The strongest player in history

Chapter 2357 Xuan Zhenghao's supernatural powers

Of course, Xuan Zhenghao couldn't bear the full blow of the three monsters.Not only he couldn't bear it, Li Wuji and Lan Ziyi couldn't bear it either.On the earth, there are only a handful of people who can withstand their joint full blow.

However, at this time, Xuan Zhenghao, who was in the center of the vortex of the storm, seemed calm and calm.

When the white tiger monster came to kill it with all its strength, Xuan Zhenghao pointed out with his left hand, and immediately, in front of him, the space fluctuated.The colorful dense space is like a viscous liquid, completely enveloping the white tiger monster.

Thus, the White Tiger Demonic Beast just...disappeared.

When the Wuding Excalibur of the Azure Dragon Demonic Beast shot towards the sky and covered the sun, Xuan Zhenghao let out a breath, which also made the space around the Azure Dragon Demonic Beast sticky.This colorful viscous liquid wrapped the Wuding Sword, and also wrapped the Azure Dragon Demonic Beast.

Thus, the white tiger monster and the blue dragon monster were all wiped out by Xuan Zhenghao with a snap of his fingers.

This is an extremely terrifying and weird scene.

The back shell of the Xuanwu monster turned into a boulder to suppress Xuan Zhenghao, but a dense and viscous space also appeared above Xuan Zhenghao's head, and the boulder fell, directly falling into the viscous space.

Afterwards, those boulders all disappeared.

"'s impossible!" The Xuanwu Demon Beast witnessed all this, and it looked at Xuan Zhenghao in disbelief.Everything in front of me is too weird.It couldn't believe it, it stared at Xuan Zhenghao.

"What kind of illusion is this? What the hell are you doing? With your cultivation base, it is impossible to have such a skill." Xuanwu Demonic Beast roared.

It felt that the human women and men it encountered today were all freaks, it was unbelievably weird!

"You can feel carefully that your back shell is your magic weapon, and soon, you will understand why?" Xuan Zhenghao's eyes were extremely calm.

The Xuanwu monster shivered slightly, and its eyes narrowed slightly.Then, it felt the position of the back shell!

The back shell is in a wonderful space.The space makes it feel familiar, yet not so familiar.

The Xuanwu monster is also a generation of good fortune. It suddenly roared, and then, the back shell that turned into several stones condensed into one piece, shuttled through the void, and finally flew back to its back.

"I understand, I understand!" Xuanwu Demonic Beast roared, and it said to Xuan Zhenghao with blood red eyes: "I know what's going on, but it's still impossible. How did you do it?"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled lightly, and said: "This is the first time I have come into contact with this wonderful space. It is you who opened a wonderful door for me. It turns out that the law of space can be used in this way. Coincidentally, I was in the boat of one yuan before I have studied it for a long time. So, by coincidence, I completely understood your space mysteries. Then, I integrated my understanding and laws of space into your space laws."

"When you think you have left the place, in fact, you are still in the space formation I made. This is not an illusion, illusion cannot confuse you. This is the mystery of space! Also, this space formation, with your However, if you keep merging together, you can break it apart by force. So, I have been waiting for you to disintegrate. Now, you will never have the chance to reunite!" Xuan Zhenghao said slowly.

Xuanwu Demon Beast took a deep look at Xuan Zhenghao, and said, "Young people are terrifying, I am convinced. Tell me, what will you do to let us go?"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled slightly and said, "How to deal with you is not something I consider."

Then he waved his hand, and a void door appeared in the space.

Following that, Lan Ziyi and Li Wuji walked out from the gate of space.

Xuan Zhenghao, Lan Ziyi, and Li Wuji surrounded the Black Tortoise Beast.

"Use more to bully the less?" A look of fear flashed in the eyes of the Xuanwu monster, and it looked around at everyone.

"Okay, Xuanwu!" Li Wuji spoke first.Now he is deeply jealous of Xuan Zhenghao, and at the same time admires him immensely.He scolded the Xuanwu monster, and said: "We are demons, what kind of morals are we talking about now, if you don't die, I feel uneasy."

Xuanwu Demonic Beast laughed loudly and said, "Okay, this is our good brother from back then. Suzaku, your heart is so cruel..."

Before it finished the last word, its figure suddenly moved.The whole person merged into the back shell, and then turned into a streamer and rushed towards... Lan Ziyi's side.

He used the blue and purple clothes as a breakthrough, trying to escape.Worst of all, he also wanted to capture Lan Ziyi in order to gain a chance for himself.

Lan Ziyi is a little speechless, does Ganqing seem to be the easiest to bully?

It's a pity that Lan Ziyi's whim had already been sensed before the Xuanwu monster made a move.Lan Ziyi immediately used the Great Reincarnation Technique!

The ocean of reincarnation instantly submerged the basalt magic beast's flowing light, and at the same time, the bridge of Naihe descended from the sky!

The blood-stained bridge of Naihe completely suppressed the Xuanwu monster!

This celestial artifact has unleashed the might of the world.

The combination of Lan Ziyi's power of reincarnation and the bridge of Naihe is a match made in heaven.The power of Naihe and the power of reincarnation of the Bridge of Naihe merged together, like a natural danger waterfall crazily washing over the Xuanwu monster.

Xuanwu Demonic Beast suddenly felt as if there were billions of weights on its back. Even though it has the ability to reach the sky, it is also suppressed to death by the power of this fairy weapon at this moment.

This charge came in, and they fell into a dead end!

Only then did Xuanwu Warcraft realize that it was so fragile in front of Lan Ziyi without the ability to fit together.

"Roar!" The Xuanwu monster roared again and again, and it activated the violent magic power all over its body.The pattern on the back shell showed golden silk threads, and it was shining brightly for a moment.These rays of light shot through the power of reincarnation and directly shot to the bridge of Naihe.

Green smoke suddenly rose from the bridge of Naihe!

The power of the Xuanwu monster actually injured the bridge of Naihe.

This is the unparalleled power of Xuanwu Warcraft!

Lan Ziyi frowned slightly, even if she had the Great Reincarnation Technique and the Bridge of Naihe, it would not be easy to defeat the Black Tortoise Demonic Beast.

The magical weapon of the Xuanwu Demonic Beast is the back shell, and this back shell is what it has cultivated through life and death.

What's more, Lan Ziyi is one stage lower than Xuanwu Warcraft, which is fatal.

If it wasn't for Lan Ziyi's great reincarnation technique incorporating the great soul technique, and cooperating with the immortal bridge of Naihe.The second level of creation is qualified to be so rampant in front of Xuanwu monsters.

It was also at this time that Li Wuji and Xuan Zhenghao attacked the Xuanwu monster together!

Although Xuanwu Warcraft successfully counterattacked, it was still suppressed by Lan Ziyi.Therefore, it couldn't avoid the attacks of Xuan Zhenghao and Li Wuji at all.

Xuan Zhenghao's Great Sky Eye Technique unfolded, and his pupils burst into divine light, shooting towards the back shell of the Xuanwu monster.

Li Wuji's Suzaku Flame Excalibur merged with the sixth-grade ice blood lotus, and the ultimate move was launched.


The ice and fire slammed into the back shell of the Xuanwu monster. The Xuanwu monster shook violently and let out a painful roar.

Xuan Zhenghao's pupils directly pierced through the back shell of the Xuanwu monster.

In the blink of an eye, Xuanwu Warcraft's defense was completely out of control.

While the body of the Black Tortoise was wiped out, Li Wuji grabbed the core of the Black Tortoise in his hand.

The basalt demon beast died and disappeared.

At the same time, its powerful soul turned into countless soul particles.

"Miss Lan, this is a good thing!" Xuan Zhenghao grabbed all the soul particles of the Black Tortoise in his hands.

Lan Ziyi flicked his fingers, and said: "Give you the Great Sealing Technique, seal him!"

She threw the magical power of the Great Sealing Technique to Xuan Zhenghao, who took it and devoured it.In an instant, he condensed the supernatural power of the Great Sealing Technique.Xuan Zhenghao completely sealed the soul particles of Xuanwu Warcraft into pills.

"Thank you, Miss Lan, for your supernatural power. When we get out of here, I will use the Great Transcendence Technique, and you will use the Great Reincarnation Technique to completely cleanse its soul. It must be pure to absorb it. Otherwise, it will bite back at critical moments!"

Lan Ziyi naturally understood this.

She is different from Mingyue Immortal Venerable in that she has always been calm and not aggressive.And Immortal Venerable Mingyue was a little anxious for success.

Afterwards, Lan Ziyi, Xuan Zhenghao, and Li Wuji shot together again.

There is no suspense about the death of the white tiger monster and the blue dragon monster.Xuan Zhenghao sealed all their soul particles.

And Li Wuji also got all their cores!

In this way, Li Wuji's serious trouble was finally eliminated.

Afterwards, the group returned to the Suzaku Pavilion.

Li Wuji obediently told Xuan Zhenghao, Lan Ziyi, and the exact location of Suzaku Star.In fact, he didn't need to wake up any ancient memories at all.

Before we parted, we had a deep talk.All of Li Wuji's faces were unfolded in front of Xuan Zhenghao, so he didn't have to hide it anymore.

Xuan Zhenghao first said strangely: "As far as I know, the demon kings were suppressed in the fairy world back then because they possessed the power of the world and were not easy to kill. Why didn't you kill these monsters directly, but chose to kill them?" What about suppressing it on Earth?"

Li Wuji said: "The gods are ashamed of demons. If they kill them all, they will feel that they are no different from demons. There are also camps among the heavenly kings. Some of them advocate killing, and some are really compassionate." , think that we monsters can be influenced and should not be killed directly. In the end, they chose to suppress."

Xuan Zhenghao and Lan Ziyi suddenly realized.

Li Wuji said again: "I also know that you may think my methods are too cruel. After all, I used to be brothers with them."

Lan Ziyi was indeed a little shameless to Li Wuji, she didn't say anything.

Xuan Zhenghao smiled lightly, and said: "As the old saying goes, non-toxic is not a husband. I have done everything, why should the pavilion master care about it. When I was emperor in Dakang, I had more blood on my hands than the pavilion master. I think Pavilion Master, you have no choice but to do it. If you let them out according to your promise, then Yuanjue will not let you go. But if you don’t let them go, you will become their enemy. Once they come out, the one who will die will be Pavilion Master You. So, pavilion master, you would do this, if it were me, I would do the same."

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