Liu Daoren and Huang Daoren left the scene quickly.

Xuan Zhenghao and Lan Ziyi didn't think much about it, so they thought that the two had quit in spite of the difficulties.

However, the unexpected happened soon.

It turned out that Taoist Liu and Taoist Huang tamed a wounded monster secretly, and that monster was called an enchanted monster.The cultivation base of Ecstasy Warcraft is far higher than that of Liu Taoist and Zodiac Man, he can instantly control the mind of a master.

This is somewhat similar to Chen Yang's Da Leiyin Purdue Method, but it is more domineering than the Da Leiyin Purdue Method.

Those whose cultivation base is a few levels lower can be instantly controlled by the ecstasy monsters.

Those with a lower level of cultivation can compete with the enchanted monsters for a period of time, but in the end they will die from physical and mental exhaustion.

And right now, the enchanted monster is the one who has confused the three virtual fairyland masters.

In this doomsday cemetery, there are as many Xuxian masters as cheap Chinese cabbage all over the floor.Here, Xuxian masters are the lowest-level masters, so they have to keep a low profile, and when they see their seniors, they have to be respectful and polite.

Of course, there are also some uncultivated humans in the doomsday cemetery.Those were all caught as coolies, so naturally they didn't count.There are also some masters who catch some low-level boys to help sell some things here.

Let's say that in front of you, these three Xuxian masters are all controlled by the ecstasy monster.

The order they got was that Lan Ziyi stole their belongings, and they wanted to strip off Lan Ziyi's clothes and search them!

These three Xuxian masters are three brothers, and these three brothers are famous thieves in the Shenshui world.

But when it comes to the doomsday cemetery, they can't escape the fate of being used by others.

The three brothers are all surnamed Xuanyuan!

The eldest is Xuanyuan Hong, the second is Xuanyuan Jun, and the third is Xuanyuan Guang!

The boss, Xuanyuanhong, is at the peak of Xuxian's cultivation, and the three brothers look like five big and three thick, fierce and vicious.

As soon as the spectators left, the three brothers blocked Lan Ziyi and Xuan Zhenghao's way.

Xuan Zhenghao knew that these three people had something to do with the two evildoers before, almost without thinking about it.

Lan Ziyi's gaze was even brighter, and he said: "They have been controlled by some kind of exercise. It seems that they want to come here, deliberately force us to do it, and then violate the rules of this Dongcheng District."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Miss Lan has good eyesight!"

In fact, Lan Ziyi had already relied on a whim, vaguely guessing what was going to happen.

Xuanyuan Hong glanced at Xuan Zhenghao and Lan Ziyi, then pointed at Lan Ziyi, and said, "You stinky bitch, you stole a gourd of my magic pill, do you still want to leave now?"

The second son, Xuanyuan Jun, immediately shouted to the surroundings: "Everyone, come and see, there is a beautiful female thief here, who wants to run away after stealing something."

The youngest Xuanyuan Guang also shouted.

The people in this doomsday cemetery don't like to watch the excitement.

A group of masters put down their work and surrounded them in an instant.The three brothers, Lan Ziyi, Xuan Zhenghao and Xuan Yuan, were surrounded in a tight circle.

"Oh, such a beautiful female thief!" Someone booed and said, "It's a pity, little beauty, just tell me what you like, as long as you are willing to sleep with my brother, I won't give you anything good ah!"

This is an old demon talking obscenely.

These people, anyway, are not afraid of the height of the stage when watching a play, and feel that they are extremely satisfied when they feel that such a goddess is molested by words.

Anyway, I forgive Lan Ziyi and Xuan Zhenghao for not daring to do anything.

A cold light flashed in Lan Ziyi's eyes, she was quite generous, but she was by no means a master who would allow anyone to insult her.She had never been insulted like this.

She glanced at the old devil.

The old devil was not afraid, and looked at Lan Ziyi provocatively.

And Xuanyuanhong's three brothers were even more fearless when their minds were controlled.The boss Xuanyuan Hong said coldly to Lan Ziyi: "Stinky bitch, you stole my magic pill, now, you strip all your clothes, I want to search you."

"Yes, take off your clothes!" The second son Xuanyuan Jun and Xuanyuan Guang also shouted together.

The people next to him also booed: "Yes, take off your clothes, take off your clothes!"

The bad taste of these people is to see the appearance of Lan Ziyi stripped naked.

Although these old demons are all highly cultivated, it does not mean that they have high moral standards.Sometimes, when these people have low-level tastes, they are worse than local hooligans.

The overall atmosphere of this place in the doomsday cemetery is a presumptuous atmosphere.

"Miss Lan, you don't have to get angry. I'll handle the matter here. I'll give you a good explanation!" Xuan Zhenghao said immediately when he saw the murderous intent flashing in Lan Ziyi's eyes.

Then, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and then he spit out a mouthful of black essence energy.The black energy of essence spread rapidly, almost covering the entire Dongcheng District.

Then, Xuan Zhenghao grasped it with his big hand, and captured Liu Daoren and Huang Daoren who were hiding in the dark.Then, control all the microscopic old demons with great mana.

The three Xuanyuan brothers were directly released from the control of the enchanted monster by Xuan Zhenghao's powerful spiritual power.

Liu Daoren and Huang Daoren were captured, they didn't release the ecstasy monsters, but they wanted to wait and see what happened.Anyway, they would never admit it to death.

The black breath was so thick that it enveloped the entire sky.

At the same time, Xuan Zhenghao said to the sky: "Master Li of Zhuque Pavilion, I am Emperor Xuan Zhenghao of Tianzhou Dakang, and I am here to pay a visit with the national teacher Lan Ziyi. I don't want to be framed as soon as I enter the city. I dare not break the rules of the pavilion master , so I used the Qi of Creation to temporarily lock it up, and invite Pavilion Master Li to come out and meet!"

The situation here, of course, alarmed Li Wuji, the owner of Zhuque Pavilion.

Li Wuji was in the Vermilion Bird Pavilion, but in front of Xuan Zhenghao, a Void Primordial Spirit had condensed.

Li Wuji had already cultivated into a human form. When his Void Spirit appeared in front of Lan Ziyi and Xuan Zhenghao, he was wearing a black silk gown. He looked only in his thirties, gentle and elegant, but not angry.

Li Wuji gives people the impression that he is a gentleman, but there is a majesty that does not dare to offend in the gentleman's demeanor.

Li Wuji's Void Primordial Spirit stands in the air.

"Pavilion Master Li, I have admired you for a long time!" Xuan Zhenghao clasped his fists.

Lan Ziyi was in a very upset mood at this time, but she also cupped her fists and saluted.

Li Wuji glanced at Xuan Zhenghao and Lan Ziyi, and immediately felt the unfathomable cultivation of these two people.

"Tianzhou, Emperor Dakang?" Li Wuji was puzzled.

"It's right here!" Xuan Zhenghao said.

Li Wuji said: "I've heard your rumors that four years ago, you burned Zhong Chunmou's Hunyuan Taiji diagram with a single fire."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "It's all by chance!"

Li Wuji laughed loudly, and said: "Such a great achievement, but it's a fluke. Your Excellency is really humble!" He paused, and then said: "Mr. what's going on?"

Xuan Zhenghao then said: "Let these two people speak for themselves." After he finished speaking, he released Liu Taoist and Huang Taoist controlled by the mahamudra.

As for the three Xuanyuan brothers, they immediately knelt down after seeing Li Wuji.

Xuanyuan Hong shouted: "The pavilion master is wronged. The three brothers and I are just here to do some business. Just now, we met these two Taoists. For some reason, we were controlled by them. That's why we offend you." The matter of these two immortals."

Li Wuji glanced at the three brothers and said, "Shut up."

The three Xuanyuan brothers immediately fell silent.

Li Wuji looked at Liu Daoren and Huang Daoren, and he said: "You have even tamed a ecstasy monster. It seems that the ecstasy monster that captivated the minds of these three people is the ecstasy monster in your hands. Say, everything , did you pick it up?"

"Master, we..."

"Hmph!" Li Wuji didn't bother to pay attention, and waved his hand.

Thus, Taoist Liu and Taoist Huang gave a miserable snort, and then turned into ashes.As for the ecstasy beast hidden in the hands of these two Taoists, Li Wuji took it away.

However, relying on the Void Primordial Spirit, he easily killed two masters of the Cave and Wonderland with a single gesture.

This is where Li Wuji's strength can be seen.

Li Wuji then said to Lan Ziyi: "This girl, the two people who provoked the trouble have already been killed by the pavilion master. As for the three brothers, you can deal with them."

"Girl, spare your life, miss, spare your life!" The three brothers hurriedly kowtowed to Lan Ziyi.

Lan Ziyi frowned, the obscene words of these three people, a hundred times would not be too much to die.But the three of them were indeed deluded.

At that moment, she snorted coldly and said, "Get out!"

The three brothers kowtowed to Lan Ziyi and Li Wuji as soon as they were granted amnesty.After that, he ran quickly.

"But you, you must die!" At this moment, Lan Ziyi's eyes were cold, and with a big hand, he pulled out the first old devil who followed him.

This old devil is called Patriarch An Ye, but he is a cultivation base of Tianyu Realm.

Very proud!

But Lan Ziyi grabbed the Anye Patriarch casually.

Patriarch Anye let out a miserable snort.

Lan Ziyi threw him in front of everyone, Patriarch An Ye was shocked, and quickly kowtowed for mercy.

"I'm going to kill him, Pavilion Master, don't you have any objections?" Lan Ziyi said to Li Wuji.

"No objection!" Li Wuji gave Lan Ziyi a lot of face.

Lan Ziyi immediately grabbed Patriarch Anye, and then crushed him into ashes with his palm.

The old demons who watched the excitement around were suddenly frightened.

Li Wuji then said: "You two distinguished guests, please come to the pavilion to talk."

He gave Lan Ziyi and Xuan Zhenghao enough face.

Of course, this is also based on a respect for strength.If the troublemakers were of Chen Yang's level of cultivation, Li Wuji probably wouldn't be bothered to uphold justice, and it would be fine to capture all the troublemakers and refine them.

The relationship of equality is reasonable.

Fortunately, it was Xuan Zhenghao who accompanied Lan Ziyi today, otherwise, with the personalities of Chen Yang and Lan Ziyi.Before Lan Ziyi could do anything, Chen Yang would have killed these mean-spirited old dogs first.

How could Chen Yang allow others to insult Lan Ziyi in front of him.

On the other hand, Xuan Zhenghao has a strong view of the overall situation, and he has resolved the immediate conflict very well.He didn't offend Li Wuji, but also vented his anger for Lan Ziyi.Otherwise, if Xuan Zhenghao kills people here, Li Wuji will definitely lose face.It is very likely that for the sake of face, the two parties do not want to fight, but the face must be fought.

This is what neither of us wants to see.

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