This note was obviously written by Xiao Ling casually, and the time span in it is very large.Moreover, Yu Tian Zhenyi also saw that Xiao Ling's style of acting was extremely decisive, not procrastinating.Because although he took notes, he often spoke in a few words and didn't have much emotional understanding.

"Immortal Realm? What Immortal Realm?" Yu Tianzhen thought to himself.Although he didn't know the existence of the fairy world, he knew without a doubt that it was a more powerful place.Behind the bronze gate of this treasure is the treasure of the fairy world.

Yu Tian Shinichi continued to read.

Seventh page:

"When I first arrived in the fairyland with Master Creation, I thought that we would be ridiculously proud of the world with our own abilities. How could we know that we are just frogs at the bottom of a well, which is ridiculous! From fish ponds to oceans, this is the essential difference."

Page [-]:

"Today, the immortal envoy of the fairy world humiliated me and ordered me to drill under his crotch to survive. I...drilled. I have never bowed my head in all my life. Today's humiliation under the crotch is a great shame. In the future, I will definitely kill this person The whole family!"

Page Nine:

"Real Good Fortune parted from me, and I entered the Yunhai Immortal Realm, and escaped death!"

Tenth page:

"The Immortal Realm of Cloud Sea is cruel and terrifying. The sunshine of the infinite light star will cover the fairy realm. If the clouds and mists do not disperse, the immortals will not be able to survive. The radiation of the infinite light star will make all the creatures and plants in the fairy realm evolve and mutate, and they will be in danger every step of the way. Fairy Qionghua will save her."

Page No.11:

"Ten years together, today Qionghua married me as my wife, my old friend Good Fortune came to visit the Immortal Realm, I am very happy. It has been more than 30 years since I entered the Immortal Realm, Good Fortune has also found my own way, we do not regret this choice .I testified the Taoism with the good fortune real person, and gave the lotus treasure mirror to my old friend. My old friend gave me Loulan Heaven, and he said it was a thing of the earth."

Page No.12:

"After 300 years, I have finally fully controlled the Yunhai Immortal Territory."

Page No.13:

"That bullshit immortal envoy died at my hands. His family was [-] people, and I killed them all, old and young, women and children. Joy, jolly! After this battle, my name was widely known in the fairy world, and some people began to call me Fairy King!"

Page No.14:

"It's been 200 years, and I have been Tianjun for hundreds of years. The fairyland is getting more and more chaotic, and I miss my hometown, the earth. I am determined to go to the earth with Qionghua."

Page No.15:

"The worm emperor is so arrogant and rude, he came to my fairyland to take a thousand figs without authorization. I fought a hard battle with him, and the worm emperor was so powerful. I joined forces with Qionghua, but I was defeated. Since I became the fairy king, It is the first defeat in my life, and I am convinced!"

Page No.16:

"There is more and more unrest in the fairyland. There is a mysterious force trying to disrupt the fairyland. I am determined to choose a location for the treasure of my life and put it properly. However, I must return to the fairyland. I have only been on the earth for hundreds of years, and I have been in the fairyland for more than 1000 years. .The fairyland is where my glory lies, and foreign enemies are not allowed to invade. I will live and die with the fairyland!"

The handwriting came to an abrupt end here.

Yu Tianzhen returned the letter to the distance.Of course he won't take the Codex with him, it's not a treasure.Even if you have seen it.

"Obviously, Xiao Ling went back to Earth and placed the bronze token on Earth. Afterwards, he returned to the Immortal Realm. But he doesn't know what kind of mysterious figure it is that can pose a threat to a place like the Immortal Realm? I don't know either What happened to Xiao Ling and the fairy world?"

Yu Tian Shinichi was too lazy to think about these things.His top priority is to find a suitable magic weapon and use it himself.

Eastern Frontier Continent, Purple Mansion!

Chen Yang and his team scoured the Supreme Pavilion of the Purple Mansion, and harvested countless magic weapons and elixirs.But there is no particularly good magic weapon.Even so, everyone has made a lot of money.

Soon, though.The mood of Chen Yang and his party could not be at peace.Because Chen Ling couldn't feel An Ruosu's existence anymore.

This means that something is wrong with Hei Yi Suzhen and An Ruosu.

Chen Ling's heart sank.

He and An Ruosu had a deep relationship, and he couldn't accept the result of the little girl's accident.He also didn't believe that something would happen to the little girl.

Chen Ling wanted to go to the Dragon Clan to find out the news, but Chen Yang stopped him in time.

"If something really happened to Bai Suzhen and the little girl, Senior Ling, it won't help if you go like this." Chen Yang said in a deep voice.

Chen Ling said, "What do you think?"

Chen Yang also felt troubled.

He also couldn't believe that Hei Yi Suzhen would have an accident.

"We can't do it alone, but it's obviously impossible to attack the giant dragon clan together right now. If they really have the ability to catch Bai Suzhen and the others, then we will die if we go together. And if we don't catch them, just wait, maybe they will come back. I believe that Bai Suzhen will be fine, no one in this world can kill her."

Chen Ling was not a reckless person either.

"We have to prepare for the worst." Chen Ling said: "Wait for another three hours. If there is no news after that, let's go to the Dragon Clan together!"

Chen Yang agreed with Chen Ling's opinion.

The more it is at this time, the more you can't mess yourself up.

They need calm, unconventional calm.

At this time, Luo Feng suddenly said to Chen Ling: "Senior, I have a gift for you."

Chen Ling was slightly taken aback.

Luo Feng didn't say much, but a pill of the origin of supernatural power appeared in his hand, and he directly ejected it to Chen Ling.

Chen Ling didn't think too much, and reached out to take it.When he caught the source of this supernatural power, he immediately understood what it was.

Not only the origin of supernatural powers, but also the secret arts of the fairy world.

The origin of supernatural powers is the great gene technique!

Chen Ling understood immediately, and he couldn't help the look of joy in his eyes.

The big gene technique can change the genes of the opponent in a specific environment, and the combination of the big gene technique and the big prophecy technique can purify the species outside the earth.

This is truly the icing on the cake.

"Luo Feng, I owe you another favor." Chen Ling said.

Luo Feng said: "Senior, don't say that, you are here to help our brother. Only our brother owes you. If your elf soul really makes a mistake, we are all sinners."

A look of pain flashed in Chen Ling's eyes, but he quickly shook his head and said, "She will be fine."

After a pause, Chen Ling said, "I will use these three hours to comprehend the origin of this supernatural power. After three hours, if they don't come back, no matter what, I can't wait any longer."

Chen Yang said, "Okay, senior!"

In fact, he was more anxious than Chen Ling, but he couldn't be confused.

The best result is that Heiyi Suzhen and An Ruosu will come back in time, otherwise, the variables will be unimaginable.

No one knows, accident or tomorrow, which one will come first!

Although, everyone was worried about the safety of Hei Yi Suzhen and An Ruosu.But no one believed that something had happened to them.It is impossible for them to have an accident, and everyone knows what they are capable of.

If the other party has the ability to kill Hei Yi Suzhen, then they will not lose.

Dawn comes.

In the sky above Zifu, the snow finally stopped.

The sky was clear.

Three hours have passed.

There is still no news about Hei Yi Suzhen and An Ruosu.Chen Yang's side has already gathered all the people and horses, the magic mountain sky, the magic mountain connecting the city, and the life-threatening scholars are all gathered.

All the masters on Chen Yang's side are also here.

Once the men and horses are gathered, everyone is ready to go.

But at this time, the figure outside the Zifu flickered, and then a group of masters locked the Zifu.

Obviously, it wasn't Heiyi Suzhen and An Ruosu who came.

Those who came were Meng Qingchen, Yu Tianzhen and other masters.

Chen Yang's heart beat violently.

His body trembled, and uncontrollable fear dominated his brain.

He is not afraid of Meng Qingchen, let alone death.He knows what this means.Meng Qingchen and the others dared to take the initiative to attack, which means that something happened to Heiyi Suzhen and An Ruosu...

Chen Yang couldn't accept it.He absolutely cannot accept it!

Ling'er held Chen Yang's hand, and she also knew what it meant, she was no less sad than Chen Yang.

Bai Suzhen is one of the few people she likes and loves in this world!

Chen Ling's face was also livid, extremely ugly.

At this moment, there is no need to say anything else.

Everyone immediately flew out of the palace and came to the square.

In the sky of the square, a large army from Meng Qingchen's side arrived, the dragon roamed the void, and there were countless masters.

Meng Qingchen, led by Yu Tian Zhenyi.

At the same time, Ru Yanchen's group and Gou Chen's group also came.

There is no way for business, fresh returns to farmers, and fresh to snow.

There was also an elder who followed Meng Qingchen at the end, Elder Cangsong!

This is Meng Qingchen's power unit.

Yu Tian Zhenyi also brought a lot of masters from the Dragon Clan.

Two dragon elders, a dragon king, and a primordial dragon.The cultivation base of Taikoo Tianlong is only inferior to Yutian Zhenyi.

It is definitely powerful for the giant dragon clan to be able to compete with the Zifu, so that the Zifu does not dare to have delusional thoughts.This is also the reason why Chen Yang defeated Meng Qingchen's troops but did not pursue them hastily.At that time, Luo Feng and Ling'er were both injured.If you go hastily, the giant dragon clan will definitely resist desperately. At that time, it is not certain who will win the battle.

The current situation is extremely dire.

It was more dangerous than before Chen Yang returned to Earth.

At this time, Meng Qingchen was in high spirits, with a flamboyant look in his eyes.Although she hasn't won yet, she already feels elated in her heart.

Meng Qingchen glanced at the people on Chen Yang's side, and finally locked his eyes on Chen Yang: "You probably didn't expect how this situation would happen today, did you?"

"What's the situation?" Although Chen Yang was not calm, even anxious and worried.But he kept his composure. "Don't you think you've already won?"

"Chen Yang, I must admit that you have a lot of cleverness. You have gained the upper hand many times, but the real victory does not need many times. It is enough for me to win you once. You don't have to take chances, then Both the woman in black and the spirit of the little elf are dead. If they are not dead, how can this deity come here with great fanfare!" Meng Qingchen's words were like knives, piercing Chen Yang's heart fiercely.

"Impossible!" Chen Yang could no longer maintain his composure, his body shook.

There was a cold light in Chen Ling's eyes, and a murderous intent condensed in his eyes.

If An Ruosu really died, he would try his best to kill the woman in front of him.

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