Luka nodded, and he said, "Okay, okay, okay!"

He said three good words in a row.

Chen Yang said, "Do you want to sign a contract?"

Luka said, "No need!"

Chen Yang said: "Okay, Bai Xue, time!"

Bai Xue raised her wrist, glanced at her watch, and said, "Start!"

All the guests present were excited. Right now, this is a real feast!

The duel between the Master of Subduing Technique and His Majesty the Blood Emperor.Moreover, this young blood emperor is still so arrogant, so he doesn't take Master Jiangshu seriously.

In this year, the descending master can actually be regarded as a nightmare in London.

Everyone is looking forward to it.

Betis, Jenny, their faces were rosy, and their breathing seemed a little short.The same goes for other celebrities and nobles.

Luka stood one meter in front of Chen Yang.

There was a table between them.

Luka's two skinny and gloomy subordinates stood behind him, and they also said nothing.

Luka shot directly at this time.He opened his mouth first to exhale, and unexpectedly exhaled a mouthful of thick black mist.This black mist is filled with terrifying poisonous gas, which is extremely corrosive.Even if an elephant smells a whiff of it, it will die instantly and violently on the spot.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this, but soon, they discovered that the mist seemed to have life.The poisonous mist does not disperse, but condenses together.

The poisonous mist became thicker and thicker, and then...slowly condensed into a poisonous python.The poisonous python crawled on the ground, and the red carpet it crawled on instantly turned into rotten water, and then the lawn it crawled on also turned into black water, and a deep gully was corroded on the ground.

The severity of the poisonous gas made everyone present feel terrified and afraid to approach.

At the same time, they also began to worry about Chen Yang.

They sighed in their hearts, feeling that Chen Yang was too arrogant after all.

Under the attack of this toxin, Chen Yang dared to say that he remained motionless.Isn't this... looking for death?

At this time, even Baixue, Aokandine, Dorrance, Yun'er, Wall Rhine and the others changed color.

"Your Majesty!" Yun'er spoke first, she was full of worry.

Chen Yang smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry."

Seeing that Chen Yang had spoken, Yun'er and the others breathed a sigh of relief.The giant python quickly climbed onto the table, the table was directly corroded, and then scattered on the ground in pieces.Afterwards, the python crawled towards Chen Yang again.

At the same time, the python's tail swept towards the chair Chen Yang was sitting on.

A cold light flashed in Luka's eyes, and he looked at Chen Yang coldly.

He wants to see how this guy will dissipate his power.

When the python's tail swept across the chair, Chen Yang suddenly let out a breath.

This breath is actually black air, and this black air is exactly the black hole spar.

At this moment, the black hole spar suddenly turned into a black dragon.

This black dragon roared again and again, and the field was instantly turbulent...

The black dragon's scales are all lifelike, and the dragon's power is shaking.

This black dragon was about the size of a giant python, it appeared behind the giant python, and suddenly opened its mouth to bite the giant python's tail.

The black dragon is a five-clawed golden dragon. After biting the giant python's tail, it backed up quickly, and with a violent flick, it pulled the giant python backwards.

The scene was chaotic in an instant, and the venom flew around.

The faces of the guests present paled, and they screamed in shock.

The black dragon flicked its huge tail, and the huge tail swung out, quickly forming a black shiny barrier in the air.This barrier enveloped itself and the black python inside.

All the venom splashed on the barrier, but the barrier was extremely strong.

Afterwards, the guests saw the black dragon and the black python fighting within the barrier.But this battle was one-sided. The black dragon was so brave that it tore the black python into pieces in almost one round.

Luka sneered, and the black python turned into black mist, and all of a sudden it got into the bloody mouth of the black dragon.Heilong accepts all orders!

The black mist formed again in the belly of the black dragon, tearing wildly, and the powerful corrosive power began to play.

Luka used all his mana to control the black python.

This black mist was given to him by a god that Luka communicated with, and Luka later condensed it.Over the years, Luka would not use this black python primordial spirit against the enemy.

Because very few have the qualifications.

But now, Luka cast it directly on Chen Yang.

This is Luka's hole card.

The poison in the black python primordial spirit is absorbed from the undead in the shadow world. Who can resist this poison?

But soon, Luka was disappointed again.

Because at this time, Chen Yang activated the Great Devouring Technique.

In the belly of the black dragon, the Great Devouring Technique unfolded, swallowing the black python directly, and finally purifying it into pure energy.

After absorbing this energy, the black dragon roared happily, and then hiccupped.

Afterwards, the black barrier turned into a dragon tail and returned to the black dragon.

Chen Yang opened his mouth again, and the black dragon quickly turned into black particles, and was sucked into the brain by his big mouth.

Chen Yang remained motionless.

The audience watched such a wonderful battle comparable to a Hollywood blockbuster. They were dumbfounded at first, and then applauded and cheered loudly. "it is good!"

Luka also changed his face at this time.

"Bai Xue, how many minutes has it been?" Chen Yang asked Bai Xue.

"2 minutes!" Bai Xue said.

Chen Yang said to Luka: "Okay, you still have 3 minutes. If you have any means, just use them."

"Both of you, come on!" Luka said to the two subordinates behind him without saying a word.

The two subordinates were about to attack immediately.

"Wait a minute, who said you can get help?" Bai Xue was furious.

Everyone was also shocked and angry.

Luka said coldly: "In the regulations, it doesn't say that I am not allowed to ask for help." He seemed confident.

"It's unreasonable!" Dorrance was also angry.

"It doesn't matter!" Chen Yang spoke at this time, and he said, "He can invite as many people as he can, as long as it is within these 3 minutes. You stand down!"

Bai Xue and the others had no choice but to retreat.

Betis and the others admired Chen Yang's general style even more.

It's not that Chen Yang is ignorant of this loophole in the rules, it's just that he doesn't care.

How can a human being care about the tricks of ants.

If Chen Yang hadn't been in a good mood today and was willing to play with Luka, Luka would have died long ago.Of course, Chen Yang didn't intend to kill Luka either.

A real man acts with clear grievances and grievances.

Luka had the ability to kill Dorrance and the others, but he didn't kill them.Chen Yang still wrote down this situation for Luka.

At this time, killing intent flashed in the eyes of Luka's two subordinates.

They raised their hands, and instantly threw out countless black scorpions.These black scorpions attacked and killed Chen Yang's whole body. What's more terrible, right after that, a gun appeared in the hands of these two people!

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