Facing Nicole's question, Chen Yang smiled lightly and said, "It's nothing, I'm just playing around with Brother Dongfang. I'm also very interested in your country's customs, so I came here."

Nicole said: "So it turns out that we don't prohibit humans from coming here. I heard from Grandpa that there were humans coming a long time ago, but now, there are almost none."

Dongfang God's eyes darkened immediately when he heard the words.

In the past, some humans would go to southern borders and do business with orcs.However, few came, mainly because some orcs were too beastly and would hurt people.Those who come are all desperate people.But now, the human race is oppressed by the Zifu, and there is still such leisure there.

The former human beings, the former Eastern Border Continent bred a splendid culture, which made the elves, giant dragons, and half-orcs yearn for it.But now, the human race is miserable and incomparable.

Nicole didn't notice the change in Dongfang Shen's expression. She continued, "But I heard that there is a big problem on the Eastern Frontier Continent."

Dongfang Shen said unhappily: "The problem has already appeared, more than 200 years ago."

Nicole saw Dongfang Shen's displeasure, and she hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, I don't know much about Dongjiang mainland, did I offend your taboo?"

The information of the half-orcs is very limited, and they have to cross many oceans from the southern border to the eastern border.These ordinary half-orcs really don't understand too much.

Dongfang Shen is not a stingy person either, he waved his hand and said, "It's nothing, it's my own problem."

Chen Yang didn't talk much at the side.

Afterwards, all the food and wine were served.During the chat, Chen Yang and Dongfangshen learned that Nicole's father turned out to be an important minister in the capital of Oak, similar to the prime minister.It is called the first one here!

Moreover, Nicole is the only child in the family.In the future, if there are no major problems, he will inherit his father's position as the first.

Nicole has many concubines...

The concubine is naturally a man, and she is in the dominant position.

While chatting, Chen Yang and Dongfang God gradually understood something in their hearts.

Damn it, Nicole treats herself and Dongfang Shen as beautiful little ladies, and she's here to pick up girls.

In Chen Yang's heart, he felt like he was a dog. The girl who had been dating all his life was going to be picked up by a girl today.But this girl is too shabby!

After drinking and eating, Nicole invited Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen to sit at her house.

Chen Yang quickly waved his hands and said, "We still have important things to do, so we won't bother you."

Nicole said: "What's the matter, gentlemen? Just tell me. I'm in this generation, and speaking is still useful."

Chen Yang said: "We are leaving, thank you for your kindness."

Nicole was disappointed.

However, she didn't get too entangled.

"If you want to leave, I will at least see you off." Nicole said afterwards.

Chen Yang said: "I'm sorry." He didn't continue to refuse, he needed to make some noise here.So it's not really about walking away.It's just that he didn't want to sit at Nicole's house either. He felt too uncomfortable staying with Nicole.

Chen Yang doesn't understand what it's like for a woman to be picked up by a man.

Chen Yang felt that being picked up by a woman was not unacceptable.

But being fucked by such a big half-orc girl, the goosebumps on his body will be gone.

After that, Nicole waved her hand and paid the bill.

Then the group left the inn.

The weather in the past few days has been pretty good, and it hasn't continued to snow.Although the chill in the air was heavy, the half-orcs had long been used to this kind of cold.

It was around three o'clock in the afternoon, and the streets were very lively.The streets here are very wide, and the snow has been removed from the road.On the Danube planet, you can feel the sun, but you can never see it.

Nicole has a snow ox cart.The cart is pulled by a snow ox, which is very powerful and runs very fast in the snow.The value of a snow ox is very expensive, but a snow ox can pull a carriage and run continuously for five hours.

In the half-orc capital, owning a snow ox cart is a symbol of absolute status and wealth.

Chen Yang and Dongfangshen felt that the snow ox cart was quite shabby, but Nicole felt like taking a girl to ride in her Ferrari.

After getting in the car, Chen Yang said he was going to leave the city.Nicole let the orc driving the cart out of town.

A few half-orc guards followed and ran all the way behind.For the half-orcs, this is all pediatrics.

Driving all the way out, Nicole talked a lot.Chen Yang chatted with Nicole one after another.

Dongfang God talked to Chen Yang with his thoughts, and said, "Shall we just leave like this?"

Chen Yang smiled wryly, and said, "I didn't expect to meet such a pretty girl. I dare not go to her mansion, do you dare?"

The Eastern God also smiled wryly, and said, "I dare not go!"

Chen Yang said solemnly again: "My plan is not detailed. At present, I just think that I can attract some important people from them, and then arrest them to force them to ask something, or it can be used as a bargaining chip. But my There is still a big loophole in the plan!"

Dongfang Shen was slightly startled, and said, "What loophole?"

Chen Yang said: "If Meng Qingchen is highly involved and calm, we don't care about the two of us. If she decides to attack Mo Yu first, then we will be passive."

Dongfang God turned pale when he thought of this, and said, "That's right, if that's the case, what should we do? This is their simplest coping strategy, but it is our most helpless strategy. His Royal Highness the Elf King has been hiding in the Among your precepts, we can't always wrong His Highness like this?"

Chen Yang said: "It's the best if you can lure them out. If you can't, just break in and catch them by surprise. I only give them half a day. If they don't come out today, we'll go in tomorrow."

Dongfang God said: "Okay, that's the only way to go."

When the bullock cart was running smoothly, a sudden brake came on.Nicole was talking, and the sudden brake knocked her forehead.Nicole let out a cry of pain, then lifted the curtain angrily, and cursed at the driver: "Stupid thing, what are you doing?"

At the same time, Nicole also saw the situation outside.

There was a more luxurious bullock cart blocking the way ahead.

The coachman wanted to explain something, but Nicole said directly: "Shut up!"

Then she turned around and said to Chen Yang and Dongfang God in a deep voice: "You two gentlemen, stay inside and don't move. There is something going on outside, and I will deal with it."

Chen Yang nodded.

Nicole immediately got out of the bullock cart.

After a short burst of Chen Yang's divine sense, he understood the situation at this time.

The person who stopped the car was King Oakes' eldest daughter, Her Royal Highness the Princess.

Her Royal Highness the Princess heard that Nicole had found two nice little fair-faced human beings, so she ran over to intercept them.

Chen Yang's divine sense can only shoot some simple information.But this information has already enabled Chen Yang to make many judgments.

The Eastern God also knew the information.

"Let's get out of the car and have a look." Chen Yang said to Dongfang God.

Dongfang God immediately said: "But Nicole told us not to go down."

Chen Yang said: "No way, we still have to listen to this silly girl?"

He followed and got out of the bullock cart, but Dongfang Shen had no choice but to follow.

It's quiet here and there, but it's a snowy field.

In the snow, the eldest princess Duo Sioke was leading a group of orcs to fight Nicole.Generally speaking, in Chen Yang's impression, even if the princesses are not beautiful, they are passable.But when he saw Dosi, he still felt a little hilarious.It was a tall, stout, fat woman who was as tall as a mountain.

Chen Yang immediately thought of Maitreya Buddha.

Fortunately, Duosi and Nicole have such nice names.

Among the half-orcs who followed Dosi, there was another special existence.It was a half-orc mage, covered in a black robe, giving people a mysterious feeling.

Dosi asked Nicole to hand over the two little boys, but Nicole said it was impossible.

Although Dosi is the eldest princess, Ni is afraid of Dosi.Even if it went to the king, King Oakes would only think it was a ridiculous joke.Otherwise, both of them will be punished.

Dosi and Nicole have always been at odds, and then Dosi lowered her voice and said, "At least, one for each of you. You can't take all the benefits for yourself."

She thought that Chen Yang and Dongfang God couldn't hear it, but Chen Yang and Dongfang God couldn't hear it.If they want to hear, both of them can hear the wind and grass thousands of miles away.

When Duosi came out with Chen Yang and Dongfang God, she saw them, her eyes were shining with lust, and she wished to rub the two into her body.

This made Chen Yang feel a chill all over.

Nicole looked back at Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen.

Chen Yang and Dongfang God quickly looked away, pretending they didn't hear anything.Only then was Nicole relieved, she also lowered her voice, and said, "What nonsense are you talking about, I can't handle any of it."

Dosi said: "What do you mean it's not settled? Are you an idiot? Ask for their bodies first, are you afraid that they won't give up?"

Nicole said: "You guy, do you have any fun? How can you be so abrupt, gentlemen?"

Dosi said: "Forget it, I don't care. I'll take one away. For the others, how you want to play with the mood is up to you."

Nicole was also helpless, and said: "Okay, okay, but there must be conditions. I discovered this, and you have to give me benefits!"

Dosi said: "I'll find you a secret book of Great Strength Fist in the palace, can I?"

Nicole's eyes lit up, and she said, "Okay, deal. I want to choose the one over there, the one in Tsing Yi, Oriental God."

Duo Si secretly looked at Chen Yang from a distance, and finally felt a little bit unwilling, and said, "That's not good, I want to wear Tsing Yi too. That Chen Yang is a bit ugly."

"Damn it!" Chen Yang couldn't help it when he heard this kind of conversation, and he cursed secretly. "Bitch, I still think I'm ugly."

It's embarrassing for Dongfang God to be on the sidelines!

This is really the first time in my life!

But at this time, Nicole immediately rejected Dosi's unreasonable request, saying: "No, don't push yourself!"

Dosi said, "We can discuss it further."

Nicole said, "It's not negotiable!"

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