Dongfang Jing's mana still supported Fu Qingzhu to stand in the air.At this time, Fu Qingzhu found that the mana in his body could not be condensed at all.There was no mana flowing in his body, and in his brain, he couldn't concentrate. Once he concentrated, he would feel a flood of headaches.

Dongfang Jing immediately said: "Fu Qingzhu, don't be surprised. Now I use the aura of the emperor of green wood and the aura of the tree spirit to wrap all your mana and the aura of creation. If you want to exert your mana, you have to bear the aura of creation. The damage of the air. These airs of creation will always corrupt your mana and your body."

She went on to say: "Now, these powers are sealed by me, and your mana is also preserved. You only need to find a way to expel the spirit of creation in the future, and you can regain your power."

Fu Qingzhu's face was miserable.

How can he accept this reality.He was originally a dragon among men, he could go to the sky, enter the earth, or escape into the stars.But now I want him to be an ordinary person...

"Brother Fu, don't worry, we will try our best to help you." Chen Yang said immediately.

Fu Qingzhu quickly said: "Yes, Brother Chen, Brother Luo, the Fashen must have this ability. Let's go to the Fashen..."

Chen Yang suddenly became distressed.

He intuitively felt that the God of Law would not care, and it was difficult to be the God of Law last time.Now if something happens, go to Fashen and persecute Fashen.This seems a little greedy.

But Chen Yang couldn't refuse either.Because they are all brothers, you can go to force Fashen to death for Luo Feng.When Fu Qingzhu is here, are you afraid that he will embarrass the God of Fa again?

Chen Yang is duty-bound, because Fu Qingzhu was injured because of him and Chen Yang.

Facing Fu Qingzhu's words, Chen Yang nodded and said, "Brother Fu, I will take it as the top priority. Leave it to me!"

Fu Qingzhu was slightly taken aback, and then he realized that what he said seemed a little inappropriate.He is also a kind person, and immediately said: "I'm sorry, Brother Chen, Brother Luo. I just... just couldn't accept it for a while, so I just spoke out. Fashen Yuanjue has his own rules, and the last time he made an exception for Brother Luo It's a rare thing in ten thousand years. If I bother with this little thing again, wouldn't it be that we all seem greedy."

Chen Yang felt sore, and said, "Brother Fu, don't say that."

Fu Qingzhu laughed and said: "Forget it, don't care what it does. It's just right when I don't have mana, so I'll go back to Yanjing to accompany Xiao Ai. I will leave everything to you in the future. If it is not possible, at least there will be more It's a good life for more than ten years!"

Chen Yang and Luo Feng looked at each other, but they stopped talking.They naturally have plans in their hearts.

After finishing the processing here, everyone returned to the Zhenguohou Mansion.Dongfang Jing didn't come over, she took the formation spar given by Chen Yang, and then left.

Obviously, she was going to find Chen Ling.

Dongfang Jing wanted to directly rely on the formation spar to find the Danube planet.

But Xuan Zhenghao didn't allow it, he wanted to help Dongfang Jing use the teleportation array to get there.Dongfang Jing said: "Anyway, it's only been about twenty days, why waste such a huge amount of medicine on you."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "That's not the case, 500 billion pills is indeed a lot. Saving 20 days, from the obvious point of view, the cost of 500 billion pills is really not worthwhile. But on the other hand, it guarantees you If you have any problems on the way, how can I explain to the sect master? If you are injured or have any accidents, then 500 billion pills are simply insignificant."

Dongfang Jing was a little unconvinced, and said, "Am I that fragile?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Although your cultivation base is not low, your actual combat ability is really not strong, is it?"

Dongfang Jing couldn't compete with Xuan Zhenghao, and said: "Okay, okay, it's up to you. Also, this is a jade pendant I got back from going out to ponder this time. I gave it to your son, and let him not forget me as a godmother !"

When she spoke, a crystal clear jade pendant flashed out of her hand.

Xuan Zhenghao took it and said, "If he dares to forget, I'll spank his ass!"

Dongfang Jing smiled sincerely, and then said with emotion: "So many years have passed, time flies so fast."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "But we will always be us. It will not change because of changes in status and cultivation."

"A trench, this feeling can't be changed!" Dongfang Jing said.

Xuan Zhenghao said, "That's right."

Chen Yang and others are going back to the Great Thousand World.

Naturally, Hei Yi Suzhen won't go, she wants to go back to Shennong World.Huo Hongjin is not a Man of Destiny, nor can she go to Yanjing.Therefore, she also returned to Shennong World.

Ling'er also chose to return to Shennong's world.She was most comfortable and at ease in Shennong World.

Before parting, Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Chen Yang, you have reached this point now. Jialan Palace, the title of Jialan King should also be returned to you. When you have dealt with the matter over there, Jialan Palace, I will return to you." Waiting for you to take over."

Chen Yang waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I just took a place. There will always be only one queen in the Garan Hall, and that is you. I will go to your place, and I will be considered as joining the Garan Hall in the future, but I will obey your orders. I will Protect the reputation of the Garan Hall, but you are the master of the Garan Hall. If you don’t agree to this, I won’t pass.”

Chen Yang has never been a greedy person.Everything in the Shennong world was built by Hei Yi Suzhen, so Chen Yang would never accept it.

Hei Yi Suzhen was slightly taken aback, then frowned, and said, "What's yours is yours, why don't you refuse me. I'm just helping you take care of it!"

Chen Yang said: "Let's not talk about this between us, everything will be done according to what I said. Linger, Hongjin, what do you think?"

Ling'er has recovered to a cold Ling'er. After hearing the words, she said: "I think you are right!"

"Get lost!" Hei Yi Suzhen cursed with a smile. "Even if you say farts are delicious, this girl will say that you are right!"

Chen Yang laughed out loud.

Ling'er said solemnly: "Chen Yang is right."

Huo Hongjin said: "I also think that my master's arrangement is reasonable. Sister Bai, think about it, in Shennong's world, everything is taken care of by you. Even if you let the master take care of it, then the master is not as good as you." You! Besides, who will be convinced? He is not as capable as you, and his talent is not as good as you..."

"You bloody girl, go get a beating!" Chen Yang was not happy to hear that. "You said that I am not as good as her, I admit it. Am I not as talented as her? Then Meng Qingchen was played around by me before, and Bai Suzhen was almost cheated by Meng Qingchen. This is the gap, the gap in IQ, do you understand? Understand?"

Hei Yi Suzhen said, "Screw you, Chen Yang. That's...that's why I didn't treat her like a dish."

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