The strongest player in history

Chapter 2397 Double Cultivation Blue Purple Clothes

"Huh?" When Chen Yang checked his body, he also found a problem.

That is, in the brain area, the imprints belonging to many people are also restored.For example, he has Lan Ziyi's spiritual imprint on his head, as well as Shen Mo Nong's, Qiao Ning's, and Xianzun's.There are even Xuan Zhenghao's.Senior Ling also has it!

It's like various phone numbers.

Of course, the imprint of the star master is also indispensable.

When Chen Yang's body exploded before, all these marks were destroyed.But when the eternal spar was repaired, all these imprints were also restored.

This is the most amazing bit.

Chen Yang's current strength is that he can restore the objects that exploded with his body.But this does not mean that he can restore anything that is broken.Chen Yang gave Chen Yang a broken magic weapon for no reason, but Chen Yang had no choice.

But if the magic weapon was blown up during the fight with Chen Yang, Chen Yang could get in touch with the energy generated during the explosion through the eternal spar, so as to restore it.

Only at the same point in time and in the same place can the explosion be restored.

In fact, there are molecules of time in this eternal spar.

There are also great limitations in it.

The human body can be restored, but its soul consciousness cannot be restored.

Even the weapon spirit cannot be restored.

The reason why Chen Yang is still alive is because of the seeds of Xuanhuang God Valley.So when the explosion happened, the eternal spar restored Chen Yang's physical body.The eternal spar was originally intended to occupy Chen Yang's body, but he felt that the consciousness of Chen Yang and Linghui still existed.At that time, the conscious body of the eternal spar was very surprised.

Everything is full of accidents and coincidences.It was these accidents and coincidences that created the current Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was able to live until now because of his ability.But what Chen Yang himself had to admit was that more of it came from luck.

Luck is such a wonderful thing.It also happens to ordinary people, and in real life, many unbelievable, mysterious, and coincidental things often happen.

Luck is not an alien thing, but a real thing.

After thoroughly understanding the body, Chen Yang had a clear understanding in his heart.

However, Chen Yang still doesn't know whether he can forcibly erase the Star Lord's mark.He is no longer afraid of his brain exploding, and he has to find time to try it out.

Afterwards, he and Qiao Ning went to visit Lan Ziyi together.

Mingyue Xianzun has been guarding the blue and purple clothes.The bedroom was dark with no lights.

Lan Ziyi has also been in a deep sleep.Mingyue Xianzun was very worried.She didn't go to see Chen Yang, because she observed Chen Yang before and knew that Chen Yang's health was fine.

At this time, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning came in.

Immortal Mingyue looked up at the two of them, she was slightly happy, and said, "Chen Yang, are you alright?"

Chen Yang nodded, with a serious face, he quickly came to Lan Ziyi's side, and at the same time asked Mingyue Xianzun: "Xianzun, how is Ziyi?"

"The body is very hot, she has a high fever, and she is sick. The loss of the source of life has made it impossible for her to replenish her mana and vitality. This time, the load she has endured is too heavy." Mingyue Xianzun said, eyes filled with pain. I couldn't stop turning red, and said, "I tried many methods, but none of them worked."

Chen Yang looked at Lan Ziyi.

Lan Ziyi on the bed closed her eyes tightly, her face was very red, but her lips were pale and withered.

In an instant, Chen Yang felt sour in his heart.

He felt very remorseful, ever since Lan Ziyi got to know him, there had been constant disasters.Before, because he saved himself, he went to the Western King Realm and escaped death.Finally fell asleep for several years!

Now that I finally woke up, I followed myself to this ghost place.

At this moment, she has fallen into this field again.

Chen Yang blamed himself to the extreme.

Qiao Ning also felt sorry for Lan Ziyi, what could she do by the side.

Chen Yang took a deep breath, and he came to the bed.Then, he stretched out his hand to test the temperature of Lan Ziyi's forehead.Under this exploration, it is really scary.Lan Ziyi did have a high fever, and it was many times higher than that of ordinary people.

At least thousands of degrees Celsius temperature.

Even steel will be melted.

Lan Ziyi was enduring such pain.

People who cultivate the Tao don't get sick at all.Now that Lan Ziyi is sick, it just shows how serious her injury is.

"Chen Yang, Monk Linghui has many ways, you..." Immortal Mingyue couldn't help but said.

Chen Yang's body shook slightly.

Qiao Ning immediately said: "Honorable Immortal, Linghui is... dead."

"What?" Immortal Master Mingyue turned pale.She immediately saw that Chen Yang's eyes were red again.

"I'm sorry!" she said immediately, "I don't know..."

"It's okay!" Chen Yang said.

"What about Miss Lan?" At this moment, Third Highness Chen Yu appeared in front of the bedroom door.He then walked in and asked with concern.

"The situation is not very optimistic." Mingyue Xianzun replied Chen Yu.

Chen Yu also came to the bed, and he checked Lan Ziyi's pulse.Afterwards, he said in horror, "How could it be so serious?"

"Everyone go out." Chen Yang ignored Chen Yu and said directly.After finishing speaking, he said: "I'm talking about everyone, everyone, I want to treat Lan Ziyi."

"You have a solution?" Mingyue Xianzun was overjoyed.

Chen Yang said to Mingyue Xianzun: "I'm not sure, but I have to give it a try."

Immortal Mingyue nodded.

Qiao Ning and Immortal Mingyue invited Chen Yu out together.

During this meeting, Chen Yang was a little rude to Chen Yu.Anyway, Chen Yang couldn't control that much anymore, and Chen Yu didn't have any other ideas.

In fact, the most important thing is that Chen Yu's men are all dead now.He also recognizes the situation clearly, so he won't show off unnecessarily.

After everyone went out, Chen Yang closed the bedroom door.

Afterwards, the black hole spar was sacrificed.

The black hole spar envelops the entire room, even if there are fourth-level masters of the realm of creation outside, it is impossible to get a glimpse of the situation inside.Unless the opponent uses brute force to break!

Then, Chen Yang thought.Black tentacles appeared in the black hole spar.The black tentacles lifted Lan Ziyi up, and helped Lan Ziyi to sit cross-legged.

Chen Yang was also sitting cross-legged on the bed, when he stretched out his palms.The black tentacles also helped Lan Ziyi stretch out her palms.

At this moment, Chen Yang and Lanzi's palms faced each other.

Afterwards, Chen Yang's spiritual consciousness and mana began to probe into Lan Ziyi's body.

Chen Yang's mana has not recovered at all, because after his body's capacity has increased, it will take some pills and some time to generate enough mana.

But now, Chen Yang couldn't care less about the others.

"Ziyi, Ziyi!" Chen Yang kept calling through the spiritual imprint of Lan Ziyi in his head.

His mana began to swim gently through the internal organs of the blue and purple clothes.

"Don't resist my mana, wake up. Don't resist my mana, I'm Chen Yang, wake up!"

Chen Yang kept shouting.

He had to wake up Lan Ziyi and cooperate with each other to have any effect.

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