Chen Yang quickly denied his own thoughts. At his level of cultivation, it is unlikely that he would have any illusions.

Chen Yang has no curiosity about many things on the earth.But everything here made him curious, and Chen Yang quickly shot in all directions with his spiritual thoughts.He tracked down for about an hour, but nothing came of it.In desperation, Chen Yang had no choice but to give up.

"Forget it, why waste time on these irrelevant things. With the desolate state on this dead star, it is impossible for the spirit of the universe to exist." Chen Yang secretly said.

Then, he felt a little tired.He planned to rest on this dead star.

Chen Yang sacrificed the Ice Soul Ocean, and then entered it to sleep.

He slept for about three hours, and three hours later, the outside world suddenly changed.

"Huh?" Chen Yang felt the traces of movement, and he jumped up immediately, searching for the past.

This time, in the dark sky, Chen Yang clearly felt that what moved was a ray of light.To be precise, it's not the light, but it's like a monk flying.

Chen Yang didn't have time to think about it, and used the Great Teleportation Technique to chase after him.

The light felt Chen Yang's pursuit, and immediately flew into space.Chen Yang followed closely behind. He didn't have any malicious intentions, but just wanted to find out whether this thing was a human or an alien?He still finds it a novelty if aliens are discovered.In the future, you can also tell Xiao Nianci that your father and I have seen aliens.

The light flew extremely fast, but Chen Yang was even faster. Finally, Chen Yang caught up with the light, and then enveloped the sea of ​​ice souls.In an instant, the Ice Soul Ocean spread over a hundred miles, and the laws of space and time circulated crazily in it.

The light sprinted several times, but was blocked by the space law of Ice Soul Ocean.

Only then did Chen Yang see clearly what the light was.

It turned out to be a human being, and a beautiful woman, who looked 24 or [-] years old.She was dressed in tight purple clothes, with purple hair and blue eyes, but she looked beautiful.

She has an unusually cold and arrogant temperament, and there is a chill in her eyes.

Chen Yang always felt that this woman was a little different from normal humans.At that moment, he immediately communicated with the woman in purple with his mind.

"I don't have any malice towards you, it's just curiosity!" Chen Yang transmitted his thoughts to the woman's brain.The woman looked around, but she couldn't find Chen Yang there.

"You bastard!" The purple-clothed woman was rude and scolded immediately.

Her words were not any language on earth. If it wasn't for Chen Yang's magic power, he would have been able to break it down through magic power, otherwise, he would definitely not be able to understand this language.

"Girl, don't get me wrong!" Chen Yang continued.He then appeared in front of the purple-clothed woman in a flash.

"Huh?" The woman in purple was surprised when she saw Chen Yang's appearance.

"Aren't you a demon seed of the Purple Star Clan?" the woman in purple said.

"What kind of demon?" Chen Yang was curious.

The woman in purple was lost in thought, and then she asked: "Who are you? Why are you blocking my way?"

Chen Yang said: "I come from a distant earth, and I am only looking for something in this universe. I have been in this starry sky for a long time, but I have not seen any living creatures, so I felt the girl, and I chased after her out of curiosity. Come up. You can rest assured, girl, I have no malicious intentions."

Chen Yang expressed his frankness.

The communication between him and the purple-clothed woman was entirely based on thoughts, but in the repeated conversations of this kind of thoughts, Chen Yang also mastered the language of the purple-clothed woman.

Afterwards, Chen Yang spoke directly, speaking in the language of the woman in purple.

"Earth?" The woman in purple was taken aback.She seems to know the earth.

Chen Yang immediately said, "Miss, do you know the earth?"

The woman in purple gave Chen Yang a vigilant look, and then she said, "I'm leaving, don't stop me, or don't blame me for being rude."

"Er..." Chen Yang still had a lot of curiosity, but he didn't expect this woman to have no curiosity at all.But since the other party didn't want to talk about it, Chen Yang was naturally embarrassed to force others to make things difficult.

"Please go ahead!" Chen Yang directly gave way to Binghun Haiyang.

The woman in purple was slightly surprised when she saw Shenglu appear.But she didn't say much. When she was about to leave, she thought of something and said, "Aren't you curious about me? Give you something, and you will understand everything when you return to Earth!"

After she finished speaking, she threw something to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang didn't even think about it, and reached out to take it.

In the next second, the woman in purple had already left the Ice Soul Ocean, and she was thousands of miles away in a few blinks.It's impossible for Chen Yang to chase after him any more, and he doesn't intend to.Although he is curious, he also understands basic respect.

Chen Yang looked at his hand, but it was a spar.

Purple spar!

"What kind of material is this?" Chen Yang was secretly curious, although the woman in purple said that she would not understand until she was on the earth.But he still couldn't help but want to investigate first, his mana penetrated into the purple spar.

"Huh? Nothing? What the hell is this?" Chen Yang found that there was nothingness inside the purple spar.Moreover, in the next second, the purple spar directly turned to ashes.There was a handful of ashes in Chen Yang's hand.

"Damn! You're kidding me!" Chen Yang felt a little baffled.

He faintly felt that something was wrong, but he didn't bother to care about it.

He then flew off into the distance.

Chen Yang flew across the starry sky, continuing to search.So I searched for another month.

One and a half months have passed like this, Chen Yang remembers the time very clearly, and has always calculated according to the time of the earth.There is nothing wrong with the surrounding time, so it is now a month and a half.He searched for a lot of planets, but after all, he didn't find anything.

The only living creature found was that strange purple-clothed woman.

After that, I never saw any living beings again.

Searching all the way, everything I saw was desolate.

There are no signs of life.

Although this vast universe is vast and boundless, Chen Yang has never seen any planet comparable to the earth.The earth is unique, although it is small in the universe, it is a dazzling genius!

Chen Yang no longer felt that the earth was small.

Of course, Chen Yang knew in his heart that his exploration during this period of time was just a drop in the ocean for the universe.You don't have to think that the universe is nothing more than that, let alone that the earth is the only brilliance in the universe.

On this day, Chen Yang rested on a dead star again.

He knew he was far, far away from the earth.

Even if we find the spirit of the universe and go back now, I'm afraid it will take 20 days.

The March period is really running out.

I only hope that the eldest brother and Fu Qingzhu can find the spirit of the universe first.

The more he searched, the more hopeless he felt.

"Linghui!" When Chen Yang was resting in the ice soul ocean, he chatted with Linghui monk.

"How far is it from your Zerg Emperor planet?" he asked.

Monk Linghui replied lazily: "I'm not sure, but it took three years for the poor monk to fly over in order not to be discovered by others. Fellow Daoist, with your cultivation level, you can't fly in 20 years! "

"Okay!" Chen Yang was also speechless.

He said: "After searching for so long, there is no whereabouts of the spirit of the universe. I don't know how the elder brother and brother Fu are doing. If Xuan Zhenghao's major event is delayed, it will be very bad."

Monk Linghui said: "The spirit of the universe is not so easy to find. But with Xuan Zhenghao's ability, he will definitely leave behind."

Chen Yang said: "But no matter what, we agreed to him. At this time, it is best not to break our promise."

Monk Linghui said: "The universe is huge, even bigger than you imagined. It is actually impossible to find the spirit of the universe in three months. But you are good at doing impossible things. I hope a miracle will come." It happened to you, Fellow Daoist."

Chen Yang sighed.

He then asked again: "I never thought of asking you this question before, have you ever encountered a real alien in your travels across the starry sky?"

Monk Linghui said, "Of course I did!"

"Oh?" Chen Yang said, "I've never heard you mention it."

Monk Linghui said, "Friend Daoist, you didn't ask."

Chen Yang said, "Did you see that purple-clothed woman I saw before?"

Monk Linghui said: "No, the poor monk has been nurturing the flesh and blood of Miss Ye and the little guy."

Chen Yang thought of this, and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?"

"Do you want to see the results?" Monk Linghui asked.

Chen Yang said, "Just tell me directly."

Monk Linghui smiled slightly and said: "The general physical body has been fully recovered, and the heart is still growing. When all the growth is complete, the body will be complete."

Chen Yang said, "Can I have a look?"

Monk Linghui said: "Of course. But... no clothes."

"That won't work!" How could Chen Yang insult his sister-in-law.He said: "I give you the clothes that Linger wears, and you help them put them on. As for little Silan, just wrap it up casually!"

Monk Linghui said, "Yes!"

Chen Yang said again: "You are not allowed to look around."

Monk Linghui said: "Amitabha, how can this poor monk have any evil thoughts about these mortal fetuses!"

That's what Chen Yang said, and then he found Ling'er's clothes and gave them to Monk Linghui.

After monk Linghui finished all this, he said, "You can watch it."

Chen Yang immediately entered the seed of Xuanhuang God Valley with his mind.

Inside the Xuanhuang Shengu seed, Ye Ziqing was wearing Ling'er's clothes, and Xiao Silan was wrapped in a long skirt worn by adults.

They had indeed returned to their original state, Ye Ziqing's skin was even better.

Chen Yang heaved a sigh of relief seeing this scene. He always felt that he was one step closer to resurrecting Ye Ziqing and Xiao Silan.

However, he also had apprehension and hesitation in his heart.

All this is because of Ling'er!

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