The strongest player in history

Chapter 2255 Beast Temple

At this time, the life-killing scholar said: "Your Highness, do you have a plan to set back the date for three days?"

As soon as everyone's eyes lit up, they all looked at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang glanced at the people present, he thought for a while, and said, "I do have a plan, but there are too many people in this palace, so it is inconvenient for me to say so right now. Just guard the elf palace well, and I will do my best." Do your best to come up with a solution."

Moshan Cangqiong and others breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words.They always felt that with Chen Yang around, everything would be solved in the end.On the contrary, people like Xian Guinong and Shang Wudao are somewhat complicated.They hope to return to Zifu and serve Meng Qingchen again.It's just that now it's involuntary.

Afterwards, Chen Yang ended this meaningless meeting.

At the same time, Chen Yang asked Moshan Cangqiong, Dongfang Shen, Lin En and Adolf to guard the Elven Palace.

He is going out for a trip.

Moshan Cangqiong and Dongfang God asked Chen Yang what he was going to do, but Chen Yang didn't say clearly.Right now, Chen Yang maintains a state of caution in everything.

Dongfang Shen and others also expressed their full understanding.

Afterwards, Chen Yang took the Loulan Golden Seal and left the elves.The Loulan Golden Seal looks like a golden jade seal, and it is full of aura and energy.External forces can't invade at all, and Chen Yang has tried several times but failed, so basically, it is impossible to work hard on the Loulan Golden Seal.

The funeral of the Elf King had already been held, and Chen Yang came to the Southern Border Continent by night.

The Southern Border Continent is also where the Orcs exist.

Chen Yang strafed with divine sense over the Southern Xinjiang continent, and soon found the place where the beast god Araby was.Now that Chen Yang's mana was so powerful, he could already perceive a powerful existence under the strafing of his divine sense.The beast god Arabi did not hide it on purpose, so Chen Yang was able to find the existence of the beast god.

There is a majestic palace on the Araby Peak, the highest peak in southern Xinjiang.This palace is the Beast Temple!

In front of the Beast Temple, there is an altar with three different half-orc statues on the altar.According to legend, these three statues are the first three deceased beast gods.The beast gods are handed down in a single line, and each beast god is independent without any subordinates.Before they die, they will pass on all their cultivation to the next Beast God.

This point is a bit like the old demon of Beiming on the earth, and it is also passed down through a single line.

Back then, the Great Emperor of China, Chen Ling, was the next generation chosen by the old demon Beiming.Therefore, the Great Emperor of China is also the old demon of Beiming!

In front of the Beast Temple, heavy snow fell and the weather was extremely cold.

Standing in front of the Beast Temple, Chen Yang took a closer look, and immediately discovered that the Beast Temple was actually a magic weapon.

Chen Yang didn't think too much, and directly clasped his fists outside and said loudly: "Chen Yang, the new elf king of the elves, pay homage to the beast god!"

He yelled three times in a row, the voice resounded through the air and lingered for a long time.

Soon, there was a response from the beast temple.

"Elf King? When you came to Southern Border last time, you didn't seem to have such an identity." A distant and dull voice reached Chen Yang's ears.

The voice was thick and indifferent, like an old man who didn't care about the affairs of the world was speaking.

Chen Yang immediately said: "The matter is complicated, and I ask the beast god to allow me to enter the palace and explain in detail."

After a moment of silence, a voice came again: "In that case, please come in!"

Chen Yang got permission, and immediately saw that there was a layer of energy enchantment missing from the gate in front of him.In order to show respect, he entered the hall on foot.

The main hall that entered first was grand and forbidding, with a huge statue of the beast god above it, and the solemn air rushed over.

Chen Yang also discovered that the sky above the Beast God Hall is an infinite space, and there are cosmic stars revolving in it faintly.There are no passages around, it seems that there is only one hall in the entire Beast Temple.Chen Yang also knew that this was just a manifestation of the formation, and it didn't mean that the Beast Temple was that simple.

Chen Yang looked at the statue of the beast god.

This statue is extremely tall, ten feet high and six feet wide. It has the body of a half-animal, the lower body is like a bear, and the upper body is a simple, kind and majestic old man.Made of pure gold, this statue is lifelike.

Especially the pair of eyes, the eyes are black, as if they are alive, one look into it, the whole person seems to fall into the infinite space.

Chen Yang's heart was like a mirror, and he immediately understood that the statue of the beast god in front of him was exactly where the beast god was.

"I've seen the beast god!" Chen Yang cupped his fists.

He doesn't give a big gift.

Because from now on, his identity is the elf king of the elves.He couldn't embarrass himself as the elf king, he was equal to the beast god in terms of status.

"Your Excellency has really become His Highness the Elven King?" A voice came from the statue.

Chen Yang said: "Although I am not talented, I dare not make such a joke in front of the beast god."

"That's true!" said the Beast God.

Then, a strange light flashed in the statue, and then a figure appeared in front of Chen Yang.

The bear body and human head are exactly the same as that statue, and the half-orc in front of him is the famous beast god, Araby!

Chen Yang saw space rules flickering on Arabi's body, and he understood that Arabi had shrunk his body.His real body should be incomparably huge.

"Sit!" Arabi stretched out his hand to Chen Yang, motioning for Chen Yang to sit down.

A futon appeared behind Chen Yang, and he sat cross-legged.Arabi also sat down, and his sitting posture was a bit like a lion king.

"How is His Highness Arthur?" Arabi first asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "His Highness has been killed by Meng Qingchen, and we held a funeral for His Highness just before I came."

"Your Highness?" Arabi looked very surprised, and there was pain in his eyes.

Chen Yang went down silently.

Arabi immediately said: "His Highness is not weaker than Meng Qingchen. When His Highness was galloping, Meng Qingchen was still in his infancy. His Highness is a family of elves, and he is a generation of pride. How could he be killed by Meng Qingchen?" ?”

Chen Yang said: "The cause of the incident is very long."

Chen Yang briefly explained his origins immediately, including grudges with the Purple Mansion in the universe, and being rescued by Mo Mu in the Yuan womb, etc.Then came the elves and everything, plus the recent betrayal by Jonathan, who plotted against Aserati, and finally let Aserati drink his hatred.

Chen Yang talked for a full two hours before he finished reporting the ins and outs to Arabi.

Arabi listened carefully, and after listening, he said to Chen Yang: "Are you sure, the magic mirror is really activated?"

Chen Yang said, "It's absolutely true."

"You escaped from the magic mirror?" Arabi felt unbelievable.

Chen Yang said: "That's right, I have some special abilities. Now, Meng Qingchen's Myriad Magic Mirror has been damaged, and even if she repairs it, her power will not be as good as before."

Arabi nodded and said, "Okay!" He paused, and then said, "So today, what is your intention for coming to me?"

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "I know, I'm asking the Beast God to help you deal with Meng Qingchen. You're definitely not willing. You'll think that I've killed His Royal Highness Arthur, and I'm here to harm you again. yes?"

Arabi remained silent, but did not object.

Chen Yang couldn't help but smiled wryly, and he said: "In my hometown, there is a saying that if you are poor, you will benefit the world! There is also a saying that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Drag the elves into such a vortex Among them, it was not what I wanted. But His Royal Highness Arthur should also be aware of the ambitions of the Zifu, so he would be willing to come out and give it a go. It is a pity that he encountered traitors in his subordinates, and his success fell short. Now, in the Eastern Border Continent, The human race has no resistance. They are all reduced to tools and regeneration tools of the Zifu. If nothing happens, the elves will also become the inferior subjects of the Zifu. At that time, all resources will be tilted towards the Zifu. I I don't know if Meng Qingchen's strength has reached a certain level, will she attack the half-orcs?"

In his words, he didn't mention any request, but he fully expressed all the meaning he wanted to express to the beast god Arabi.

Arabi couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said, "Your Excellency's sharp language, I admire it very much."

Chen Yang said: "Any words need to be supported by reason. If there is no reason, it is just a dispute between shrews."

Arabi first said: "Even if the human race is destroyed, it is not surprising."

Chen Yang said, "Oh?"

Arabi said: "Among the food of the human race, there are many livestock that are extremely miserable. Of course, this is a law of survival, and I have no intention of criticizing it. I just want to say that the insects of the Purple Star Clan are powerful and can enslave humans. The ability. It did not violate morality!"

Chen Yang said: "What you said makes sense, so I'm not here to criticize Zifu. But you have such ability, are you willing to watch your clansmen who believe in you become slaves of Zifu in the future?"

Arabi said: "Although your words are sharp, there are many things that are untenable. The Purple Star tribe will regard humans as the first echelon and become parasites. The half-orc tribe is a bit stupid, and they look down on them." Among the half-orcs, there are not many resources needed by the Zifu. Therefore, the half-orcs are not worried about the invasion of the Zifu. The reason why the Zifu deals with the elves is because the elves have abundant resources!"

Chen Yang was stunned.

He said: "So you think that half-orcs can sit back and relax?"

Arabi said directly: "Yes."

Chen Yang said: "So, you don't care about the safety of the elves and humans?"

Arabi said: "All living beings have a destiny, and all are mortal, so why bother!"

Chen Yang couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said, "I don't seem to be able to convince you anymore."

Arabi said: "It's a dangerous vortex, I have no reason to step into it. Meng Qingchen's goal is not the Orcs, even if I want to step in, I have to consider my tribe. I can't bring them into a dangerous situation."

Chen Yang said: "Although I have a good tongue, it seems that I am doomed to return in vain today.

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