Chen Yang's words immediately hit Tang Yin's tail.Tang Yin could no longer continue to sink deeply, he reforged his body from the central primordial womb, and his mana increased greatly.After he came out, he searched for masters everywhere, and there were no disadvantages.In the central world, it is more to see gods and kill gods, and to see ghosts and ghosts.His current general trend has been developed, and he is not angry and arrogant.

How could he know that at this moment, Chen Yang would be defeated in an instant!

"I'll make you, your lowly servant wife, all of you want to live or die!" Tang Yin said with gloomy eyes.

"You won't have this chance, because today is your death day!" Chen Yang said with a cold light in his eyes, "The last time you insulted Ling'er, we used death to end your crime. Now that you have come back to life, then As punishment, I will let you experience true despair and helplessness before you die!"

Tang Yin sneered, and said: "Is it up to you?"

"That's right, it's just your grandfather and me, you evil beast, what are you talking about?" Chen Yang said.

Tang Yin gritted his teeth, and said: "You bastard, you are not even in the realm of creation, yet you dare to be rampant in front of me. It's ridiculous!"

Chen Yang laughed loudly, and said: "You evil beast, you dare to call me me in vain? A beast, is it worthy? Talking to you makes my mouth dirty, it's disgusting, I'm yuck!"

Chen Yang usually doesn't talk to others.

Like that fat lady in the world, Chen Yang thinks she is not qualified to make him talk.But this Tang Yin is different now, Chen Yang really hates Tang Yin to the extreme.

He is a man, how could he allow others to verbally insult his wife.What's more, Ling'er is so pure and spotless.

"Your Majesty, I'm here to kill this bastard!" At this moment, Longlin's eyes turned cold, and he asked Tang Yin for a favor.

Tang Yin nodded, and said, "You go with Chang Yuan."

"Yes!" Chang Yuan and Long Lin responded at the same time.

Then, the two hit it off together.

Dragon Scale is a master of the first level of the creation realm, possessing the aura of creation.Back then, True Monarch Deadwood, at the first level of the Creation Realm, had to make countless preparations for Monk Linghui to barely win.

Today, Chen Yang is officially dealing with the master of creation on earth.

First, Longlin's eyes burst into light, and then he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of essence white air.There is the power of creation in this white air, which instantly covers a radius of a hundred miles, and the sky and the earth are suddenly covered with white mist.


Long Lin then made a move, and in the cave of creation, his magic weapon Dragon Soul Sword fused with the power of creation cut out.

Suddenly, in the white mist, the power of the dragon suddenly surged, and then in front of Chen Yang, a fierce dragon soul sword light slashed at him.

"Dimensional Slash in the Void!" At this time, Chang Yuan was not idle, and came across the void behind Chen Yang. The Dimensional Sword in his hand was light and silent, and it was about to pierce Chen Yang's body in the blink of an eye.

Chen Yang was immediately ambushed back and forth.

And there is a Tang Yin next to him who is eyeing him.

"Go to hell!" Chen Yang was very angry today.

He just sneered under such circumstances.

The two sword lights strangled Chen Yang in an instant, and at that moment, Chen Yang became fragments.

However, this is the light of Chen Yang's soul.

Chen Yang appeared behind Chang Yuan in the next second.

"Not good!" Chang Yuan suddenly felt bad, but at this time, Chen Yang had already made a move.Chen Yang didn't even bother to kill Chang Yuan with the Sword of Soul.Black hole crystals were condensed from his fists, instantly forming a fierce and unparalleled punching power.Contains the law of the universe, the fist print of the power of the black hole!

"Big black hole fist!"


This extremely powerful fist smashed towards Chang Yuan.

Chang Yuan felt the world collapse behind him, and the sun and the moon were darkened.At this moment, he just wanted to escape...

Tang Yin finally took the shot, he managed to find a master, how could he tolerate being killed so easily by Chen Yang.

His reincarnation magic eyes quickly emitted magic light!

The magic light now became colorful and gorgeous, covering Chen Yang in an instant.The infinite samsara space was formed, and Chen Yang's big black hole fist was lost in the samsara.

Although he and Chang Yuan seem to be very close, they are actually thousands of miles away.

Chen Yang was trapped in the magic light of reincarnation, and at the same time, Longlin made another move, and the Dragon Soul Sword carried the spirit of creation and slashed in, heading straight for the top of his head.

Tang Yin's magic light of reincarnation prevented Chen Yang's spiritual light from being displayed.Any confusion becomes clear in samsara, showing every detail.

Chen Yang didn't say much, he was ready to kill, and turned the black hole spar into a black hole sword.He turned around and slashed with the Dragon Soul Sword.


The two swords slashed together, the power of the dragon soul, the power of creation, and the unparalleled mana all rushed to slash, and the world would be cut apart by the power of this sword.

Chen Yang didn't look sideways, his mana and cosmic power merged, and instantly killed... At that moment, Longlin felt the opponent's power poured down like the water of the Milky Way, and at the same time, hundreds of millions of horses galloped and rumbled continuously and furiously.


When the two swords slashed together, they were evenly matched.

Although Chen Yang doesn't have the aura of creation, the power of the universe is extraordinary, and he is not affected by the aura of creation in the slightest.

"Go to hell!" Chen Yang moved very quickly, and then swung ten swords in a row!

One sword is more fierce than the other, and one sword is more incomparable than the other!

The ten swords were as fast as lightning, forming a raging wave of heaven and earth, and hundreds of millions of horses galloped, like the most ferocious tsunami, rushing towards them one after another.

Among them, the power of the universe and the power of the black hole become a spiral, constantly exploding the particles...


Bang bang bang!

Such an overwhelming power, even Tang Yin's magic eye of reincarnation could not stop it.His magic eye of reincarnation changed rapidly, covering Chen Yang's power.

With a flash of Chen Yang's figure, he suddenly came behind Chang Yuan.

The sword of the soul cut out.

Chang Yuan was shocked, and when he was shocked, Chen Yang cut off Chang Yuan's head with a single sword strike.

After that, Chen Yang changed continuously.

Tang Yin's magic eyes of reincarnation managed to catch Chen Yang's ten swords, but Chen Yang had already taken the opportunity to travel through the reincarnation space and came behind Longlin.

"Great Cosmos Thunder Sword!" Chen Yang roared, and at the same time lowered the light of his soul.

His mana rushed wildly, and at the same time absorbed the elixir desperately.

The sword light of the Thunder Sword of the Great Universe flashed, and in the thunder, the dragon scale was invaded into the head by the thunder light.

In the next second, Longlin's head exploded.

This master of the first level of creation was killed by Chen Yang with a single sword.

After that, Chen Yang appeared in front of Tang Yin again in a flash.

Tang Yin's face was livid, and he also withdrew the magic eye of reincarnation.

This result was obviously beyond Tang Yin's expectation.This is the first time he has suffered such a serious setback after his great accomplishment.

He couldn't figure out how a master in the middle stage of the Celestial Realm could be so terrifying.Unexpectedly, under the siege of these masters, they killed the masters of the Creation Realm on their side.The two masters at the peak of the Celestial Realm died just like that...

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