The strongest player in history

Chapter 2377 Spiritual Practice

Mingyue Xianzun actually guessed that this was the case, and asking Chi Yantie right now is just to make sure.Lan Ziyi asked Chi Yantie, "What is your father's cultivation level?" She paused, then said coldly: "Don't lie, don't show off your intelligence."

Under the oppression of Lan Ziyi's majesty, Chi Yantie really didn't dare to lie.He said: "My father is also a third-level cultivation of the Creation Realm, which is comparable to my master. They have always been very good brothers, and their friendship is deep!"

Lan Ziyi said: "Then why didn't your father take action this time? Isn't he in the Scarlet Flame Palace?"

Chi Yantie said: "My father, I went to the Shenyan Palace to report on my work."

He used the Zerg language, and what he said was not the word debriefing, but it generally meant debriefing.

Lan Ziyi said: "So that's the case, how long will it take for your father to return to Scarlet Flame Palace?"

Chi Yantie said in a deep voice: "Now that such a major event has happened in the palace, I'm afraid my father has already returned to the Chi Yan Palace. My master will contact my father!"

Lan Ziyi's heart sank, this is something that will definitely happen.

Two masters of the third level of creation, this matter is really difficult.

Of course, it cannot be said that killing Chi Yantie and the others was a fluke.If Chi Yantie's father had been present, Chen Yang would not have killed anyone, but had fled directly.With their ability, it is not a big problem to escape.

If you run away directly, there is still room for things to turn around.Right now, it is difficult.

Lan Ziyi was silent, and then she asked Immortal Master Mingyue, "You said, how about we take all the million residents of Pearl Country away from Suzaku Star?"

Mingyue Immortal Venerable was taken aback, and said, "Take them all away?"

Lan Ziyi said: "With a population of 100 million and some supplies, it's not very difficult to take them all away. It's just that the biggest difficulty is to complete this kind of evacuation in a short time. I don't think the other party will give us this time. !"

Mingyue Xianzun said: "Also, the homeland is hard to leave. If you really leave, how long can the supplies last? Can you survive on other planets?"

These are big questions!

Lan Ziyi didn't have a good solution for a while.

Mingyue Immortal Venerable sighed again, and said: "Besides, our biggest trouble right now is not just offending the Red Flame Palace. Ziyi, don't forget, there is the Divine Flame Palace above the Red Flame Palace."

Lan Ziyi frowned beautifully, and said: "This is because we are too far away from the earth. If we were on the earth, we would have Xuan Zhenghao's help. These people are nothing more than chickens and dogs."

Immortal Master Mingyue was slightly taken aback, and said, "It seems that you are very familiar with Xuan Zhenghao now?"

Lan Ziyi was stunned for a while, and said, "I'll go, you and Xuan Zhenghao also have a grudge?"

Mingyue Xianzun said: "That's not true, but I don't have much affection. He is very realistic!"

Lan Ziyi said: "Is it realistic? Anyway, he has always been quite humane to me."

Mingyue Xianzun sneered and said, "That's because you are useful."

Lan Ziyi laughed, and said: "That's okay, people have to be valuable if they are alive! It's pretty miserable if they don't even have the value to be used by others."

Immortal Master Mingyue was at a loss for words.

Her perception of Xuan Zhenghao was indeed not good.

But now is not the time to discuss these either.

Lan Ziyi then asked Chi Yantie, "Where is the Divine Flame Palace? How is the distribution of masters in the Divine Flame Palace?"

Chi Yantie then said: "The emperor in the Divine Flame Palace, that is, the Emperor Shenyan, is also a master of the third level of the realm of creation. He has eight royal brothers under his command, and one of them is a master of the third level of the realm of creation. The rest are all gods. status level, first level of creation level, etc. However, it is said that there is an old majesty in the Divine Flame Palace. This old majesty is a terrifying existence. But we have never seen it, and we don’t know if it is true or not. Anyway, my father I have always been in awe of the Divine Flame Palace!"

After Lan Ziyi and Immortal Mingyue heard the words, they felt even more headaches.

This power balance is too disparate.

Still, things have to be done.

After Lan Ziyi was silent for a while, he had an idea.

"Let Chi Yantie go get the blood pearl." Lan Ziyi then planted the soul bomb in Chi Yantie's brain.She said to Chi Yantie: "If you want to live, take the blood pearl. Also, don't break the connection between me and you. If I feel that this connection is blocked, I will immediately launch the soul bomb. If you can get back the blood pearl, then I can swear to you that I will spare your life. After all, it doesn’t matter if I kill you or not. Anyway, we’ve already ended the feud. One more life It’s no different from losing one life.”

Chi Yantie understood the stakes, so he nodded.

Afterwards, Lan Ziyi released Chi Yantie and left.

After Chiyantie left, Mingyue Xianzun said: "Do you think he can bring back the blood pearl?"

"Probably not, but we have to have hope, don't we? Anyway, a dead horse is treated like a living horse." Lan Ziyi said.

"Let's not talk about him, here at Scarlet Flame Palace, even if the four of us work together, it might be a bit difficult! Two masters of the third level of the Creation Realm, this is too difficult." Mingyue Xianzun said.

Lan Ziyi also regained her composure, and she said: "This is not the most difficult thing, if the Divine Flame Palace intervenes during the fight, it will be a catastrophe."

Mingyue Xianzun said: "The difference in strength is too great, it seems that leaving is the safest strategy." She thought for a while, and said: "Perhaps, after we leave completely, Shenyan Palace will not completely anger the Pearl Kingdom. After all, Pearl The country is still useful!"

"The use value can be ignored." Lan Ziyi said.

Mingyue Xianzun said: "Let's take some of them away, and the rest are up to life and death. After all, how much ability you have and how much you can do. You can't just give away each other's lives for the sake of passion! "

Lan Ziyi said: "That's all. How about it, go and discuss with the king quickly, we only give one hour, and we will take away 3 people."

"Where are people placed?" Mingyue Immortal Venerable asked.

Lan Ziyi said: "It's fine in my five-color divine light. When the time comes, I'll grab everything when it's all ready."

Immortal Mingyue nodded.

Time is really running out, and there is always the danger of catastrophe.

Whether this hour can be won or not depends on whether God has mercy.

This is a matter of life and death. The officials and generals of the Pearl Kingdom have to discuss and decide. This is not an easy matter.

To be precise, it is extremely difficult to do in an hour.

However, Lan Ziyi had no other choice.

Immortal Mingyue immediately went to discuss this matter with King Shi Gexi, and the matter was said by Immortal Mingyue, and Shi Gexi was shocked when he heard the words.He thought things would settle down.How do you know that several supreme beings actually brought the disaster of extinction so quickly.

It took Shi Gexi a long time to come back to his senses.

Mingyue Xianzun said in a deep voice: "King, I know that you have resentment in your heart. But think about it carefully, if we don't come, can you hold on? At any rate, we can still keep the blood for your Pearl Kingdom, right? Is it better to live a little longer and stay alive, or to leave the blood and go far away?"

Shi Gexi was slightly startled, and Mingyue Xianzun's words woke him up immediately.

Mingyue Xianzun said again: "You arrange it as soon as possible, the enemy will come at any time. How many people you can save depends on your ability."

Shi Gexi nodded and said, "Okay!"

He will convene a cabinet meeting immediately, and this matter must also be resolved through a meeting.

Immortal Master Mingyue returned to the bedroom, while Lan Ziyi was monitoring Chi Yantie.Seeing Mingyue Immortal Venerable come in, she immediately asked, "How is it?"

Mingyue Xianzun said: "I have already discussed the pros and cons with the king, and he went to arrange it. After an hour, no matter how many people they have gathered, we will grab it directly and leave."

Lan Ziyi said, "Yes!"

Originally, Lan Ziyi wanted to go to Scarlet Flame Palace to strike first.But knowing the strength of the Divine Flame Palace, as well as the strength of the Red Flame Palace, this idea feels too risky.

It is impossible to live on luck and fluke in life!

At this time, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning also came out.

They came to join Lan Ziyi and Mingyue Xianzun.Immortal Master Mingyue saw that Qiao Ning's cultivation had skyrocketed, and she couldn't help being extremely surprised.

"This spiritual cultivation is such a miracle?" Mingyue Immortal Venerable said in surprise.

Lan Ziyi smiled at the side, and said: "Yin and Yang breed all things, the mystery of this is also the principle of the universe. Mingyue, you are too disgusted with men. If it is not like this, find a man with a comparable level of spiritual practice. Guaranteed that you will reach the Creation Realm soon!"

"Spiritual cultivation?" Immortal Mingyue was so eager for cultivation, she was really thinking about this question.

"But..." Immortal Master Mingyue instinctively rejects men, and she finds it difficult.

Lan Ziyi was just joking, but he didn't expect Mingyue Xianzun to really think about it.She smiled and said, "Why don't you think about Chen Yang? Anyway, it's just spiritual practice, Qiao Ning, you shouldn't care too much, right?"

Qiao Ning was stunned for a moment, then smiled heartily, and said, "Of course I don't care, not only spiritual cultivation, but also physical cultivation is acceptable. After that, Xianzun and I will be better sisters."

Her point of view is completely different from that of women in the world.She has a deep friendship with Mingyue Xianzun, and in fact, she really expected so in private.

Immortal Master Mingyue blushed immediately, she rolled her eyes at Qiao Ning and Lan Ziyi, and said, "It's not big or small, Chen Yang is my younger generation. How decent are you to say such things, how decent are you! "

Lan Ziyi laughed out loud.

Now is not the time to joke, Lan Ziyi told Chen Yang the specific situation.

After hearing this, Chen Yang also felt that he could only do what Lan Ziyi wanted.

It can't be too risky, after all, he doesn't have nine lives.

When everything is in action, it is still safe.Chen Yang is not the Heart of the Virgin, and he can't save so many people in Pearl Country, so don't make it too difficult for yourself.

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