The strongest player in history

Chapter 2311 Dharma God's Hobbies

Monk Linghui said: "But later, when Lao Tzu left Hangu Pass, it is true that he left the Tao Te Ching. The Tao Te Ching seems simple, but it actually contains the laws of heaven and earth, the truth."

"Why did I keep the Tao Te Ching?" Chen Yang asked strangely.

Monk Linghui said: "Let's open up the wisdom of the people. There are so many legends of saints circulating in the world, but not all of them have left their own traces. A pebble thrown into the sea will eventually leave ripples."

Chen Yang said: "That's true."

Monk Linghui said: "Let's not talk about these things. You go to see Yuanjue first. Then the poor monk will tell you how to find the portal of the God's Tomb Realm."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Okay!"

At that moment, Chen Yang ended the call with Monk Linghui.Then, monk Linghui entered the seed of Xuanhuang God Valley.Chen Yang got up and went to Mount Tai.

Arriving at Mount Tai is only a moment of grasping.

There is no sun on Mount Tai, and the mountains are covered with clouds and mist, just like a fairyland.

Every time Chen Yang met Yuanjue, it was a precipitous place that ordinary people could not reach.

He stood on the top of the mountain, and the north wind howled, blowing on the man's face like a knife.

The weather in March is still unpredictable.

Chen Yang didn't wait long before he saw the Dharma god Yuanjue.

Master Yuanjue was still wearing a gray cloth shirt, very plain.

"See Senior Fashen!" Chen Yang saluted immediately when he saw Yuanjue.

Yuanjue smiled faintly, and said: "The little benefactor does not go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, and he came here today, it seems that he has something to ask the poor monk."

Chen Yang thought of something, and suddenly said: "There is Buddhism in teaching, and Taoism in Taoism. Why do seniors call them poor monks instead of poor Taoists?"

Yuanjue was slightly taken aback, then he smiled and said, "You are not the only one who is confused about this question. The poor monk is not actually a Buddhist. The reason why he is called the poor monk is because the poor monk needs an identity. Like the land you are standing on, you just happened to be standing on this land. There is another reason why the poor monk is a poor monk. That is, it is easy to walk, and it is more in line with the code of conduct of the poor monk. The identity of the poor monk is Law enforcers are not benevolent masters. In the eyes of you little benefactor, maybe the poor monk is still kind and amiable. But in the eyes of some people, the poor monk is more terrifying than the devil."

Chen Yang was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "That's true."

"Little benefactor, let's get to the point." Yuanjue said afterward.

Chen Yang said: "Okay, my friend was injured by a master of creation, and the spirit of creation in his body reached the fourth level. We can't get rid of him, can seniors?"

Yuanjue said: "The poor monk can be expelled, it's just a trivial matter."

Chen Yang was overjoyed and said, "Then thank you, senior."

Yuanjue said: "The poor monk didn't agree to help, he just said that the poor monk can do it. But the poor monk can't do it!"

Chen Yang couldn't help being depressed, and said, "I know, I can't force seniors."

"Little benefactor, if you want to force it, you don't have the ability." Yuanjue said.

Chen Yang said: "That's right, the Heavenly Lord of the Earth has seven levels of ability, and even possessing the power of the world is scared away by your words."

Yuanjue said, "So, little benefactor, let's go back."

Chen Yang said, "Why don't you make a move?" He still didn't give up.

Yuanjue smiled slightly, and said, "It's not impossible to ask the poor monk to help. The poor monk has a hobby, as long as the little benefactor is satisfied."

"Do you still have hobbies?" Chen Yang said, "Becoming a puppy?"

Yuanjue nodded and said, "The little benefactor is very smart."

Chen Yang said: "You turned me into a puppy, and then let me recover. Can this save people?"

Yuanjue said: "The poor monk is only responsible for change, not recovery. If the poor monk can't change into you, it's your good fortune. The poor monk is willing to save people. If you can't recover, the poor monk will still save people. "

Chen Yang tilted his head and thought.

"I think, this!" Chen Yang said: "Senior, I still have important things to do anyway. You really turned me into a puppy and I haven't recovered yet. Isn't this appropriate?"

Yuanjue said: "It's not very suitable, so, poor monk, don't force it!"

Chen Yang said: "If you really like being a puppy, this junior can help you catch a few bad guys!"

Yuanjue said: "That won't work, the injustice has its head, and the debt has its owner."

Chen Yang said: "This, I have to think about it."

"Think about it!" At this time, the Linghui monk who was in the seed of Chen Yangxuan's Yellow God Valley couldn't help but speak. "He turned into a puppy, you still want to recover? You are courting death!"

Chen Yang resented, he muttered: "Senior, this is just a refusal, and he refused so tactfully."

"That's very straightforward." Monk Linghui said to Chen Yang speechlessly.He paused, and then said: "It's just that you feel good about yourself, but you still think it's very tactful."

Chen Yang couldn't refute Monk Linghui, and felt that he seemed a little drifting during this time.Actually, there is still a bit of delusional thought of wanting to break the wrist with the god of law.

Monk Linghui reminded Chen Yang again: "If Dharma God doesn't make a move, you can ask him, is there anyone else who can save him!"

Chen Yang's eyes lit up, so he immediately asked.

Yuanjue said: "Don't say it!"

Chen Yang was mentally prepared for this result, so he gave up after hearing the words.

Yuanjue said again: "Actually, the poor monk has also told you, the little benefactor, that there are some things that the poor monk does not say or do, because you have your own opportunities and dangers. The poor monk cannot change your course. The poor monk He is a person who has a glimpse of the way of heaven, and knows what should be done and what should not be done."

Chen Yang suddenly said in awe, "Senior, this junior has been taught."

Afterwards, Chen Yang left.

After returning to Yanjing, Chen Yang had a talk with Fu Qingzhu.He talked about going to see Yuanjue, the God of Dharma.

"Fa Shen is not a person who can talk about human feelings, he is a law enforcer!" Chen Yang sighed, and said, "Last time he helped my elder brother... I didn't realize until now that it wasn't that he was forced to be helpless by us. In this world, no one can force him to be helpless. It's just that he is doing what he should do. He is planning!"

Fu Qingzhu listened to Chen Yang's explanation, he smiled slightly, and said, "Brother Chen, you don't have to tell me so much. Can I not know what kind of person Fashen is? And after staying for a few days, I will I'm getting used to it gradually. I think there's nothing wrong with taking a break like this for a while. So, I'm not in a hurry. Really!"

His condition looks much better.

Fu Qingzhu said again: "In other words, even if I don't recover, I can live here forever. It's not bad, but it's going to be hard for you to run around."

Seeing that Fu Qingzhu was really open-minded, Chen Yang was slightly relieved.Then he smiled again and said, "I will look around, and I won't let you enjoy the happiness for too long. You should cherish this kind of life now."

Fu Qingzhu said: "I already cherish it very much."

During this weekend, Chen Yang and Qin Lin pulled Luo Feng together, and then took Fu Qingzhu, Xiao Ai, and Shen Mo Nong, the children all went out to play together.

Take a leave of absence.

For a long time, although these children lived in the prosperous Yanjing, they never left Yanjing.The reason is also fear of insecurity.But now, Chen Yang and the others are not afraid anymore. Together, the three brothers can basically walk sideways on the earth.

...Of course, the earth may not necessarily go sideways.But at least in the Great Thousand World, that's no problem.

The group of them first went to Hong Kong to play, and took the children to play happily in Disney.After that, they went to Chen Yang's hometown in Hebei, where his mother was buried.

Xiao Ai played with the children, and Xiao Ai herself was very happy.Because her father, godfather, and godmother are all by her side.

Shen Mo Nong also felt very relieved, with Mama Liu, Mama Zhao and Xiaoai taking care of the children.She acted as a hands-off shopkeeper.

After Chen Yang's side arrived in Hebei, Shen Mo Nong asked someone to arrange a luxurious caravan.A group of people enjoyed family happiness in the car.

It is worth mentioning that at night, Chen Yang also took the opportunity to go to the world of the shadows and meet the elder sister.The elder sister Lin Bing is doing well among the undead, and she is pregnant.

It is inevitable for Chen Yang to think that he once had such a wonderful relationship with the elder sister, and the relationship happened under the wrong circumstances.After that, Lin Bing was very against Chen Yang.

Lin Bing is a strange woman in the present age, although her cultivation base is not high.But she didn't want to have any romantic relationship with Chen Yang.

Chen Yang felt a little sorry for Lin Haoxuan, the great celestial master, but thinking about it, it wasn't the absurd thing that happened to him after Lin Haoxuan and the elder sister were together.If you think about it this way, you will be relieved.Don't mention those past events.

Chen Yang was also very happy when he saw that Lin Bing was pregnant.And said: "Senior sister, after the little guy is born, I have to be his godfather."

Lin Bing gave Chen Yang a white look, and said, "You are his uncle, and godfather? What are you thinking?"

Chen Yang was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly and said, "That's true."

Lin Haoxuan was also very happy, and he wanted to compete with Chen Yang in terms of cultivation.Chen Yang didn't want to discourage Lin Haoxuan's enthusiasm, so he patiently played with Lin Haoxuan a few times.Although he wanted to give in, Lin Haoxuan still clearly realized that the gap between his own cultivation base and Chen Yang's was already vast.

But Lin Haoxuan was still very happy.

Chen Yang gave the unborn baby a magic weapon, and at the same time said to Lin Bing and Lin Haoxuan: "Senior sister, brother-in-law, I have another suggestion. Or you can move to Yanjing, my child." It's not good to be born here, right?"

Lin Bing said: "We have considered and discussed what you said. But we think it is very good here, we are not ordinary people, why must let him be an ordinary person? In the future we will Teach him everything and let him choose."

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, he suddenly felt that what the senior sister said was not unreasonable!

Chen Yang only stayed for a few hours, and then left.Seeing that senior sister, Ye Ming and the others are living well, he has nothing to worry about.

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