen Yang hid in the black hole spar, and the black hole spar quickly traveled through the universe and the starry sky, and soon left the place where the strong light shines.

Chen Yang's goal is naturally to fly to the previous wormhole, jump through the wormhole, and then return to a position close to the solar system.

After flying for about 72 hours at a stretch, he finally got a little tired.So, Chen Yang found a Death Star nearby.

The death star was covered with rust, completely exposed to space, without any hindrance.

The outside of the death star is constantly being disintegrated by the force of outer space, and it is believed that it will completely dissipate into space in a short time.

Chen Yang found a place and sat down casually

It was dark all around, and there was no wind at all.

Chen Yang took out some pills for cooking, and drank some fairy wine.After his stomach was full, he felt a little sleepy, so of course he lay down on the spar layer to rest.

He soon fell asleep.

People who cultivate the Tao rarely dream.

But Chen Yang has a lot of dreams recently, probably because he has received too much information from Monk Linghui.He is especially prone to dreaming about Linghui monk.

So, Chen Yang dreamed again.

He dreamed that Qiao Ning and their spaceship were flying farther and farther in the depths of the universe.He dreamed that Monk Linghui was walking at the end of the bridge, finally smiled at him, and then disappeared completely.

Chen Yang woke up completely.

He collected the black hole spar, and just stood on this lonely death star.

Looking up, it was pitch black.

Looking around, it is also boundless darkness.

Very quiet!

There is no such silence on earth.

What's even more frightening is that Chen Yang's spiritual thoughts shot thousands of miles away, but they couldn't penetrate this layer of darkness and silence.

The scenes in the dream, when you think about it in reality, unexpectedly, all of them are real.

At this moment, Chen Yang felt lonely.In the past, no matter where he went, at least he was accompanied by Monk Linghui.And now, Monk Linghui has passed away forever.

The vast starry sky is thousands of miles away, and now, I am alone, a lonely shadow!

Chen Yang squatted on the ground silently, looking at the universe.

Perhaps, everyone is born alone.He thought about it secretly.

"Linghui, Feirong, is all this worth it? To save me, you sacrificed your own lives. You disappeared into the universe forever, without an afterlife or reincarnation. You became countless particles in this space. And I can't do anything except miss you occasionally. Is it really worth it? It's not worth it! But why do you still do this?"

Chen Yang asked silently.

Of course, no one will answer him.

How he wished that the voice of monk Linghui suddenly appeared in his mind.This life mentor once again gave him some advice.

But... It is destined that there will be no echo.

Perhaps, many things are determined by emotions when they are done.If everyone can be completely rational and maximize their interests.Then the creatures in this universe are no longer creatures, but exist like the universe.

Chen Yang's own mood was somewhat contradictory. He felt that he shouldn't laugh, and he shouldn't be separated from his sadness.It seems that not being immersed in sorrow is a betrayal of the sacrifice made by Monk Linghui.

He took a deep breath and murmured, "Linghui, I'm going forward. Don't blame me, okay?"

no respond!

Chen Yang sighed slightly, then got up and flew into the sky.At the same time, the black hole spar enveloped him again.

Eight days later, Chen Yang returned to the super wormhole of the previous big jump.

After he entered the wormhole, he was not in a hurry to leave.Instead, he began to cross his legs and meditate!

At that moment, he felt as if he had merged with the wormhole.

The whole world, the universe, appeared in his mind.

An hour later, Chen Yang successfully advanced to the first level of Creation Realm!

Among them, there are no surprises.

Some are natural.

If you have accumulated enough, then let nature take its course.

Although Chen Yang is young, the fortune he has experienced is beyond the imagination of many thousand-year-old monsters.Lan Ziyi was the only master of the realm of creation who practiced spiritually with Chen Yang, and in the past, Chen Yang also understood many fragments of creation.During this spiritual practice, he had a deeper understanding of the realm of creation.

Therefore, the current breakthrough is a natural law.

It's like a junior high school student doing a primary school student's question.

Chen Yang had practiced spiritually with Hei Yi Suzhen before, but in the spiritual practice back then, Hei Yi Suzhen did not cultivate the physical body.At the same time, Suzhen in Hei Yi was not as good as a master of the Creation Realm back then.

Chen Yang didn't make a breakthrough on Suzaku Star, but chose to be inside the wormhole on purpose.This is to echo the heavenly realm of the universe.

Chen Yang's aura of creation has already formed, and this layer of aura of creation is the aura of creation in the universe!

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