The strongest player in history

Chapter 2263 Linger and Chen Yang

Seeing Chen Yang's permission, Huo Hongjin was overjoyed.Even Ling'er was overjoyed.Ling'er was actually very afraid that Chen Yang would not take her with him.Chen Yang squeezed Chen Yang's little hand, and said, "But you are not allowed to kill people indiscriminately, do you understand?"

Ling'er pouted her lips, a little unconvinced, but then she nodded obediently and said, "Okay!"

Chen Yang laughed.He continued: "It's not too late, let's set off immediately. You go to Tianzhou first, and I will go to the Great Thousand World and take my elder brother and the others to meet up."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "What are you going to Tianzhou for?"

Chen Yang said: "The Great Thousand World will make you uncomfortable. I want to set up a teleportation array on the Tianzhou side. Because I have already planted an array on the Danube planet. Once the teleportation is opened, we can arrive instantly."

Hei Yi Suzhen was slightly taken aback, and then said: "I don't know much about formations, but I do know that it is not easy to connect formations that are too far away. For example, between Kepler's fairyland and the earth For a while, the teleportation channel consumes a lot of power. After the channel of the fairy world was destroyed, it has not been repaired, so it can be seen."

Chen Yang said: "I know this, but Kepler's distance from the earth is not comparable to that of the Danube planet. It will be easier to handle here, and with the help of Xuan Zhenghao, it should not be a big problem. Moreover, I have one more thing to do when I go to Tianzhou, if Senior Chen Ling is still there, I hope Senior Chen Ling can go with us too. With him here, our chances of winning will be much greater."

Hei Yi Suzhen rolled her eyes and said, "Why are seniors not seniors? In my eyes, I am still a junior. Is it not enough to have my sister? Do you still need him?"

Chen Yang laughed, he was also helpless, let alone Senior Ling, in front of Suzhen in black, regardless of his cultivation or ability, he was really not a senior.He said: "Anyway, be prepared!"

Hei Yi Suzhen said, "You can do whatever you want."

Ling'er said: "I will go to the world with you, I want to see Nianci."

Chen Yang was slightly surprised. He knew that Ling'er had always been somewhat repelled from seeing Shen Mo Nong and Nian Ci.She took the initiative to propose, which surprised Chen Yang.

It was not the first time for Ling'er to see Nian Ci, she had been there once before.Unfortunately, at that time, Chen Yang just brought Chen Yihan back, which caused a big misunderstanding.

Of course Chen Yang did not reject Linger, he said, "Okay!"

So, everyone quickly acted.Hei Yi Suzhen asked if he wanted to bring in more manpower, and Chen Yang said: "It's useless to bring in masters below the level of creation. But Hong Langjun and Xiao Fan still have to guard the world of Shennong. Let's go."

"Master, you discriminate against me!" Huo Hongjin felt aggrieved immediately, and said, "What do you mean that those below the level of creation are useless? I always think that my cultivation is very good, you look down on people!"

Chen Yang laughed, and said, "Okay, okay, you are a teacher like me, it's an exception."

Only then did Huo Hongjin laugh through tears, and said, "That's about the same."

In the presence, it was true that Chen Yang and Huo Hongjin hadn't reached the realm of creation.But Chen Yang's cultivation base is nothing to say, although he has not reached the realm of creation, he is very strong.

And Ling'er's cultivation has properly reached the second level of the Creation Realm.Her cultivation has always been domineering and needs no explanation.

Chen Yang felt that it was getting more and more difficult for him to catch up with Linger.

Under the heaven and earth killing and calamity, everyone's cultivation was increasing extremely fast, and countless hidden dangers were buried in it.Just like an enterprise, its rapid development is unbelievable, but a lot of non-performing assets and various unclear interest chains have been buried in it.

It's okay if there are no problems, but if there is a problem, it will be extremely serious, and it will be a disaster.Chen Yang could feel the menacing killing and calamity coming from this world.

"The growth of cultivation base is too fast. Is it a good thing or a bad thing? I'm afraid it's mostly bad things. Emperor Universe, what kind of chess are you playing? Is it to resist foreign enemies or to destroy us?" Chen Yang secretly thought road.

Chen Yang shook his head, he decided to be too lazy to think about it.Right now there is business to do.

He then left Shennong World with Linger.Take the teleportation array directly to the Great Thousand World.

The weather in the world is changeable, some places are clear, and some places are snowy...

Chen Yang didn't go to Yanjing with Ling'er first, but caught Ling'er and quickly flew to a secluded sea.Here is the deep sea, surrounded by vast, uninhabited, blue sky and white clouds, a beautiful scenery.

Ling'er could feel Chen Yang's enthusiasm, and her face turned red immediately.

Chen Yang found a desolate island and settled down, then hugged Ling'er's small waist tightly, and then found her lips.

Cool, but soft.

This is a kiss that has been brewing for a long time, all the expectations, entanglements, and complications have all turned into a rich and mellow fragrance.

Ling'er was a little shy at first, but then fell into this kind of sweetness and kissed back passionately.

Chen Yang felt that his beast blood was boiling, and his heart was full of affection, and he really wanted to put Linger to Fa-rectification on the spot like this.

Ling'er could also feel Chen Yang's desire, she stretched out her hand, found Chen Yang's hand, and guided Chen Yang to touch her chest.

"Ling'er..." Chen Yang was surprised.

After Ling'er kissed Chen Yang, she buried her head in Chen Yang's chest, and said shyly, "It's ok, we don't care about other things."

She was allowing Chen Yang to take her body.

In these years, Chen Yang has always restrained Ling'er.

If you like, you will be presumptuous, but if you love, you will be restrained!

Chen Yang felt his soul tremble, he had been looking forward to such a day.However, he still withdrew his hand.

Ling'er was stunned, she raised her head and looked at Chen Yang: "What's wrong?"

Chen Yang smiled wryly, kissed her sweet lips again, and said, "I don't want to part with it."

"Why are you reluctant?" Ling'er was a little puzzled: "I am your wife."

Chen Yang hugged Linger tightly. He didn't explain, but whispered in her ear: "Linger, do you know? I think how lucky I am to have you. We must be together forever , okay? No matter what, nothing can separate us."

Ling'er felt Chen Yang's real attachment, she nodded heavily, and said, "Unless I die, I will always be with you."

"Linger, Linger..." Chen Yang called out one after another, with that kind of love, he wished to rub her into his bones.

Ling'er's eyes turned red immediately, and she felt extremely satisfied and happy.Not because of anything else, just because the person she loves also loves her.

Chen Yang and Ling'er were sitting on the top of the mountain, the sea breeze was blowing, and the mountains and rivers were picturesque.

Chen Yang couldn't bear it anymore, he said, "Linger, there are some things I need to tell you."

Ling'er was slightly surprised, and said, "Tell me."

Chen Yang said: "Back then your brain nucleus and soul were fused with Bai Suzhen's blood and tears."

Ling'er was even more surprised, and said, "I know!"

Chen Yang said: "But you don't know what kind of pain Bai Suzhen suffered when she shed those two drops of blood and tears. After so many years, she has not come out of that kind of grief. I know that she still has her sister in her heart death."

Ling'er said: "I often hear Sister Bai's sigh, sometimes she can't help but read a sentence."

Chen Yang asked, "What are you talking about?"

Linger said: "She said, I can treat her better."

When Chen Yang heard this, his chest felt sore, and tears almost burst out.

Ling'er said: "I know, Sister Bai's life is not as chic as we seem, and the knot in her heart is still unresolved."

Chen Yang said: "Yes!"

Linger said: "Then what do you want to tell you?"

Chen Yang hesitated to speak.

Ling'er thought for a while and said, "Are you trying to tell me about Chen Yihan? Do you want me not to kill him?"

She felt that this was the only thing that embarrassed Chen Yang.

Otherwise, with her, she has nothing to support him.

Chen Yang shook his head and said, "It has nothing to do with Chen Yihan. Chen Yihan is my younger brother, but your grandfather is also my grandfather. He should take responsibility for the mistakes he made."

"I will save his life for your sake. This is my greatest tolerance!" Ling'er said seriously.

Chen Yang embraced her waist and said, "Ling'er, thank you."

"Don't say thank you to me." Ling'er said displeased.At this time, she looked a little domineering and a little naive!That appearance made Chen Yang's heart flutter, and he only felt that a woman, how could she be so beautiful?

At the end, Ling'er couldn't help asking: "What is it?"

Chen Yang said: "For the sake of big brother, I really shouldn't have told you. But, I'm also afraid... Even if I'm sorry for big brother, I still have to say it."

He has been struggling with this matter in his mind.When I didn't see Ling'er, I could hold back.But seeing Ling'er, I couldn't bear it no matter what.

"If you want to revive Ziqing's sister-in-law in the future, blood and tears may be needed. The elder brother means that he hopes that I can help him, and you are the best candidate. If you want to shed blood and tears, it means that you will suffer a lot. I don't want to..." Chen Yang let out a long breath, thinking it was good to say it.He no longer had this burden of guilt in his heart.

Ling'er was slightly startled, and soon, she hugged Chen Yang tightly.

She knew how difficult it was for Chen Yang to say these words.She knew how deep the brotherhood between Chen Yang and his elder brother Luo Feng was.However, he still said it.This shows that in his heart, he is more important than his elder brother Luo Feng.

How could she not be moved by this.

Chen Yang then said: "I thought about it, although your blood and tears are the best. But when the time comes, I will go to search the world, or find another drop of blood and tears from the star master. But I Never let anyone hurt you, including myself."

Ling'er said softly: "It's a pity that I don't know how to shed blood and tears, otherwise, I would also like to help elder brother."

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