The strongest player in history

Chapter 2200 Crystal Soul

Xian Zhengyun gritted his teeth. He tried his best to calm down, and then said: "Then, in your opinion, what should we do? If you really kill the reputation, you won't have any room to turn around."

Chen Yang said: "You don't need to do anything, I want to talk to Shangyu now. I will set up my enchantment, you don't need to break my enchantment. I will talk to you after I discuss it with Shangyu .how?"

Xian Zhengyun was a little worried about the goodwill. First, he was worried about the safety of the goodwill.The second is also worried that goodwill will leak some secrets of Zifu.

Xian Yuxue said suddenly: "Tell me what your name is, and we will promise you."

Chen Yang said: "Chen Yang!"

Xian Yuxue was overjoyed, and then murmured, "Chen Yang, Chen Yang? What a strange name!"

"What's so strange about it? Your name is weird. There's also someone with the surname Xian. Chen is the surname, okay?" Chen Yang immediately replied to Xian Yuxue.

Xian Yuxue chuckled, but she wasn't angry with Chen Yang either.

Afterwards, Xian Yuxue said to Xian Zhengyun, "Brother, I have already promised him."

Xian Zhengyun frowned, but said nothing.

Chen Yang immediately set up the Ice Soul Ocean Barrier.Everything that happened inside was invisible to Xian Zhengyun and Xian Yuxue.

In the ice soul ocean, Chen Yang let go of the goodwill.Shangyu was only two inches in size, but his voice was loud, and he roared angrily: "Bitch, you bitch, how dare you flirt with you, a lowly human being, in front of me."

"Who do you say is a lowly human being?" Chen Yang asked Shangyu coldly, ignoring what Shangyu cared about.

Shangyu immediately said to Chen Yang with bloodshot eyes: "I'm talking about you, you bastard, you kill me if you have the ability. If you don't have the guts to kill me, you are a son of a bitch!"

He was extremely angry, so his words were really filthy to the point of being unbearable.

Chen Yang chuckled, and then said: "Okay, if you want to die, I can't help you." After he finished speaking, a finger of Ice Soul sword light popped out immediately.This icy soul sword light and lightning slashed towards Shangyu.

Now that all of Shangyu's abilities have been sealed by Chen Yang, he was frightened to death.

"No!" Shangyu screamed at the very moment, he was so scared that he almost peed his pants.

Chen Yang immediately withdrew the Ice Soul Sword Light, and said calmly, "Why don't you want it again? Didn't you say you asked me to kill you?"

Goodwill was really frightened, he hung his head and said, "You kill me, it doesn't do you any good, does it?"

Chen Yang said: "Don't talk nonsense with me. I know my own situation. I don't need you to explain it! Just ask you, do you want to die or live? It's very simple to die, and I will kill you immediately. If we want to live, then we have to talk about the conditions.”

"You killed me……"

"You're still talking nonsense, aren't you?" Chen Yang snorted coldly.

In this cold snort, the murderous intent was revealed.

Shangyu was horrified, he didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, and said, "I want to live, I want to live."

In his heart, he wished to eat Chen Yang's flesh and blood, but he was not a fool, he knew that right now he could only endure, as long as he survived, he escaped successfully.He can return this humiliation to Chen Yang a thousand times, a hundred times.Next time, he will not be brave again, he will catch this person at all costs.

"Since you want to live, let's kneel down and kowtow first." Chen Yang said lightly: "I remember you said you wanted me to kowtow three times for you. Then you still ask me, what are you asking for? You think about it carefully, If you think wrong, I will first mess up your brain and make all your mana frantic. At that time, you can only survive if you remove all your mana. Remember, I am not joking with you. I only talk to you Friends are kidding!"

Chen Yang's words were extremely cruel and did not contain any emotion.

Shangyu gritted his teeth again and again, then knelt down and kowtowed three times to Chen Yang.After that, he said: "I beg you, please let me be your dog, woof, woof..."

This scene looks cruel and sad.

In Shangyu's blue eyes, blue tears flowed out, these were tears of humiliation!

"It's hard, isn't it?" Chen Yang smiled slightly, and he said, "But seeing your temperament, you seem to like to persecute opponents who are weaker than you like this!"

Goodwill said nothing.

He wanted to hold back his tears, but couldn't hold back.

Afterwards, Chen Yang didn't bother to continue to torture Goodwill.He is not Shangyu's father, nor is he interested in helping his father educate this useless son.

Chen Yang said: "Commercial, there is a problem you must be aware of. If I die, you will never survive. Now, I don't know how to solve the predicament in front of me. But the only thing I can assure you is , even if your father comes, it is impossible for him to save a living you from me. The only way for you is to reassure me, and then I let you go. If it doesn’t work out, then we two will play together Finished, what do you think?"

Shangyu wiped away his tears, and still knelt down to talk to Chen Yang. He said, "If you give me the amethyst, we won't be able to track you down."

Chen Yang said: "You are not talking nonsense. If I had Amethyst, I would have thrown it aside. Still waiting for you to catch up with me along the way?"

Goodwill believed Chen Yang a little bit, and said, "You really don't have Amethyst on you?"

Chen Yang said: "Of course not. I just want to find out what is going on with this breath, and how can I get rid of this breath?"

Shangyu pondered for a moment, then said, "I understand what's going on."

"Huh?" Chen Yang asked.

Goodwill said: "That traitor Zemo put Amethyst's crystal soul on your body, so we couldn't find Amethyst's whereabouts."

"Crystal Soul?" Chen Yang was taken aback.

Shangyu said: "The crystal soul must be forced out with the purple light of our Purple Star Clan. The crystal soul is attached to your body, and you can't even notice it. If the purple crystal loses the crystal soul, it will also lose its effect. But the light Even with the crystal soul, it is impossible to play the role of the purple crystal."

Chen Yang said, "Crystal Soul?"

Goodwill said: "I can help you force the crystal soul out."

Hearing this, Chen Yang looked at Shangyu with a half-smile, and said, "Do I look stupid?" Then, he immediately sent a thought to Xian Zhengyun and Xian Yuxue outside, and said, "That... What snow, come in."

"No!" Xian Zhengyun outside immediately objected.

But Xian Yuxue said: "Brother, don't worry, I have my own measure." Xian Zhengyun said: "I can't put you in danger, this kid is too wicked."

Xian Yuxue patted Xian Zhengyun's hand and said, "Trust me, brother!"

After that, she directly entered the ice soul ocean.

Xian Zhengyun suddenly became distraught outside...

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