The strongest player in history

Chapter 2272 The True God

Chen Yang crazily feeds mana back to Hei Yi Suzhen, and Hei Yi Suzhen relies on these mana to activate the Thunder City...

This forms a cycle!

In a general sense, this kind of mana cannot be absorbed by the opponent.But Hei Yi Suzhen is an energy body, and she can directly transfer Chen Yang's mana to the city of thunder through the fusion of herself and the spirit.

Chen Ling himself was not idle at this time, he flew into the air with his whole body.Afterwards, Chen Ling circulated the magic power in his body, and all his clothes bulged without wind.

But seeing his majestic Dharma appearance, with Dharma seals in his hands, the original power surged wildly between his brows!

Chen Ling muttered something.

"Everything that is tangible and intangible, everything that exists, everything that has not yet appeared. There is no end to everything! With my blood, I comprehend the mysteries of all beings in the world. With my will, I comprehend the will of heaven. From now on, From now on, I am God, the God who rose from heaven and earth, and God said, let there be light, so there will be light in this world!"

Chen Yang saw it in his eyes, and he knew that Senior Ling had finally displayed the great prophecy!

The Three Thousand Avenues on Earth!

Great prophecy is an absolute supernatural power on Earth.This great prophecy can only exert its most powerful power in a closed space.

But... Chen Yang's heart skipped a beat suddenly.

This is not the earth!The god in the great prophecy is the god of the origin of the earth. Can this god change all the rules here?

I'm afraid it's impossible!

Meng Qingchen was annoyed that this group of people were really freaks who couldn't be killed, and now Shenmang Tianzhu couldn't break through Chen Yang's black hole vortex for a long time.This annoyed her to the extreme.

Then, she saw Chen Ling casting a spell in the air!

"Hmph, now the power of the kingdom of heaven is filling it, and no spell can change the nature of the kingdom of heaven." Meng Qingchen thought so in her heart, but she was still afraid of accidents.

In this heaven, everyone's magic power must rely on their own strength, and it is difficult to communicate with the magnetic field of the outside world.Therefore, everyone's strength is actually greatly reduced!

Like Heiyi Suzhen fighting Yutian Zhenyi, in addition to her own strength, she relied on the power of the city of thunder.That's how he defeated Yutian Shinichi!If she didn't have the help of a thunder pool like the Thunder City, it would be difficult for her to turn the endless magnetic field of the outside world into mana and attack her opponent.

Meng Qingchen felt that it was difficult for Chen Ling to do anything.

But...the things in this world always come out of fear...

When Chen Ling finished that sentence, God said, let there be light, and there was light.

As a result, a dazzling golden light suddenly gushed out from the soles of Chen Ling's feet.

However, this was not the end, Chen Ling continued to chant.

"God said, let there be sky and earth. Therefore, this world has sky and earth. God said, everything in this world is given by me. I can give, and I can take back. God said, only good is good, Light and darkness can be separated. So this world has 'day' and 'night'. God said that there should be a light body in the sky, which can divide day and night, make marks, set festivals, days, and years! Therefore, this world has With the rule 'time'."

As Chen Ling sang, everything in Loulan Heaven was changing.

Those fogs began to change, turned into the sky, the earth, and finally turned into light, turned into mountains and rivers...

The fog in the Loulan Heaven is the core of the Heaven, and it is the power extracted from the Danube planet.

But now, all the fog was purified by Chen Ling's big prophecy!

When Chen Ling's spell was completely recited, the fog in the entire Loulan Heavenly Kingdom disappeared.What followed was infinite golden light, which was a golden world.

360 All the righteous gods of the five roads also turned into gold, and the Loulan Golden Seal, as well as the Shenman Tianzhu, also all turned into gold.

"How is this possible?" Meng Qingchen was terrified and couldn't believe it.

In this day, she was surprised more times than in her whole life.

She already felt that she had lost the power to control the Loulan Heavenly Kingdom.

Chen Lingxu stood in the air. At this moment, he was like a real god.

At this moment, even Hei Yi Suzhen and the others were all restrained and could not move.Because this is Chen Ling's world.In this world, only his permission can move.

Hei Yi Suzhen and others were unable to move, but Moshan Cangqiong and others were not restricted.

It was also at this moment that Chen Yang suddenly understood what was going on.

The reason why Senior Ling's great prophecy works is because... because the Loulan Heavenly Kingdom is the magic weapon of the earth!

But Magic Mountain Sky and the others do not belong to the species of the earth, so they are not restricted.

At this time, Chen Ling's eyes were long and deep.He said: "God said, you are all unrestricted!"

As soon as this sentence was spoken, Hei Yi Suzhen and others all resumed their actions.

The Divine Light Tianzhu was also taken back by 360 Wuzhengshen.

Hei Yi Suzhen's mana had been fully recovered, she took over the city of thunder, and led all the experts to Chen Ling's side quickly.

Meng Qingchen's body is not restricted here either, they do not belong to the earth species, so they can still move.

Meng Qingchen still holds the Loulan Golden Seal in her hands.

Right now, although Chen Ling couldn't control Meng Qingchen and the others, the power of the entire Loulan Heavenly Kingdom had already been used by him.Therefore, in this Loulan Heavenly Kingdom, he is still a god.

Most importantly, Chen Ling still has 360 Wulu Zhengshen to listen to his orders!

On Meng Qingchen's side, Yu Tian Zhenyi's strength has been greatly reduced.

On Chen Yang's side, only Luo Feng couldn't fight anymore.

The two sides are fighting each other!

Then, without further ado, Chen Ling ordered directly! "kill!"

With a sound of killing, the eyes of the 360 ​​Five-way Zhengshen once again gathered the divine light, this time it was just a golden divine light!

360 Wulu Zhengshen is currently attacking and killing the opponent by absorbing golden energy.

All the fog energy in Loulan Heaven turned into golden energy!

Although now, the 360 ​​Five-way God is definitely not as powerful as before, but as a shit-stirring stick, it is also very good.

730 divine lights combined into a bundle of golden divine lights!The golden light came to kill Meng Qingchen himself.

Stimulated by Chen Ling's mana, all his primordial spirit returned to his body.


The golden divine light blasted over, its energy power overwhelming and majestic.Meng Qingchen felt great hatred in her heart, her Loulan Golden Seal could not command the 360 ​​Five-way Righteous God at all right now.Because the nature of the Loulan Golden Seal has also been changed.

Even if she destroyed the Loulan Golden Seal, it would be nothing more than suffering for the 360 ​​Five Righteous Gods.These righteous gods lose the support of the gold seal and will die in the future.It's not that he will die now... So, for the sake of the Loulan Heavenly Kingdom, Meng Qingchen dare not destroy the Loulan Golden Seal.

"Mirror of Myriad Arts!" Meng Qingchen had no other choice in this situation, and quickly sacrificed the Divine Mirror of Myriad Arts.

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