The strongest player in history

Chapter 2395 Do you want to be a chessboard?

Chen Yang fell asleep again, and he had a long dream.In the dream, people around him left him one by one.He tried his best, but nothing changed.

He was heartbroken in the dream, but in the end he thought, what kind of bullshit superpowers, in the final analysis, everything is empty.He can't keep anything.All the skills are just here to serve the way of heaven.

Chen Yang basically can't dream anymore, the last two dreams were all because of the death of a close relative.

He began to feel the cruelty of the world more and more.

The world is a chess game, and the universe is a chess game. These ascetics and other creatures, no matter how powerful they are, are nothing more than chess pieces.

"But, you don't want to be a pawn, what do you want to do?" Monk Linghui's voice suddenly rang out.

Chen Yang was overjoyed immediately: "Linghui, Linghui, are you still alive? I knew you were not dead yet."

Monk Linghui said: "My soul consciousness has basically dissipated, otherwise you would not be able to control this body. However, although I am dead, the memory and experience in my soul have been integrated into your black hole spar. You I can look at things through the black hole spar, this is my last remaining thought, and it will soon dissipate. It is also you and me who are destined, and you just fell asleep from exhaustion. Only in this way can I communicate with you."

"There must be a way to save you, right? You tell me, I must save you." Chen Yang said.

Monk Linghui's voice became smaller and smaller: "Chen Yang, all living beings have withering glory. Especially conscious beings. You want everyone you value not to die, how is this possible? The consciousness of this eternal spar The physical ability to live for so long is because he has not cultivated himself, and the doom has never come. Essentially, the stronger he is, the easier it is to face doom. If you don’t want to be a chess piece, well, you can be a chessboard, are you willing? The universe is A chessboard, and the earth is also a chessboard."

"Could it be that I can't be a chess player?" Chen Yang asked Monk Linghui.

Monk Linghui said: "There are tens of thousands of people playing chess in the world. But at the same time, they are also chess pieces. You are also a chess player and a chess piece. Because there are people beyond people, and heaven beyond the sky. What is the universe like? No one knows."

Chen Yang fell silent.

But he didn't dare to stay silent for too long, he immediately thought of something, and said, "I don't care about other things, but, don't you still have your spar at the Star Lord? Your brain nucleus spar? Can I revive you there? ?”

Monk Linghui said: "My brain nucleus spar has been refined by Star Master, and he wants to use that spar to build the Hall of Stars. So, it's impossible." He paused, and continued: "I don't have any What a pity, Chen Yang, your life has just begun. Live well!"

Chen Yang was not reconciled in the end, he said: "Is there really nothing to do? The Eternal Demon King can survive, why can't you?"

Monk Linghui said: "There is no reason for this, Chen Yang. My life has come to an end. There are countless people and creatures who have died at my hands. They will also want to ask why they have to endure everything like that. So, I don't ask why. You don't have to ask why. After all, you and I get more than ordinary people. Maybe you can ask why you get so much, so that you will feel better. Live well Come down, my brother!"

After Linghui finished speaking, she disappeared completely.

Chen Yang fell silent.

He remembered what Monk Linghui said, that in this world, good things are only one percent.

This world is cruel after all.

Chen Yang woke up naturally.

When he woke up, he saw that he had already slept in the bedroom.It was Qiao Ning's previous bedroom, and Qiao Ning was sitting by the bed guarding him.

Qiao Ning didn't know that Linghui was dead.

She also knew that Chen Yang was fine, so she seemed very quiet at the moment.

"Chen Yang, are you awake?" Seeing Chen Yang opened his eyes, Qiao Ning was overjoyed.

Chen Yang sat up. There were many impurities and messy things in his body.But there's nothing wrong with him.Moreover, the power in the body is also messy, a little violent.

He needs a good digestion.

However, Chen Yang was not in the mood yet.

Linghui's departure felt like a huge stone was pressing on his heart, he felt his chest was tight and was about to explode.

He was also inexplicably panicked and afraid.

"What's wrong with you, Chen Yang, don't scare me?" Qiao Ning was startled when she saw that Chen Yang's expression was not right.

Chen Yang took a deep breath, and then he hugged Qiao Ning tightly in his arms. "I'm fine, I'm fine..."


A mouthful of blood suddenly spit out uncontrollably.

Qiao Ning's face paled even more, Chen Yang's blood was all over her back.

Qiao Ning quickly checked Chen Yang's pulse. At this moment, she burst into tears.She, the silver shark king, Qiao Ning, has always been valiant and heroic, with a daughter's pride.What kind of female pig's feet are there in a bitter novel, with pear blossoms and rain all year round.

However, right now, Qiao Ning couldn't control her emotions.

She thought Chen Yang was dead, but Chen Yang came back well.But now, Chen Yang didn't seem to be in a good situation.

Qiao Ning checked Chen Yang's pulse, but she was stunned when she explored Chen Yang's inner world.Inside Chen Yang's body, it was like a tornado storm.He couldn't even see his internal organs. He was supposed to be dead and couldn't die anymore.But Chen Yang is alive and well...

"Don't be afraid!" Seeing Qiao Ning's terrified expression, Chen Yang quickly said, "My body is fine, and I won't die even if I want to die in the future. It is the eternal spar that has integrated into my body, and the internal organs have not been evolved by me yet." .I am now in the same situation as Chen Tianya, but I am physically stronger than him."

"But you vomited blood just now..." Qiao Ning felt relieved, but immediately became extremely worried.

Chen Yang said: "I'm... in pain, but it has nothing to do with my body, it has nothing to do with... Linghui...he's dead."

When he finished saying the word "dead" at the end, it was as if he had exhausted all the strength in his body.

What a sad word that is.

Qiao Ning's delicate body trembled, she finally understood why Chen Yang was so sad.

She understood the friendship between Monk Linghui and Chen Yang.

"He could have regained his physical body and become an even more glorious worm emperor than before. However, for me, he voluntarily gave up his consciousness and scattered his soul. Chen Feirong died for me, Linghui died for me...but all It's because I..."

Chen Yang muttered to himself.

Qiao Ning hugged Chen Yang tightly. At this moment, this was the only comfort she could give him.

After a long time, Chen Yang finally calmed down a little.He thought of something, and quickly asked: "Xianzun and Ziyi?"

Qiao Ning immediately said: "The Immortal is fine, it's just..."

Chen Yang couldn't help being shocked: "What happened to Ziyi?"

Qiao Ning said: "Sister Ziyi burned too much life essence, and consumed too much mana, and is very weak now."

Chen Yang got up immediately and said, "Take me to see her quickly."

Qiao Ning said, "But you..."

Chen Yang said, "I'm fine." He got up, and then suddenly felt dark before his eyes, and passed out again.

At the moment of fainting, he heard Qiao Ning's scream.

In his sleep, Chen Yang felt that his body was being burned, and the pain was extremely painful.He seemed to be in flames, and the fragments of the eternal spar were further fused with his flesh and blood.

No one can tell exactly how the Eternal Spar mutated the Zerg Emperor, the Mother Zerg Emperor, and Emperor Moro in the first place.But in essence, the eternal spar will not be assimilated by one person.It will assimilate Chen Yang, and the final result should be that the eternal spar gradually returns to its original appearance. At best, Chen Yang will become the consciousness inside the eternal spar.Just like the previous conscious body.

Right now, the eternal spar is going through such a process.

However, there is no such thing as an absolute path.

If the eternal spar really assimilated Chen Yang, then Chen Yang would no longer be Chen Yang.

But the current situation is that Chen Yang still has the seeds of Xuanhuang God Valley in his body.If the eternal spar is a raging flame, then the seeds of Xuanhuang Shengu are cool water, and this coolness envelops Chen Yang, so the eternal spar is helpless.

One ebbs and another... Chen Yang's body began to completely melt the eternal spar.

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