Yu Tianzhen was also excited in his heart, but at the same time he was still a little puzzled, and said, "Do you think this dark element can really kill that black-clothed woman?"

Meng Qingchen said: "After the dark elements form tides, they can compress any hard and mysterious objects into dark particles, and finally swallow them into the black hole vortex. The horror in this is beyond your imagination. Let's go, they die deal."

For this point, Meng Qingchen is confident.She has long known that no matter how powerful a creature is, it is nothing compared to the real power of the universe.

Afterwards, Meng Qingchen took Yu Tianzhen and fled out of the land of dark elements with a lightning bolt.The moment she fled, the primordial bomb she planted completely detonated.


Among the dark elements, the extremely powerful explosion force exploded the dark particles, and after the dark particles detonated, they exploded to other dark particles.

Like a sudden outbreak of plague, it quickly swept across the entire dark land.

Hei Yi Suzhen realized that she had been fooled the moment Meng Qingchen fled. "Let's go!" Hei Yi Suzhen immediately took An Ruosu away in a flash, but she was still a step too late.

Meng Qingchen deliberately came to plot against Hei Yi Suzhen, and the timing was just right, so wonderful.It was absolutely impossible to give Heiyi Suzhen a chance to escape.

As soon as Hei Yi Suzhen moved, violent explosion particles swept towards her.

This explosion of particles is endless, wave after wave.Without saying a word, Hei Yi Suzhen unleashed the Great Chaos Thunder Sword.She slashed out with one sword, and cut a hole in the dark ocean in front of her.

Hei Yi Suzhen entered the middle of the opening, and fired out lightning swords continuously, trying to cut a way out with the lightning sword.

The darkness surged, the particles bombarded wildly, and the gravitational force in the middle swept wildly, trying to swallow all the dark matter.

Hei Yi Suzhen and An Ruosu were like flying above the rushing waterfall. Once they were swept down, they would be crushed to pieces immediately.

Outside the dark element, Meng Qingchen and Yu Tianzhen looked at the dark world, the tide was rolling, faintly showing the light of thunder and lightning.

The explosion of the particles and the strong suction made Yu Tian Zhenyi unable to control himself.They are still like this outside, which shows how bad the situation inside is.

In that dark element, all magnetic fields and particles are dark elements.Hei Yi Suzhen and the others couldn't travel through the void, let alone perform the Great Teleportation Technique.When the dark element was not violent before, there were still gaps to be found.Now there is no luck at all.

"Let's go!" Meng Qingchen said to Yu Tian Zhenyi.

"Shouldn't we leave after making sure they are dead inside?" Yu Tianzhen asked.

Meng Qingchen said: "This place will become more and more dangerous. In the end, it will be engulfed by dark elements within a radius of [-] miles and collapse into a black hole. We are looking for death by staying here."

Yu Tian Zhenyi said: "Okay, then we really have to go."

"Go!" The two quickly left the place.

In the dark tide, Heiyi Suzhen led An Ruosu to jump continuously, but every time she was drawn into the center of the dark tide.They were getting closer and closer to the black hole vortex, and every few minutes closer, the dark particles were compressed more violently.It seems that Heiyi Suzhen is going to be crushed and then devoured.

Hei Yi Suzhen couldn't help frowning, she had never encountered such a situation.

"I was really reckless this time, and I fell into such a trick. Although I have gone through nine times of thunder and calamity, my body still cannot surpass the dark element. What should I do? Do I really want to be buried here? No, if I die Death, Chen Yang and the others must have difficulty resisting people like Meng Qingchen. But, how do I crack it?"

Hei Yi Suzhen felt that the mana in her body was constantly passing away.

An Ruosu said at this time: "Sister Bai, stop protecting me, let me try. I want to eat this dark vortex."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "But...the dark element is too powerful, how can you finish it?"

An Ruosu said: "I'll try, let's talk if it doesn't work. We can't sit still!"

"Okay, be careful." Hei Yi Suzhen said.

At that moment, she released An Ruosu.

An Ruosu immediately turned into countless dragon mosquitoes, devouring the dark element.The dark elements surged and exploded violently.An Ruosu's Dragon Mosquito was also really fierce, and it really devoured it all the way up, just like this, it cut a way for Hei Yi Suzhen.After she devoured it, there was a small gap in the cut path for Heiyi Suzhen to follow.

If all goes well, they can just rush out like this.

But this is just a good idea.

After An Ruosu's dragon mosquitoes devoured for about half an hour, suddenly... With a bang, all the dragon mosquitoes exploded.Afterwards, An Ruosu disappeared into the dark tide...

If nothing went wrong, An Ruosu would have been blasted into dark particles, and in the next step, she would be swallowed into the center of the black hole.

"Little girl!" Hei Yi Suzhen's eyes were tearing apart when she saw this scene.

Distraught, she tried her best to cast her magic power and slashed continuously, but the dark elements around her were surging, and she could no longer find An Ruosu's shadow.

An Ruosu has turned into billions of dark elements, no more life!

"Little girl, little girl!" Heiyi Suzhen was terrified, she shouted loudly, she was in so much pain that she even hated herself.

"It's me, it's me, it's me again. I'm too self-willed. Bai Suzhen, Bai Suzhen, you killed my sister and the little girl. You pretended to be invincible all your life. You are just a fool, the number one in the world." Big idiot."

Hei Yi Suzhen blamed herself for the pain, but all this was to no avail.

Moreover, the dark tide is still continuing to bombard her body.She kept enduring this bombardment, unable to extricate herself, irreversible, her body was always migrating towards the center.

The vortex in the center of the black hole is getting bigger and bigger, and its suction is getting stronger and stronger.

All the surrounding matter will be shredded, broken into dark particles, and finally swallowed.

This is a collapse of the natural universe!

The entire universe is collapsing towards the center.Countless black holes, countless collapses!

Hei Yi Suzhen's mana was still passing away, and she couldn't get out no matter what.Those dark particles crazily bombarded her Nine Layers Thunder Tribulation thoughts...

Hei Yi Suzhen felt that her thoughts were becoming more and more ethereal...

She was powerless to resist, and could only bear this kind of demise... In the end, all she could see was Hei Yi Suzhen's body turning into thousands of lightning particles, which were blown into countless shattered particles, and finally turned into dark particles. was sucked into that heartland.

And what is the heartland?

It is... a huge black hole vortex.

Meng Qingchen and Yu Tian Shinichi flew quickly among the stars.Yu Tianzhen asked Meng Qingchen concerned, and said, "Now we are going to take Xiao Ling's treasure, right?"

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