The strongest player in history

Chapter 2393 Linghui's Secret

Chen Yang felt that his physical body was no longer pure, and it was beginning to be unbearable.Because the substances attached to the eternal spar are also merging with his physical body.This situation is like, originally it was a drop of blood, but many drops of water began to merge into the blood.Originally, this blood couldn't fuse with water drops.

But with the help of the Xuanhuang Shengu seeds, those water drops also began to fuse with the blood.The water droplets and the blood merge, but the water droplets are far more than the blood, so the blood will become weaker and weaker, and finally, it is almost gone.

Of course, the reality does not mean that Chen Yang is blood.

But his willpower will indeed become weaker and weaker under such circumstances.It's like a person getting more and more sleepy until he loses consciousness and finally doesn't know what happened to him.

Chen Yang felt that he was getting more and more sleepy.

"Linghui, what should we do?" Chen Yang couldn't help asking Linghui monk.

At this moment, he was helpless.

Monk Linghui was calm. He said: "The seed of the Xuanhuang God Valley has changed the essence of the Eternal Crystal. What we have to bear, it must bear. When it sleeps, we can control the initiative of the Eternal Crystal. So, now Nothing can be done, it depends on whose willpower is stronger."

Chen Yang said: "But it, it is the body of the eternal spar after all, I'm afraid it has too many advantages."

Monk Linghui said: "That's right, it does have too many advantages over us. But now, there is no other way."

"Hahaha, you guys, just wait to die." The eternal spar laughed wildly. "I don't know how much matter I have absorbed, what is this point in front of me, you still want to compare my willpower with me, it is simply beyond your control. What a long time I have experienced in the wormhole of nothingness, my willpower , comparable to the sea of ​​stars. You will never be able to defeat me."

"Don't pay attention to him!" Monk Linghui said to Chen Yang. "You have to remember, Dao eliminates the devil, and the Tao grows the devil. The three of us have now become one. It is equivalent to competing for resources. The stronger our willpower, the harder it will be."

Chen Yang thought of something, and said, "In other words, Linghui, you are also qualified to compete for my body, right?"

Monk Linghui fell silent immediately.

Chen Yang knew right away that he had guessed right.

At the same time, Chen Yang also felt that his willpower became more and more blurred.He felt that if there was a weighty mountain pressing down on his heart, he would not be able to breathe.This feeling is very uncomfortable.Chen Yang has never had such an experience.

Monk Linghui also spoke at this time, and he said: "Yes, this is the best chance for me to recover my physical body. The material and energy of the eternal spar are very similar to my physical body. Even, far away from me above the flesh."

Although Chen Yang was a little fuzzy, he suddenly heard that monk Linghui no longer called himself a poor monk.

His tone was different from before.

Chen Yang was startled, and he became sober in an instant.

Monk Linghui continued: "This is the best opportunity. Not only can I recover my physical body, but I also have the opportunity to surpass my previous cultivation in future cultivation. Eternal spar belongs to the universe. When the time comes, The Great Universe may not be able to do anything to get me."

"Linghui, what is your real name?" Chen Yang asked suddenly.

Monk Linghui was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that Chen Yang would ask such a question under such a situation.

In fact, at this time, Monk Linghui was at war with heaven and man.

Although he has gone through thousands of calamities, he still can't remain calm in front of such a temptation.

Monk Linghui thought for a while and said, "Everyone always calls me Zong Huang, and I hardly ever give myself a name. If I really want to be serious, I once gave myself a name. But I hardly ever tell anyone... ..."

"That's even better, I'm not an outsider!" Chen Yang said with a smile.

"You can still laugh?" Monk Linghui said.

Chen Yang said, "Crying is always bad, right?"

Monk Linghui said, "My name is Galo!"

"What a strange name." Chen Yang said.

Monk Linghui said: "Actually, it's because I think it sounds very similar to the sound of aggression. It's called aggression, and it doesn't sound very nice."

Chen Yang suddenly realized.

"After that, do you still want to invade?" Chen Yang asked.

"In the future?" Monk Linghui was stunned: "Do we have a future?"

"What if you survived and recovered your real body?" Chen Yang asked.

Monk Linghui was silent again.

After a while, he said, "Of course we want to invade. I want to defeat the universe emperor, Yuanjue, and dominate the earth."

"Hahaha..." Chen Yang laughed loudly.

"Is this ridiculous?" Monk Linghui asked displeased.

Chen Yang said: "Actually, I know that I can't win you. So now, I'm not as good as a bachelor, but I will give you a favor. I will help you restrain and suppress the eternal spar. After you live, help me take care of it." Tell me about my family, okay? You know all my wishes, try to fulfill them for me."

Monk Linghui was speechless.

Chen Yang said again: "Maybe, I still don't know you very well. But, it doesn't matter. Linghui, I'm going to die anyway, so don't expose yourself. Just pretend that you are the one I remember, and you have never changed. If you're using me, just pretend until I die, okay?"

Monk Linghui said in a deep voice, "You want to move me?"

Chen Yang said: "You can think what you want. However, if you really think so, I'm very disappointed. Don't tell me, you still don't know me at all?"

Monk Linghui said: "Okay, I don't care what you think. I promise you, as long as I can survive and recover my body. Then, in the future, I will take good care of your family."

"Okay!" Chen Yang nodded.

There was a burst of sadness in his heart.

He really wanted to restore Linghui to his physical body, but when Monk Linghui agreed so easily, his heart was extremely sad and uncomfortable.

However, Chen Yang had nothing to say.

Chen Yang's consciousness became more and more blurred, and then he fell into a deep sleep.

He knew that his sleep would last forever.

Farewell, all!

In Chen Yang's last remaining consciousness, he murmured such thoughts.

In Chen Yang's brain domain, his brain domain is like a universe of stars at the moment.

And a monk sat there alone, he didn't say a word.

At this time, external pressure is increasing.

The monk suddenly stretched out his big hand, his hand was a branch hand, and his branch hand went directly into the eternal spar.

"Roar!" The Eternal Crystal roared, and the voice was full of fear: "No, it's impossible. Why, why did you catch me?"

"Although you have lived for millions of years, you have not cultivated yourself. My body and power also come from this eternal spar. Therefore, you can control this spar, and I can control it better than you. Now, you are subject to death Bar!"

Monk Linghui's words were extremely cold.

He is no longer the funny monk he was before.

At this moment, he has the majesty of the worm emperor.

After a long time, calm was restored in the eternal spar.External absorption finally stopped...

Chen Yang didn't know how long he slept, he thought he was dead.So when he became conscious, he thought it was the afterlife.

"What's wrong with me? Where am I?" Chen Yang was confused.

"Chen Yang!" Monk Linghui called softly.

"Linghui?" Chen Yang was overjoyed. "No, I should call you Galo."

"You should call me Linghui." Monk Linghui said.

Chen Yang didn't argue with Linghui either, he then asked, "What's the situation now?"

Monk Linghui said, "Actually, I lied to you about one thing."

"What's the matter?" Chen Yang asked.

Monk Linghui said: "I can directly kill the consciousness of the eternal spar."

"What?" Chen Yang was surprised.

Monk Linghui said: "I haven't said it all the time. In fact, when I saw the eternal spar, I knew that the bodies of me and the mother insect emperor were related to this eternal spar. We were radiated by the eternal spar, and then produced product."

Chen Yang said, "So that's the case."

Monk Linghui said: "The reason why I don't say it is because I know the intention of the eternal spar. It is waiting for an opportunity like today, and I am also waiting for this opportunity."

Chen Yang fell silent.

After a while, he said, "Why do you need to tell me this?"

Monk Linghui said: "This is the only thing I lied to you. I didn't lie to you before. No, I also lifted the Da Leiyin Pudu method later, and I didn't tell you in time. I lied to you about these two things. "

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Fortunately, there are only two pieces!" He paused and said, "Is this the surprise you want to give me?"

Monk Linghui laughed and said, "Isn't that surprising enough?"

Chen Yang said: "If you let me die, it is a shock. If you let me live, it is indeed a surprise."

Monk Linghui said: "That should be a surprise. If you want to die, as long as I don't wake you up, you will die naturally."

Chen Yang said: "Then what are you waiting for, what's the situation outside now?"

Monk Linghui said: "It's very tragic."

Chen Yang said: "Let's save people together!"

Monk Linghui said: "Have you forgotten? Originally, out of the three of us, only one can live. Now, the spiritual consciousness of the eternal spar has been killed by me."

Chen Yang was startled. Before, he felt that he would not be able to survive the three-person battle.So I want Linghui to win the body without any regrets or regrets.

Chen Yang couldn't help but said: "Why is this happening? You can hide it in my brain first, can't you? Or, can't we cooperate with each other?"

Monk Linghui said: "It seems that you still don't understand."

Chen Yang said, "I really don't understand."

Monk Linghui said: "The eternal spar sticks us together, almost as one. This is inseparable. You can divide different objects, but one person cannot be cut into two people. This eternal spar There, only one conscious body can live."

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