The strongest player in history

Chapter 2261 King Ruler

The killing and robbery of heaven and earth has become more and more intense!The masters on the earth, their cultivation bases are developing more and more smoothly, and each of them is progressing extremely fast.Not only on the earth, as long as it comes from the earth, in the universe, this kind of killing is still affecting them.

The earth is a wonderful existence, which is why the spiritual masters still have to return to the earth after tens of millions of years away.Some substances on the earth are necessary for the continued survival of their empire's skyship.

But once this substance is seized by them, the earth will be destroyed.

The wind and snow were raging, and the world was in chaos.

When the four masters in black saw Hong Langjun, they immediately clasped their fists and said, "See you envoy!"

Hong Langjun nodded indifferently, and then said: "You all step back, I will handle it here!"

"Yes, right envoy!" The four masters in black didn't dare to be suspicious, and quickly retreated.

So in the field, only Chen Yang and Hong Langjun were left.This is the first official meeting between Chen Yang and Hong Langjun.

Hong Langjun's red robe was flapping in the wind and snow.

Chen Yang felt the hostility from Hong Langjun.

Chen Yang was not surprised by this hostility.Because Chen Yang has long felt that Mr. Hong Lang is rebellious, but he is very convinced by Suzhen in black.Hei Yi Suzhen is his goddess, and he dare not blaspheme Hei Yi Suzhen.But she also hated that Heiyi Suzhen looked at Chen Yang so differently.

Chen Yang is a prodigal son in love, he can guess what Hong Langjun is thinking.However, he does not dislike Hong Langjun, because he is not an enemy after all.

"Mr. Hong, hello. I have something important to see Bai Suzhen today, please let me know!" Chen Yangke said politely, clasping his fists.

Hong Langjun stared at Chen Yang, but he didn't say a word.

Chen Yang felt a little embarrassed.

At this time, Hong Langjun chuckled, with hidden disdain still in his voice. "That day, the Hunyuan Taiji map and the Shanhe Sheji map battle, I also assisted in it. It can be said that I am also your benefactor."

"Thank you very much!" Chen Yang bowed deeply to Mr. Hong Lang.

Hong Langjun said lightly: "Just this one bow, can I get rid of it?"

Chen Yang was slightly surprised, but he remained calm and said, "Then what do you mean?"

Hong Langjun said: "Well, if you can take my punch, our kindness will be cancelled. If you can't take it, then you don't come to Jialan Palace again, is that okay?"

Chen Yang was taken aback for a moment, he didn't say much, he only said one word: "Okay!"

Now it was Hong Langjun's turn to be surprised, he didn't expect Chen Yang to agree so readily.

Mr. Honglang could see Chen Yang's strength, he was in the mid-stage of Tianwei.A master of this level will definitely take the power of his punch.

"Is this guy trying to humiliate himself?" Hong Langjun secretly thought, he thought that Chen Yang would try to evade in every possible way, or he was looking for help from the female monarch.His purpose is to make Chen Yang make a fool of himself in front of the queen.

"Okay, very good!" A cruel smile flashed in Hong Langjun's eyes.Since Chen Yang wanted to be humiliated, how could he not fulfill it.

Just when Hong Langjun and Chen Yang were ready to attack...

At this moment, several figures flashed in the sky.

"Stop!" Heiyi Suzhen's cold voice came.

At the same time, Situ Linger and Huo Hongjin also followed.

In an instant, the three peerless beauties stopped in front of Chen Yang.

Suzhen in black wore a long black dress, elegant and charming, beautiful but unapproachable.

Ling'er is dressed in white, with a coolness in her beauty.But when she saw Chen Yang, there was joy in the corners of her eyes and brows.

As for the fiery red scarf, she wore a long fiery red dress, like jumping flames.

"Master!" Huo Hongjin cried out happily when she saw Chen Yang.

Chen Yang's eyes were all on Ling'er.

He smiled at Huo Hongjin, and then held Ling'er's hand.Before, he didn't come to see Ling'er because he was afraid of hurting Ling'er in the future.But no matter what, seeing Ling'er at this moment, nothing can replace the joy and excitement in my heart.

Chen Yang held Ling'er's hand, although he really wanted to take Ling'er into his arms.But he still restrained himself, after all, this was in front of others.

Hei Yi Suzhen didn't look at Chen Yang much, she looked at Hong Langjun coldly, then laughed again, and said, "I almost didn't understand, I thought you, Hong Lang Jun, were the master of the Garan Hall. It turns out that I, Bai Suzhen, A friend coming to see me, Bai Suzhen, needs your permission."

Hong Langjun was most afraid of Suzhen in black clothes. He saluted respectfully and said, "My lady, I was reckless. Please punish me."

Heiyi Suzhen snorted coldly, and said: "Next time, I will trouble you and leave the Garan Hall. The temple of the Garan Hall is too small, and it will almost not be able to accommodate you."

The red man's face turned pale immediately, he looked up at Heiyi Suzhen, and said in a trembling voice: "Just because of him, Chen Yang, lady, you completely disregarded all the hardships and difficulties we experienced together, didn't you?"

Hei Yi Suzhen said coldly: "Mr. Hong, I admit that you have worked hard. However, everyone has a bottom line, do you understand?"

Hong Langjun fell silent.After a long while, the anger in his eyes could not be concealed. He pointed at Chen Yang and said, "What can Chen Yang do? He is just a little boy who can only hide behind women, lady, I don't understand, I don't understand! Is he worth it?" ? He's not worth it!"

"What did you say?" Ling'er didn't bother to pay attention to Hong Langjun at first, and was immersed in the joy of reuniting with Chen Yang.But at this time, Mr. Hong Lang actually said that Chen Yang was a little boy, and Ling'er immediately became angry.A killing intent flashed in her eyes, she glared at Hong Langjun, and said, "Say it again?"

The murderous look in Linger's eyes startled Mr. Hong, he knew Linger's abilities as a little girl.But at this time, Hong Langjun will not back down, he also has his dignity.At that moment, he sneered and said, "Am I wrong? Look, no, you have to jump out to protect him."

"Mr. Hong, you are going too far." Huo Hongjin couldn't help scolding Mr. Hong.

Ling'er is straightforward, she doesn't care much about other things.She grabbed the Slaughtering Immortal Sword from the Jiexu Mi, and then started to do it.

Hei Yi Suzhen was taken aback, and she also smiled bitterly in her heart, she herself has an impulsive character.I didn't bother to explain, and started fighting if there was a disagreement.However, she really admired the girl Linger because Linger was more direct.If you disagree, you will be killed!

This little girl can be indifferent to everything, but no one can say anything about her wishful husband.Although Hei Yi Suzhen was a little annoyed by Mr. Hong making such a fuss, she couldn't let Ling'er and Mr. Hong really fight.When she was about to stop her, Chen Yang had already grabbed Ling'er.

"Nonsense!" Chen Yang lightly scolded Ling'er.

Ling'er's killing intent dissipated immediately after being scolded by Chen Yang.She looked at Chen Yang with some grievances. Seeing her expression, Chen Yang couldn't bear it anymore.He stretched out his hand and scraped Ling'er's pretty face, and said, "I don't need my woman to vent my anger, understand?"

Linger said: "But..."

Chen Yang didn't let Ling'er continue talking, and directly pulled her behind him.He formally faced Mr. Hong Lang and said, "Let's continue."

"Chen Yang, don't be impulsive!" Hei Yi Suzhen was slightly startled when she heard the words, and immediately tried to dissuade Chen Yang.

Chen Yang glanced at Suzhen in Heiyi, then laughed, and said, "Although I, Chen Yang, am impulsive, I never do things that I'm not sure about. Mr. Hong Lang also contributed a lot in the Hunyuan Taiji Tu battle. It is a favor to me. Today, with this punch, I will repay your favor. From now on, we will have no favors."

Then, with a flash of his figure, he came into the air.

Hong Langjun's figure also flashed, and he rose up from the ground, quickly flew into the air, and came to a hundred meters in front of Chen Yang.

Hei Yi Suzhen and others also followed Chen Yang.

They were loyal to Chen Yang's side.

"Master, why don't I come to fight for you, I'm your disciple..." Huo Hongjin has also reached the mid-stage cultivation base of the Celestial Realm.She thinks that she has practiced the great fire technique so well that she can compete with Hong Langjun.

"Get out!" Chen Yang waved to Huo Hongjin.

Ling'er said in a deep voice, "I'll come."

Chen Yang was helpless, and then he said sternly: "Everyone back off." After finishing speaking, he shouted at the red man: "You can try your best, if I, Chen Yang, can't take your punch today, I will never punch you in the future." Take another step into the world of Shennong."

"Okay!" Mr. Hong Lang had already gotten to this point with Chen Yang, and his anger was completely blown up, and he didn't intend to hold back at all at this time.Hei Yi Suzhen also looked away at this time, and she was also interested in Chen Yang's cultivation.She began to feel that Chen Yang's cultivation base was purely in the mid-stage of the Celestial Realm.Of course, she was already surprised and relieved by Chen Yang's cultivation progress.But right now, she felt that she couldn't see through Chen Yang.

So, at this time, Hei Yi Suzhen also wanted to know how far Chen Yang's cultivation had reached.

Let's say at this time, the red man's law is solemn, he did not contribute blindly, but sacrificed the magic weapon first.

"King Ruler!"

It was a ruler about one meter long. The ruler was crimson with a dragon totem on it.

When the King's Ruler appeared, Heiyi Suzhen's face was ugly.

Huo Hongjin exclaimed even more.

Ling'er also had a serious face, and her fists were clenched tightly.She remained silent, but it was conceivable that as long as Chen Yang was in danger, she would be desperate.

Everyone present, except Chen Yang, didn't know about King's Ruler.The other three women understood very well that the king's ruler is a high-grade Taoist tool, which contains the power and laws of ancient kings.Moreover, the king's weapon spirit has supreme power.

According to legend, the material of this king's ruler is not from the earth.It is a god in the universe, which was later obtained by the powerful beings in the earth and tempered.This king's ruler flowed from the battlefield of gods and demons, and its power was terrifying.And Hong Langjun's cultivation base is at the first level of the Creation Realm, and he can fully display the power of the King's Ruler... With the King's Ruler, he can completely abuse the second-level masters of the Creation Realm.

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