The strongest player in history

Chapter 2366 Eternal Crystal

The five groups of people span a time span of 3000 years.Chen Yang can accurately feel the latitude of time in the spar. He is a person who can control the law of time, so there is no problem in perceiving the latitude of time.

Four of the five groups died in the hands of the giant space beasts.Moreover, there are also people with extremely powerful cultivation bases.It's just that they killed the space behemoth, and then resurrected the space behemoth.Such repeated resurrection finally consumed all those masters to death.

The only survivors are the last wave of masters!

When Chen Yang saw clearly the faces of the last batch of masters, he immediately became excited.

Because the last group of masters were... Immortal Mingyue and Qiao Ning.

It is absolutely impossible that Jingshi is lying, because Jingshi can't make up Mingyue Xianzun and Qiao Ning.This spar is not yet capable of extracting information from Chen Yang's memory.

Chen Yang said to Lan Ziyi in surprise: "Great, really, they are really going to Suzaku Star. Ziyi, I saw Immortal Venerable and Qiao Ning escape from the hands of the giant space beast. They must have come to Suzaku Star .”

Lan Ziyi was also overjoyed when she heard the words, and said, "That's great." She didn't need to ask, she knew that Mingyue and Qiao Ning were fine.If something happened to the space behemoth, Chen Yang wouldn't have this expression.

But Lan Ziyi was still a little strange, and said, "How did the two of them escape from the space behemoth?"

Chen Yang said: "It seems that the giant space beast was recorded in the ancient books in the hands of the immortals. They directly entered the stomach of the giant space beast and killed it. Then, without giving the giant space beast a chance to recover, they went directly from the worm Jumped out of the hole."

Lan Ziyi suddenly realized, and said, "So that's how it is."

Chen Yang's mood improved a lot. Immortal Mingyue and Qiao Ning fought against space behemoths a month ago.With their magic power, it should take more than half a month from here to Suzaku Star.

Chen Yang felt that the day of meeting was not far away.He, Qiao Ning, and Immortal Venerable all have imprint contacts, as long as they reach Suzaku Star, they should be able to contact them.

Afterwards, Chen Yang continued to force the star spar.Want to force out its consciousness, and then completely conquer it.He knew that he searched all over the spar body but found no results, which made Chen Yang a little suspicious. Could it be that the spar body didn't have a real conscious body at all?

This spar is extremely powerful, so it is impossible for Chen Yang's Daleiyin Pudu method to work.

Lan Ziyi didn't urge Chen Yang from the side.Because Qiao Ning and the others had news, Chen Yang was not in a hurry right now.Therefore, he continued to refer to the star spar.

In the details, Chen Yang got some information again.

This spar originally had another name, called the eternal spar!

"Eternal spar?" Chen Yang murmured.

"What eternal spar?" Lan Ziyi was startled when he heard Chen Yang's chanting, and asked.

Chen Yang said: "This spar is called the eternal spar!"

"What?" Lan Ziyi's tender body shook, and said, "How do you know it's called an eternal spar?"

Chen Yang said: "Its spar gene revealed this information." Then, he looked at Lan Ziyi strangely and said, "What's wrong? Is the eternal spar strange?"

Lan Ziyi said in a deep voice: "Didn't I wake up some ancient memories in my deep sleep?"

Chen Yang said: "Yeah, why? In your ancient memory, is there an eternal spar?"

Lan Ziyi said: "It feels incredible, you know?"

Chen Yang said, "What?"

Lan Ziyi said: "According to the rumor, there are five spars circulating in the entire universe. They are the eternal spar, the time spar, the space spar, the power spar, and the future spar. You don't mention the eternal spar. Shi, I haven't remembered yet. Your mention..."

She couldn't help reaching out to grab the eternal spar in Chen Yang's hand.

Then, her mana also penetrated into it.

After a long while, Lan Ziyi said seriously: "Sure enough, it is an eternal spar. It seems that this legend is true."

"What legend?" Chen Yang couldn't help asking.

Lan Ziyi said: "It is said that mastering any one of these crystals is a huge wealth and has unimaginable power. And if you gather all five crystals, and unlock the secret of the crystals, after they are fused together, you will be able to Immortal, immortal, call wind and rain, omnipotent, fear nothing."

"Collecting all three thousand avenues, you can open the door to eternal life." Chen Yang said: "Why are you running out of the legend of spar now?"

"The Three Thousand Ways and the Gate of Eternal Life belong to the earth. The spar belongs to the universe." Lan Ziyi said.

"In other words, the Gate of Eternal Life is not as good as these five crystals?" Chen Yang asked.

Lan Ziyi said: "I really don't understand this."

Chen Yang quickly said: "Then I don't want this spar, you found it."

Lan Ziyi was slightly taken aback, and then she said: "Nonsense, of course it's yours."

Chen Yang waved his hand and said, "I don't want such a treasure. You hold it yourself!"

Lan Ziyi said: "Absolutely not." She seemed very determined, and said: "You are the king of destiny, this eternal spar appears here, I'm afraid it's some chance for you. We haven't discovered its secret yet, But it doesn't matter. You must take it, maybe it will be of great use in the future."

"This is beyond the earth, and the king of destiny is no longer counted." Chen Yang said: "You take it yourself."

Lan Ziyi put on a pretty face and said, "Chen Yang, do you think I'm joking with you? I have the ability to act on a whim. Based on my intuition, this thing has a lot of fate with you. It must be on you, you Push me back and forth again, and see if I will ignore you in the future."

"This..." Chen Yang suddenly felt embarrassed.

He still really likes this eternal spar, but a gentleman loves money, so get it in a proper way.Looking at this thing now, it is too precious.So, he can't just keep it for himself.

But Lan Ziyi's attitude...

"Zi Yi, let alone you want to be like this? This world has never revolved around me. You are also the protagonist of fate, and you are also unique and unique. Take this giant treasure." Chen Yang said.

Lan Ziyi took a deep look at Chen Yang and said, "The Bridge of Naihe is also very good, why did you leave it to me?"

"I owe you." Chen Yang said directly.

Lan Ziyi said: "Is there a word between you and me?"

Chen Yang said, "Of course not."

Lan Ziyi said: "I don't want to talk about anything else, just listen to my arrangement. I won't refuse something that suits me. Besides, your fate is hard. If this thing is in my hands, it might be a disaster. Do you understand? "

Chen Yang was helpless, he felt that pushing it back and forth would be a bit hypocritical.Immediately, he solemnly accepted the eternal spar and said, "Okay, then I will accept it."

"That's right!" Lan Ziyi said happily.

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