The strongest player in history

Chapter 2172 Alternate

Chen Yang's blood was frozen, and his mana was also frozen.This is a very indescribable terrifying feeling, truly powerless like a mortal.

"Linghui, help me!" Chen Yang couldn't help but communicate with Linghui monk in the seed of Xuanhuang God Valley.Monk Linghui responded in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoist Chen Yang, I have only one way to help you right now. But why do you do this? Your life will be in danger. This son of Chen Ling is not unreasonable. He will never hurt you."

Chen Yang gritted his teeth and said: "I can't explain many reasons, but I only know that today, I must do this, no matter what I pay, I will not hesitate!"

Monk Linghui had no choice but to say, "Okay, the poor monk will bet with you, and the poor monk bets that Chen Ling will not kill you!"

"Xuanhuang liquid!" Monk Linghui directly tapped a drop of Xuanhuang liquid into Chen Yang's brain.

Then, Chen Yang's mana instantly loosened.

"Execute the Great Devouring Technique!" Monk Linghui shouted immediately.

At the same time, monk Linghui circulated the seeds of the Xuanhuang God Valley.The Xuanhuang Shengu seeds formed a channel, and the Great Devouring Technique became the source, and the energy of the golden mahamudra was sucked into the Xuanhuang Shengu seeds.

After all, Monk Linghui didn't do anything, but let Chen Yang perform the Great Devouring Technique.

Given the gap in cultivation between Chen Ling and Chen Yang, Chen Yang's move was undoubtedly courting death.

However, monk Linghui just couldn't bear to bet on Chen Ling.

At that moment, the Great Devouring Technique crazily devoured the golden power, and the huge energy poured in, Chen Yang couldn't bear it at all.Chen Yang's face turned red in an instant, his skin began to turn red, bloodshot, and veins were all revealed.It was a terrifying sight.

Seeing this going on like this, Chen Yang is going to die.

Chen Tianya also saw this situation, his expression changed drastically.

But after all, he didn't say anything, just desperately channeling mana silently, but under this kind of purification, he was really helpless.

Chen Ling also had a difficult expression on his face.

He can see a lot of himself in Chen Yang, and many times, he feels that Chen Yang is like his son.This is also the reason why he and Chen Yang hit it off.

Chen Ling took a deep breath, and he finally regained his strength.

Chen Yang's mind went dark, and then he passed out.

At this time, Chen Tianya finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Ling took back all the mana, and the great prophecy completely disappeared in the entire space.Both Chen Tianya and the god emperor's primordial spirit returned to their free state.

In fact, Chen Ling wanted to kill Chen Tianya, it was as easy as pie.After Chen Yang passed out, he would kill Chen Tianya again, there was no problem at all.But seeing Chen Yang in front of him desperately protecting each other, he couldn't bear to do this after all.

Chen Ling looked at Chen Tianya, he sighed, and said, "Chen Tianya, maybe it's your fate. I know, if I let you go today, I'm letting the tiger go back to the mountain. In the future, maybe today's decision will be my decision. But it doesn’t matter, for your son, I am willing to let you go this time. But in the future, if there is a chance, I will still kill you.”

Chen Tianya's eyes were also quite complicated.

Chen Ling said again: "The reason why you refused to bow your head all your life is to prove that you are different from me? You are different from me long ago, just because you have a son like Chen Yang, you have always surpassed me in this regard."

Chen Tianya's eyes were deep, and he said: "I, Chen Tianya, have been acting all my life, why should I explain to anyone! Today, if you let me go, I will remember it in my heart. In the future, if you are in danger of life and death, I will save you once .I will never make a move on you until this love is repaid!"

"Is it so difficult to kowtow to Chen Yang's mother? That's his mother. After all, you killed his mother!" Chen Ling couldn't help but say.

Chen Tianya said: "It will never be possible!"

Then, with a flash of his figure, he left directly.

The space has already opened up.

At the scene, only the unconscious Chen Yang was left, as well as Chen Ling, the God Emperor's Yuanshen, and Dongfang Jing.

Dongfang Jing came to Chen Ling's side.

Chen Ling said to the God Emperor, "Master, I offended you today."

The God Emperor smiled faintly, and said: "There is nothing to offend, you are indeed worthy of being my most outstanding disciple. When you go all out, even a teacher cannot completely subdue you!"

Chen Ling said, "Master, what about your agreement with Chen Yang?"

The God Emperor said: "Forget it, just treat him as a support. This matter, stop here. You can do it yourself!"

After he finished speaking, his figure flashed, and then he grabbed the supernatural power seed and disappeared directly.

The space in front of him also instantly shattered.

Chen Ling grabbed Chen Yang and put him in his ring sumeru, and then he and Dongfang Jing returned to Tianzhou in a flash.In essence, they never left Tianzhou, but they just created a mysterious space in Tianzhou.

Chen Yang didn't know how long he had been asleep, he woke up from a dream.As soon as he woke up, he found that he was already lying on the familiar bed in the familiar wing of Zhen Guohou's mansion.

In front of him was Qiao Ning's concerned face.

Seeing Chen Yang wake up, Qiao Ning couldn't help beaming with joy.Chen Yang also breathed a sigh of relief, but he immediately thought of something and said, "Chen Tianya?"

Qiao Ning hurriedly pressed Chen Yang, and said: "You have a good rest, everything is fine. Senior Ling sent you back, he said, Chen Tianya is fine, he has already left. Moreover, the ten-year agreement between the God Emperor and you That's the end of it. He won't argue with you any more."

"Really?" Chen Yang couldn't help being overjoyed.

Qiao Ning said: "Of course it's true, don't you believe Senior Ling's words?"

"Of course I believe it!" Chen Yang said.Only then did he really breathe a sigh of relief.

Qiao Ning then hugged Chen Yang tightly, and she couldn't help but shed tears.How could she have imagined that her husband would go through such a life-and-death situation just after going shopping for a while.Chen Yang could feel Qiao Ning's mood, and he hugged Qiao Ning tightly.

Then, Chen Yang ushered in a truly peaceful time.He will go to Daqian World to accompany Shen Monong and his son, he will also go to Shennong World to accompany Ling'er, and he will even accompany Qiao Ning in Tianzhou.As for the task of finding the star stone, he didn't care about it.Life is alive, it is not easy to live!Just enjoy it for a while!

You can't be so tense all the time!

It would be too boring to live like that.

And at this time, without Chen Yang's knowledge, on Mount Tai in the Great Thousand World...

In the middle of the night, on the top of Mount Tai.

Mount Tai has always been visited by tourists, but there are still many places in Mount Tai that are not open to tourists.It was in such a place that a strange light flickered past.

Then, a figure appeared on the top of Mount Tai.

At this moment, the bright moon was in the sky, the breeze was blowing slowly, and the earth was dyed a silver-gray color by the moonlight.

This figure is none other than... the God Emperor!

What did the God Emperor come to Mount Tai for?

Soon, the answer was revealed.

Because another figure flashed past, and another person appeared on the top of Mount Tai, standing in front of the God Emperor.

The one who came was... the God of Dharma, Yuanjue.

"You're here!" Yuanjue said lightly.

The God Emperor nodded and said, "That's right, I'm here."

Yuanjue said, "The poor monk has been waiting for you for a long time."

The god emperor said: "The way of heaven is obscure, and I only understood the consciousness of Tianxin in my recent practice."

Yuanjue said: "Before, you thought that your achievements came from your persistence and tenacity, as well as your wisdom."

The God Emperor said: "Now I understand that all this is my mission!"

Yuanjue said: "It is your mission, and it is also the mission of the poor monk. You are the fourth generation god of the universe, and today the poor monk wants to entrust you with an important thing. You still have three years. After three years, Daqian The position of the poor monk in the world is under your control!"

The God Emperor couldn't help being taken aback, and said, "Three years, how is this enough?"

Yuanjue said: "The time given to you is indeed not long. But the enemy will not always give us time, so even the Dao of Heaven, even the Emperor of the Universe, there are things they can't do. Human beings and creatures have nothing to do with resentment. How helpless it is in the universe."

The God Emperor said: "Because the universe is infinite, in an infinite world, there is nothing to do."

Yuanjue said, "That's right!"

The God Emperor said: "You said three years, could it be that even you can't resist the enemy?"

Yuanjue said: "The poor monk should be able to resist, but the destiny shows that the poor monk's life will not be long. As for what will happen, the poor monk can't guess."

The God Emperor fell silent.

After a long time, he said: "You have such a cultivation level, why do you always act like the ordinary old man who guards the gatehouse in this world, knowing that the time of death is approaching, but you don't make any changes?"

Yuanjue said: "Every person, living being, has its own programming. Even a poor monk can't change his own programming."

The God Emperor said: "If you leave the earth, what should you do?"

Yuanjue said, "Leave?"

His body shook slightly.

After a while, he shook his head and said: "The homeland is about to be destroyed. As the head of the family, how can the poor monk leave just like that! That is pushing the earth into the abyss, and it is absolutely impossible to leave. This is the obsession of the poor monk. !"

The God Emperor said: "Okay, this is your obsession. But what if I don't want to follow your old path?"

Yuanjue said, "Then you can leave."

The God Emperor was slightly taken aback.

He then said, "I can't leave."

Yuanjue said, "Then, what keeps you from leaving?"

The God Emperor said in a deep voice: "Because I have seen too many things, I know that if I want to become the Supreme, I need what you have in your hand. I also know that after I take what you hold, I can't leave it. .To become the Supreme One, you must accept what is in your hand. To accept what is in your hand, you must accept the power of the world of the world."

Yuanjue said: "So, your programming is like this."

The God Emperor said: "I understand."

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