The strongest player in history

Chapter 2369 Qiao Ning Pregnant

At this moment, there is actually nothing to say.

This is truly a thousand rivers and a thousand mountains. Even after a solar system, Chen Yang still found it.The next moment, Chen Yang hugged Qiao Ning tightly.Qiao Ning also hugged Chen Yang.

When Chen Yang hugged Qiao Ning tightly and felt Qiao Ning's heartbeat and the temperature of her body, Chen Yang's heart finally settled down.

At the same time, five-color divine lights flashed in the sky.The five-color divine light of the blue and purple clothes was displayed, and the iron worms were directly smashed into pieces.

Then, Lan Ziyi flashed to the face of Mingyue Xianzun.

She was wearing a long purple dress, standing pretty, with a bright smile. "Miss Mingyue, you really know how to run. Running so far makes it easy for me to find your sister!"

Lan Ziyi said jokingly.

At this moment, Lan Ziyi was in a very good mood.

And what about Mingyue Xianzun?

She saw Lan Ziyi appearing alive and kicking like this, at this moment, she was ecstatic, she was so excited that she was incoherent.After a long while, he laughed and said: "Pofenghuang, you are alive!"

This is a reunion of old friends!

Then, Mingyue Xianzun's eye circles turned red.

Lan Ziyi immediately said: "I didn't come to find you, I came to find Qiao Ning to help Chen Yang. By the way, I found you, so don't be too moved. I don't want to make promises with my body, I don't like women."

Mingyue Xianzun immediately spat: "Get lost!"

This meeting was even more touching than the meeting of the century.

"You, why are you here?" After a long time, Qiao Ning's cheeks turned red, and she asked Chen Yang in surprise.

Before Chen Yang answered, Lan Ziyi said: "Chen Yang had a dream, dreaming that something happened to you, he was very anxious. So he lost his temper and looked for clues to find you like crazy. Also, Mingyue, we Chen Yang Mr. Yang is amazing now, and he even said, if you hurt Qiao Ning, you won't be let off."

Chen Yang blushed so much that he didn't even dare to look at Mingyue Xianzun.At the same time, he was furious, and he still refused to admit it. "Xianzun, this is absolutely nothing. Don't listen to Lan Ziyi's nonsense. It's her blessing that Qiao Ning can come out with you. I can't be too happy."

"Hahaha..." Lan Ziyi laughed loudly.

Mingyue Xianzun also thought it was funny, she is a smart person, she would not be able to tell which sentence is true and which sentence is false.

Afterwards, a group of people entered the city.

In the city, everything is a high-tech society. Suspended magnetic cars, nanometer interchanges and subways criss-cross, but they are in order.

However, this city doesn't have much of the atmosphere of a metropolis, but instead is filled with a tense, enemy-like atmosphere.

Chen Yang also saw many pearl people, all of them had serious faces and no smiles at all.

I don't blame these pearl people, who can laugh under such high pressure?

Chen Yang and his party went directly to the top floor of one of the core buildings.

There is a runway in front of the top floor, and the runway extends about [-] meters.

Immortal Mingyue, Qiao Ning, Chen Yang, and Lan Ziyi flew onto this runway.

Inside the building, a group of pearl people's officers have come out to greet them.

The supreme general among these officers is called Bonebreaker.They were wearing blue military uniforms, and a group of ten people came.

Pearl people's language is relatively difficult to master, but Mingyue Xianzun and Qiao Ning have already mastered it.When Chen Yang and Lan Ziyi were hunting for information fragments, they also learned the language of the Pearl people.So everyone communicated without any difficulty.

General Bone Crack was fairly tall, with a tall figure.He has agate red eyes, and his whole person is full of wisdom and vicissitudes.About fifty years old!

"Wonderful, wonderful!" General Bone Crack and others stepped forward and praised loudly first.Afterwards, General Bone Crack said: "The two supreme beings made a move, it was indeed terrifying. From then on, the iron worm is no longer a threat at all."

Mingyue Xianzun and Qiao Ning were already immune to this kind of praise, mainly because they had heard too many thanks from them.

General Bone Crack then looked at Lan Ziyi and Chen Yang.

"These two?"

Mingyue Xianzun pointed to Lan Ziyi and said, "This is my sister Lan Ziyi, and this is the husband of Supreme Qiao Ning, Chen Yang!"

"Great, great." General Bone Crack said, "Hello, two new supreme beings. It is our Pearl people's blessing that you are able to come here, and you are the savior of Pearl people! Please, come inside!" Please."

Chen Yang and Lan Ziyi smiled slightly, but didn't say much.

Needless to say, the interior of the building is rich and luxurious.There are many high-tech things inside that Chen Yang has never seen before, but they remain the same.

Chen Yang's curiosity about these things is not too strong.

General Bone Crack held a dinner to warmly welcome Chen Yang and others.

The senior officials and nobles of the Pearl Kingdom all came to the dinner.Even the aging King Shi Gexi was present.

The Pearl Country was filled with joy, and Chen Yang and the others became the supreme heroes of the Pearl Country.

Food and wine, singing and dancing, neon lights, this is a very beautiful night.

But Chen Yang took a chance, and when the dinner was about to arrive, he pulled Qiao Ning out of the city.

It was not difficult to get out of the enchantment. Qiao Ning had her status, so she took Chen Yang away.

In the night sky, the sky is still full of stars.

During the day, Suzaku Xing was extremely hot, but at night, it fell into a strange cold.

There is another cold moon in the sky.

Chen Yang knew that this cold moon was not the one seen on the earth.

Here is the real transformation of time and heaven and earth.

Although the sea on Suzaku Star is gradually decreasing, the sea still exists.The two flew to an ocean and found an island.

Most of Suzaku Star's environment is barren and hot, but the soil around the island is moist, so there are still lush trees.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning landed on a sea island.

The two sat down on the mountain peak, and they held hands together from the beginning to the end.

"I'm sorry, Chen Yang." Qiao Ning said softly after sitting down.

She is like a little daughter-in-law who has done something wrong.

Chen Yang hugged her soft waist, kissed her cheek, and said: "Why do you say sorry, you are the silver shark king who gallops freely. But I always want you to behave well at home My little daughter-in-law, this was originally my fault."

He paused and said, "Honey, I actually don't want to do this either. I'm just... too afraid of losing you. "

Qiao Ning's tenderness was boundless immediately, and her head rested on Chen Yang's shoulder. "I know, I didn't mean to be so capricious and come so far away." Then she raised her head again, kissed Chen Yang's lips proactively, and said with a blushing face, "But today, I'm really happy. I know that no matter where I go, you will come to me."

Chen Yang said: "Of course, even if you go to hell, I will catch you back."

The two of them remained warm like this.

Chen Yang said again: "When I saw you today, you were so majestic. It reminded me of the first time we met. At that time, you were high above the silver sharks in the sea, riding the wind and waves. At that time, I You have just arrived in Tianzhou, and you are like a fairy."

Qiao Ning smiled slightly and said, "But I will never forget that you and I are not familiar. But you are willing to take out the magic pill to save me."

Chen Yang said: "It's the most valuable business I've ever done in my life for a magic pill to exchange for a beautiful wife like you."

"You are the business?" Qiao Ning said angrily.

Chen Yang laughed.

After a while, Qiao Ning said softly again: "Chen Yang, you can't blame Xianzun. This time, she didn't bring me out."

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, and said, "Didn't she bring you out? Could it be you?"

Qiao Ning nodded.

"How could you think of running so far? It's too dangerous." Chen Yang still couldn't help complaining a little.

Qiao Ning said in a low voice, "I know it's dangerous."

Chen Yang kissed her on the cheek, and then said: "I don't blame you, as long as you are fine. I think you must have your own reasons."

"I'm here for our children." Qiao Ning said afterwards.

Chen Yang was shocked suddenly, and said, "What?"

"I'm pregnant." Qiao Ning said.

Chen Yang was ecstatic, he couldn't help touching Qiao Ning's stomach. "You're pregnant? We're having a baby? That's great, great, great."

Chen Yang was a little incoherent.But right away, he was surprised again, and said, "Isn't there something wrong with the child? Why did you come here?"

Qiao Ning said, "The child is fine." She held Chen Yang's hand. Her hand was a little cold, but it brought Chen Yang stability.

"Listen to me slowly, okay?"

Chen Yang nodded of course, and said, "Okay, tell me."

Qiao Ning said: "I haven't been pregnant for a long time because my physique is still different from that of human beings. I only have one chance to lay eggs in my life. This is what I found out later. Not long after you left, I found out I am pregnant. After pregnancy, I have a deeper understanding of the body."

Chen Yang said, "So that's the case."

Qiao Ning continued: "Our child, the fetus seems to be even more strange. I gradually discovered that this baby has never been able to grow, and has remained in the initial stage. After I practiced internally, I have been communicating with this fetus to understand the situation. Later, I finally understood."

"What's wrong? Is the baby okay now?" Chen Yang became anxious.

Qiao Ning said: "Don't worry, the baby is well protected by me. Although it hasn't started to grow, there is no problem."

Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

Qiao Ning continued: "After this problem happened, I was also very anxious. I went to find the immortal... You know, this is a woman's business, so I am too embarrassed to ask Xuan Zhenghao. And the immortal is also very dedicated You are helping me find a solution to the problem. We searched all over the ancient books... and finally found the crux of the problem. Your...sperm and my egg are quite special. Originally, it was impossible for me to conceive a human child, but you It doesn't seem to be common, so the combination of the two conceived an embryo. Unfortunately, after the embryo was conceived..."

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