The sad and angry Lan Ziyi didn't miss the opportunity because of sadness at this time, her mana and life source were almost exhausted.But at this time, Lan Ziyi released Mingyue Xianzun and Qiao Ning, and at the same time gathered the remaining power to activate the power of the seven star beads.


The divine light flickered out!

Immortal Master Mingyue and Qiao Ning were also filled with grief and indignation, and shot with anger.

Immortal Venerable Mingyue wore a Tathagata cassock, held a Tianlong Qin, instantly became like a Buddha, beheaded the Tianlong Sound Blade, and killed the Xuanbing Jade Needle!

Qiao Ning's tears kept streaming down, and she also unleashed Heavenly Thunder!

This is an extremely tragic scene!

He went on and on, just to kill that evil old majesty.

All, all the attacks turned into infinite violent energy, instantly drowning the injured old majesty.

When Lan Ziyi hit the final blow, she also spit out a mouthful of blood.

Her life source is already very weak, and her mana has been exhausted.The power of the star bead is indeed unmatched, but to mobilize the power of the star bead, it consumes too much mana.

Just like ordinary people carrying a big rock to hit people, it also requires their own strength.Even if Lan Ziyi is strong enough to carry the star beads continuously, his strength is exhausted at this time.

The state of Lan Ziyi was similar to that of Chen Yang who had cast a sword to the east.

It was in that state that Chen Yang was sucked into the blood robe.At this moment, Lan Ziyi felt even more desolate in her heart. She knew that her state was not to mention entering the Wuji blood robe.Even an ordinary Taixu First Layer master could kill her.

I won't say anything about being so fragile.In this fragile state, Chen Yang could only die if he entered the blood robe.What's more, I also activated the explosive power of the star stone...

"I'm afraid he won't be able to preserve even a single fragment of his soul."

Lan Ziyi wept secretly.

When all the attacks broke out on the seriously injured old majesty, when the dazzling light flooded the old majesty, everyone at the scene thought that the old majesty was dead this time.

But soon, everyone was desperate again.

They could feel their own attack, they could feel their energy killing them, but in the end they were swallowed by the old majesty.

Then, everything returned to calm again.

After the calm, the old His Majesty was still standing intact.

But Chen Yu had already lost the power to fight at this time, and his Zhou power was consumed too violently.

Those four subordinates were also a bit choked up.

In the scene, there are Mingyue Xianzun and Qiao Ning who are still in good condition.But the strength of the two of them is simply vulnerable to the old majesty!

There was still blood on the corner of His Majesty's mouth, and he was indeed seriously injured like never before.But he relied on his own secret technique to hide this kind of damage.In the future, he will suffer serious backlash.And, despite this, he can only exert one-tenth of his strength.

One-tenth of the power is certainly not enough to deal with the complete Lan Ziyi and Chen Yu.However, there was no problem dealing with the four subordinates, Immortal Mingyue and Qiao Ning.

The old His Majesty's eyes first went to those four subordinates.

He wants to kill these four people first.

Chen Yu was helpless.

The four subordinates had no complaints or regrets at this time, they stood in front of Chen Yu.

Immortal Master Mingyue and Qiao Ning also protected the seriously injured Lan Ziyi.

At this time, who can resist... Old His Majesty.

This was the most desperate moment in Chen Yu's life.

This was also the most desperate moment in Lan Ziyi's life.

The old majesty's eyes were cold and even cruel, and he said coldly: "Today, all of you will die. I want you all to be buried with my descendants!"

Afterwards, His Majesty made a move.

The four subordinates, Mingyue Xianzun and Qiao Ning also shot together.

In the dazzling light, various attack energies bombarded the old majesty.The old majesty just waved his hand, and completely shattered many attacks.Then, he slapped the air with a palm, and with just one palm, he smashed the head of one of his subordinates into pieces.The armor on the subordinate's body quickly shattered, and his body was also broken into pieces.

"Ao Lie, take Your Highness away!" The remaining three subordinates immediately had an idea, and two of them said to the remaining Ao Lie.

Ao Lie didn't argue and nodded.He caught Chen Yu and was about to leave.

"One, don't even think about leaving!" The old majesty suddenly struck out with both fists.


The enchantment that Chen Yu and his party set up was instantly shattered, and countless shining fragments flew in the air.Those are energy fluctuations...

Then, the spatial confusion enveloped everyone again.

Now there is really no escape.

Chen Yu and Lan Ziyi can't fight anymore, and the rest of them are absolutely incapable of breaking through this space barrier.

Chen Yu's face was livid.

He began to devour the elixir violently, barely recovering his strength.But the speed of recovery is too slow, and sooner or later it will be a dead end.

Lan Ziyi was also devouring the pill, but it was of no avail.

Immortal Master Mingyue couldn't help but smile desolately, she said to Lan Ziyi and Qiao Ning: "I really didn't expect that we will all die in this ghost place in the end."

Qiao Ning burst into tears, and she said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you were all killed by me."

Immortal Mingyue held Qiao Ning's hand, and she said: "Don't say such things, we are friends and sisters. Come again a thousand times, ten thousand times, Ziyi and I will not regret it. I believe that Chen Yang will be more No complaints and no regrets. In this life, we have lived enough, and our prestige is enough. If we die, we will die. Are we afraid?"

Lan Ziyi coughed, and her face turned red because of the cough.She smiled miserably and said, "Qiao Ning, this is fate. It has nothing to do with you. Everyone has their own way of death. That's okay, okay, this is clean."

She suddenly said the word "clean", which made Mingyue Immortal Venerable a little confused.

But at this time, Mingyue Immortal Venerable was not curious either.

Although Mingyue Xianzun and Qiao Ning were sad and desperate, they did not give up.They protected the blue and purple clothes, and stared at the old majesty in front of him.

"This old man, why can't he be killed?" Immortal Mingyue couldn't help cursing.

Lan Ziyi said in a deep voice: "It's a pity, Mingyue, you can't wield the power of the star beads, otherwise you can kill him. His cultivation has reached the point where he is like hell. The energy of heaven and earth is integrated with his body. Of course it's hard to kill."

Mingyue Xianzun said: "Can you detonate the star beads again?"

Lan Ziyi said: "This star bead has been tempered, and your mana cannot be detonated. Moreover, even if it is detonated, it will kill us first. The old guy will just avoid it."

There will never be such an opportunity to explode the old majesty at close range.

Old His Majesty is a persistent person, more precisely, he is a poisonous snake.Whoever bites is who...

At first, he was determined to kill Chen Yang.Later, he aimed at Lan Ziyi again, but he failed to kill Lan Ziyi several times, so he changed his target.

Now, he wants to kill Chen Yu's men first.Then kill Chen Yu, and then deal with Mingyue Immortal Venerable and his group.So right now, Mingyue Xianzun and the others got a chance to breathe.

But this opportunity is not very useful.

Chen Yu's subordinates died one after another, and in the end, Ao Lie also died in the hands of His Majesty.

Chen Yu has recovered some strength at this time, but he is not even as good as Ao Lie.

The old majesty stared at Chen Yu, he was not in a hurry to make a move.

Immortal Master Mingyue and Qiao Ning were also helpless, they were trapped in the space barrier, they could only watch Chen Yu in a life-and-death crisis, but they couldn't help at all.

Can't help, can't escape.

They also understand that Chen Yu's fate at this moment will also be their fate.It's just a matter of time!

Chen Yu also looked at the old His Majesty.

He didn't beg, because he knew begging was useless.Chen Yu is not a tough guy, if he can survive, he can bear the humiliation to survive.But he knew that even if he was humiliated, he couldn't survive.Then, he will choose to be tough.

"You are the leader here, slaughtering my descendants, leaving no one behind, is this all your idea?" His Majesty asked Chen Yu word by word.There was a hundred meters between them, but the old His Majesty's voice was extremely clear.

Chen Yu didn't deny it, he tried to calm down, and said, "That's right, it was me. It was my idea, and it was my order, and I even killed a lot of them."

The old majesty nodded, and he said, "You are good enough."

Chen Yu said in a deep voice: "The winner and the loser, today, I accept my fate. If you want to kill, just kill it. Why bother!"

The old majesty said: "Okay, you are a man with a backbone. I respect a man with a backbone the most in my life, and I will not humiliate, die!"

After the old majesty finished speaking, he slowly stretched out his palm.

He was about to kill Chen Yu with a single palm.

And Chen Yu also gave up resistance.

But at this moment, at this critical moment, a cold voice suddenly came.


These two words carried an irresistible majesty in their coldness.

When these two words reached everyone's ears...

The old Majesty's first reaction was horror, unbelievable...

He was going crazy.

How is this possible, this is impossible!

Chen Yu was surprised, followed by ecstasy.

As for Lan Ziyi, Mingyue Immortal, and Qiao Ning, at this moment, they were first stunned, then ecstatic, and then wept.

Weeping with joy!

Then, weeping choked up.

Qiao Ning and Mingyue Xianzun hugged each other tightly, and Qiao Ning really cried.

Lan Ziyi's eye sockets were also red, but it was more of joy and relief, a big stone in his heart finally fell down.

At the same time, after the sound of stopping, the void door in the sky opened again.

A person came out of it.

This person has a layer of black armor on his body, and he looks majestic... But at this time, his eyes are also blood red.Want to know why Chen Yang is so sad and angry?Please add my prestige account Tiandaomeng.

He looked very sad and angry, but no one knew why he was sad and angry.

This person was exactly the one everyone thought was dead... Chen Yang.

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