Although Chen Yang had defeated Meng Qingchen twice, Xian Zhengyun didn't think it was due to Chen Yang.He thought it was the Elf King who was planning a strategy.

So at this moment, Xian Zhengyun accepted Chen Yang's proposal.

So next, Chen Yang released all the restrictions on Xian Zhengyun.After a while, Xian Zhengyun recovered his cultivation.

"Xian Zhengyun, don't play tricks to escape. If you dare to escape, think about your grandfather and your sister, they will be dead!" Chen Yang then warned Xian Zhengyun.

Xian Zhengyun sneered, and said, "Just keep your word!"

Chen Yang said: "When I speak, I always keep my word!"

Xian Zhengyun had never heard of the idiom "One promise, one promise, one promise", but it meant something similar when he thought about it.After that, Chen Yang, Xian Zhengyun and Xian Yuxue left the blood prison.

Then came to the sky above the elves.

Chen Yang would not leave the elves with Xian Zhengyun, because after leaving the elves, if Xian Zhengyun had some connection with Meng Qingchen, then he would die without a place to bury him.Although he won two games, Chen Yang was not dazzled by the victory.He is still cautious in dealing with things.

The elf king Aserati is naturally aware of the changes that happened here.But he still wants to give Chen Yang this right.

In the area above the elves, the weather is sunny and sunny, which is a rare good weather.

Xian Yuxue watched intently from the side.

Xian Zhengyun stood in the air, without saying a word. He was fully rested at this moment, ready to deal a fatal blow to Chen Yang at any time.

His cultivation was at the same level as Chen Yang's.

He is a cultivation genius in the Purple Mansion, with a proud heart.

No matter how humble he looks on the outside, he is absolutely proud on the inside.

In comparison, Chen Yang was born from grass roots, while Xian Zhengyun came from a famous family.Although Chen Yang's father was famous, he did not give Chen Yang any help in his cultivation.

Chen Yang has gone through hardships along the way.His cultivation is all based on step by step, relying on countless dangers and opportunities.

Chen Yang's face was indifferent, and he just stared at Xian Zhengyun indifferently.

He wouldn't be afraid of Xian Zhengyun, the Devil Mountain and even the city had been defeated by him, let alone Xian Zhengyun.

The battle broke out soon, and Xian Zhengyun took the lead.He is the cultivation base of the Nine Parts of the Purple Mansion, and in an instant, his eyes burst into purple light.The purple divine light enveloped a hundred miles around, completely trapping Chen Yang in it.

There are still infinite spaces, profound meanings and so on!

Xian Zhengyun was merciless in his strikes, and then sacrificed the golden eye stone, a magic weapon.

Chrysophthalmia is a golden stone that looks like eyes.It was made by the senior masters in the Zifu who extracted special materials on the Danube planet and condensed them with their own blue and purple eyes.There is great power and profound meaning in it.

The golden eye stone was swallowed by Xian Zhengyun in one gulp, and then golden eyes appeared between his brows.

The golden god's eyes shot out a golden light, and killed Chen Yang in an instant.

The power of this golden light is like a god's arrow shooting the sun and planets, with a monstrous killing intent and majestic power.

Any power in front of the golden light seems a little pale and powerless.

Chen Yang was slightly startled.

The power of this golden light was beyond his expectation.It also gave him an instant understanding that he can defeat a master in the realm of creation, but he may not be able to defeat a master in the realm of heaven.Because, in this world, he is not the only master who can leapfrog to kill people.

The golden eyes made Chen Yang feel afraid.He dodged several times in the air, but the golden light locked on him firmly.Moreover, Xian Zhengyun's law of space also made it difficult for Chen Yang to leave this range easily.

Chen Yang had no intention of running away.

It would be too embarrassing to deal with a Xian Zhengyun and escape.

Dodging several times was Chen Yang's temptation.

At this time, Chen Yang already knew what he was doing, and immediately cast out the black hole vortex.The golden light shot into the black hole vortex, and was immediately swallowed by Chen Yang's Great Devouring Technique.

Countless laws, mysteries, and powers were all disintegrated and absorbed by the Great Devouring Technique, and finally turned into pure energy.

And Xian Zhengyun felt his power being sucked away quickly.He was taken aback for a moment, and then, with a flash, he retracted the golden divine eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Xian Zhengyun grabbed the golden eye stone and turned it into golden light.

At the same time, all the long purple hair came out and turned into countless purple pythons.The golden light shone on the purple giant python, and all of them turned into golden giant pythons.

There were tens of thousands of golden pythons, like a storm, all of them rushed towards Chen Yang.

The scene was spectacular to the extreme.

Thousands of troops and horses are frightening, as if the entire dragon clan is dispatched.

Chen Yang didn't say much, he condensed the black hole spar on his fist, and the black hole spar turned into black armor.

Then, Chen Yang let out a roar and threw 36 punches in a row!

The power of each punch is the power of 200 billion galloping horses, and each punch has the ability to shake the world.

Mighty and mighty, the mountains and the seas are overwhelmed, and the world is eclipsed.

The front of the fist was like a tsunami, and the waves were higher than the waves, and finally smashed all the golden pythons into pieces.

Xian Zhengyun couldn't resist Chen Yang's power no matter what, his eyes paled, he couldn't believe how a person's power could be so terrifying, so endless...

After this battle, Xian Zhengyun was seriously injured, and his purple hair was only an inch long...

Between the sky and the earth, the wind and clouds are surging, the energy is surging, and the cyclone is exploding...

But at this time, calm was quickly restored.

Chen Yang stood proudly, and said coldly to Xian Zhengyun, "You are defeated!"

Xian Zhengyun had nothing to say, Chen Yang's victory was not a fluke.The opponent completely crushed him with absolute strength.

"I did lose, but I don't understand!" Xian Zhengyun couldn't help but said, "Why is your realm similar to mine, but your strength is several times mine? I have never met someone like you. weirdo."

Chen Yang said: "There is a universe outside the Danube planet, and the things in the universe are much more strange. I have practiced a technique, which is the technique of our earth, called the Great Origin Technique. I practice it very quickly. Slow, but the power will be relatively thick."

"So that's it!" Xian Zhengyun suddenly realized.

Chen Yang said, "Are you willing to admit defeat?"

Xian Zhengyun nodded and said, "I am willing to admit defeat!"

So next, Chen Yang took control of Xian Zhengyun.

Xian Zhengyun also wanted to see his father's body, but Chen Yang refused and explained.He wanted to see his grandfather Xian Guinong again, but Chen Yang also refused.

Afterwards, Chen Yang arranged rooms for Xian Zhengyun and Xian Yuxue respectively.

At this time, Aserati will hold a meeting to discuss.Chen Yang bid farewell to Xian Zhengyun and Xian Yuxue first.

After Chen Yang left, Xian Zhengyun and Xian Yuxue started discussing together.The two were naturally very sad, and Xian Yuxue said sadly: "Brother, what should we do in the future? Do we really want to be controlled by others for the rest of our lives?"

Xian Zhengyun glanced at Xian Yuxue, and said with pity: "Little sister, don't be afraid, with brother here, you will be fine."

Xian Yuxue nodded, she actually didn't have any ideas.

Xianzhengyun murmured, "I really can't figure it out. In just a few days, why did his cultivation grow so terribly?"

Xian Yuxue's eyes were gloomy, and she didn't know what to say.

In the Golden Palace, Aserati convened a council of people.

All the leaders and elders of the elves arrived.People from Moshan Mansion, Shang Wudao, Shangyu, and Xian Guinong also all participated.

Everyone took their seats, and Aserati sat at the head.

Chen Yang sat with Dongfang God.

Aserati looked around at the crowd and said, "Now, we are all on the same boat. If something happens to this king or even the elves, everyone will not be able to escape. Everyone will be prosperous, and everyone will be damaged. For this, I don't need this king." Say more."

Moshan Cangqiong immediately said: "Your Highness, there is no need to say more, we all know this in our hearts. Whatever Your Highness wants us to do, just order it!"

Aserati smiled slightly and said: "This is very good. We elves yearn for peace and never want to cause troubles. This king hopes that after Meng Qingchen is wiped out, the Zifu can be led by Brother Cangqiong. And , human beings must be relatively free.”

The Demon Mountain Sky said: "That is nature."

It is difficult for humans and the Zifu to coexist, which is a big contradiction.But now, everyone is tacit.Moreover, with the decline of human beings, it will be difficult for the Eastern Gods to change the future situation.Aserati has his own interests, and he will not really make decisions for human beings.

The Devil Mountain Sky understands this in his heart.

The Eastern God also understands this.

Moshan Cangqiong and others now have very low expectations in their hearts, and they are lucky to survive.In the future, you can only accept orders and obey orders.

Aserati then said: "That would be great." After saying that, he said: "Now, our top priority is to rescue Mo Yu. Everyone here is very clear about what Mo Yu means. Her cosmic spirit If it falls into the hands of Meng Qingchen, it will be difficult for us to turn around."

Moshan Cangqiong said: "Your Highness is right." He looked at Shang Wudao and said, "As far as I know, the Shenbingsi has been in charge of Mo Yu's affairs. Shang Wudao, tell Your Highness, How this is going."

Shang Wudao did not shy away from it at the moment, he cupped his fists and saluted Aserati, and then said: "Returning to Your Highness, Mo Yu is now imprisoned in the Loulan Heavenly Kingdom. Right now, Meng Qingchen has controlled the Purple Crystal Soul, but the crystal itself has already disappeared. Missing. We are condensing the main body of the amethyst, and it will take about half a month to complete. Once the amethyst is completed, we will be able to draw out Mo Yu's cosmic spirit."

"Half a month!" Chen Yang murmured.

Aserati nodded, and said, "Very well, Mr. Shang, thank you for your information. Then, the next question is how we can save Mo Yu. Do you think we are sure about storming Zi Mansion?"

Moshan Cangqiong said: "I don't think it is a big problem to storm the Zifu. Now in the Zifu, the two governments will not intervene. And Meng Qingchen's Basi has no important power, so it is nothing to be afraid of. Right now, the only resistance force That is the Four Great Elders, Meng Qingchen and Loulan Heaven."

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