The strongest player in history

Chapter 2355 Fusion Art

Li Wuji's claws changed as he wished, and he actually pinched his fingerprints.All the feathers on his body were on fire, and at this moment, he was like a phoenix on fire.

At the same time, his wings fluttered, and countless flame feathers flew into the air.

These feathers merged with the icy air in the air, and the six-petaled blood lotus appeared phantoms in the air. These phantoms merged with the flame feathers to form a huge vortex of flame and ice!

It's a spectacle!

Then, Li Wuji's Suzaku Raging Flame Excalibur was also spat out by him.The Suzaku Flame Excalibur flashed into the middle of the vortex of flame and ice, becoming the core force.

Li Wuji's power of creation, as well as laws, and many powers are all integrated into the vortex of flames and ice.

This move is Li Wuji's ultimate move.He is really afraid of the fusion technique of the three-party monsters.So in an instant, he let go of all his bottom-pressing skills.He knew that once the fusion of the three magic beasts was completed, it would be over.

This lore move is called Ice Fire Heavy Sky!


The ultimate move of Ice and Fire is spinning violently in the air, smashing all the surrounding magnetic fields and mana into pieces, and sucking them into the center of the vortex.

Then, like a flash of cold light, lightning slashed towards the head of the Xuanwu monster.

The basalt monster just sneered, its body suddenly swelled up, and the word king appeared in front of its head.

This king character is golden, exactly the same as the king character on the head of the white tiger monster.

The word Wang flew out suddenly, forming four divine swords!The four divine swords form a king character in the air, and a terrifying and majestic kingly pressure blooms from this king character.The four divine swords plunged into the vortex of ice and fire, and the two sides strangled together.

Seeing the flames, the scene was extremely intense!

After all, the word Wang still lost to Ice and Fire Chongtian, but the word Wang was a character created by the life and death of the white tiger monster.As long as he doesn't die, the word king will never die.Now, the three of them are combined, and their mana is almost endless.Therefore, the word Wang is constantly annihilated and reborn in the ice and fire.

As a result, the Ice and Fire Chongtian was fixed in the air.

Then, on the back shell of the basalt monster, a tattoo of a green dragon appeared, and the tattoo shone with a strong blue light.

At this moment, the fit is complete!

The cold light in Xuanwu Warcraft's eyes flashed again, bang!

The mana of Wang Zisijian's body soared, and with the flash of a strong strange light, the technique of ice and fire was completely shattered.

The four swords of Wang Zi then returned to the head of the Xuanwu monster.

And after the Ice and Fire Heaven broke through, the light exploded, and the aftermath rippled, all the power was absorbed by the blood barrier.

Li Wuji looked annoyed, and said to Xuan Zhenghao and Lan Ziyi: "Just now, if the two of you had tried your best, you could have prevented them from combining. Now that they have successfully combined, the three of them have merged their mana, just like one person. Many mysterious fairy arts, secret arts, they all I can use it..."

Xuan Zhenghao said in a deep voice: "This fusion secret technique, they have been tempered for a long time, no matter what we do, they will not be able to prevent their fusion."

"Hmph!" Li Wuji obviously didn't believe it.

The Xuanwu Demonic Beast didn't bother to care about these things, its heavenly empowerment technique was completed, and the fusion was completed.It also knew that Li Wuji's blood barrier was very troublesome, so it had to be destroyed directly.

At the moment, Xuanwu Warcraft made another move.

It first uses its power to launch the Wang character on its head, and the four swords of the Wang character instantly merge into one sword in the air.The king is majestic and majestic. The sword with the word king is as long as [-] meters, and it slashes out with lightning.

This sword cuts out, the Changhong pierces the sun, and the sky and the earth turn pale!

The power in this is the pure power of the three-party monsters. No one dares to take this sword head-on!

Extremely fast!


Wang Jian didn't shoot at Li Wuji, and the target wasn't Xuan Zhenghao and Lan Ziyi either.

Wang Jian was the first to shoot towards the scarlet enchantment.


With a loud noise, countless cracks appeared in the scarlet barrier, and then all of them shattered.

The sixth-grade ice blood lotus appeared in the air, Li Wuji spat out blood, and with a quick move with his big hand, he grabbed the sixth-grade ice blood lotus in his hand.

Li Wuji was injured with only one sword strike.

Li Wuji was annoyed and resentful, his anger reached Xuan Zhenghao and Lan Ziyi. "You two, we live and die together today. Are you here just to watch a show?"

"Today, you are all going to die!" Xuanwu Warcraft Sen sneered.Then, he opened his bloody mouth wide, and exhaled three colors of dense breath. Among these three colors, there are cyan, white, and black.

Blue, white, and black blend together, which is not against the harmony at all!

This spirit quickly bloomed in the air, and finally enveloped the entire area for hundreds of miles.

The essence is rich, and it is filled with countless space particles and time particles.

Around Xuan Zhenghao, Lan Ziyi, and Li Wuji, countless chaotic spaces and times appeared.

The situation went from bad to worse in an instant.

Xuan Zhenghao couldn't see Lan Ziyi, and Lan Ziyi couldn't see Li Wuji.All three of them fell into this chaotic time and space.

There are so many obstacles in front of me that I can't solve them!

At this time, Lan Ziyi couldn't contact Xuan Zhenghao at all. Her thoughts traveled thousands of miles, and she couldn't find Xuan Zhenghao's location.

Li Wuji also couldn't feel the existence of Xuan Zhenghao and Lan Ziyi at this time.At this time, he felt extremely remorseful, he shouldn't have believed these two people!Believe rashly, who knows that they have no effort at all, and that's why they have now fallen to this point of no return!

The Fusion Technique of Xuanwu Warcraft is completed, and their three masters of the third level of the creation realm all possess unparalleled power.Even Xuan Zhenghao and the others couldn't break through the plane space they formed.They can break through one of them, but they can't break through the mystery of the space where the three bodies unite.

Moreover, the king sword condensed by Xuanwu monsters is the most powerful killing move!

At this time, the sword of Wang Zi struck again, traveling through time and space.

Shuttle through the void, ghosts are unpredictable, unstoppable!

The first sword is to kill Li Wuji.

Li Wuji suddenly felt the chill in his back, that Wang Jian had already shuttled, and was about to pierce Li Wuji's heart directly from his back.

How could Li Wuji be punished just like that, his body flashed, and he flashed into the sixth-grade cold ice blood lotus.

The sixth-grade ice blood lotus bloomed, with the air of ice and the power of Suzaku's own fire.The sixth-grade cold ice blood lotus is an existence at the level of an immortal.Right now, Li Wuji has created a small domain within it.That Wang Jian slashed into the domain, and was immediately tempered by the combined power of ice and fire!

Xuanwu Warcraft knew in his heart that it was not easy to kill Li Wuji.His sixth-grade cold ice blood lotus combined with the power of ice and fire combined to form a small space, which is really incomparably powerful.

Moreover, the combination of ice and fire can also absorb the aftermath of Wang Jian's power, and it will only become stronger and stronger!

Li Wuji can't kill the enemy right now, but he can protect himself!

The Xuanwu monster and the other white tiger monsters and the Qinglong monster have the same heart: "Don't kill Suzaku first, kill those two humans first. After Li Wuji is alone and helpless, there is nothing to fear!"

Therefore, Wang Jian quickly withdrew from Li Wuji's sixth-grade cold ice blood lotus.

In the next second, their target was Lan Ziyi.

They felt that Xuan Zhenghao was eccentric in his femininity, and Lan Ziyi looked more bullying.

However, before the king sword was issued, Lan Ziyi's whim had already issued an early warning.

At this moment, Lan Ziyi didn't count on Xuan Zhenghao anymore.She has to rely on herself, the moment is the Great Reincarnation Technique!

With a wave of her hand, the surrounding space became an ocean of reincarnation.

As a result, Wang Jian entered the infinite cycle of reincarnation.

In the cycle of reincarnation, the past and present life of this king sword is contained.It is difficult to fly in it, and it also makes the three monsters seem to be experiencing their past and present lives.

Fortunately, the three major monsters are extremely tenacious.Therefore, you will not lose yourself in the Great Reincarnation Technique.Their combined mana was much stronger than Lan Ziyi's, so they quickly found the right direction for Lan Ziyi and killed them again.

Although the speed was a little slow, it couldn't resist the attack of King's Sword.

Lan Ziyi was quite struggling, the combination of the three monsters was too terrifying.

Just when the king's sword was about to break through the power of reincarnation, Lan Ziyi made another move.

So, in the ocean of reincarnation, an ancient, blood-stained Bridge of Naihe flashed out.This Bridge of Naihe absorbed the ocean of reincarnation, and immediately, the power of reincarnation surged and became majestic and thick.

This bridge is like the bridge you walked on in your previous life.

On this bridge, you have the memory of your previous life.

Despite the impact of time, space, and laws, the bridge remains motionless.

The sword of the king was quickly sucked into the bridge by the power of reincarnation driven by the bridge of naihe.The blood on the Bridge of Naihe wrapped the King's Sword.

The terrifying power on the King's Sword was completely suppressed!

Afterwards, Bridge of Naihe began to wash the sword of the king, to turn the sword of king into pure power, even a power that can be controlled by Bridge of Naihe!

The three-party Warcraft immediately felt this situation!

"It's unreasonable!" Qinglong Warcraft was furious.

White Tiger Warcraft is also angry!

Only the Xuanwu monster is the most calm, it said in a deep voice: "This woman's skills are very weird, but her lack of mana is her biggest shortcoming, she drives such power, and drives the fairy weapon, the mana consumption is extraordinary .Let's not worry, let's talk to her slowly!"

"Okay!" The other two monsters listened to Big Brother Xuanwu's words.

The three monsters worked together, and a steady stream of mana was directly delivered to the sword of the king.

This is the first time for Lan Ziyi to fight with someone since he left customs.It's just that I didn't expect to encounter such a powerful force for the first time.Any one of these three warcrafts would be a formidable enemy.Now that the three parties are combined, Lan Ziyi is really hard to resist.

It is a pity that although there is a helper by my side, I am trapped in the space confusion and cannot help.

Lan Ziyi's Bridge of Naihe suppressed the King's Sword, and her mana consumption was getting worse and worse. If this continued, it would really be a dead end.

Lan Ziyi quickly grabbed the elixir and devoured it to make up for the lack of mana.But the replenishment of pills is far behind the speed of consumption!

The situation is at stake...

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