The strongest player in history

Chapter 2257 Power of Creation

Arabi was taken aback immediately, he didn't expect that Chen Yang could break through his power of creation, and there was no sign, he didn't even feel that the other party was resisting.

"It's impossible!" Arabi couldn't believe it.Even though he thought so in his heart, the movement of his hands was faster, and his figure flashed immediately, and the entire Beast Temple immediately shrank and rose from the ground.The Beast Temple was about the size of a fist and was pinched by Arabi.His people quickly blocked Chen Yang's way, and then, the Beast Temple was sacrificed above Chen Yang's head, and the Beast Temple immediately opened its door, like a deep cosmic door, instantly sucking Chen Yang into the Beast Temple.

"I'm here!" At this moment, outside the Beast Temple, Chen Yang suddenly appeared again.Chen Yang's figure turned into a long rainbow, and he has directly escaped into the universe.

"How unreasonable!" Arabi couldn't help being furious.He quickly chased and killed him, and immediately came to the vast dark universe.But at this time, there was no trace of Chen Yang in the vast universe.

It was only then that Arabi came to his senses, and he couldn't help but think to himself: "This kid has such a powerful illusion, he can actually fool me."

He had to admit that he lost this bet.

At this time, in the void of the universe, Chen Yang flashed in front of Arabi.

"You lost!" Chen Yang said frankly.

Arabi looked intently at Chen Yang, but he didn't say a word.

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, and then said, "Why, you don't want to admit it?"

Arabi said: "You used illusion to escape earlier. However, illusion is illusion after all. Now, if I want to catch you again, what should you do?"

Chen Yang said: "Now I can't escape, you can choose to kill me. If you don't kill me, then abide by the bet."

"Are you not afraid that I will kill you?" Arabi asked, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

Chen Yang said: "No one is afraid of death, but I believe that you are an upright person."

Arabi shook his head and said, "You are really a crazy person, just because you believe, you bet your life and death?"

Chen Yang said: "But I'm not a desperado who likes to gamble, but I'm willing to gamble for the creatures of the elves."

Arabi fell silent.

After a long while, he said: "Okay, I am willing to admit defeat and promise you that I will protect the elves for a month. After one month, no matter whether you come back or not, I will no longer care about anything about the elves." .”

Chen Yang said: "Thank you so much!"

"Let's go!" Arabi stopped talking nonsense.

Afterwards, Chen Yang brought the beast god Arabi back to the elves.

Immediately, Chen Yang called all the ministers and important figures to the Golden Palace for a meeting.When everyone saw the appearance of the Beast God, they were all tearful and grateful.

Since the time when he took office as His Highness Aserati, the elves, the shadow of death and failure has always hung over the elves.

But now, the appearance of the Beast God gave everyone a shot in the arm!

"After three days, I will exchange the gold seal for Mo Yu to come back. After that, I will take Mo Yu to a safe place. During my absence, all the things of the elves will be handled by Senior Lin En and Senior Adolf Agent. Mr. Arabi, the beast god, will always protect everyone in the elves." Chen Yang said straight to the point.

This arrangement is still very reasonable.

However, although the addition of the Beast God gave everyone a lot of peace of mind.But when Chen Yang, the think tank, left, everyone was still a little uneasy.

Moshan Cangqiong immediately said: "Mo Yu is in our clan. With Your Highness, you and the Beast God, it is already very safe. Why should Your Highness go on a long journey?"

Chen Yang waved his hand and said: "You don't know, Mr. Arabi didn't come to help us fight. He just protected us for a month. How will we deal with ourselves after a month? So, I went out this time to arrange Mo I also want to find a way to deal with Zifu. You can rest assured that I already have a solution in my heart. When I come back, the elves will always be safe!"

"Your Highness won't leave forever, right?" A minister asked worriedly.

This worry is indeed in everyone's heart.

Chen Yang said: "Everyone can rest assured. If I really want to, I'll just leave. Why do I need to tell everyone so much?"

When he said this, it made sense for everyone to think about it.At the moment, everyone gradually stopped raising objections.

The meeting ended perfectly.

The arrival of the beast god Arabi reassured all the high-level elves, and Chen Yang asked the etiquette officer to settle Arabi properly.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

During the past three days, Dongfang God and Moshan Cangqiong have inquired about Chen Yang's tone.Chen Yang didn't reveal anything, he didn't want everyone to know that he went back to Earth to rescue soldiers.Also afraid of leaking out!

At the same time, Chen Yang also secretly built a teleportation array in the secret underground of the elves!

He used the best materials from the elves, and took another teleportation spar in his hand.At that time, you can use the teleportation spar to contact the teleportation array here!Chen Yang calculated the time. With his current cultivation, it would take less than a month to return to Earth.After arriving on the earth, they moved the rescuers, and then came over by teleportation array.

After solving the matter here, I will take the teleportation array back to the earth.

This morning, Meng Qingchen led a group of masters to the sky above the elves early in the morning.

Chen Yang didn't say much, and led the beast god Arabi and all the masters under his command to greet him.

Each of them stood in the air, and the snow fell heavily...

It's like a fairy party...

Chen Yang saw Meng Qingchen dressed in white from afar, with a heroic appearance and a very cold heart.

At this time, Chen Yang suddenly felt that this woman was indeed very beautiful.It's just a pity that everyone is destined to be enemies.

Meng Qingchen's eyes only stayed on Chen Yang for a moment, and her eyes were soon attracted by the beast god Araby.

The moment she saw Arabi, Meng Qingchen almost thought she was wrong.

However, she quickly confirmed that she was right.

Meng Qingchen's tender body shook violently.

She knew that things were getting more and more complicated.

She couldn't help feeling great hatred in her heart.Even so, she was quick to hide her emotions.

"Arabi, are you sure you want to step into this muddy water?" Meng Qingchen stared at Arabi from the air, and asked word by word.There was still anger in her words.

Arabi also looked at Meng Qingchen.Araby's body is that of a bear, he has four paws, and he looks almost the same when he stands and sits.

His head is exactly the same as that of a human, with more hair at most.

Facing Meng Qingchen's extremely majestic gaze, Arabi did not evade, but said calmly: "Meng Qingchen, you don't have to become angry from embarrassment. Although the Purple Mansion is powerful, I am not afraid. I am here today, and I am not To fight against you, I made a bet with His Highness the Elven King. Unfortunately, I lost the bet. Therefore, I promised him that I would protect the Elf clan for a month. During this month, I will not Anyone is allowed to invade the elves. After a month, no matter what you do, it will have nothing to do with me."

He paused, and then said: "Oh, yes, three days have passed. There are still 27 days left!"

"27 days?" Meng Qingchen's eyes slightly narrowed into a line.She looked at Chen Yang and said, "It seems that during the 27 days, you are going to continue looking for helpers. You are from the earth, don't you want to go back to the earth?"

Chen Yang was taken aback, and said to himself, "This woman is really amazing, she guessed exactly what I'm thinking."

Although he was shocked, Chen Yang had seen a lot of people in the world.On the surface, he kept his composure, chuckled, and said, "You guessed it right, just wait. It's too late for you to regret it now, as long as you are willing to obediently be my concubine, I can spare you."

"You're courting death!" Meng Qingchen's eyes suddenly flashed with murderous intent.What a proud person she is, how can people like Chen Yang be so contemptuous of her in front of everyone.

Chen Yang didn't argue with Meng Qingchen at the moment, he said that on purpose to anger Meng Qingchen.

Afterwards, Chen Yang said, "Here is the golden seal, let's exchange it."

Meng Qingchen said: "Take it!" She was very straightforward, grabbed the little girl out, and ejected into the void.

Chen Yang grabbed Mo Yu with his hand in the air.

He didn't throw the golden seal out immediately, because he had to check Mo Yu.It was difficult for him to play tricks on the gold seal.But Meng Qingchen played tricks on Mo Yu too easily.

Chen Yang would not be so careless.

He used mana to check Mo Yu's whole body. Fortunately, Mo Yu was a little girl.Otherwise, Chen Yang would be a little embarrassed.

Chen Yang sorted out Mo Yu's body, including his brain, and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with Mo Yu.He also believed that Meng Qingchen would not do such a despicable thing, because it could not be hidden from his eyes.When the time comes, there will be trouble, and it will only make Meng Qingchen ashamed.

Chen Yang hugged Mo Yu, and Mo Yu looked at Chen Yang. Her eyes were very pure, without any complicated thoughts.

"Good boy, uncle won't harm you. Don't be afraid, okay? From now on, you'll be safe." Chen Yang said softly to Mo Yu.

Mo Yu seemed to feel Chen Yang's kindness, so he nodded.

Meng Qingchen was unavoidably nervous at this time, because the golden seal was still in Chen Yang's hands.If at this time, Chen Yang did not obey the rules and refused to hand in the golden seal, then she would be very passive.

"Gold Seal, can you return it?" Meng Qingchen said word by word.

Chen Yang looked at Meng Qingchen, he nodded, and shot the golden seal directly at Meng Qingchen: "Give it back to you!"

Meng Qingchen grabbed the golden seal in her hand.

Her divine sense shot at the golden seal, and she quickly confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the golden seal.

Strange to say, although Meng Qingchen hated Chen Yang very much.But her intuition felt that Chen Yang was not a mean person.That's why she was willing to hand over Mo Yu first.

If it were Moshan Cangqiong who was in charge, she would definitely not hand it over first.In other words, if there is a deal with Moshan Cangqiong, the deal will definitely not work out.

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