The strongest player in history

Chapter 2175 Dust Bone Sword

His Majesty Zulong's eyes burst out with dazzling light, which completely enveloped Yuanjue!There is such a sacred brilliance in a radius of hundreds of millions of miles!

In this kind of sacred brilliance, there are infinite rules and profound meanings in the universe.Looking at ΔΔshuge 『→→Yuanjue immediately felt the word vast. Under such sacredness, people can't help but want to worship!

Under this kind of sacredness, people feel that the universe is so big that they can only surrender!

Under such divine radiance, even a master of the realm of creation would be lost in an instant.

But what kind of person is Yuanjue, he is the god of all dharmas!

His eyes were extremely clear, not only did he not get lost in the brilliance, but he enjoyed it very much.It's like a holy monk exuding divine light.

His Majesty Zulong certainly knew that it was impossible to defeat Yuanjue like this.If Yuanjue is so easy to defeat, then Yuanjue is not Yuanjue.

His Majesty Zulong's eyes flashed!

In the vast river of light, the light suddenly turned into violent light particles.Many of these light particles are terrifying light quanta, and there are also all kinds of strange lightning.

In the parallel world, a quantum of light, a grain of lightning can kill a peerless master.And in it, the number of these light quanta is calculated in megabytes!And it incorporates the laws of the universe that His Majesty Zulong has comprehended...


Quantum of light, electric particles, and even solar particles are all aggregated together, rolling towards Yuanjue like a torrent.In all directions, there is nowhere to hide, nothing to hide, nowhere to escape.

Yuanjue was instantly overwhelmed by such an attack.

"Amitabha!" Yuanjue chanted a slogan, and his body was smashed into pieces in an instant.But soon, he regained his original body, and those cosmic laws, light quanta, etc., all passed through his body, and he and the light quantum have merged into one.

"Amitabha!" His Majesty Zulong sneered, and said, "Buddhism, Taoism, what are they? What Amitabha are you chanting!"

Yuanjue laughed and said, "Buddhism and Taoism are the most important truths that we will pass on! Amitabha Buddha is a catchphrase of poor monks, why should your Majesty be angry?"

His Majesty Zulong said: "This emperor has been wandering in the universe for many years, and he never forgets the battle with the Emperor of the Universe that day. It's just that I didn't expect that after so many years, he would actually become the way of heaven and give birth to many masters like you. He really He is extremely smart, knowing that one person's power has its limit after all."

Yuanjue said indifferently: "Your Majesty, the Great Universe is already ruthless and emotionless. Although he lives forever, he is equal to no life. Why do you bother about the past!"

His Majesty Zulong snorted coldly, and said: "Is it because this emperor wants to care about it, but the homeland must be taken back!"

Yuanjue said: "Homeland? I'm afraid it will be difficult for the spirit and human beings to coexist!"

His Majesty Zulong said: "That's right, let's start by killing you first!"

Yuanjue smiled slightly, and said: "If you want to kill the poor monk, of course you can. But your majesty's tricks are not enough to suppress the poor monk, so please show your real skills."

His Majesty Zulong said: "Good!"

Afterwards, His Majesty Zulong withdrew his light, and his physical body had covered a radius of hundreds of millions of miles!

In this space, he shot out the law of cosmic light!

As a result, within a billion miles of space, there is a piece of blue, and ripples are produced in the blue light, just like the ocean.

The law of Zhouguang comprehended by His Majesty Zulong is no small matter, even Yuanjue dare not underestimate it.


In Zhouguang, suddenly, a terrifying planet bombarded Yuanjue.

His Majesty Zulong really transported a planet, and then killed it with force!The interior of the planet boiled instantly, and once it hit Yuanjue, it would crush Yuanjue to death.

The law of Zhouguang cooperates with the movement of the planet, and at the same time, grasps the trajectory of Yuanjue!

This move is tantamount to catching a turtle in a urn.

Yuanjue's eyes were still calm, and the planet bombarded him, so there was darkness in front of him in an instant.This kind of suppression is too terrifying.

Yuanjue's eyes burst out suddenly, golden rays shot out from his eyes!

This ray was instantly beheaded. Thousands of miles away, the Star Cup ray hit it like a basketball being cut by a laser.


The planet is broken!

His Majesty Zulong grabbed it with his big hand, and his golden dragon claws actually caught all the energy waves of the planet's explosion in his hands, and then flashed again, directly enveloping Yuanjue.

Then, the energy wave exploded!

His Majesty Zulong still threw the explosive power of the planet on Yuanjue.

Yuanjue didn't blink, his body suddenly softened and instantly turned into water!

As good as water!

The water exploded and turned into countless drops of water, splashing everywhere.

His Majesty Zulong sneered, and shot again.

Then, his two big golden claws turned into ten golden dragons and flew out.These golden dragons swallowed those water drops into their stomachs like lightning.


After the ten golden dragons devoured the water drops, they were about to fly away.His Majesty Zulong knew that these drops of water were where Yuanjue's real power was.He didn't want to give Yuanjue a chance to combine, so he directly displayed his great supernatural power.

The ten golden dragons were about to fly away, and they quickly suppressed Yuanjue with the power in their bodies.

But Yuanjue's counterattack was even faster, and suddenly a golden light flashed inside the bodies of the ten golden dragons, and then, each of the ten golden dragons appeared a Yuanjue.Ten Yuanjue turned over and sat on the ten golden dragons, and then controlled the ten golden dragons.

These ten golden dragons, if each golden dragon is placed on the earth, it is an existence with the level of Gaia's cultivation that can easily kill Gaia.But at this moment, they were all tightly restrained by Yuan Jue.This is the real king versus king.

It is unimaginable and inconceivable that the power of a living being can be cultivated to such an extent.

His Majesty Zulong used his tactics again, and the two beards on his face flew out in an instant, turning into two sharp swords and beheading two of them, Yuanjue.

The two Yuanjue also made a move in an instant, and responded with finger swords!

All of a sudden, the sword light flew, and a sword light traveled thousands of miles away.

The fierce battle between the two sides was in full swing, and Yuanjue wanted to kill all the golden dragons.His Majesty Zulong had a bad feeling and waved the law of Zhouguang.With a few waves, the waves are monstrous.Finally, those few golden dragons were rescued.And the ten Yuanjue also merged into one.

Yuanjue is within the laws of His Majesty Zulong, but he is as relaxed as the autumn waters of a flat lake, and is not affected by it at all.

The two big shots fought for several rounds, but there was no distinction between superior and inferior.

Of course, the confrontation just now was just a trial.

At this time, His Majesty Zulong also became quiet.

In Zhouguang Ocean, the calmness reached the extreme.Yuanjue remained motionless, like an old monk in meditation.

"Yuanjue, you are indeed very good." His Majesty Zulong said suddenly.

Yuanjue smiled faintly, and said: "The poor monk is planning for the earth, for the livelihood of all people in the world, dare not make mistakes!"

His Majesty Zu Long said: "What you cultivate is not the way of freedom."

Yuanjue said: "If everyone practiced the way of freedom, wouldn't the world be in chaos?"

His Majesty Zu Long said: "A person who is fearless will always act more decisively than a person who has scruples!"

Yuanjue said: "Having scruples means having faith and perseverance! Having a goal is clearer than not having one, understand!"

His Majesty Zulong said: "It seems that the current emperor will kill you here even if he does not hesitate to spend his energy!"

Yuan Jue said: "Your Majesty's bounty, the poor monk will accept one by one today."

"I'm afraid you won't be able to take it!" His Majesty Zulong sneered.

Yuanjue said, "Your Majesty will do it!"

"Good!" His Majesty Zulong said.

The two big brothers were calm for a short time, and then they fought again in an instant.His Majesty Zulong opened his mouth and spit out ten star stones!

These ten star stones flew out, changing continuously in the air, traveling through the void, and then swelled up, ten stars in succession!And Yuanjue was trapped by Ten Stars!

"These ten star stones are the emperor who spent ten thousand years searching for and refining them in the universe. The fire of the stars is prepared for the emperor of the universe!" His Majesty Zulong said in a sharp voice, "Yuanjue, come and test it!" Check it out!"


In the next second, ten star stones burst into flames, using the star stones as fuel and the law of cosmic light as the wind, the two sides merged.

Once these ten star stones are burned, they will be destroyed.This is non-renewable and cannot be reused.But the terrifying energy it erupts is also immeasurable.

This kind of burning is so powerful that its power is substantial, not just pure spiritual mana and energy law.

It is like an open flame, even if there are no rules in it, it can explode extremely lethal.What's more, His Majesty Zulong also incorporated rules into it.

Yuanjue didn't dare to be careless at this time.

He also knew that simply relying on mana, the law could no longer resist the power of the Ten Stars.

He will not use the power of the earth at this time, because the opponent's ten stars are ten useless stars, and the power of the earth must not be used recklessly and wasted like this.

The raging flames burned, and the void was illuminated.In the raging flames, the fine fire criss-crossed, and the more it burned, the more fierce it became, and there was a sense and law of burning the world.

Yuanjue sat cross-legged, letting it burn.

The fire burned for three days and three nights, and Yuanjue was finally burned to ashes.

"As a puppet, you also want to deceive this emperor?" His Majesty Zulong saw this and was not moved at all.He knew that Yuanjue used his puppet body to withstand the flames of the stars.And he himself is in the ashes of the puppet!

"Of course this can't fool His Majesty!" Yuanjue walked out of the ashes, and he said lightly: "I never thought of fooling Your Majesty, but I just let the ten stars burn with energy. Now, it's the poor monk who should do it." It's time!"

Suddenly a black long sword appeared in his hand!

Afterwards, he slashed down with one sword!

"Shatter the void!" Yuanjue shouted loudly.

With a single strike, the light of the sword criss-crossed, directly cutting out a huge hole in the ten-star Lianzhu flames.

Afterwards, Yuanjue left the encirclement of Ten Stars.

His Majesty Zulong couldn't help but turn pale, and said, "What kind of sword is this?"

Yuanjue stood in the void, and said lightly: "Your Majesty doesn't know, this sword is transformed from the root bone of the Emperor of the Universe, it is the bone dust sword!"

One sword breaks the starry sky, one sword cuts the fate of the world!

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