The strongest player in history

Chapter 2339: All Laws Return 1

The God Emperor punched again, and the black vortex in his fist reappeared.This black vortex looks more like a strange eye, and the universe is hidden in the strange eye.

If you look closely, it looks like a magical seed.

But the supernatural power seeds have enveloped this piece of void.The God Emperor then gave a soft drink with concentration, and then punched the Taihuang Demon Venerable.

In the depths of the strange eye, the vortex turns like a shocking wave.

The god emperor never has complicated tricks, just a simple punch.

The violent fist prints were like thunder from the sky, and they slashed towards the Taihuang Mozun.

The rich realm of divine transformation and creation is hidden in it, and the great rules of heaven guide everything!

The huge waves rolled and the air burst!

It was as if a planet was attacking the Taihuang Mozun fiercely, and it was about to explode.

This is a huge deterrent pressure!

The Great Emperor Mozun didn't dare to underestimate the God Emperor, he concentrated his attention for a while, gathered the sword of the sky and slashed away.


The power of the god emperor's fist was cut by the sword of the sky like cutting tofu, and the energy burst out, and the ripples oscillated.

The Great Emperor Mozun then slashed at the God Emperor's forehead again.

The sword was powerful and extremely fast, and the lightning sword reached the top of the god emperor's head.

The God Emperor's figure changed continuously, and he lifted up a lot of space barriers, and at the same time he slapped out with another palm.

The strange eye in the palm opened, and the black vortex absorbed the sword power of the sky.The Taihuang Demon Venerable was even faster, and he had already found out the reality of the God Emperor in a few strokes.

So, he finally sacrificed his core magic weapon!

A dragon ball!

Supreme Dragon Ball!

In the supreme dragon ball, there are the powerful spirit and primordial power of the dragon clan in it.Masters above the Creation Realm can't activate the Supreme Dragon Ball at all!

And once the Great Emperor Mozun activates the Supreme Dragon Ball, his explosive power can be doubled!

At this time, the Great Emperor Mozun urged the Supreme Dragon Ball, and the Supreme Dragon Ball burst out with dazzling golden light.All these golden rays of light were caught in the hands of the Great Emperor Mozun.

Immediately, the dragon's chant vibrated, the energy rolled and fluctuated, and the energy began to tremble in the entire space.

This kind of powerful force has a strong masculine atmosphere.

Like ten scorching suns scorching!

Even before he punched, he could already feel the terrifying power in it.

The Taihuang Mozun knew that the sharp sword of the sky would be absorbed by the god emperor's strange eyes, but what about the strong and fierce punch?

He wanted to make it impossible for the God Emperor to absorb it.

"Supreme Dragon Fist!" Taihuang Mozun let out a loud roar, and suddenly punched.

In the dazzling dragon ball, the energy fluctuated wildly, following the fist of Taihuang Mozun, the light in the fist formed an energy barrier.

A punch exploded, and in the enchantment, the ancient sky dragon roared and rolled, and the huge dragon's power descended!

The Taihuang Mozun's fist print is as big as the Five Sacred Mountains, and in the middle of the fist print, the ancient heavenly dragon is surging and terrifying!

Such a punch can destroy countless planets in an instant!

And can the God Emperor still catch such a punch?

Chen Tianya was silent on the sidelines, it seemed dangerous, but he knew the abilities of the God Emperor.The God Emperor never fights unsure battles.

At this time, the god emperor was also very dignified, and then, with a solemn appearance, he sacrificed a star core in his hand.

The things at the bottom of the God Emperor's press box were also forced out by the Great Emperor Mozun.

This star core is crystal clear and looks like an ordinary spar.But this star core is the star core of the star star, and the star core of the star star has been conceived for 300 billion years...

300 billion years of time, the history and energy in it are unimaginable.

In the universe, there are countless stars, but the stars that have been bred for 300 billion years are rare.

The god emperor operated the star core, and the star core immediately began to grow, and the phantom of the star star appeared around the star core.

In this void, it seems that the sky star has reappeared.

Clouds and mists around Skymane star are misty, and water vapor covers the entire planet. The periphery of the planet is an endless ocean. The sea is magnificent and boundless.

And at this time, the Supreme Dragon Fist of the Great Emperor Mozun descended from the sky!

In the calm planet, the water vapor and clouds in the sky were torn apart by the huge dragon fist.

The Supreme Dragon Fist then continued to bombard and kill, huge waves splashed in the ocean, the bottom of the sea was quickly revealed, and the skyman star inside was also bombarded and killed!


In an instant, the star star disintegrated completely, rocks splashed, and the hidden volcanoes on the seabed were also triggered and violently ejected.

The god emperor's mana activated the star core, and the power of the star core itself urged, but even so, the entire star star was declared to disintegrate.

However, the star core is still intact.

The God Emperor's expression was not good, he withdrew the star core.

And this move of the Supreme Dragon Fist was still followed by the God Emperor.

Between heaven and earth, it finally returned to calm again.

The Taihuang Mozun looked at the God Emperor, and said in a deep voice: "You are already injured, the Supreme Dragon Fist can be used twice in a row, and after the two times, the deity still has enough strength to deal with Chen Tianya. However, If this deity throws two more punches, you will be on the verge of death. Your star core is indeed very magical, but it can only be condensed once at most. If it is condensed for the third time in a row, the star core will definitely not be able to withstand it and will explode into ashes .So, you've already lost!"

The God Emperor was indeed injured, but he didn't really appreciate the Great Emperor Demon Venerable's affection. "Winning or losing is not what you say with your mouth. When you can control my life and death, you will win. Or, if I admit defeat, it can also be said that you win. Since you have calculated so clearly, then take action, why bother?" nonsense!"

"It's simply stubborn, looking for death!" The Great Emperor Mozun was also annoyed.

Without further ado, he said: "Well, I will kill you today!"

Then, he ran the Supreme Dragon Ball again!

The Supreme Dragon Fist condensed the majestic power of the dragon, and then the sky dragon roared, the sky thunder touched the ground fire, and the thunder blasted out!

The God Emperor also directly rotated out of the star core, and the star star appeared again!

But the ending is still the same, the Supreme Dragon Fist descended from the sky, just like an alien invasion, directly and instantly disintegrated the entire Tianmang star.

At this time, the God Emperor spat out a mouthful of blood.

And a tiny crack appeared on the star core.

It is true that the God Emperor can no longer use the Tianmang star core again, if he uses it again, the star core will definitely explode.

"Go to hell!" Taihuang Mozun saw that the god emperor was at the end of his battle, so he stopped talking nonsense and struck out the Supreme Dragon Fist again.

In the Supreme Dragon Ball, a terrifying and dazzling light erupted again.

Afterwards, the Supreme Dragon Fist roared and charged out!

The sky and the earth are pale, the sun and the moon are dull!

At this moment, the God Emperor received the Tianmang Star Core.His eyes suddenly burst out!

With a big hand, he actually grabbed the entire supernatural power seed again in his hand.The magical seed and the strange eye in her hand perfectly blended together.

"All methods are unified!" The God Emperor roared!

At this moment, the God Emperor punched.

In his fist seal, the ancient celestial dragon roared, the star core of the celestial light oscillated, infinite power, law, sword intent of the sky, and so on!

Many forces are all integrated into one punch!

In this way, all methods are unified for it!


The Supreme Dragon Fist and the power of Wanfa Guiyi strangled together, the void oscillated, and the energy of thousands of miles around exploded again and again, and the earth near here also oscillated.

As a result, on the earth, volcanoes erupted in certain places, and earthquakes occurred in certain places...

Countless lives have been devastated.

On the earth, Fashen Yuanjue silently recited Amitabha, and then chanted something, so countless golden scriptures flew out, quickly flew to the sky, turned into dust, and directly sprinkled the entire great world.

As a result, the volcano began to extinguish, and the earthquake began to return to calm!

But at this time, in the void, the Supreme Dragon Fist was directly crushed...

Afterwards, a huge energy wave struck and killed him. The Great Emperor Mozun tried his best to resist, but in the end he couldn't resist. His body shook, and then he spurted a mouthful of blood, and fell downward.

"This old devil, I leave it to you." The God Emperor said to Chen Tianya, and then he returned directly to Earth and the Great Thousand World.

With a big hand, Chen Tianya grabbed the Great Emperor Mozun in his hands.

In the next second, Chen Tianya brought the Great Emperor Mozun into the past world, and arrived at the cave where the Great Emperor Mozun was before.

Chen Tianya threw the Great Emperor Mozun out, and the Great Emperor Mozun spit out a mouthful of blood again, his complexion was like gold paper, he was really in extreme embarrassment at this moment.All over his body, his viscera were shifted, his mana was scattered, and moved all over his body.

Even if an ordinary master of transformation comes, he can easily kill the Great Emperor Mozun.

Chen Tianya looked at the Great Emperor Mozun coldly, his eyes made the Taihuang Mozun shudder.

"If you still have ambition, would you have the guts to call a mad dog again?" Chen Tianya's voice was extremely soft, but at this moment, he couldn't tell what his emotions were.

Taihuang Mozun trembled in his heart, how dare he scold Chen Tianya at this time.But he still couldn't help being miserable: "Is it true that no matter how I beg you and how I atone for my sins, I must die?"

"No, you won't die!" Chen Tianya said, "At least for the time being, you won't die. If you're dead, how can I torture you?"

The Great Emperor Mozun trembled: "How do you want to torture me?"

Chen Tianya said: "I will use all the cruel methods of torture in the world on you. Now, I will give you some appetizers first."

With a big grab, he ripped off the entire clothes of the Great Emperor Mozun.

Although the Great Emperor Mozun is a demon, he has always been a person of some status and a decent person.But at this time, Chen Tianya didn't save any face for the Grand Emperor Mozun.

The Great Emperor Mozun felt terror and trembling from the bottom of his heart.

He was defeated by Tianjun back then, but Tianjun still gave him face.

But now, he knew that he would not get respect from Chen Tianya.He began to understand why the person in front of him had the title of Devil Emperor.

"The beginning of all of this was nothing more than a blunder. You made a big mistake because you coveted Situ Linger's beauty. It's fine for you to make a big mistake, but you forced my son to death, you... ...Unforgivable. Then, I will first kill you, the chief culprit."

Chen Tianya flicked out his finger, and a beam of sword light chopped off the lifeblood of the Great Emperor Mozun.

Blood flowed from Taihuang Mozun's lower body...

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