The strongest player in history

Chapter 2313 Garan King

Recently, Chen Yang often calms down and asks himself.

He can enjoy the taste of love with Ling'er, the brotherhood with his elder brother, and the family happiness with Mo Nong.You can also enjoy the sweet taste at Qiao Ning.

He can also gallop across the universe.

Money, wealth, fame, and power, he seems to have it all.

Such a person has obtained too many things.

Sometimes Chen Yang feels panic.

That's right, when he got so much, he was not arrogant, but panicked.

Fear that all these will be lost, sometimes dreaming in dreams, even dreaming that I have nothing.

He thought that he was originally the most miserable person in the world.The mother was killed by the father, and the father dismissed him.But along the way, he had such happiness.

"I can't stop, I have to go on. What I got is a gift from Heaven. It is his gift to me, but at the same time as the gift, I also need to do things for Heaven. Do things that are beneficial to the balance of the earth. Otherwise, I am afraid that these blessings will be unbearable."

It was precisely because of the fear in Chen Yang's heart that he felt uneasy.Before he left, he told Shen Mo Nong what was going to happen next.He is going to accompany Ling'er.

Shen Mo Nong thinks this is what it should be.

She always remembered that Ling'er was Chen Yang's official wife.

Chen Yang smiled wryly, feeling that he was greedy.

Shen Murong knew Chen Yang's heart, so she would comfort him every time.This is not Chen Yang's hypocrisy, but a kind of guilt and anxiety intertwined.

Shen Mo Nong comforted Chen Yang and said, "I'm very satisfied now. It's not because I love being humble, but because this is my choice. When I made the choice, I knew what you were like." You should spend more time with Linger, I am sorry for Linger. I am very grateful that she can not blame her."

Chen Yang kissed Shen Murong bitterly.

In Shennong's world, the sky is clear.

It was noon, and Chen Yang came directly to the Garan Hall.

This time the visit to the Jialan Hall was very smooth, and some guards led Chen Yang to the Jialan Hall, where Linger was resting.

Outside the bedroom, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant.

Although this place is on a high mountain, under the creation of mana, the air and various environments here are very beautiful.

Chen Yang stood outside, and a maid wanted to go in to report.They all knew Chen Yang, and Chen Yang quickly motioned them to keep quiet.

Afterwards, Chen Yang quietly entered the hall of the bedroom.

The hall is spacious and bright, elegant and clean.

The layout of the hall is full of antiques. Ling'er grew up in the mansion with her grandfather Situ Yan since she was a child, and the furnishings of the mansion are also antique.

Ling'er is not in the hall at the moment, only two maids are cleaning the hall lightly.

Chen Yang came in, his figure flashed, and then he arrived in the wing where Linger was.

In the wing room, Ling'er is taking a nap.

She didn't notice Chen Yang's arrival.

The long hair is disheveled, and Begonia is sleeping in spring, just like a peerless Sleeping Beauty.

Sitting by the bed, Chen Yang couldn't help but stare dumbfounded.At the same time, Chen Yang also knew that the one who fell asleep now was Wen Rou Ling'er.

Because the icy Linger's cultivation was extraordinary and holy, it was impossible not to notice Chen Yang's arrival.

Wenrou Ling'er finally noticed someone coming in, she opened her eyes, and then saw Chen Yang.Then, she sat up beside her, and threw herself into Chen Yang's arms.

"How long have you been here?" Wenrou Ling'er asked Chen Yang with a beaming smile after she propped herself up.

"I just came here." Chen Yang held her little hand and said.

"Then have you eaten yet?" Wenrou Ling'er asked quickly, fearing that Chen Yang would be hungry.

Chen Yang scratched her nose and said, "I'm not afraid of being hungry, but have you eaten yet? If you haven't eaten, I'll eat with you."

Wenrou Linger said: "That's good."

During the meal with Wenrou Linger, Chen Yang also learned something.It turned out that Bing Leng Ling'er usually handed over control of her body to Wen Ling'er when she was practicing.

So in fact, most of the time, Gentle and Linger is enjoying this colorful world.

It's just that she really doesn't spend much time with Chen Yang.

Chen Yang felt very guilty when he heard it.

Chen Yang feels that what he wants to protect most in his life is his family, and what he owes the most is also his family.

Wenrou Ling'er saw the guilt in Chen Yang's eyes, she put down her chopsticks, held Chen Yang's hand, smiled gently, and said, "Actually, it's not necessary."

"Huh?" Chen Yang said.

Wenrou Linger said: "I know what you think in your heart, but everyone's fate is different! Some people can be reunited as a family and enjoy family happiness. Some people are born but suffer a lot. You also said , If I hadn’t come with you at that time, I’m afraid I would have died in the hands of the Holy See. So, this arrangement now is actually the best arrangement.”

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback. He had to say that he felt a lot relieved by Wenrou Linger's comfort.

After having dinner with Wenrou Linger, Heiyi Suzhen and Huohongjin came over together.

"Master, Master!" Huo Hongjin shouted after entering with a giggle.

Chen Yang and Wenrou Ling'er also smiled back, and Chen Yang said, "You're such a big girl, when will you find your husband's family!"

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "She is the same age as your ancestor, so don't make it look like she is really younger than you."

Chen Yang is so embarrassing!

Huo Hongjin stepped forward and took Chen Yang's hand, and said: "Age is not a big deal. I met Master when I was 16, and Master was much older than me at that time. So, in my eyes, Master is older than me." .”

This embarrassment was resolved very well, Chen Yang laughed.

Hei Yi Suzhen scolded with a smile: "Okay, you have a deep love between master and apprentice."

Wenrou Linger greeted Heiyi Suzhen and Huohongjin to take their seats, and the maids immediately brought tea.

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Chen Yang, I have already arranged for the matter of the Star Stone you mentioned. The masters in the palace went out to look for it. When I have any information, I will go and do it myself."

Chen Yang said: "Okay, then I won't tell you the word of thanks."

"Excessive!" Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Also, if you come this time, you will settle the matter. Just tonight, I will officially announce your status as the Garan King."

Chen Yang was slightly surprised, and said, "So anxious?"

Hei Yi Suzhen said angrily: "Can you not be in a hurry? You are so busy! That time you have time to stay with me for a long time. Let me tell you, your home is not Tianzhou, but mine, do you understand? Yes, Yanjing is also your home."

There was complaint and domineering in her words.

But Chen Yang felt warm in his heart when he heard it.He smiled and said, "Okay, everything is up to you."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "It's not too bad."

After chatting for about half an hour, Hei Yi Suzhen left with a fiery red scarf.

Huo Hongjin said: "Sister Bai, I still want to stay with Master for a while."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Tonight, there is still a lot to do to announce the status of your master, the Garan King. You go and do things for me."

Huo Hongjin said helplessly, "Okay!"

Just like that, Hei Yi Suzhen and Huo Hongjin left quickly.

Wenrou Linger is very used to staying here in Shennong World, and there will be altitude sickness here.Although Wen Rou Ling'er doesn't know magic, this body is an absolute master.So Gentle and Linger is very adaptable.

She also found that her body is very strong, sometimes, she can almost fly.It's just that she doesn't know how to use the mana in her brain.

Wenrou Linger led Chen Yang around the Garan Hall.

Speaking of which, although Chen Yang has been to the Garan Hall many times, he has never looked at the Garan Hall in detail.Walking with Wenrou Linger today, he likes it more and more.

The buildings here are very beautiful, and there are large green forests, and many exotic flowers and plants are planted.There is also a beast garden, where there are many beautiful cranes, peacocks, kunpeng and so on.

On a whim, Wen Rou Ling'er asked the director of the animal garden to release a crane.

That crane has spiritual consciousness, so it is very obedient.Chen Yang and Wenrou Ling'er rode on the crane, and the crane flew into the sky as soon as it flapped its wings.

The crane's feathers are pure white, soaring in the clouds and mist, and walking close to the lake on the snow mountain lake...

Wenrou Linger was very happy today, her laughter was like a silver bell floating on the snow mountain lake.Chen Yang promised Wen Rou Ling'er: "I will come to accompany you more in the future!"

Wenrou Linger nodded heavily, she already felt very satisfied.

In the Garan Hall, there are masters like clouds.

Among them, Hong Langjun has been sent out by Hei Yi Suzhen to find the whereabouts of the Star Stone, and some masters have also followed.And the other master is called Xiao Fan, who is at the second level of the Creation Realm.

Hei Yi Su Zhen relied on Xiao Fan the most.

Because Xiao Fan is not only the strongest, but also the most stable.

Xiao Fan was not sent out by Hei Yi Su Zhen.This was also Hei Yi Suzhen's arrangement to wait for Chen Yang's arrival. She wanted Xiao Fan to complete Chen Yang's coronation ceremony as King Jialan.At the same time, when the matter here is over, she will let Xiao Fan be stationed in Shennong World.She herself will also go looking for the Star Stone.

Hei Yi Suzhen didn't say much to Chen Yang, but everything she did was for Chen Yang's sake.Whatever Chen Yang wants to do, she will do her best.

In Hei Yi Suzhen's heart, she and Chen Yang lived and died together.No one can replace that kind of friendship.

It's not that she didn't have feelings for her before, it's just because she knew there was a spirit in it.Therefore, the proud she will never show any affection.In addition, when her younger sister had an accident, her love was completely extinguished.

Although the weather in Shennong World is very good, the Jialan Palace is located on a snow mountain, covered with snow all year round.Even with the sun, it was extremely cold.At night, the coldness is not to mention.

The bright moon is in the sky, like a jade plate.

The snow-capped mountains in the distance meander like the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.

On the Jialan Terrace of the Jialan Hall, many masters, guards, maids, etc., were almost all present.

As long as they are still in the Jialan Palace and within the Shennong World, they will all be summoned by Heiyi Suzhen.

At night, Gentle Linger receded, and Bing Leng Linger appeared...

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