The strongest player in history

Chapter 2344 The Iron Law

Chen Yang left the school in despair, and came to an isolated island deep in the North Sea alone.

He began to think... In fact, he didn't need to think anymore.Chen Yang was already certain that Chen Yihan was dead.

The younger brother who made him hate to the bone, died.

But he can't forget Chen Yihan's eagerness and loneliness afterwards.He yelled big brother!

Chen Yihan died, that's why Chen Tianya shed tears.

His heart, Chen Tianya, is harder than iron, except that Chen Yihan's death can make him cry.Otherwise, who still has this ability.

"I never, never called him brother. I didn't even give him a good face." Chen Yang secretly said.

It hurts him.

But at the same time, Chen Yang had to think about one more question.

"Chen Yihan is dead? Ling'er is the breath of the fifth layer of creation. In other words, the Great Emperor Mozun took action. Linger killed Chen Yihan? Then the Taihuang Mozun captured Linger?"

"No, no!" Chen Yang secretly said: "If Ling'er really killed Chen Yihan, Chen Tianya would not let Ling'er go, let alone hand Linger over to me. The outline of this should be... Taihuang Mozun Wanting to invade Linger, Chen Yihan attracted Chen Tianya in order to save Linger. The Great Emperor Mozun became furious and killed Chen Yihan. Then, Chen Tianya defeated the Great Emperor Demon..."

"No, no!" Chen Yang secretly said: "Although Chen Tianya's skills are miraculous, they are definitely no match for the Great Emperor Mozun. But Ling'er is in Chen Tianya's hands..."

Chen Yang couldn't figure out the joint in the middle.

"By the way, I know. If Chen Yihan is really dead, then Chen Tianya will go somewhere. He will go to Xuan Zhenghao, because Xuan Zhenghao is knowledgeable and talented, and may tell him how to revive Chen Yihan."

Chen Yang thought of this, and immediately went to Tianzhou.

Come and go in space, feel free.

Arriving at the imperial city is only a matter of a moment.Chen Yang came to the Tianlong Babu Pagoda, and stood on the bridge of one yuan.

Around the bridge of one yuan, there are brilliant stars.

Standing on the bridge of one yuan, it seems to be standing in space.

Here, you can see the most beautiful scenery.Sometimes you can also see the aurora that can only be seen at the North and South Poles.

Xuan Zhenghao was wearing a bright yellow gown, and he came from the other end of the Bridge of One Yuan.

Today's Xuan Zhenghao is dignified, yet gentle and elegant.He seemed more and more unfathomable.

"See the emperor!" Chen Yang cupped his fists.

Xuan Zhenghao said, "There's no need to be too polite. You're here to ask about Chen Tianya, right?"

Chen Yang was slightly startled, and said, "He really came?"

Xuan Zhenghao said in a deep voice, "That's right!"

Chen Yang asked eagerly, "Did he say that something happened?"

Xuan Zhenghao's eyes darkened, and he said, "I don't know, you should be happy to hear this news or something."

"What news?" Chen Yang felt panic in his heart, but he had to ask.

"Chen Yihan is dead!" Xuan Zhenghao said.

Chen Yang's body shook violently, and he took two steps back involuntarily.

The last trace of luck in my heart is gone.

Xuan Zhenghao said in a deep voice: "The Great Emperor Demon Venerable wants to violate Ling'er, there is a soul chain between Chen Yihan and Chen Tianya. Chen Yihan chose to commit suicide and communicated with Chen Tianya with his last remnant soul. It was Chen Tianya who went to stop the Taihuang Emperor Mozun. Later, with the help of the God Emperor, they rescued Situ Linger and killed the Great Emperor Mozun."

"Did he die to save Ling'er?" Chen Yang was shocked again.

Xuan Zhenghao said in a deep voice: "You know, your father never bothers to lie!"

Of course Chen Yang knew that Chen Tianya would not lie.

He couldn't help but knelt down.

At this moment, Chen Yang felt that all the strength in his body was taken away by someone.

"Brother, I'm sorry!" Chen Yang said sadly.

Xuan Zhenghao sighed.

Chen Yang thought of something, and immediately said, "Is there a way to revive my brother?"

"Are you finally willing to admit that he is your younger brother?" Xuan Zhenghao said.

"Your Majesty, I can do whatever you want, I ask you to help me revive him!" Chen Yang pleaded.

Xuan Zhenghao couldn't help but bitterly, and said: "You and your father really think highly of me. To resurrect a person, even a saint can't do it. Let alone me! Your father actually knew in his heart that it was impossible for Chen Yihan to be resurrected. Come, it’s just that you don’t give up. Even your elder brother Luo Feng’s wife and daughter, with all due respect, will never be resurrected. It’s just that the Fashen gave him a glimmer of hope in order to stabilize him.”

In fact, of course Chen Yang knew it, even other insiders knew it too.It is impossible for the eldest brother's wife and daughter to be resurrected.It's just that everyone doesn't talk about it!

It's just that I'm desperately trying to give my elder brother some hope.

A person cannot be resurrected after death, this is the law of heaven and earth!

No one can violate it!

People like Lan Tingyu, in the final analysis, are not resurrected from death, but a state of not dying at all.Like some vegetation, the top looks dead.But there is life on the inside.

Chen Yang was very sad.

But he was helpless.

After that, Chen Yang bid farewell to Xuan Zhenghao.

After Chen Yang left, a person walked out from the depths of the starry sky of the Bridge of One Yuan.This person was Chen Tianya who was dressed in black.

Chen Tianya came in front of Xuan Zhenghao.

"I didn't ask you to talk too much." Chen Tianya said to Xuan Zhenghao coldly.

Xuan Zhenghao said indifferently: "Take it as me talking too much, but I have already said it."

Chen Tianya didn't say any more, just said: "With these remaining imprints, can't my son grow consciousness again?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Of course not! Don't say that this mark has no spiritual roots, even if it has spiritual roots, it will wither and die."

Chen Tianya said: "But Luo Feng's wife and daughter are not dead yet? My son has magic power."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "The souls of Luo Feng's wife and daughter have all been reunited. Chen Yihan's only has this imprint left. The Eternal Demon Lord survived by relying on a trace of spiritual imprint. But the Demon Lord His cultivation level is not comparable to that of Yihan, and, more importantly, the mark of the demon king was originally to control Chen Yang. Therefore, it is extremely powerful. Unfortunately, this spiritual mark is controlled, which is different. Besides, you and I both know that it is impossible for Ye Ziqing and the child to be resurrected."

He paused, and said: "Also, even if the demon king has a high level of cultivation and a strong imprint, he still relied on Chen Yang's great destiny technique to survive."

"Then what if I go to Chen Yang to use the Great Destiny?" Chen Tianya was suddenly excited.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "The Great Fate Art is a kind of heavenly way. If you use the Great Fate Art, anything can happen. However, Chen Yang's Great Fate Art has been destroyed, and he himself is gone. If you kill him, he will not die." There might be."

Chen Tianya couldn't help but clenched his fists, and said, "Is there nothing I can do?"

Xuan Zhenghao sighed, and said: "Everyone will lose important things. Back then when you killed Xiao Qing, the sect master suffered no less than you do now. But he is just as helpless!"

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