The strongest player in history

Chapter 2205 Are there any miracles?

Xian Yuxue was the happiest. If her brother could get such a magic weapon, his strength would increase greatly.She admired her brother's wisdom even more.

But at this time, Xian Zhengyun stood up, bowed, and said, "Uncle Shang, absolutely not! This item is too expensive, and this junior cannot accept it. Uncle, please rest assured, what happened this time, the junior Never mention it to the fifth person. If uncle has nothing else to do, the younger generation will leave first."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left directly.

Really did not accept the wisdom of the ages.

Seeing this, Shangyu breathed a sigh of relief.

But Xian Yuxue's small eyes were full of disappointment.

Shang Wudao was silent for a moment, then he took back the Eternal Wisdom Sutra.Then he said to Xian Yuxue: "Xiaoxue, you should go back and rest first."

Xian Yu Xue was eager to leave, and immediately bid farewell to Shang Wudao upon hearing the words.She wanted to come with her brother, but now, she is still Shangyu's wife, so it's not easy to leave with her brother in front of Shang Wudao.

After Xian Yuxue left, Shangyu said: "Father, I know what you mean, but this ancient wisdom scripture is too precious. It is your weighing instrument, how can you give it to Xian Zhengyun? Fortunately, he didn't Yes, otherwise..."

Shang Wudao glanced at Shangyu, sighed, and said, "Xian Tianque has such a son, which is really enviable."

Shangyu was slightly taken aback, and then his entire face flushed red. "It's the son who is useless. It's embarrassing for you."

Shang Wudao said: "Do you think that I am accusing you. Or accusing you of being insulted by that human being?"

Goodwill lowered his head, and he did not argue.

Shang Wudao continued: "When Xianzhengyun gave you the crystal soul, you were smart, so you should refuse. It is his courage to give you the treasure and credit he got. You can't do it! I will give it to you." His Wisdom Sutra, but he was able to refuse it, this is also his courage. If it were you, you would have taken it away long ago, right?"

Goodwill agrees with Shang Wudao's words, but he is not convinced, and said: "But, father, together with the cultivation of the law, we will use any means. What we are pursuing is the improvement of cultivation base. This person is so sophisticated, no matter how well he does it, what is the use? We He's not an ordinary person! If you don't take advantage of the immediate benefits, what are you talking about in the future? It's not that the boy didn't think about refusing, but made a choice! I think Xian Zhengyun is just being stupid. What he values ​​is not I value it."

"You stupid boy!" Shang Wudao said: "It is because of your stupidity that I have to rely on your elder brother. You have obtained the immediate benefits, but in the future, how many people will be in this purple mansion?" Will you support you? You stand in my position, how many benefits you can't get? Why don't you ask Xian Zhengyun not to have my Eternal Wisdom Sutra? Because he understands very clearly that if he takes it, then all favors will be lost. Offset. He still has to take responsibility, and he wants to keep his mouth shut for us. But if he doesn’t take it, it means I owe him a big favor. He also has rivals among priests. He will do something in the future, or When making critical decisions, he can ask me to help."

"This..." Shangyu was suddenly speechless.

Shang Wudao said: "The principles of cultivation you believe in are for outsiders. If you are in our group, you must understand the ways of the world. Because the surroundings are not your enemy, if you treat the people around you as enemies, then The people around you are all your enemies. In these years, I have beaten you many times, and you have been acting willfully and recklessly relying on your talent, which really disappoints me!"

Shangyu lowered his head, and said, "Father, I know I was wrong."

He really knew he was wrong this time.

In the past, he was arrogant and arrogant.But after being insulted by Chen Yang, he seemed to have grown a lot overnight.

Shang Wudao then said: "It's too late for you to change your ways now. No one will trust you, so there is only one way for you to go. That is to become strong, so strong that everyone around you is afraid of you, respect you .At that time, you will learn how to get along with people."

"Yes, Dad!" Shangyu said.

Shang Wudao continued: "Also, that human being, I want you to kill him with your own hands!"

Shangyu was suddenly excited, and said: "Hail dreams of revenge. However, Haier is indeed no match for that person, and now, he has disappeared into the vast universe. If he wants to find it, he doesn't know where to start." !"

Shang Wudao said: "Father can use the soul search technique to search for his breath in your brain, and there are fragments of his smell in your brain. However, this time cannot last for a long time. When the smell disappears , even if it disappears completely.”

Shangyu said: "I also ask Daddy to quickly cast the spell."

Shang Wudao said: "Well, for you, I will make an exception this time for my father and take action myself."

When his soul-searching technique was used, it hurt Yuanyang very much, so he was not willing to use the soul-searching technique unless he was forced to!But right now, Shang Wudao couldn't care less.

Afterwards, Shang Wudao began to perform soul searching in Shangyu's brain!

The soul search technique is to use the power of creation in Shang Wudao's creation Zifu to cooperate with his essence Yuanyang, condense into one point, and penetrate into Shangyu's brain.Once this method is used, it can connect the opponent's brain domain and communicate with the world through his brain domain!

This method not only greatly damages Yuanyang, but also causes strong karma.

After a long time, Shang Wudao finally withdrew the soul search technique!

And goodwill is also dripping with sweat.

A small imprint appeared in Shang Wudao's hand, and this imprint contained Chen Yang's aura.Through this breath, one can communicate into the universe, search for hundreds of millions of miles, and find Chen Yang accurately.

"Let's go!" After that, Shang Wudao grabbed the goodwill into the storage bracelet with a big hand.

Afterwards, Shang Wudao left the planet Danube.

At this moment, Chen Yang is rushing towards the Danube planet.

Chen Yang talked a lot with Monk Linghui.

Monk Linghui said: "The poor monk suggests that you go back to Earth first."

Chen Yang said: "Our place is already extremely far away from the earth, and it will take at least a month for me to fly back with all my strength. After one month, the three-month period is almost here. Moreover, it is always bad for me to go back like this Right. At least I have to go to the Danube planet to confirm the matter of the spirit of the universe, right?"

"How can you be sure?" Monk Linghui asked: "Perhaps now, people have already taken out the spirit of the universe. Fellow Daoist, if you go to the Purple Mansion, is there any way out? The few escapes from death these few times are already lucky. No, the poor monk disapproves of you, fellow Taoist, and you ran to take risks again. This is not the earth, and it is not a place where you can do whatever you want!"

Chen Yang said: "That's not what I said. If I'm not sure, how can I send reinforcements when I go back? What if I call everyone and finally find that the spirit of the universe is not here. Isn't that a delay?"

"But it's too dangerous." Monk Linghui emphasized repeatedly.

Chen Yang said: "I have been doing difficult things all my life, and I don't care about this time. For the sake of big brother, I will always do my best!"

Monk Linghui said: "Life always has its end."

Chen Yang said: "Just be ashamed of yourself!"

Afterwards, Chen Yang resolutely started heading towards the Danube planet.

He knows the location of the Danube planet, because there is a dragon Xiu Zemi beside him!Xiu Zemi will guide Chen Yang.

"Huh?" Just as Chen Yang was rushing in space with all his strength, suddenly, a sense of extreme crisis rose from his mind.

"Oops, not good!" Chen Yang couldn't help being shocked.

"Escape!" Monk Linghui also felt that something was wrong, and immediately yelled.

Chen Yang stretched his feet and showed the great teleportation technique to the limit.

He was flying like lightning in the dark universe, like a ray of divine light, he was tens of thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye.

But it didn't do anything.

In that universe, a figure stepped on the planet and jumped among countless planets, and then he suddenly opened his eyes in the void.

In the azure blue eyes, a purple light shot out instantly!

That pair of eyes suddenly lit up in the universe, like two suns, illuminating the entire void in a radius of ten thousand miles.

Just like daytime, everything around is clearly visible!

This is a great spectacle!

This is the wonder of creation and the embodiment of magic power.

The purple light instantly enveloped Chen Yang.

After the purple divine light enveloped Chen Yang, it began to shrink in an instant.

The light of day in the universe disappeared immediately, and everything fell into darkness again.But at this time, Chen Yang was trapped inside a purple sphere.

The purple sphere was grabbed by the big hand of the man in the void, and then it entered the big hand.

Actually, the hands are not that big.It was a normal person's hand, but at this moment, Chen Yang's body shrank accordingly.

The one who came was Shang Wudao!

Goodwill also stood by Shang Wudao's side.

Chen Yang was horrified, he had never encountered such a situation before him.

He didn't realize that his body had shrunk. In fact, it wasn't his body shrinking, but the purple ball contained the space of all things.

Chen Yang felt that the purple energy wave around him was extremely strong, and there was a spirit of creation in it.

"Master of Creation Realm?" Chen Yang couldn't help feeling desperate.

Monk Linghui also felt despair in Chen Yang's mind. He sighed slightly and said, "Okay, Fellow Daoist, you can really have a clear conscience this time. This place is in the universe. Although the poor monk has There are all kinds of schemes, but the person in front of me is a creation. Unless friends on the earth can perceive all this and come to rescue in an instant, otherwise, we are probably... dead."

"Friends on earth?" Chen Yang sighed, communicated with Linghui, and said: "The only one who has the ability to come is Bai Suzhen. But she knows my current situation, even if she knows, she will definitely not be able to catch up in an instant. Look. Come on, this time it's really a dead end."

Monk Linghui also sighed and said, "Forget it, just die, it doesn't matter."

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