Chen Yang continued to absorb the essence of aura!

In the face of this great opportunity, he decided to take advantage of the victory and pursue it without leaving any regrets for himself.

Life is like this, 30 years of accumulation, nothing, once it explodes, it is better than 30 years!

Chen Yang's ability to grasp the essence of spiritual energy and this opportunity all depended on his past accumulation and foreshadowing.If he hadn't practiced the great origin technique, if he hadn't experienced the extreme cold wormhole, and hadn't gone through all the hardships, he wouldn't have been able to get to this step.He will die on the way.

The essence of spiritual energy poured into Chen Yang's brain continuously.

He began to attack the realm of heaven.

Chen Yang comprehended all the mysteries of the universe and the law of time.The spirit of spiritual energy was surging, opening the door to the mysteries of the universe for Chen Yang.

Time is in his mind, like invisible quicksand, tumbling and rushing, but in the billions of years, he has a deeper understanding of time.All kinds of spaces in the universe, as well as solar magnetic storms, laser storms, and even space chaos, are all like fleeting images in his mind.

Through this trip to the universe, although Chen Yang only traveled a short distance, his understanding of the universe has deepened.Coupled with the extremely cold wormhole and the cosmic cognition in the spirit essence this time, Chen Yang's understanding of the universe can be said to surpass many species on many planets.

"Universe, heaven!"

Chen Yang realized again in his heart!

An hour passed, two hours passed...


Finally, Chen Yang broke through the shackles of the Tianyu Realm, and in an instant, he realized the connection between the universe and himself, and grasping that connection, he achieved the Celestial Realm!

At this moment, Chen Yang's strength became vigorous again!

All the cells in his body began to evolve and evolve, and the power rolled upwards again and again, majestic.

By this time, Chen Yang's galloping power had already stayed at a fixed value.However, the power began to develop horizontally, infinitely thick.At this time, it is no longer a pure power competition, but the competition rules, the use of mana, and even the degree of thickness. .

Chen Yang's heavenly power contained the power of the universe.

Aside from his great origin technique, even his celestial position is also different.Most of the species on the earth are bound in the earth in their hearts.

The masters of the Nine Parts of the Zifu on the Danube planet are also bound to the Danube planet.

Under normal circumstances, no master will choose to break through the realm outside the planet.Because outside the planet, they lost the protection of the planet and were exposed to the vacuum.Even the radiation in the universe can become a huge threat.Once the demon invades, the radiation and various cosmic substances will be magnified hundreds of times.

And Chen Yang's Tianyu Realm was promoted in the wormhole, so he comprehended the rules of extreme cold, operated himself, and surpassed others.

But now, the Celestial Realm is promoted based on the universe as the blueprint.

The celestial master on the earth, the power of the celestial is the power of the earth.And Chen Yang's power of heaven is the power of heaven in the universe.

This is a completely different level, there is no comparison.

Moreover, Chen Yang continued to be promoted and absorbed the essence of spiritual energy.

The power of his galloping horse reached 200 billion.

At the peak of monk Linghui, he had the power of 300 billion galloping horses.

Of course, the more Chen Yang cultivated to this point, the more he knew what a terrifying concept 300 billion was.

When Chen Yang was at the peak of the Cave Immortal, his strength had reached the strength of 150 billion galloping horses.

But now, after continuously leapfrogging, developing brain cells, reaching Tianyu, and even the realm of heaven, the strength has only increased by 50 billion galloping horses.

His strength is doubled, it develops horizontally, it develops towards the thick level, and it does not rush upward in a straight line.

This change is like the ecological development of a large company.A large company, for example, is working on a certain product. This product has been upgraded to the limit, and they start to make other products, which makes the company's assets even stronger.

Chen Yang's mana is powerful enough.

He continued to absorb, and finally reached the mid-stage of the Celestial Realm.

After that, Chen Yang felt that if he continued to absorb it, his head would explode.He couldn't bear the big original technique, so he stopped.

And the essence of spiritual energy also began to dry up.

"Fortunately, you stopped. I need to recuperate the rest of the spirit energy." The woman said just now when she saw this.

Chen Yang suddenly felt embarrassed, and said: "The junior is too greedy, please blame the senior!"

The woman smiled slightly and said, "If I don't want to, you can't learn from it. The higher your achievements, the safer my daughter will be."

Chen Yang immediately felt even more ashamed, but soon, he gritted his teeth and said, "No matter what, I will do my best to protect her well!"

He received such a great favor from this senior, Chen Yang would never harm that innocent little girl again.

It's just the elder brother's matter, as well as Xuan Zhenghao's matter, which are destined to be the big stones in his heart.

Chen Yang then thought that there is not only one spirit of the universe.After protecting the little girl, I will go find another one myself.

Thinking of this, Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

And many of his psychological changes were also known to the woman in the original womb.The woman smiled gratifiedly, and she said, "I knew that you couldn't be cruel."

Chen Yang was slightly embarrassed, and then said: "The junior doesn't know yet, how should I call the senior?"

"They named my daughter Mo Yu. I didn't have a name at first, but I thought of another name for myself. You can call me Mo Xiangwang!"

"Don't forget each other?" Chen Yang murmured.He then said, "Hello, Aunt Mo!"

Mo Xiangwang smiled faintly.

Chen Yang said: "This junior will definitely do his best to go to the Danube planet. However, if Mo Yu is rescued by chance, will this junior send her to you?"

Mo Xiangwang said: "Of course it would be the best if I can send her here to meet you. However, I can't let her stay with me forever. So, I still hope you can help her settle down so that she can be happy. Life!"

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, and then said: "Young man, do your best!"

"Okay, then you go!" Mo Xiangwang said.

"Yes, senior!" Afterwards, Chen Yang felt the waves rolling in the Yuan womb, and the space formation was formed again.Chen Yang got into the space formation, and in the next second, he had already left Yuantai, hundreds of millions of kilometers away from Yuantai.

The star dragon scepter has been shattered and useless.Chen Yang threw it away, and then, he was in space.

The Danube planet also belongs to the solar system.

But far from the sun.

Chen Yang was flying in space, and suddenly the solar wind blew head-on.The crimson electric particles bombarded Chen Yang like a storm.

This solar wind is not really wind, but the formation of solar electric particles.Chen Yang laughed, and then punched him out.

The magic power in the body is overwhelming and magnificent.Blast out with a punch, forming an ice front, with the power of heaven...


With just one punch, Chen Yang smashed the solar storm in front of him to pieces.Afterwards, Chen Yang left the storm.

A planet appeared in front of him, and Chen Yang was still [-] million kilometers away, so his divine sense shot at it.

Another Death Star!

Chen Yang's figure flashed, and after a few flashes, he appeared on the death star.

On this dead star, there is a rare sunlight shining down.

There is no atmosphere, the sun directly shines down, carrying toxic radiation, the ground is dry and cracked, the ore iron is red, and the temperature is so high that the living beings can't bear it.

The ore iron is soft, and molten iron, or iron slurry, has formed in some places!

With another flash of Chen Yang's figure, he came to the back of the death star.

Although the dead star does not have the protection of an atmosphere, it also has a certain degree of gravity.He reached the back of the Death Star, which was not directly illuminated by sunlight, but was in a frozen state.

Chen Yang sat cross-legged.

It wasn't that he was insincere, he didn't want to rescue his daughter for Senior Mo Xiangwang.It's just because he still has some laws of the universe that he is comprehending.At that time, we chatted with Mo Xiangwang to such an extent that we had no choice but to leave.

At the same time, Chen Yang no longer worried about being hunted down by the Danubians.All the breath on his body has been washed in the original womb.And in the future, he can purify all the breath in his body by running the cosmic spiritual energy in his body.If there is no special means, don't try to catch him.

The remaining crystal soul breath on his body is also gone.

Chen Yang settled down on this dead star for about ten hours.

Ten hours later, Chen Yang suddenly opened his eyes.

There was light in his eyes.

"Ice Soul Ocean!"

With a soft drink from Chen Yang, the ice soul sea spewed out from his mouth.

The black sea of ​​ice souls enveloped Chen Yang in a radius of a hundred miles.In the ice soul, the extremely cold air is like a Dao Yuanling, sprinting and galloping inside, crisscrossing back and forth, extremely fierce!

Countless soul fragments rippling in it!

Countless soul laws are also wandering in it!

Even the mind spar was smashed into pieces and completely integrated into it.

This ice soul ocean is not all energy bodies anymore.Once condensed, it is a real spar, an extremely hard spar.

This spar is Chen Yang's only magic weapon at present.This spar is integrated into the chalk world, and the original lightning power of the wise man's celadon is also integrated into the chalk world's law of cosmic light.Then it merged into the countless souls collected by Chen Yang, and in the red-blue world, absorbed the soul energy of the entire Necromancer Abyss.

Almost all of Chen Yang's accumulation in his half life was fused into this small piece of spar.In this small piece of spar, one can see the wonderful deeds of Chen Yang's life.

In the ice soul ocean, there is also the extremely cold air of the wormhole.

Right now, Chen Yang still has two things to do.One is to integrate his own laws of heaven and the universe into it, and the other is to dissolve the soul fragments of the masters of the realm of creation that he has obtained.

The Eternal Demon Lord once killed Venerable Lone Walker, a second-tier master in the Realm of Creation.And gave Chen Yang the soul fragment of Venerable Lone Walker.However, Chen Yang has been unable to resolve it.

Since it was a soul fragment, Chen Yang sealed it into a pill and threw it in the depths of the ice soul ocean.Therefore, it was not taken by Xuan Zhenghao.

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