The strongest player in history

Chapter 2291 Revisiting the Treasure Land

Chen Yang was eager to leave Danube, but he couldn't leave immediately.There are still too many things to deal with here!The elves still need to deal with the aftermath. Although the human race is completely wiped out, there are still many human beings living in misery.

Chen Yang directly had a showdown with Moshan Cangqiong: "It's not difficult for us to destroy the Purple Star Clan now, but I won't do it. Because you and I used to be comrades-in-arms!"

Moshan Cangqiong probably understood what Chen Yang meant, and he immediately assured Chen Yang: "In the future, the hatchlings of the Purple Star Clan will follow the path of self-cultivation, and will never touch humans again!"

"You can guarantee it?" Chen Yang expressed doubts.

Moshan Cangqiong hesitated for a moment, he really couldn't guarantee it completely.

In fact, Chen Yang knew very well that the best solution was to wipe out all the Purple Star Clan.The Purple Star Clan is hatched by humans, which is full of evil in itself.But Chen Yang couldn't be so ruthless, the Purple Star Clan had already hatched [-] people.Can he kill them all?

He can't do it!

Moreover, can Chen Yang kill the Moshan Cangqiong who fought side by side, killing the scholar, Moshan and even the city?

he can not!

If they kill all their clansmen, but don't kill Moshan Cangqiong and the others, is that okay?

None of this works!

Then there is only negotiation.

"Actually, the current normal population of the Purple Star Clan can also have children." Moshan Cangqiong said: "We will strictly control it in the future and try not to harm humans. The Purple Star Clan and humans should be good friends!"

Chen Yang said: "Let's do this, completely stop it, I know it's impossible. Among human beings, there must be people who are treacherous and evil. At that time, I will ask the race to give you some places. The places can only be given by them. OK?"

Demon Mountain Sky was overjoyed and said, "Of course!"

"Ten a year!" Chen Yang said.

Demon Mountain Sky said: "Yes!"

Chen Yang also felt quite helpless, he knew that there would still be many crimes arising from this.For example, it is possible that high-level human beings cannot stand the temptation, or are forced to become prostitutes, and so on.

However, when the water is clear, there will be no fish!No amount of strict regulations can prevent corruption and greed.

I can only do my best and obey the destiny.

"On the human side, one person has to be left to take care of it. You must also be able to control the scene!" After Chen Yang discussed with Moshan Cangqiong, he told Chen Ling, Hei Yi Suzhen and others about the situation.

Chen Ling said so after listening.

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, of course he knew that it would be best to leave alone.But who is left?This is a problem!These people are not Chen Yang's subordinates, who can he let stay?Who wants to stay?

These are key questions.

At this time, Chen Ling smiled slightly, and said: "You young people, Chen Yang, are the destiny now. How about this, I will stay here for the time being, and I will help you cultivate some talents in the human race. When the training is almost the same I'll leave again!"

Chen Yang was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said: "This is indeed a solution to the problem of the younger generation, but senior, this is too wronged for you."

Chen Ling said: "What's wrong with this? I haven't had anything to do in the past few years. How about this, before you go back, we will make a teleportation formation, and after that, you will also let your Aunt Jing come over. It will be just right to have her with me .”

Chen Yang said: "Okay!" He was relieved.

Chen Ling offered to stay on Danube, which indeed solved many of Chen Yang's worries.Danube has come to the present, and many situations are caused by Chen Yang.Although he could just walk away, but as a human race, he couldn't ignore those poor humans.There are also elves who need to be looked after!

If Chen Ling stayed, everything would be easy.

Chen Yang also suggested that the brains of Yutian Zhenyi and Moshan Cangqiong should be controlled by Chen Ling.That's the only way to be safe!Chen Ling naturally did not object.

To some extent, Chen Yang and Chen Ling were the same kind of people.So their ideas can agree.Linger basically had no opinion, anyway, she would do whatever Chen Yang said.

Qin Lin and Chen Yang also had the same opinion. The three of them all had compassion in their hearts.

And although Luo Feng is willing to be merciful for his wife and daughter, deep in his heart he feels, what does this have to do with me?In this world, who is immortal?Why should I care about these people's lives?

Hei Yi Suzhen said bluntly to Chen Yang and Chen Ling: "I don't think it's necessary to put one person here. In this cosmic starry sky, there are many worlds, so many sufferings, so many injustices, so many things. Do you want to save the world? Do you think you are the Guanyin Bodhisattva who saves the suffering? But can you save it? How much can your shoulders carry?"

She then said: "It is right to live among thousands of flowers, not to touch one's body. If we can not destroy the flowers, it is considered compassionate."

Chen Ling smiled slightly after hearing this, and said, "Miss Bai, what you said makes sense. Naturally, we can't bear all the burdens. In fact, there are not so many reasons. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Do what you can It’s just a simple thing, and you don’t need to rise to any heights. It’s just what you like! Some people are willing to be unruly wind, some people are willing to be lingering clouds, they are all different choices!”

Hei Yi Suzhen couldn't help but glanced at Chen Ling, she also smiled, and said, "I have fully seen the demeanor of your step today. As expected, you are worthy of being the Emperor of China. You are much more real than that kind of Miao Shan. Back then, the Queen Mother of the West bullied me Suppressing me, I was looking for her, Miaoshan claimed to be righteous, and suppressed me indiscriminately. I will never look down on her."

Chen Ling also heard about those old things from Chen Yang.

"Miss Bai's deeds are even more admirable!" Chen Ling said sincerely.

Hei Yi Suzhen waved her hand and said, "Let's stop complimenting each other."

She didn't say anything else after that, but said: "When that Yu Tianzhen comes, I still have something to ask him."

"What's the matter?" Chen Ling asked strangely.

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "The little girl and I were deceived by Meng Qingchen into the dark tide with Xiao Ling's treasure that day. Although we were deceived, this Xiao Ling's treasure is real. The treasure was taken."

Chen Yang's eyes lit up. He had heard from Chonghuang Linghui that Xiao Ling was a great person back then.His treasure must have many benefits.

This is not to be missed.Although the time is urgent, but now Fu Qingzhu's injury has been delayed, so it is very good to take the treasure first.

Everything was arranged in an orderly manner.

Yu Tianzhen came on time the next day and was very respectful.Chen Ling successfully controlled the brains of Yutian Zhenyi and Moshan Cangqiong.

After that, Chen Yang asked Yu Tianzhen to take them to Xiao Ling's treasure place.

Of course Yu Tian Shinichi did not refuse.

The group set off quickly, but because Qin Lin and Huo Hongjin were seriously injured, they naturally refused to go.

Chen Yang and Ling'er also decided to stay and take care of the wounded, so they asked Chen Ling, Hei Yi Suzhen and Yu Tianzhen to go together.

After Chen Ling heard Chen Yang's arrangement, he smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if I go or not. Chen Yang, you are deeply immersed in the game, so it's more suitable for you to go there. I'll take care of the wounded at home."

"How can that be done!" Chen Yang resolutely refused.

Chen Ling said: "..."

Yu Tianzhen interrupted and said: "Seniors, although Xiao Ling's treasure exists, we may not be able to find it when we go this time." He didn't say anything at first, because he was afraid that everyone in Chen Yang would think that he was trying to evade.

At this time, Yu Tian Zhenyi told the whole story.

Hei Yi Suzhen immediately said: "Since everyone can only take two pieces when going in, then Chen Yang, Linger, you all go. Just take the wounded with you."

Hei Yi Suzhen is a clean and tidy person, and Chen Yang also thinks this is feasible.Originally, he felt that the environment in outer space was harsh. Although they could provide air, it was not as good as coming here after all.But since there is a rule that you can only take two treasures.Then, let's go.Even Fu Qingzhu took it with him.

The Demon Mountain Sky was staring eagerly at the side, and Chen Yang waved his hand, so that the Demon Mountain Sky, the Magic Mountain Liancheng, and the life-threatening scholar also went together.Although Chen Yang's character is a little too kind, he is definitely a generous person.

Demon Mountain Sky is also very good, knowing that his group of people are really inferior now.So he immediately said: "We all only need one treasure, and Mr. Chen Yang will handle the rest."

Chen Yang didn't directly refuse, but just said: "Let's talk!"

After this discussion was finalized, everyone did not delay any longer.Chen Yang used Jiexumi to create a magic circle, using mana to balance the various vacuum pressures in Jiexumi, and tried to make Jiexumi the same as on earth even in outer space.

With Chen Yang's current cultivation base, this is not difficult.Find some materials and crystals, add some panacea, and it will be built soon.

Afterwards, everyone set off to the mysterious space-time tide.

Under the leadership of Yutian Shinichi, they arrived at the mysterious space-time tidal zone in about two hours.

The element of time and space is an extremely dangerous element in the universe. It can make people look old instantly, or get lost in the sea of ​​time and space, and they will never be reborn forever.

Back then, the worm emperor Linghui relied on his physical strength and could grow infinitely, even disregarding the way of heaven.But in the end, he lost his proud physical body when he fell into the chaos of time and space, and he learned how to be a bug from then on.

Everyone stood still in the starry sky, and there was a black cloud in front of them, like a city covered by black clouds. Those space-time elements covered thousands of miles and formed a circle. Layers of layers were rotating inside and outside, and formed a suction force.

And Xiao Ling's treasure was hidden in it.

Hei Yi Suzhen looked at the sea of ​​space-time element particles, she took a breath, and said: "If Meng Qingchen brought me and the little girl into this place, then we really have no place to die. At least Even if you don’t die, you won’t be able to get out.”

Chen Yang said: "She will never do this, because once she detonates the tide of time and space, then she will not be able to get Xiao Ling's treasure."

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