"Big brother!" Shangyu suddenly shouted loudly.Usually, business affairs ignore him, that's all.But today, Shangyu's heart was full of anger, and he exploded immediately.

In front of Chen Yang, he was afraid of death.

But at home, he has nothing to fear!

Shangqing stopped and did not take goodwill seriously. "Is something wrong?"

Shangyu said word by word: "I salute you and call you brother, that's my way of giving you face. You probably forgot your identity."

"My identity? What identity?" Shang Qing said lightly, "Please remind me, please."

"You're just my father's dog!" Shangyu sneered.

Shang Qing was slightly taken aback.

The brothers around, as well as the divine soldiers and guards all stopped, and they all looked here.

Goodwill fears nothing!

Shang Qing suddenly smiled, and he said: "Yes, I am a dog. But what are you? You are not even a dog. Because, if it is not for Master's sake, you are already a dead person. If you want You know, if I want to crush you to death, it's as simple as crushing an ant."

"You..." Shangyu was furious.

Shang Qing then patted Shang Yu on the shoulder and said, "You don't have to salute me anymore, I dare not recognize a junior like you!"

Afterwards, Shangqing left.

Goodwill stands still.

The people around quickly dispersed and went about their own business.

Shangyu didn't understand why Shangqing hated him so much.In fact, he didn't even know that there was no one in the entire Shenbing Division who didn't hate him.Including Fresh Yuxue!

Even among his wives and concubines, some hated him and gritted their teeth, but they couldn't resist.

The more ruthless the business situation is to goodwill, the less face it will give goodwill.And the people below respect business conditions more!

But Meng Qingchen, the master of Zifu, has always been good to goodwill.Among them, there are many detours, which are not for outsiders.

Shangyu then came to the sixth floor, where the barrier was tightly protected, and he asked to see his father outside.

"Come in!" Shang Wudao's voice came out quickly.His voice is full of indifference and majesty!

The barrier in front of Shangyu was originally an invisible energy wave, and a door appeared at this time.

Goodwill comes in through the door.

At the top of the hall, Shang Wudao was sitting cross-legged, he seemed to be refining some magic weapon.

Shangyu came in, then knelt down on one knee in front of Shang Wudao, and said, "The son has seen his father!"

Shang Wudao opened his eyes.

Shang Wudao is an extremely dignified person, he looks to be in his forties, he wears black all the time, and he is serious.Goodwill is extremely fearful that business has no way.Even, he wasn't sure if his father would shed a single tear when he died.He felt that his father didn't seem like a person, like an existence without emotion.

"Amethyst matter, have you found out the result?" Shang Wudao asked directly.

Shangyu said: "Yes, father. The child has already caught the traitor Zemo, and now that the crystal soul is in his hands, he can directly ask her to force out the amethyst."

After he finished speaking, he took out the crystal soul from the storage bracelet.

There was a wave of fluctuation in Shang Wudao's calm eyes, he grabbed the Crystal Soul Void and held it in his hand.

"You did a good job in this matter." Shang Wudao said: "I will report your contribution to the Lord. Now, where is Zemo?"

Shangyu said: "I was detained in the magic weapon by the child."

The line of arresting the traitor Zemo and searching for Amethyst has always been followed by Shangyu, and no outsiders can intervene.This is also the way the Lord Meng Qingchen opened the door for Goodwill.

Meng Qingchen seems to intend to cultivate goodwill.

Obviously, if Shangyu finds Zijing now, then Meng Qingchen will definitely reward Shangyu.

"You didn't move her body, did you?" Shang Wudao asked suddenly.

Shangyu was slightly taken aback, he was a little embarrassed, because he was not reluctant to touch Zemo.But it's not too late!

"Zemo is someone close to the lord. Although she is a traitor, the lord must decide how to deal with her. You must not do whatever you want!" Shang Wudao said.

Shangyu was a little disapproving, and said, "My lord, does he still care about her honor and disgrace?"

Shang Wudao snorted coldly, and said, "Do you think that the Lord is really kind and amiable? A father should be afraid of her methods. Only you and Xian Yuxue have always felt that she is really your elder."

"Huh?" Shangyu was taken aback for a moment.

Shang Wudao said: "Father is too lazy to talk to you about these things. But you have to listen to what my father says, otherwise, don't blame me for not helping you when you are punished!"

Shangyu hurriedly said, "Yes!"

"Release Zemo, I will force her to be interrogated for my father!" Shang Wudao said afterwards.

Shangyu grabbed Nazemo out of the magic weapon and threw it on the ground.

He obviously felt that he had found the crystal soul, and his father was obviously much kinder to him.

Zemo was the purple-haired woman Chen Yang had seen before.At this time, Zemo was wearing a red dress. Although his face was beautiful, he was weak and weak, and his face was extremely pale.

She raised her head and looked at Shang Wudao.

"Why did you betray the Zifu?" Shang Wudao asked Zemo coldly.

Zemo snorted coldly and said, "If you want to kill, kill it, why bother talking nonsense!"

Shangyu's eyes turned cold, and he slapped Zemo's face with a volley. "Bitch, you can answer whatever my father asks you. If you dare to contradict me again, this young master will pull you out and throw it to the homeless people on the street!"

Zemo's delicate body trembled, she was indeed a little afraid of Shangyu.She knew some of Shangyu's glorious deeds. This person behaved in an extremely evil manner, and he was not human at all.

There was nothing he couldn't do.

Shang Wudao ignored this and continued: "It seems that you have not been successfully occupied by our tribe. On the contrary, the souls of our tribe have been swallowed by you. All you have done is to preserve the human race. , to prevent us from getting the spirit of that little girl Mo Yu."

He paused, and then said: "Zemo, hand over the main body of the amethyst. I promise you, I will give you a decent way to die. You should know that once I use the soul search technique, you will not be able to keep the main body of the amethyst."

Zemo was silent for a moment, then said: "Have you found the crystal soul?"

Shang Wudao said: "That's right!"

"That human? Was killed by you too?" Zemo continued to ask.

Shang Wudao took a look at Shangyu and said, "What human? Have you been caught?"

Shangyu didn't dare to lie, he lowered his head and said, "I'm ashamed, I didn't catch that man."

"The crystal soul is on that person, since you were able to capture the crystal soul back, it means that the person is already under control, why didn't you catch him?" Shang Wudao asked flatly.

But Shangyu felt the pressure like a mountain.

Shangyu didn't know how to tell Shang Wudao, how dare he say it, what a humiliation!

"Humph!" Shang Wudao snorted coldly, and then purple holy light shot out from his purple eyes.The purple holy light immediately enveloped Goodwill!

Goodwill dare not resist!

Thus, the memories in his brain were observed one by one by Shang Wudao.

Shang Wudao saw that Shangyu was tortured and humiliated in Chen Yang's hands.And also saw Shangyu kowtow to Chen Yang begging for mercy.

Shangyu knelt down in fright.

Shang Wudao's face turned ashen, and then withdrew the purple holy light.

"The child is useless, please punish the child!" Shangyu said.

Shang Wudao took a deep breath and asked, "No one knows about this except Xian Zhengyun and Xian Yuxue, right?"

Goodwill said: "Yes!"

Shang Wudao said: "This person must die! You can afford to lose this person, but I can't!"

Shang Wudao roared out the last few words.

"Get off, call Xian Zhengyun and Xian Yuxue to me!" Shang Wudao yelled.

"Yes!" Shangyu immediately withdrew.

Zemo then knew that the human was not dead.She couldn't help being surprised that Shenbingwei and Shangyu shot together, and Shangyu fell into a big fall. This human being is quite capable!

"Where is the main body of Amethyst?" Shang Wudao suppressed his anger and asked Zemo.

Zemo couldn't survive now. She took a deep breath and said, "I threw the main body of Amethyst into the space. I deliberately attached the crystal soul of Amethyst to that person, and then discarded Amethyst." The purpose is to prevent you from getting Amethyst, without Amethyst, you will not be able to get Mo Yu's Yuanling."

"Amethyst loses its crystal soul, which means it has no breath. Without breath, we cannot find Amethyst. It is almost impossible to find Amethyst in space!" Shang Wudao said coldly: "You You have forced yourself to the point where there is no room for turning around. I believe what you say. It doesn’t matter if there is no amethyst. It’s just a little more trouble. We will recreate a new amethyst. As long as the crystal soul is there, everything is not a problem .”

Zemo couldn't help but lose color.

She has been trying her best to hide the amethyst's aura all along.She also only recently thought of a way to separate Amethyst's crystal soul.Zifu chased and killed her, not relying on Zijing's aura.But according to her own aura, although she devoured the soul of the Purple Star Clan, her mana and the aura on her body belonged to the Purple Star Clan.Therefore, she has no way to completely avoid the Zifu's pursuit.

She has been on the run for more than a year.

She found that wonderful death star. In a certain area of ​​the death star, there is a strange mineral that can block many external information.This allowed her to escape for such a long time, but in the end, she was found by Shangyu.

Then, the nightmare came completely!

She is weak and helpless.

"Originally, I planned to hand you over to the lord. Maybe the lord will give you a decent way to die. However, I am not in a good mood today, and you can only blame yourself for being unlucky." Shang Wudao said coldly.

"You can't kill me." Zemo trembled, and she said, "The Lord will blame you!"

"Joke!" Shang Wudao said: "If you kill a traitor, the Lord will blame me. It's just to let her feel relieved, but there's no need for it now. Because you angered me!"

He paused, and then said: "Surrender to death!"

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