The strongest player in history

Chapter 2277 Ancient Xiao Ling

In the valley, some young dragons who have not yet grown up will practice and play in it.

The climate in this valley is very good, and there are natural hot springs below. Although there is heavy snow outside, the valley is like spring all year round.

It was noon at this time, and the six little dragons in their thirties were not concentrating on their cultivation, they were frolicking and playing.At this moment, from a distance, a little dragon named Max flew over excitedly. He was also in his thirties and about five meters long.The whole body is covered with black scales, which looks very handsome.Max belongs to the ice dragon. When it was flying, its two paws grabbed an iron cage.The iron cage was quite big, and there were six humans in it.

To be precise, six human children.

Max came up and joined the dragons.All the little dragons gathered around, Max uttered dragon language, and said excitedly: "Come and see, I found a good thing."

"This is... a human!" A little dragon also became excited.

Satisfied, Max said, "I went to the Dragon Prison today and found a lot of these little humans in the corner... oh, it's so dirty, it's so disgusting."

When it said this disgusting feeling, it was like seeing a lot of cockroaches.

Max continued: "But then I thought, we can play them. I have some good ways to play."

Max appears innocent, it is not a malicious person.It is very humble and friendly to its fellow dragons, but it can't be said that it has bad morals if it plays tricks among its friends.

"What way?" Another little dragon asked.

Max said: "Kangrui, you are of the fire attribute, you spit fire on one of the little humans, how about we see him roll?"

"That's good!" Kang Rui responded immediately.

It immediately grabbed a child out. The child couldn't speak at all, but was trembling with fear on his face.

Kang Rui didn't care about this, he just opened his mouth and spit out dragon flames.

The child immediately caught fire and let out a shrill scream.The child ran a few steps, and then rolled on the ground, but after a while, his body smelled of burning, and finally turned into a pile of bones.

"Fun, fun!" Several little dragons applauded and shouted happily.

Max said: "I'll make an ice sculpture!" After he finished speaking, he also grabbed a child out, and saw it opened its mouth and swallowed the child with a mouthful of ice. In an instant, the child became an ice sculpture, even The expressions are terrified, and lifelike, lifelike!

These little dragons had endless fun playing here, they didn't think it was cruel at all, they just thought it was very interesting.

"What are you doing?" At this moment, the voice of a female dragon scolded.

The little dragons were startled, they looked up and saw two dragons flying over from the other side of the valley.

Those two dragons are adult female dragons, one of them is Her Royal Highness Princess, who is [-] years old, called Chris, and her full name is Kris Shinichi.Accompanying Chris was Max's mother, who was also Chris' bodyguard named Grale.

Grale accompanied Chris to the front of the little dragons, who immediately saluted and shouted, "Your Highness!"

When Chris saw that all the children were dying tragically, she couldn't help trembling with anger. She said sadly, "How can you be so cruel at such a young age?"

Max and the dragon were a little stunned.Max nana said, "Your Highness, we just thought it was fun!"

"Fun?" Grale stepped forward and slapped Max, and she said, "Mom threw you into the fire, did you think it was fun?"

Max was stunned by the beating, and he immediately said: "That's not fun, but, they are just little people. I saw that there are still elders in the clan who like to eat barbecue little people? These little people, they Eat a lot of animals too!"

That's how Max was educated, so he didn't know how cruel he was.

"Arrogance!" Chris was heartbroken, she said: "Some elders in the clan are just too arrogant, that's why they eat humans for fun. This makes them feel very fulfilled... Also, Max, Kang Rui, human beings are not comparable to other animals. There are some things, I think you are mistaken. Human beings, like us dragons, have incomparable spiritual wisdom. Among them, the powerful ones can also kill us Yes. It is a kind of self-deception that we regard them as the rest of the animals. Well, you go to play elsewhere. From now on, no more."

Max and the other dragons still don't quite understand what Chris means, but they are still very stressed after being scolded by the princess.Now Chris let them go, and they immediately ran away as if they were being amnesty.

"Your Highness, it's because the subordinates are not strict in discipline. After the subordinates return, they must discipline Max well." After the gang of little dragons flew away, Grale made an apology to Chris.

Chris looked at those human children who were tortured and killed, she sighed, and said, "Max, they are all little guys, so don't criticize them too much."

Grale said: "The subordinates will properly discipline them."

Chris’s eyes were still filled with worry, she said: “Father God has returned from injury, and he has not allowed me to see him these days. Also, Meng Qingchen from the Purple Mansion and a group of subordinates are also very embarrassed. Before Meng Qingchen When Chen Chen came, I was there when she was discussing with Father God. It seems that the alien invaders are indeed very powerful this time. Even my Father God and Meng Qingchen could not stop them. These days , the dragons in the clan are panic-stricken, they are all worried that alien invaders will come to attack our giant dragon clan."

Grale comforted Chris and said, "Lord Dragon God will definitely be able to resist the aliens, so don't worry too much, Your Highness."

"I also heard that those alien invaders are humans, humans from other planets." Chris said.

Grale's body shook slightly, and she murmured, "Human?"

Chris was full of worries, she ignored Grale, but looked around this beautiful dragon valley.She secretly said in her heart: "This is the place where I was born and raised. Here are the plants and trees I cherish. This is my homeland. Even if I am smashed to pieces, I will never take a step back and let foreign enemies invade! I will swear to the death to live and die with the Dragon Clan!"

The girl's eyes are full of determination!

Around the Dragon Palace, there are several gorgeous caves.

Yu Tian Zhenyi did nothing else in the past few days, but healed his wounds in his Dragon God Cave.Meng Qingchen didn't hide her secrets either, she took out many pills to heal Yu Tianzhen's injuries, and she also used her skills to help Yu Tianzhenyi.

So, on this day, Yu Tian Shinichi's injury finally healed.

But Yu Tian Zhenyi couldn't relax at all.How could he forget what Hei Yi Suzhen said, Hei Yi Suzhen said that he must be killed.

"Brother Yutian!" Meng Qingchen sat cross-legged with Yu Tianzhenyi in the cave at this time, she was quite relieved to see Yu Tianzhenyi recovered from his injury.Afterwards, she said: "It seems that you need a magic weapon at your fingertips."

Yu Tianzhen looked complicated, and he said, "Do you think it's useful?"

Meng Qingchen's eyes flashed brightly, and he said: "Could it be that Brother Yutian is ready to admit defeat? But even if you admit defeat, will they let us go? These earthlings, wolves and ambitions, came here just to kill us. We wiped it all out, and then took all the resources of the Danube planet as our own."

Yu Tian Zhenyi said: "It's not that I grow their ambitions and destroy my prestige. At that time, we accumulated the Loulan Heavenly Kingdom, and you spent a trillion pills. With such power, we couldn't win. Now, I don't think we What's the chance of winning?"

Meng Qingchen is such a smart person, he said: "So, brother Yutian's plan is to ask for peace? Hand me over?"

Yu Tian Zhenyi said: "Don't think too much, I don't mean that."

Meng Qingchen said: "It doesn't matter if you have such meaning, I can understand."

Yu Tianzhen said angrily: "Am I such a despicable dragon? Those people are from foreign races, and foreign races invaded. I, Yu Tianzhen, don't even have such ambition?"

Meng Qingchen was slightly relieved in her heart, she smiled and said: "Of course I am relieved, this is not your war, Brother Yutian. But in order to resist the aliens, Brother Yutian, you have a far-sighted vision and awe-inspiring righteousness, so you help me. My heart is Grateful!"

Yu Tian Shinichi said: "The Danube planet is our home, and this fact will always exist."

He then said: "But now, we have a few important issues to solve. First, the woman in black, as you have seen, can't be killed at all. I don't know why, and I will kill it by any means." Undead. There is also the boy who took over the divine light pillar of Loulan Heaven with his body. Although his cultivation base is lower than ours, but the divine light pillar, you and I can't take it together, but he took it. That boy will It is a more difficult enemy than the woman in black. And the guy who purified Loulan Heaven should not be underestimated...everything is difficult."

As soon as Yu Tianzhen counted on his fingers, the more he counted, the more upset he became.

Meng Qingchen said: "The most troublesome thing is the woman in black. Although the rest of them are difficult to kill, their attack power is not enough. Even if we can't kill them, we can protect ourselves."

Yu Tian Zhenyi said: "That's right, if there is a way to kill the woman in black, all these problems will be solved."

Meng Qingchen said: "Actually, there is no other way."

"Is there another way?" Yu Tianzhen couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard the words.

Meng Qingchen said: "Aren't you curious, where did I get Loulan Heaven?"

Yu Tian Shinichi said: "I'm really curious!"

Meng Qingchen said: "Back then, there was a person from Earth who came to our Danube planet. This person was called Xiao Ling. He taught the Dharma for the elves and humans, so he made the elves and humans stronger. At the same time, he also A treasure is left behind. It's just that this treasure is not in the Danube planet."

"Where is it?" Yu Tianzhen asked eagerly immediately. "Did you get your Loulan Heaven from that treasure?"

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