The strongest player in history

Chapter 2188 The sea of ​​stars

Inside the Tianlong Babu Pagoda, Xuan Zhenghao is setting up the formation.The bridge of unity is like floating in the starry sky, his mana is majestic, and all laws and rules follow one's inclinations.

But at this moment, a person came out from the void.

"Master!" Xuan Zhenghao opened his eyes, and he smiled at the visitor.

It was Chen Ling who came.

"Congratulations, you finally killed Mo Ran and got revenge!" Xuan Zhenghao said first.

Chen Ling was dressed in a snow-white long gown, like an exile from the dust.He came in front of Xuan Zhenghao, smiled slightly, and said, "You know everything."

Xuan Zhenghao smiled wryly, and said: "It will be difficult to know in the future, the magic book is no longer there."

Chen Ling was taken aback and asked, "What's going on?"

He knew that Xuan Zhenghao valued that magic tome more than anything else.

Xuan Zhenghao sighed slightly, and then explained the reason.

Chen Ling was also quite surprised when he heard this. He said, "I didn't expect such a thing to happen. Behind this incident, it is very complicated."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Of course I know that the backside of this matter is very complicated. Therefore, these two boys cannot be easily killed."

Chen Ling said, "That must not be killed." He paused, and said, "Especially the boy Chen Yang, who hits me off quite well. For my sake, you have to treat him more!"

Xuan Zhenghao said, "I know this."

Chen Ling smiled, and then he said: "Recently, Ah Jing and I have nothing to do, since you have such a big event here. Ah Jing and I will live in your Tianlong Babu Stupa for a while."

After hearing this, Xuan Zhenghao couldn't help but rejoice, and said: "With the sect master, you and Dongfang Jing are together, and I can rest easy here."

Chen Ling smiled, then remembered something, and said, "Where's Dixuan?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Emperor Xuangui is busy with personnel, so it is impossible for him to guard these eight pagodas for me all the time."

Chen Ling said: "That's true!" He thought for a while, and then said: "I remember back then, we met Shen Yunfei in the chaos of time and space. Although Shen Yunfei died, he still has a copy of the magic book in his hand .This grimoire?"

Xuan Zhenghao couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said: "This is called self-inflicted evil, and you can't live. That magic book was destroyed by me!"

Chen Ling was slightly taken aback, and said, "It's ruined, why?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "That magic tome will take away the cosmic aura of my magic tome, so I destroyed it. It is said to be a copy, but it is actually a continuation of my magic tome."

Chen Ling said: "So that's the case. However, when you say that, I think of Chen Tianya. Could his existence also take away my luck?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "From a logical point of view, this is the case. However, I can see it clearly now. There is no accident at all. The exceptions we thought had their effects. Shen Yunfei and the magic code finally disappeared. As for Chen Tianya, I can assure you that he has a mission and role."

Chen Ling said: "Isn't his greatest role in giving birth to a son, and this son is the king of destiny. Moreover, their feud has prompted Chen Yang to grow bravely all the way!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "That's right, but I guess there are other uses. When his mission is completed, he will disappear. In fact, it also includes you, me, Yuanjue, etc. Don't look at us here. Talk about it, but after our mission is completed, that is, the day when we die, we will not be able to escape."

Chen Ling sighed slightly, and said: "From the moment Shen Moran died, I knew that we would all die. Yingzheng would die, Mo Ran would die, Yuan Jue would die, and we would die too. We have a long life Years of life, but can't escape the hand of fate!"

Great Thousand Worlds!

Yanjing, inside the bedroom of the garden villa.

Monk Linghui told Chen Yang about the spirit of the universe in detail.

"The earth has its unique aura, and it also has spirit spar. The universe also has cosmic spirit spar. This kind of spirit spar will grow in every planet, but it is extremely rare. The poor monk estimates that the spirit spar of this magic book It is the magic tome that the emperor of the universe conspired and then made."

Chen Yang couldn't help feeling a headache, and said, "It seems hard to find it!"

Monk Linghui said: "In the earth, I probably can't find it. I'm going to try my luck on other planets. It's not so easy. But there is one thing

, the planet where the spirit spar is located will not be barren.It will also look for a place with aura to warm up.If you say it’s hard to find, it’s hard to find, and if you say it’s easy to find, it’s easy to find.Fellow Daoist, go to other planets to explore, and if you find a planet with vitality, you may find it.Then you go to the magic book, get contaminated with the breath of the spirit of the universe, and use this as a basis to find it! "

Chen Yang said: "This spirit of the universe is so miraculous, what is its magical effect?" He couldn't help asking Monk Linghui.

Monk Linghui said: "Xuan Zhenghao's magic book relies on the spirit of the universe, and can know many future and past events of the earth. The spirit of the universe nourishes the 360 ​​five-way righteous gods. These righteous gods are not powerful, but they are pure. God. It is also a pure power. If you use it well, it has infinite magical effects. But the real effect, the poor monk doesn't know much, and it should not be manifested yet. Just like your Xuanhuang God Valley seed, fellow Taoist, it seems to have little effect. But the real magic is infinite."

Chen Yang also knew that the Xuanhuang Shengu seeds were indeed infinitely useful, but he hadn't exerted their true power yet.

After Chen Yang understood the spirit of the universe, he discussed it with Luo Feng.At the same time, he collected the breath of the spirit of the universe in the magic tome, and then sealed it.

Luo Feng sealed some breath of the spirit of the universe, and he also found Fu Qingzhu.

Fu Qingzhu must be involved in this matter.Fu Qingzhu is also the king of destiny, and his luck is also very good.

As for Qin Lin, he was not allowed to participate.Luo Feng wants Qin Lin to recover from his injuries!

After that, Chen Yang, Luo Feng, and Fu Qingzhu set off separately.They agreed that no matter what, they must return to the Great Thousand World within three months.

Chen Yang bid farewell to Shen Murong and kissed Xiao Nianci goodbye.After that, he left the Great Thousand World.He made another trip to Tianzhou by the way.

He went back and forth several times, but he didn't speak to Qiao Ning.Therefore, he still wanted to say goodbye to Qiao Ning.

As for Linger, he missed Linger very much.But he didn't intend to go to Shennong World.

Chen Yang still had blood and tears in his heart, he didn't know how to face Ling'er at this moment.If blood and tears are needed in the future, he must be cruel to Ling'er once.

He would never want to hurt Ling'er.But compared with the lives of his eldest brother, wife and daughter, he can only choose to hurt.

He also knows that shed blood and tears will lose talent.However, Chen Yang felt that since Hei Yi Suzhen could recover her talent, Linger should be able to do so in the future.

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