The strongest player in history

Chapter 2160 The Eye of God

"Smash it!" Chen Yang roared!

Then, in the ice soul, the extremely cold air rolled, and countless icy factors exploded.

Then, the nine swamp dragons all exploded.

The entire Jiulongyuan was black, and the swamp with a strong stench exploded. The scene was so spectacular that words could not describe it.

If it weren't for the fact that all these people have peerless body protection, they would be disgusted to death by the swamp!

Wan Zhen didn't expect his Nine Dragons Cave to be broken so easily by Chen Yang, his eyes froze, and he cast his mana again.

His magic power shot out from the one-eyed eye, and quickly gathered all the caves and swamps together.Then, a huge fist mark was formed to kill Chen Yang.

The swamp fist print like a mountain peak blasted over!


How fierce the punch is, the strong wind bursts, and kills again!

Wan Zhen's magic power is strong, he wants to consume Chen Yang's magic power a few times first.This is how he fought against Mingyue Xianzun before.After the Mingyue Immortal Venerable made a few hard hits in the front, it was obvious that he was weak in the back.

Wan Zhen believed that even though the kid in front of him had special mana, his overall mana was definitely not comparable to him.

How much mana can a person in the early stage of Tianyu Realm have?

In the abyss, fierce battles continued.

Facing Wan Zhen's Marsh Fist, Chen Yang also felt the profound laws and principles of the Marsh Fist.

The mana is so strong that it is incredible.

Chen Yang didn't think too much, he grabbed it with his big hand, and the ice soul ocean also formed an ice front fist mark and roared to kill it.He has already studied the ice soul ocean thoroughly.

The two punches hit the air like planets colliding, bang!

The entire abyss trembled, and then the swamp fist was smashed into pieces.Chen Yang's Bingfeng Fist Seal is as stable as a mountain.

In essence, the ice suppresses the limp swamp!

"Boy, there are two tricks." Wan Zhen sneered, and he took another shot.He suddenly raised the giant tail behind him, and that giant tail was like a giant hand.The giant hand stirred Jiulongyuan, and the swamp ocean surrounded Chen Yang again!

Chen Yang's surroundings were once again surrounded by swamps, and his eyes were filled with darkness.He also couldn't see Immortal Mingyue and Qiao Ning anymore.

In the swamp, there are still thousands of spaces and countless time flows!

Chen Yang couldn't help but rejoice that he was already at the Tianyu Realm.Otherwise, in the past, no matter how powerful he was, he would not be able to withstand Wan Zhen's attack.

Chen Yang couldn't help but feel a headache. Lao Tzu's cultivation had just increased a little, and his opponent's cultivation seemed to increase even faster.

There is no time to feel comfortable!

In fact, when he was comfortable, he just didn't care.

But people are unforgettable about the difficult days.

Thousands of spaces, countless times flow.

Chen Yang hid directly in the ice soul ocean, which turned into a stream of light and rushed out instantly.

Directly and quickly shuttle through thousands of layers of space, but the swamp in front of him is still endless, and Chen Yang is still trapped!

Unexpectedly, it is impossible to shuttle out of the cave.

Then, Wan Zhen also made a move.

His giant tail turned into a fine steel giant sword, and there are countless tentacles on this fine steel giant sword.


The sword energy is fierce, and the cold pierces the nine heavens!

The actual sword power shuttled through the void, suddenly appeared behind Chen Yang, and quickly slashed.

The power of this sword has a kind of eclipse in the world, and the power of the sun and the moon is in it.

This sword contains the profound meaning of time and space!

This sword was enough to cut Chen Yang into pieces at the early stage of Tianyu Realm.Controlled by the cave, gather the power of the cave, and unleash the strongest sword of ten thousand vibrations!

Obviously, at this time, Wan Zhen was also afraid that things might change, so he took a ruthless hand!

He hoped to kill Chen Yang with one sword!

Even if it can't be killed, it can be seriously injured.

This sword is Wan Zhen's lore sword, it is Jiuyuan Sword Soul!

It was too late for Chen Yang to realize the power of the sword soul. The sword soul in the cave is like a ghost, hard to guard against!

When he was in danger, he didn't panic, but his whole body suddenly began to freeze.

The ice soul ocean merged into Chen Yang's body!

Chen Yang turned into an ice sculpture in the air!

With a flash of sword light, Jiuyuan Sword Soul completely killed Chen Yang.

The intense sparks were so brilliant that they aroused thousands of feet!

But... Chen Yang was unscathed.

Chen Yang quickly recovered his body, found the body of the Jiuyuan Sword Soul, and cut out the sword light of the Great Ice Soul!

The sea of ​​ice soul turned into a huge ice sword.

With infinite wormhole mysteries, rules, and Chen Yang's unparalleled magic power, he slashed up fiercely.


After Jiuyuan Sword Soul's sword failed, it was the time when he was exhausted. At this time, he was counterattacked by Chen Yang, and he was cut off a hole immediately.The lightning disappeared into the void.

Wan Zhen's tail returned to its original shape, but it was broken off.His vitality was also damaged a lot, Wan Zhen couldn't help being furious, he never thought that this lowly human could actually hurt him.

However, Chen Yang found Wan Zhen's main body aura, and as soon as his figure shuttled again, he shuttled directly out of Wan Zhen's cave.Came outside the cave!

Chen Yang didn't bother to pay attention to Wan Zhen, and directly rushed down.He was going to join Qiao Ning and Immortal Mingyue.

The two little sun and moon beasts were still using their mana to attack and kill the holy light of Tianlongqin.

At this time, Chen Yang appeared above his head.

With a hey sound, Chen Yang slashed out with another sword strike.

This time it is not the sword light of the Great Ice Soul, but the sword light of the soul!

Soul Sword Light is Chen Yang's ultimate move, an upgraded version of the Great Ice Soul Sword Light.The soul sword light combined the power of the great ice soul, and completely melted the power of the soul spar.

When this sword goes down, its power will directly make the enemy feel invincible.The power of the mind is invincible.The heart fire and the power of the heart have the same effect!

The soul sword light quickly kills!

At that moment, this sword light was as fine as a silver needle, unexpectedly pierced through the protection of the little sun moon beast, and nailed into the heart of the little sun moon beast.

"Ah..." the little sun moon beast let out a shrill scream, and then spurted blood wildly.Afterwards, the whole body was frozen into an ice sculpture, and then, it was directly shattered into countless pieces.

Chen Yang actually killed a little sun moon beast with one move.

That is Wan Zhen's son.

When Wan Zhen saw his youngest son being killed, his eyes instantly burst into tears. "Bastard, you bastard, you dare to kill my son. I'm going to cramp your skin and tear you to pieces."

Chen Yang laughed sharply, and said, "Today I will not only kill your son, but you, an old beast, and I want you to die without a place to bury you."

Wan Zhen rushed towards Chen Yang like a mad tiger.

Suddenly his one eye flew out.

This one-eyed eye is Wan Zhen's magic weapon, a magic weapon cultivated with his own organs.That one eye is dazzling and bright, like a round sun.

One-eyed is the eye of God!

The divine eyes shot at Chen Yang's back, and the strong divine light had already arrived.

The temperature of this divine light is extremely high, and this light can quickly evaporate [-] square meters of lake water into ashes.

Such rays of light shot at Chen Yang, and Chen Yang would definitely not feel well.

Wan Zhen is indeed a formidable opponent, Chen Yang is not afraid, on the contrary, the more he fights, the more courageous he becomes.The mana in his body is unparalleled, and at this time Ice Soul Ocean is displayed, using Ice Soul Ocean as a guide!

The Great Devouring Technique is cast!

After practicing for more than a year, Chen Yang really calmed down.There are painstaking researches on various sects and techniques, and they have been sorted out.

The ocean of ice souls formed a huge vortex in front of Chen Yang, and in the black ice souls, the Shentong origin of the Great Devouring Technique was playing an extreme role.

The rules of the wormhole are full of mysteries!

Wan Zhen's mana is indeed thicker than Chen Yang's, and even better.But Chen Yang's strange strength and magical Taoism made up for the gap.In particular, the rules of wormholes contained in the sea of ​​ice souls made Wan Zhen feel that it was difficult to detect them.

All the light from the divine eye was swallowed by the Great Devouring Technique and digested.

The divine eye is also about to be swallowed by the Great Devouring Technique.

Wan Zhen was taken aback, his magic weapon was where his eyes were, how could such a mistake happen.At that moment, Wan Zhen exploded and roared again and again, the sound waves vibrated, and the infinite swamp dragon began to tear Chen Yang's ice soul ocean.

At the same time, Wan Zhen grabbed back the divine eye.

But those swamp dragons were all swallowed up by Chen Yang's Great Devouring Technique.

"Damn it, hate it!" Wan Zhen roared furiously, but there was nothing he could do about Chen Yang in front of him.And at this time, Qiao Ning and Mingyue Xianzun also started to fight back.Qiao Ning is still in her prime.

Qiao Ningdong is a middle-stage cultivator in the fairyland, and he has magic weapons such as Mo Yinlei and Wujin cassock on his body.

Qiao Ning pierced through the holy light of the Tianlongqin in an instant, and then sacrificed the sound of the end of Dharma!

The black Thunder Beads were released!

"Thousand Dragons Refining the Realm! The Hand of the Thunder Dragon!"

Qiao Ning was fluttering in the air in her silver clothes. She had a majestic appearance, and the powerful magic power in her body, Lei Li and Na Mo Fa Yin Lei were mixed together.

A huge dragon-clawed hand sprang out from the sound of the final sound!

The black dragon claw clawed at the little sun moon beast.

The little Sun Moon Beast was taken aback, but it remained calm, and immediately flicked its giant tail, blasting towards Qiao Ning's Thunder Dragon's hand.

"Mysterious Ice Jade Needle!" Mingyue Immortal Venerable fought his injured body at this time, and ejected a powerful blow.

That day, the Xuanbing jade needle in the dragon piano was like a ray of cold light, shooting towards the head of the little sun moon beast.

At the same time, Qiao Ning's Thunder Dragon's hand grabbed its giant tail, boom!

There was a loud noise, and then, Thunder Dragon's Hand overbearingly crushed its giant tail into pieces.

Then, the Xuanbing jade needle shot into the forehead of the little sun moon beast.

The little sun and moon beast let out a roar, its whole body covered with white frost, and then died suddenly.

When Wan Zhen saw that his son was also dead, he was completely enraged and went crazy.

"You bastards, kill my two sons, I will fight you."

Wan Zhen roared terribly, as if he was desperate.

Chen Yang's figure flickered, and he grabbed with his big hand, and directly grabbed Mingyue Immortal and Qiao Ning with his big handprint.Immortal Mingyue and Qiao Ning did not resist either.In the next second, Chen Yang put the two women into a ring sumeru.

The soul ocean used to be easy to pretend to be human, but now, the ice soul inside is not suitable.Outsiders can't stand it!

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