"The wrath of the sky!" The Great Emperor Demon Venerable was furious, he suppressed it again with his big hand, the black big handprint instantly covered the entire cave, and caught the two Tsing Yi Chen Tianya into the black big handprint.Then, a mouthful of air from the sky spewed in.

At the same time, the five layers of creation, the realm of everything, and the power of thought are all integrated into it!

Absolute law of suppression!

Between thoughts, omnipotent.The place of all things, all-encompassing!

The two Chen Tianyas in Tsing Yi were turned into two white-haired puppies again, and then, the Sky Sword burst into the fury of the sky, and a thousand streaks of sky sword light thundered and shattered back and forth.

The two puppies were chopped into ten thousand pieces!

The Great Emperor Mozun sneered again and again, tempering the ten thousand fragments with the power of creation, and turning the ten thousand fragments into ten thousand puppies again.

"Mad Dog, can you still change back?" Taihuang Mozun's face was ferocious.

As soon as his words fell, the ten thousand puppies began to change.This time, instead of changing into thousands of Chen Tianya, it started to melt, and finally melted into drops of liquid.

These liquids are the Sun God Liquid!

The golden liquid melted on the ground, then began to condense, and finally condensed into Chen Tianya.

Chen Tianya was still in Tsing Yi.

"Beast, it's not enough!" Chen Tianya said with a sneer.

The Great Emperor Mozun almost went crazy.He then made a living, chopped the man into pieces, and sent the pieces to different worlds.In this way, we will break down one by one.

The Great Emperor Mozun once again suppressed Chen Tianya with his big handprint, and once again prepared to turn Chen Tianya into a puppy.

But this time, Chen Tianya changed ahead of time.

Chen Tianya's whole body was on fire, turning into a mass of ferocious flames.The power of creation invaded and was directly incinerated.

At the same time, the sky sword light cut into the sun god fire, and was quickly burned into ashes.

This raging and inextinguishable flame is like an immortal flame.

At this time, no matter how the Great Emperor Mozun exerted his power, there was nothing he could do to Chen Tianya.Instead, the sun god fire gradually incinerated the black mahamudra of the Great Emperor Demon Venerable.Moments later, the black Mahamudra was incinerated into ashes.

Afterwards, this divine fire of the sun flashed and completely enveloped the entire cave, refining the Great Emperor Mozun into it.

Ling'er was still on the bed, and she was also shrouded in the fire of the sun.

But at this time, Chen Tianya didn't care about Ling'er at all.In his eyes, there is only hatred, incomparable hatred, hatred that kills everything.

However, the Taihuang Mozun couldn't let Ling'er be burned into ashes, he took action in time, first caught Ling'er into Jiexumi, and then protected him.

The sun divine fire shrank quickly, and finally all of it stuck to the Taihuang Mozun's body, intending to burn the Taihuang Mozun into ashes.

In an instant, the clothes on the Taihuang Mozun's body were burned to ashes.

The Great Emperor Mozun became naked, but at this time, the superficial power of his body appeared.This prehistoric force is like mountains and rivers, like rivers, like the reason for the existence of all things!

The sun god fire began to burn these thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, thousands of miles of rivers, and everything.

Endless burning, endless destruction!

The Great Emperor Mozun actually knew a thing or two in his heart at this time, he felt that Chen Tianya's body was very strange.Now that I have given up the power of the world, it is very difficult to kill this person in essence.But that doesn't matter, the man's power needs mana to back it up.If he had consumed almost all of his mana, then there was a possibility of defeating him.

Therefore, at this time, the Great Emperor Mozun chose to defend.

The Great Emperor Mozun sneered and said: "You mad dog, there are thousands of protective methods on your body, let's see how long you can last!"

After the primordial power on the Taihuang Mozun was burned by Chen Tianya, the Taihuang Mozun then displayed the power of the extreme sea.

The power of the extreme sea was captured by him from a planet full of water worlds.

So, at this moment, the Taihuang Mozun's body was surrounded by an endless ocean.Chen Tianya can break it, but to burn this endless sea, he still needs his mana to burn.

When it comes to the depth of mana, the Great Emperor Mozun is far above Chen Tianya.

Although Chen Tianya was extremely angry, he was not unconscious.At this moment, he knew that if he went on like this, he would die.

"Emperor Demon Lord, the biggest mistake you made in this life was not disobedience to the Heavenly Monarch!" Chen Tianya knew the identity of the Supreme Emperor Demon Lord because Chen Yihan told him.

At this time, Chen Tianya continued: "The biggest mistake you made was to kill my son. I will make it impossible for you to live or die!"

"You crazy dog, do you have the ability?" The Great Emperor Mozun dismissed it.

Chen Tianya said: "That's right, I can't kill you. But...someone can!"

Afterwards, Chen Tianya's figure flashed and turned into his own body.He directly stepped through the void and left the past world.

The Great Emperor Mozun was slightly taken aback. "Are you going to ask for help?"

Chen Tianya's sudden departure made Taihuang Mozun feel a little uncomfortable.

In fact, since Chen Tianya's appearance, the Great Emperor Mozun has noticed that the original plan has begun to deviate.

If he had known that these complicated things would be triggered, he probably would not have gone to such extremes.

But in the affairs of the world, I have never regretted taking medicine.

The Great Emperor Mozun had some headaches at this moment, so he was naturally unwilling to turn around and run away.What kind of person he is, he was scared away by a few earthlings, and he couldn't justify it on the surface.

However, since this Chen Tianya is willing to move the rescuers, he is probably a little confident.

"This matter, I'm afraid it's going to be a big trouble. It seems that I have to leave the earth!" Taihuang Mozun thought so.

He is not timid, but cautious.

The earth is a vortex of incomparable complexity.

At that moment, the Taihuang Mozun came to the Great Thousand World with a flash of his figure.

He has to go to the Great Thousand World first, and then he can leave from the Great Thousand World.

The Great Thousand World does not allow a strong man like him to come, but if a strong man like him wants to leave, Yuanjue Dharma God has absolutely no reason to stop him.

Therefore, the Great Emperor Mozun only stayed in the Great Thousand World for a moment, and then rushed out of the sky and came into space.

It's just that he walked fast, and the people chasing him were even faster!

"Great Emperor Demon Venerable, can you go now!" A figure flashed past, and the Demon Emperor Chen Tianya stopped in front of the Great Emperor Demon Venerable.

Chen Tianya's clothes were all transformed by mana, so they would not be burned to ashes at all.

At this moment, Chen Tianya's eyes were still bloodshot, revealing his murderous aura.

Taihuang Mozun looked at Chen Tianya, he said with a sneer: "You mad dog, you are really endless. Do you think this deity is afraid of you? It's just that this deity is too lazy to entangle with your mad dog. Die Son, what's the big deal. You're sensible, get out of here!"

Chen Tianya clenched his fists, he gritted his teeth and said, "Taihuang Mozun, you will definitely regret everything you did today, including every word you said!"

"Have you given enough bullshit?" Taihuang Mozun was very annoyed, and he continued: "I am going to leave, you can't stop it, and you can't catch up. Didn't you go ask for help? Let me see, please What kind of person is here."

The Taihuang Mozun had a change of mind. Originally, Chen Tianya's departure made him feel that everything would be revealed.However, the fact that Chen Tianya came so quickly meant that it was too late to spread the word.He decided to kill Chen Tianya and the visitor completely, so that the matter could still be covered up.

As soon as the Taihuang Mozun's words fell, a void door opened again in the void.

Then, a sturdy and thick figure walked out from the void gate.

"Who are you?" Taihuang Mozun looked at the person who came.

"He is the head of the four emperors, the God Emperor!" Chen Tianya said coldly.

The rescuer Chen Tianya invited was none other than the God Emperor.The God Emperor is now in the Great Thousand World. Although he is not a man of destiny, he is the successor of Yuanjue.

Chen Tianya rashly ran to the Great Thousand World and quickly contacted the God Emperor.His words were very simple and clear: "There is a Demon Venerable at the fifth level of creation, he has arrested your apprentice, do you want to come?"

Chen Tianya's words pointed to the point.

Without further ado, the God Emperor came of course.

"Fourth level of the realm of creation, the realm of divine transformation!" The Great Emperor Demon Venerable instantly saw the cultivation of the God Emperor.

"Sure enough, he is a good opponent!" Taihuang Mozun remained calm.He then sneered and said, "However, although there is a thin line between the four-fold magical transformation and the five-fold myriad phenomenon realm, there is a huge difference."

"Why are you talking nonsense!" The God Emperor said, "I'll ask you something."

"Huh?" The Great Emperor Mozun was actually a little uneasy.In principle, he was not afraid of these two people, but Chen Tianya's wicked ways cast some shadows on him.

The God Emperor said: "You arrested a woman named Situ Ling'er, right?"

Of course the Great Emperor Mozun couldn't deny it, he said, "Yes, that's right!"

The God Emperor said: "She is my disciple."

Taihuang Mozun laughed, and said: "This is really a big misunderstanding. It turns out that there is such an amazing master as you behind this little girl. Okay, I can return you as a little disciple. But you have to Promise the deity one thing, that is, write off the matter. How?"

The God Emperor said: "Yes!"

Chen Tianya remained silent.

The Taihuang Mozun is very bachelor, he took out a Ring Sumeru, and ejected it.The Divine Emperor caught it with one hand, and at the same time shot with his divine sense, he immediately confirmed that Situ Ling'er was inside and there was nothing serious about it.

After the God Emperor put away Jie Xumi, he said slowly: "Now, you have canceled the matter of arresting my disciple. However, you are a famous master, and I want to ask you for advice today!"

"Ask for advice?" The Great Emperor Mozun narrowed his eyes slightly.

The God Emperor said: "That's right!"

The Great Emperor Mozun said: "What do you mean asking for advice? Are you fighting alone with me?"

The God Emperor said: "That's right!"

The Great Emperor Mozun said in a deep voice, "Are you sure?"

The God Emperor said: "I'm sure."

Taihuang Mozun said: "Do you think that you can beat this deity by leapfrogging in your fourth-layer realm?"

The God Emperor said: "I don't know, but I am not afraid of a battle. You, dare to fight?"

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