Chen Yang and Mo Xiangwang said goodbye.Mo Xiangwang also said "Treasure!"

Mo Yu is a child who is not very emotional, and she cannot be blamed for this, because her experience is too different from that of ordinary people.But at this time, Mo Yu still had tears in his eyes.She waved her hand and said nothing after all.

Chen Yang led Mo Yu into the black hole spar, and then the black hole spar turned into a ray of black light, traveled through the void in the universe, crossed the wormhole, and rushed towards the earth at an extremely fast speed.

Inside the black hole spar, Mo Yu called Chen Yang godfather!

Chen Yang was a little stunned, and Mo Yu's eyes glistened with tears. She said, "My mother asked me to shout, and she said that I will listen to you in everything I want from now on."

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, and then when he thought of the child's lonely life experience, his heart ached even more.He immediately grabbed her little hand, and said softly, "Xiaoyu, godfather will take you to a very happy place. There, no one will bully you."

Mo Yu nodded heavily.

Chen Yang rushed all the way without stopping, and finally approached the earth after 24 days.

The universe is still the universe, passing through many dead stars, experiencing thousands of barriers, and finally, it is still coming back.

At this moment, Chen Yang felt like returning home.

It has been more than three months since he came out.

The great world of the earth is just about to usher in the new year.

Spring goes and autumn comes, another year.

In these years, Chen Yang felt that time passed too fast.His son, Nian Ci, is seven years old.

Fu Qingzhu's daughter Xiao Ai also died.

Chen Yang has seen the earth from afar.Half of the earth is covered by the sun, and the sun shines on it.His eyes traveled through the void, and saw the mountains, rivers and everything on the earth.

Chen Yang has never missed the earth so much.

This is a feeling of falling leaves returning to their roots.But at the same time, Chen Yang had a very strange feeling.

"Who am I? Where am I? Am I still human? If one day there is no relative on earth, will the earth still make me miss it so much?"

When a person starts to cultivate to reach heaven and earth, his human feelings will become more and more indifferent.

Chen Yang understood very well that if his cultivation reaches its limit, he will either die or become a person like the Emperor of the Universe.You will completely lose your emotions and desires, and lose the emotions that a person should have.

Chen Yang doesn't want to be that kind of existence. At that time, he won't feel lonely, painful, happy, or alone.

"Woo!" Chen Yang exhaled, then turned around and landed directly on the earth.Over the earth, the golden light is brilliant.Sunlight pierces the dense atmosphere...

Chen Yang descended directly to the earth, and came to the Great Thousand World.

To leave the earth, one must leave the great world.If you leave elsewhere, you will fall into a kind of parallel false universe.This is the truth that Chen Yang discovered a long time ago, and all those with great supernatural powers also know this.

The real great supernatural beings are all full of fear of the great world and avoid it far away!

After Chen Yang came to Great Thousand World, he went directly to Yanjing.He is the king of destiny, and the whole world does not reject him.This is a kind of preferential treatment, but also a kind of responsibility.And a supernatural being like Chen Ling didn't even dare to approach the Great Thousand World.

The former Chinese emperor was the evil emperor of heaven, and he tried his best to turn the tide.But now, the era belonging to the Great Chinese Emperor has passed, so, a new generation replaces the old one!

Chen Yang came to Yanjing, because Yanjing was approaching the end of the year, the people and cars on the street were much empty.

He fired with his divine sense, and a lot of information rushed to his face.This let Chen Yang know that tomorrow is the [-]th day of the new year.

He felt guilty in his heart, as if he had spent too little time with his son since his birth.I didn't spend much time with my son on New Year's Eve.

Chen Yang came to the garden villa.

It was ten o'clock in the morning and the sun was shining brightly.Although the sun was shining, there was also a northerly wind blowing, and the chill in the air was heavy.

Before Chen Yang went in, Shen Mo Nong, who was dressed in black leather and bright and moving, had already greeted him.

Followed by elder brother Luo Feng, second brother Qin Lin, Fu Qingzhu, and Xiao Ai.Xuanyuan Yadan was also there, and Qin Baoer and his son Chen Nianci also ran out together.

Chen Nianci looked very kawaii in a children's down jacket.When he saw Chen Yang, he ran over excitedly, hugged Chen Yang, and shouted, "Dad..."

Chen Yang was holding Mo Yu in his hands, so he couldn't help letting go of Mo Yu at this moment, and hugged Chen Nianci.

Holding his son, he felt extremely happy and stable.

After Chen Yang and Chen Nianci were intimate, his eyes turned to Luo Feng.He was most worried about Luo Feng!

Luo Feng was wearing a black wallet, his expression was solemn and depressed.But when he saw Chen Yang, he forced a smile.

"Brother!" Chen Yang shouted.

"Go in and talk!" Luo Feng patted Chen Yang on the shoulder and said.

Chen Yang nodded, he put down Chen Nianci, and then pulled Qin Baoer over.Qin Baoer also yelled strangely: "Third Uncle!"

Chen Yang smiled, and then said: "Nianci, Bao'er, this little sister is called Mo Yu." He pulled Mo Yu over, and then said softly: "From now on, Mo Yu will be the younger sister of the two of you. I don't have any relatives around, so you both have to protect her and love her, you know?"

"Okay!" Qin Bao'er and Chen Nianci nodded very innocently.

Chen Nianci looked at Mo Yu, and Mo Yu also looked at Chen Nianci.

This year, Chen Nianci was seven years old.

This year, Mo Yu was six years old.

When Chen Nianci met Mo Yu for the first time, he was attracted by Mo Yu's eyes.He didn't know that from now on, this girl would become the obsession and fetter of his life.

Chen Nianci and Qin Baoer took Mo Yu's hand together.

Chen Nianci's two younger sisters, who are also his future wives, walked with him like this.

They happily entered the house.

Seeing this, Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, Chen Yang said to Luo Feng: "Brother, this child... Let me tell you the truth. She has the spirit of the universe in her body, but once the spirit of the universe is taken out, she will definitely die. Her mother rescued her this time. I can't come back without her mother. So..."

Luo Feng smiled slightly, patted Chen Yang on the shoulder, and said: "Don't think too much, I have found other cosmic spirits. The little guy's mother is your benefactor, and also the benefactor of our brothers. From now on, We will all protect her."

Chen Yang couldn't help being ecstatic when he heard the words, and said, "That would be great."

Shen Monong was still hesitant at first, thinking, this could be Chen Yang's illegitimate daughter.Seeing that this was the case, he was slightly relieved.

After entering the living room, everyone exchanged pleasantries.

"It's a good time to come back. Tomorrow is the New Year's Eve. This time we can all have a good reunion." Fu Qingzhu said happily.

Xiao Ai went to play with the three little babies on the side.

Shen Murong made a cup of hot tea for Chen Yang.

Chen Yang glanced over and quickly noticed the changes in each of them.

Fu Qingzhu's cultivation base has reached the early stage of the Celestial Realm!

The progress is also fast!

As for the elder brother Luo Feng, he directly reached the first level of the Creation Realm, and he is the fiercest among the brothers.

As for the second brother Qin Lin... This surprised Chen Yang.

In more than three months, his cultivation seems to have reached the peak of the Heavenly Realm!

You know, before leaving, Chen Yang remembered that his second brother's cultivation had only reached the peak of Xuxian!

How could it be possible to run faster than yourself?

Are there any adventures?

However, although the cultivation of these brothers has improved rapidly.And Chen Yang's cultivation seems to be in the mid-stage of the Celestial Realm, but he is already an existence that can win the second stage of the Creation Realm.

These brothers have truly grown into peerless giants now.

If they arrived at Tianzhou, no matter if they were from the Protoss or the Yuhuamen, they would all be shivering.

The brothers glanced at each other, and each of them noticed that their cultivation had skyrocketed a lot.

Excitement flashed in their eyes.

"Second brother, you are exaggerating." Chen Yang couldn't help punching Qin Lin.

Qin Lin said with emotion, "It's all thanks to the help of my adoptive father. He gave me his essence and strength. I found the spirit of the universe in the universe, and was inspired and nourished by the spirit of the universe. After that, I Combining the principles of foster father, and various perceptions, laying a good foundation, we have achieved today's achievements."

"It turns out that you, second brother, found the Spirit of the Universe." Chen Yang said.

They sat on the sofa and chatted very excitedly.

Qin Lin said: "This experience is a narrow escape! But fortunately, I finally managed to accomplish something. Otherwise, I always feel that I am the most useless among us brothers."

Fu Qingzhu couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said, "Don't talk about it, kid, you're overtaking on a curve!"

Chen Yang laughed, and said again: "Second brother, I'm curious about what kind of narrow escape you have experienced!"

Qin Lin immediately shared his experience.

It turned out that he had found the spirit of the universe on a planet with life forms.That planet has left the Milky Way, but another galaxy called the Milky Way!In the Milky Way system, there are also planets similar to the sun.The Milky Way is more than ten times larger than the Milky Way.In one of the planets, that planet is called Azure!

The blue planet is full of oceans, and in the oceans, there are countless jellyfish bodies.These jellyfish are born with energy mana, very powerful.

After Qin Lin was caught by the jellyfish, those jellyfish studied Qin Lin and wanted to find his planet through Qin Lin.But later, Qin Lin realized that the time had passed and escaped.Afterwards, he found the Universal Spirit.While the jellyfish were chasing and killing them all the way, he escaped into the spirit of the universe, changed the rules through time shifting, and practiced in it for three years, and only after that did he reach the peak of the heavenly realm.

Three years inside, but only one month outside.Of course, this is also based on the huge energy provided by the spirit of the universe, so that Qin Lin can show the great time shift to this point.

After that, Qin Lin officially brought the spirit of the universe, killed countless jellyfish, escaped from the blue planet, and returned to the earth.

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