The strongest player in history

Chapter 2383 Tianque Star Orb

During the banquet, Chen Yu also showed his appreciation and admiration for Lan Ziyi and his party.He didn't talk much, but one of his subordinates called Dole Jiao talked a lot.

Chen Yang and Lan Ziyi also learned something about Tianhe Kingdom.

The Tianhe Kingdom was not called the Tianhe Kingdom at first. As early as more than 1 years ago, their civilization had already surpassed the earth by far.When civilization and technology reach a certain height, wars within a planet will decrease.Because the respective constraints are too great.Everyone can't destroy the planet with a single disagreement.

Later, Chen Yu's ancestors began to conquer the universe.Their kingdom of God was originally called the kingdom of heaven. The ancestors were divided into many factions and occupied other planets to build their own civilization.Many ancestors never came back at all, and became bosses on other planets.

During that period, the Kingdom of Heaven was renamed the Tianhe Republic!

But then the ancestors of Tianhe Divine Kingdom were hit hard, that is, civilization encountered spells, and their ancestors were defeated.Several planets were directly destroyed!

This had a great impact on Tianhe Divine Kingdom. They no longer rest on their laurels, but unite again to study countermeasures.

So, they began to study spells and Taoism.

At that time, senior scientists thoroughly understood Taoism and spells.And began to look for talented children to participate in training.

They have crystal tests!

It is the perception... Zeoli!

There are many kinds of cosmic power, time cosmic power, space cosmic power, soul cosmic power, dark cosmic power, and light cosmic power!

But basically, there are two types.

Dark cosmic force and light cosmic force.

Among them, the dark cosmic power is the most powerful.Except that the dark cosmic power does not cover light, it almost covers all the cosmic power.

Therefore, the most important thing for the children of Tianhe Divine Kingdom is to cultivate dark cosmic power.

However, what the Third Highness Chen Yu is cultivating is the energy of light.

The combination of darkness and light is even more powerful.

The armor on them is a combination of various Zeoli molecules, and it is a powerful nuclear fusion reactor.When they perceive the dark cosmic force and the light cosmic force, they seem to be in the vast ocean.Sea water is their elixir!

Armor is a complex molecular mechanism.

As for the gun, the gun also has a reactor inside.Although the reactor looks very small, in fact, there is a reason for the space to be folded inside, and there is a huge reactor inside!

Therefore, as long as their Zeus power is strong, their elixirs are unlimited.

The eight members of Chen Yu's group are the famous eight interstellar gods.Each of them is a powerful existence of Zeoli, and their comprehension of Zeoli is beyond imagination.

It seems that it is easy for them to kill Elder Danxue, but it is because they are extremely powerful and cooperate with each other tacitly.

They are the best combination of dark and light.

Chen Yang and others soon understood that Zeoli can also be said to be a kind of magic power, spiritual power.It's just that the perceived magnetic field molecules are different.

Just like Chen Yang can also mobilize the power of the universe in the dark.

All things seem to be similar with minor differences, and the final direction is to unify all methods.

There has been no movement in the Divine Flame Palace.

But Chen Yu didn't intend to waste time, they were going to attack directly.

Chen Yang and others naturally agreed.

Speaking of which, they also took the initiative to destroy the Scarlet Flame Palace.Now they went to take the initiative to destroy the Divine Flame Palace, and this bug family also fell into the pain of reincarnation.How he invaded Suzaku Star in the past, what kind of retribution will there be today.

As the saying goes, ill-gotten wealth comes from unrighteousness and flows away.

Lan Ziyi had already known the location of Shenyan Palace through Chi Yantie.The group of them quickly flew over the sky of the Divine Flame Palace.

At the same time, Chen Yu and his party quickly set up an enchantment again.

The figures in the Divine Flame Palace flickered, and in an instant, nine figures flickered out and appeared in front of everyone.The head of those who came was the emperor of Shenyan Palace, that is, Emperor Shenyan.The remaining eight people belong to the eight royal families of Shenyan Palace.

Having said that, the Divine Flame Emperor Mu Tuosheng of the Divine Flame Palace naturally knew the situation of the Scarlet Flame Palace.However, when they rushed to the Red Flame Palace, the Red Flame Palace had already been reduced to ashes.

Mu Tuosheng knew that there was a problem in the Red Flame Palace, and he even gloated a little at first.For so many years, Chi Yanxiong has been quite majestic.

Although the Divine Flame Palace and the Scarlet Flame Palace are in the same spirit, it doesn't make sense, you haven't come to beg me for a hand yet.I will rush to help you.Then my help would be worthless.

Therefore, Mu Tuosheng has been waiting for Chi Yanxiong to call for help.

And Chi Yanxiong and Elder Danxue really didn't want to ask the Divine Flame Palace.Therefore, they are still looking to see if they can solve it with their own strength.Originally, that was no problem.No one expected that the Tianhe Divine Soldier would arrive.

Therefore, everything is full of coincidence and necessity.

Mu Tuosheng is a third-level cultivation base of the Creation Realm, and possesses the supreme magic weapon, the Tianque Star Orb!

He also has a younger brother named Suo Yin, who is also at the third level of the Creation Realm and possesses the magic weapon Emperor Soul Sword!

The rest of the seven royal families are all masters.However, there is only one level [-] master of the Creation Realm among them, and the remaining six are masters of the Celestial Realm.

"We must fight quickly!" Chen Yu gave the order.

Chen Yang also knew it.

Chen Yu continued: "Original plan, act!"

What was the original plan?

The original plan was for Chen Yu and the others to kill Suo Yin first, while Lan Ziyi, Chen Yang and the others were responsible for holding Mu Tuosheng and the rest of the royal family back.

They are very familiar with the situation of the Divine Flame Palace, and they have made a plan.

When Mu Tuosheng and his group came out, they hadn't figured out the situation yet, and wanted to ask what you were going to do... But Chen Yu didn't give them this chance anymore.

Shoot directly.

At that moment, Lan Ziyi activated the Great Reincarnation Technique and enveloped Mu Tuosheng!

Chen Yang was also dispatched, and his black hole spar enveloped all the other seven royal families inside.

Immortal Mingyue and Qiao Ning joined Chen Yang in attacking the seven royal families.

Chen Yang's infinite confusion space is so powerful, it instantly enveloped the seven royal families, and they fell into different confusion spaces.

Shenyan Emperor Mu Tuosheng couldn't help being shocked when he saw this.He can tolerate this happening, he knows that this is how the Scarlet Flame Palace was destroyed.So he quickly sacrificed the Tianque Star Orb to forcibly tear Chen Yang's space apart.

The Tianque star beads are like a string of bracelets!

There are eight star beads in total!

Every star bead is a star stone!

When Mu Tuosheng's star beads collided, they immediately emitted dazzling divine lights. These divine lights were so intense that they shattered everything. They had the power to cut Chen Yang's space in an instant.

However, at this time, Lan Ziyi also made a move.

Lan Ziyi's great reincarnation technique was completely unfolded, and the ocean of reincarnation was surging, forming countless tornado oceans, and then, the bridge of Naihe was displayed in it.

The blood-stained bridge of Naihe actually voluntarily hit Mu Tuosheng's star bead divine light!


The divine light swirled ferociously in the Bridge of Naihe, and the power of reincarnation and the power of Naihe collided with each other...

Frenzied, desperate, endless force bombards and kills non-stop!

But in the end, Lan Ziyi still took Mu Tuosheng's ruthless blow.

"Hateful!" Mu Tuosheng couldn't help being annoyed.

He seemed to strike at random just now, but in fact he poured all his mana into it, and exerted the power of the Tianque Star Orb to the extreme.

But such a kill was actually caught by Lan Ziyi.

"How is this possible..." Mu Tuosheng couldn't believe it.

But he didn't know that Lan Ziyi was even more horrified at this moment.Because in the bridge of Naihe, cracks have appeared again.If it is not done well, if it bears another heavy blow, the bridge of Naihe will be shattered directly.

This is the strongest opponent Lan Ziyi has encountered since her comeback!

Mu Tuosheng didn't think too much, he quickly gathered his strength, and the Tianque Star Orb in his hand collided again.Then, the divine light came again!

It should not be said to be descending, but a fierce and lightning-like beheading!

Lightning fast!

Lan Ziyi didn't have time to think about it, of course she couldn't allow the bridge of Naihe to shatter.There are still many mysteries in the Bridge of Naihe, which she has not fully grasped yet.

At this moment, Lan Ziyi was desperate.

She had to work hard.

Everyone has a mission for everyone, and everyone has an important part.

The mission of Chen Yang, Mingyue Xianzun, and Qiao Ning was to kill the seven royal families.Chen Yu's mission is to kill Suo Yin.And Lan Ziyi's task is not to kill, but to hold back Shenyan Emperor Mu Tuosheng.

Her task was the hardest, but everyone knew what she was capable of and thought it easy.

Chen Yang also believed in Lan Ziyi so much.

Therefore, Lan Ziyi would not say that he had difficulties.Difficulties must be overcome.

At this moment, in the vast ocean of the Great Reincarnation Technique, Lan Ziyi immediately transformed into the original form of the undead Divine Phoenix.

She has become the Phoenix of the Bathing Fire!

At the same time, the immortal light shot out from her eyes, and went towards the divine light.

In an instant, Lan Ziyi's life source also burned fiercely.

The ocean of reincarnation surged and overwhelmed the divine light.


Under the double attack, the great reincarnation technique and the undead light once again blocked Mu Tuosheng's divine light.

At this moment, there was a sluggish look in Lan Ziyi's eyes.

At this moment, she consumed one-third of her life essence.It is not easy to restore this source of life.But it's not something that a little pill can solve.

Last time, when her source of life was wasted, she still absorbed the Hunyuan fruit refined from the demon king's flesh and blood.

The situation of Lan Ziyi is not good at all.

Emperor Shenyan's Tianque Star Orb is really terrifying.Eight star stones plus the triple power of creation, this is incredible.

Mu Tuosheng also saw the situation of Lan Ziyi, and without any hesitation, he collided with the Tianque Star Orb again.The Tianque Star Orb also emitted a terrifying and dazzling divine light again.

Lan Ziyi couldn't help becoming ruthless, and at this moment, she quickly sat cross-legged, with a solemn posture.

The divine light rushed directly from above her head, it was the power that could destroy the planet in an instant.Lan Ziyi quickly recovered her human body appearance, and then, the Great Soul Art and the Great Reincarnation Art were combined into one!

She exhaled black essence energy from her mouth, and countless soul power and samsara power strangled together violently...

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