The strongest player in history

Chapter 2379 Enchantment

Chen Yang did not directly answer His Highness's question, but said, "My Majesty, Chen Yang, I don't know what your Highness should be called?"

Although the Third Highness is very cold, he is not a difficult and arrogant person.He also said: "Chen Yu!"

Chen Yu's pronunciation is not the same as Chen's in the Pearl language.But Chen Yang still understood.

He called His Highness Chen.

And Na Chenyu also noticed that Chen Yang didn't want to talk more about his hometown.

At this time, Lan Ziyi also said: "Since we are all in the same boat, let's talk in the room now."

Chen Yu also expressed no opinion.This group of people was brought into the hall by Shi Gexi.

At this time, the situation is urgent.

Lan Ziyi revealed the powerful relationship among them.But what Chen Yang thought of, he asked first: "His Royal Highness Chen, I need that blood pearl. I heard that Tianhe Divine Kingdom caught many blood mothers back then. Can you tell me, do you know about blood pearls?"

Chen Yu glanced at Chen Yang.

Everyone is already seated.Chen Yu then said: "Blood pearls are very precious. There is only one blood mother left today. Even if I am a prince, I don't have blood pearls in my hand. But I know that in the treasury of the Kingdom of God, there are blood pearls." Pearl."

Chen Yang was still disappointed when he heard the words, but he was overjoyed when he heard the latter.He quickly said: "I can exchange the elixir for blood pearls. I don't need too many, just one!"

Chen Yu said in a deep voice: "Since we have met each other, we are friends. I don't need to say more if I can help you. But, I may know, what do you want the blood pearl for?"

Chen Yang immediately said what he wanted the blood pearl for.

Chen Yu said: "This matter can be covered by me. However, it will take three years at the fastest from here to Tianhe Divine Kingdom."

"Three years?" Chen Yang couldn't help being shocked.

Lan Ziyi immediately said: "Three years is not a big problem. I can let Qiao Ning sleep in my main thoughts. Three years will not affect her."

"But, in three years, does Chen Yang have so much time?" Qiao Ning was worried.She knew that Chen Yang had a heavy burden on him.

Go three years, go back three years, it is six years.

Six years, the vicissitudes of life!

Lan Ziyi said in a deep voice: "Then it will be easier. Mingyue and I will accompany you to Tianhe Divine Kingdom. Chen Yang can go back by himself. Nowadays, the earth is a place of right and wrong. Wouldn't it be better for us to stay away? "

Chen Yang's eyes lit up, and he said, "This arrangement is fine. It's just that I'm going to wrong you and Xianzun."

Lan Ziyi said: "Not to mention, we are also going to avoid disaster!"

Mingyue Xianzun didn't say much polite words.

Chen Yang then said to Chen Yu again: "It's just that your Highness is troubled like this..."

Chen Yu waved his hand and said, "You're welcome." He paused and said, "It's not a big problem to go back to Tianhe Divine Kingdom to get blood pearls. But now, we need to solve the immediate problem. I just heard that you are all ready to Taking the Pearl Kingdom to evacuate, is there a formal conflict with the nobles of the Zerg?" Chen Yang briefly described the matter with the Zerg.

He focused on the opponent's strength.

Chen Yu frowned after listening.

The description of that strength is somewhat mysterious.But Chen Yang was still able to make Chen Yu understand through his own words.Although everyone calls the realm differently, the truth is the same.

Lan Ziyi said: "Now that His Royal Highness Chen is here, I suggest that we act first immediately. Before the Divine Flame Palace can react, we will first eradicate the Scarlet Flame Palace. In this way, we will not be too Headache."

Without further ado, Chen Yu said, "Since this is the case, there is no need to delay, let's go out immediately."

He is quick to make up his mind.

But his subordinates immediately said: "Your Highness, beware of fraud! We have just arrived and don't understand the matter at all. What if this is a trap?"

Chen Yu was slightly taken aback.He was not a reckless person, it was just because he had no doubts about Pearl Country when he came here.In addition, Lan Ziyi and others said it was urgent, so he didn't think about it for a while.

For a moment, Chen Yu fell silent.

He felt that either everyone in front of him was a friendly army, and everything was true.

If they were cheating, the tricks of these people were too terrifying.

Shi Gexi immediately said: "Your Highness, the Supremes have come all the way and have been fighting side by side with us. Just now, I was still issuing an emergency order to prepare to evacuate. We didn't know you were coming at this moment, so how could this be What about the trap?"

It is human nature for Chen Yu to have doubts in his heart.

Chen Yang, Lan Ziyi and the others would not feel insulted, because they were not familiar with each other.When Chen Yang was about to speak, Chen Yu suddenly said: "Brother Chen, can I check your wife's fetus. If the fetus is true, we will act immediately. I believe that no one will make fun of their own child."

Chen Yang hesitated for a moment, his wife was his confinement.Of course I don't want to be touched by others.

Qiao Ning took the initiative and said, "You can check."

Chen Yu nodded, and he said to Chen Yang, "I will never offend your wife."

Chen Yang also nodded.

There was a divine light in Chen Yu's eyes, which enveloped Qiao Ning.

Soon, Chen Yu withdrew his divine light.He didn't say anything else, just said: "Let's go!"

Chen Yang and the others were overjoyed.

Although, Chen Yang and others still don't know the strength of Chen Yu and others.But they can feel that this group of people is by no means ordinary people.

"I'll take you there!" Chen Yang sacrificed the black hole spar first.

The black hole spar enveloped everyone.

Chen Yu and the others were slightly surprised, but didn't say much.

Afterwards, the black hole spar captured Chen Yu and others inside.But Shi Gexi and the others stayed where they were.

Including Levine, Bolai did not bring it.Bring all the masters!

There are four people on Chen Yang's side and eight people on Chen Yu's side.

A group of 12 people are all in the black hole spar.Then, the black hole spar turned into a ray of black light, and Chen Yang cast a large teleportation technique, and quickly moved towards the Scarlet Flame Palace behind the North Sea.

Needless to say, it is fast and fast, and it is thousands of miles in the blink of an eye.

Soon, a group of people came to the top of the Red Flame Palace.

Everyone came out of the black hole spar.

Chen Yu led his men, and they all floated in the air.When they cast spells, there is no spell fluctuation on their bodies, which is very strange.

The armor on that body is also a high-tech product!

The armor of the movie Iron Man in the big world seems to have been truly realized here.Chen Yang didn't feel the power inside their armor either.Such a thin armor without any pushing device.This made Chen Yang very confused about the whole story.

But this is not the time for Chen Yang to struggle now.

Their current goal is to get rid of the Red Flame Palace as soon as possible.

Chen Yu first said: "In order to prevent Shenyan Palace from knowing what's going on here and intervening. We will block the entire Scarlet Flame Palace and prevent any information from leaking out."

Chen Yang also thought of this, and he said: "That's what I said, but there are two masters of the third level of creation. It's very difficult to completely trap them!"

Chen Yu said: "I'll do it!"

He then said to the seven subordinates: "Action!"

The seven subordinates all acted, they moved swiftly in the air, and they could travel through the void in the blink of an eye.It's like eating and drinking.

Moreover, they still can't feel their mana fluctuations.

Chen Yu and his party of eight quickly separated and surrounded the entire Scarlet Flame Palace.They stood in eight directions, and then a weapon appeared in their hands.The weapon is similar, very similar to a gun, but different from ordinary guns.The reactor is hidden in the backseat of that gun!

Also, the armor and the spear seem to be integrated.

Chen Yang saw at a glance that their people, armor, and guns were all integrated into a mutual energy body!

Afterwards, Chen Yu and others fired the guns in their hands.The sharp gun burst out a dazzling white light beam.These white light beams rushed out, and finally exploded in the air.Then, a layer of silver-white enchantment appeared, and surrounded the entire Scarlet Flame Palace.Including the ground.

Chen Yang and others were in the barriers, and Chen Yang immediately shot these barriers with his spiritual thoughts.He knew that the master in the Scarlet Flame Palace was not an ordinary person.Neither his black hole spar nor Lan Ziyi's power of reincarnation were sure to trap these masters.Can Chen Yu's enchantment be enough?

Chen Yang's divine sense shot at the enchantment, and he immediately felt the wonder in it.

Outside the barrier is like... an endless wall, very thick!Moreover, it can absorb energy.

Like, the whole outside world is solid.Only this middle ground is hollow.

Chen Yang was taken aback, he didn't expect this seemingly inconspicuous enchantment to be so powerful.Also, not like mana, but not like technology...

Lan Ziyi and the others were also slightly pale.

Lan Ziyi didn't quite understand either.

At this moment, Chen Yang and Lan Ziyi were thinking, if they were trapped in this barrier, could they rush out?

The answer is skeptical.

You have to try it yourself to know, but it's definitely not that easy.But right now, their most important thing is to deal with the Elder Danxue of Scarlet Flame Palace, as well as the old Palace Master!

It was also at this time that there was a reaction in the Scarlet Flame Palace.A gate of void appeared in the enchantment of Scarlet Flame Palace.

Following the flickering of figures, two people appeared in front of everyone.

Of the two people who came, one of them was Elder Danxue.

And the other one is the lord of Chi Yan Palace, Chi Yanxiong!

Chi Yanxiong has a white beard and hair, and his two eagle eyebrows are extremely powerful.He had received a notice from Elder Danxue and had returned from the Divine Flame Palace immediately.

Chi Yanxiong was still trying to figure out what was going on with Elder Danxue.Elder Danxue wasn't sure either, Chen Yang and the others had just returned to Pearl Country.I don't even know if there are other helpers.

That's why they didn't make a direct move.Chen Yang and Lan Ziyi killed so many masters, which made them feel afraid.

Moreover, none of them knew that Chi Yantie was still alive.

Chi Yanxiong is still suffering from the pain of losing his son...

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