The strongest player in history

Chapter 2157 Returning to the Cemetery

Chen Yang went directly to Daxing'an Mountains and found the teleportation array to Tianzhou.The teleportation array quickly teleported Chen Yang to Tianzhou.

Chen Yang appeared in the Tianchi Pavilion in Dakang Imperial City.

The teleportation array changed, and there was an immediate reaction from Tianchi Pavilion.In Tianchi Pavilion, many people knew Chen Yang.Chen Yang's reputation was already very good, but in the past three years, there were many rumors that Chen Yang was dead.The rivers and lakes want to forget a person very quickly.

But no matter what, there are still acquaintances of Chen Yang in Tianchi Pavilion.

Soon, old friend Su Yanran came over.She came quickly like a gust of fragrant wind, and quickly appeared in front of Chen Yang.She is still so beautiful and charming.

Su Yanran's face was full of excitement and flushed.After she was sure that the Chen Yang in front of her was indeed Chen Yang, she threw herself into Chen Yang's arms without saying a word.

Chen Yang was taken aback for a moment, he felt a little surprised that the nephrite jade was warm and fragrant in his arms.

He is now a standard gentleman, and his hands are very honest.

If it were Chen Yang back then, he would have already followed suit.

Afterwards, Su Yanran also felt that she had overreacted, so she separated from Chen Yang, with a blush on her pretty face.She was a little embarrassed and said, "Uh, don't get me wrong, I don't miss you. It's just that I was a little excited to see an old friend who I thought was dead come back."

Chen Yang laughed and said, "I understand."

Su Yanran then slapped Chen Yang and said, "In recent years, you have not been missed by others." She looked Chen Yang up and down again.Then he said with a little despair: "How do I feel, the faster I cultivate, the bigger the gap between me and you seems to be! I feel like you can kill me with just a move of your finger."

Chen Yang couldn't help but laugh.

Su Yanran has indeed made rapid progress, even at the early stage of Xuxian's cultivation.

But she felt right.

With Chen Yang's current cultivation level, he can kill Su Yanran with just a flick of his finger.However, Chen Yang was not in the mood to talk about this. He changed the subject and said, "Is Qiao Ning still in the imperial city? Is she okay?"

Su Yanran said, "I'm a little anxious for Qiao Ning."

"Oh?" Chen Yang said.

Su Yanran said: "In the past few years, Qiao Ning has cultivated very quickly, and now she has reached the middle stage of the Cave Wonderland. She usually stays in the imperial city and occasionally goes out. But a month ago, Immortal Mingyue came to her and said yes. Let's go to the doomsday cemetery together to get the inner alchemy of the sun and moon beast."

Chen Yang was taken aback immediately, but he knew that Immortal Mingyue still had problems with his body.The inner alchemy of the Sun Moon Beast is needed to kill the blood soul in the body.However, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva also said that if you are not in the realm of heaven, you should not hunt the sun and moon beasts!

"It's only a blink of an eye to come and go to the doomsday cemetery. They went there for a month and didn't come back..." Chen Yang was worried to the extreme.

Su Yanran said: "Don't worry too much, Mingyue Immortal Venerable has reached the peak of the Tianyu Realm, and she is very strong. In addition, she still has the Tianlongqin in her hand, and the Immortal Venerable practiced too hard, which caused internal injuries, so she did it. Hurry to go."

Chen Yang was a little annoyed immediately, and said: "She has many disciples and many masters. She doesn't take anyone with her, so why come to Qiao Ning? If something goes wrong, is she responsible? Can she take responsibility?"

Chen Yang had great respect for Mingyue Xianzun, but now he was worried about Qiao Ning, so he was also dissatisfied with Xianzun's actions.

"Forget it, I'm going to the doomsday cemetery immediately." Chen Yang immediately said to Su Yanran.

Su Yanran was slightly startled, and said, "So anxious?"

Chen Yang said, "Maybe a second of delay is a lifeline."

Su Yanran said: "Isn't it more safe for you to find the emperor?"

Chen Yang said: "One look is a favor. I reckon, I can handle it myself."

He is still very confident in his cultivation base now.

Su Yanran said: "Well then, if you don't come back within three days, I will go to the emperor."

Chen Yang said: "Okay!" He then quickly left the imperial city.Then began to induce three thousand worlds with great mana.This induction, the surrounding world is multifarious, all flashed in his consciousness.Chen Yang quickly found the doomsday cemetery.

The doomsday cemetery also has an enchantment, but it does not require a teleportation array.

You can enter by tearing open a hole in the barrier.It is not difficult to enter the doomsday cemetery, but it is much more difficult to get out of the doomsday cemetery.Moreover, the enchantment is especially aimed at all kinds of monsters and divine beasts in the doomsday cemetery.They are very difficult to get out.

The doomsday cemetery is covered with blue metamagnetic barriers.

Chen Yang clicked on the blue magnet, and tore a small hole.Then, his figure flashed, like a white horse passing through the gap, and when the hole was about to close, he rushed in with lightning.

The world of the doomsday cemetery is extraordinarily gloomy.It is much more miserable than the world of the dark side. Here, it is vast and boundless, but the sky is covered with blood clouds, and the whole sky is full of gloomy clouds and mist.

It's a doomsday scene here.

It was not the first time for Chen Yang to come to the Doomsday Cemetery. Now he was a bold and skilled person, galloping quickly in the air, and began to call out Qiao Ning's spiritual imprint in his brain.Then use this to contact Qiao Ning.

But this time, Chen Yang was surprised.He didn't feel Qiao Ning's existence at all, nor did he have any information about Qiao Ning.

"Oops, did something really happen?" Chen Yang felt terrified.

Afterwards, Chen Yang galloped through the air while his divine sense shot in all directions.In an instant, all the scenes within tens of thousands of miles were printed in Chen Yang's mind.

This is the mysterious way of mana.

Martial arts belong to the slow lane in the world.And mana is equivalent to the Internet and big data.If you want to check things thousands of miles away, you only need to type in the search.

But mana is the same as searching, when you want to explore something deeper, you also need a certain amount of luck and ingenuity.This kind of spiritual shooting can only shoot a rough shot.

Suddenly, countless information began to flood into Chen Yang's mind.There are even some divine beasts, and the wrath of Warcraft is launched.This kind of investigation is, after all, rude.So some big bosses are still very upset when they sense the probe.

Chen Yang couldn't care about these things now, and he was anxious about Qiao Ning.

If something happened to Qiao Ning, he was destined to regret it for the rest of his life.

And this kind of remorse is meaningless.

Chen Yang learned that the doomsday cemetery has become a testing ground for ascetics.Many ascetic masters need materials, mounts, or to hone their cultivation, they will choose to come to the doomsday cemetery.

And monsters, divine beasts, and some other monsters also regarded the offenders as prey.

Anyway, in the end, it depends on who has the upper hand.

Here is the cruelest law of the jungle.

However, after searching, there was still no trace of Qiao Ning.He then learned that there was an exchange in the Dongcheng District of the Doomsday Cemetery.

It was a trading place run by a tycoon of beasts, and some ascetics who were not strong enough but needed some inner alchemy were welcome to trade.Dongcheng District is an existence similar to Tianchi Pavilion in Tianzhou.But the services inside are more diversified, and there are many beauties and goblins for sale here.You can also go there to find happiness, as long as you can afford enough pills.

Chen Yang's actions are not generous now, and most of his belongings are lost to his elder brother.The elixir and Hunyuan fruit in his hand had already been exhausted in the extremely cold wormhole.Now there are [-] Hunyuan Fruits left in his hand.

Chen Yang decided to go to Dongcheng District to inquire about Qiao Ning and Xianzun.

Afterwards, Chen Yang's figure flashed, and he soon came to the sky above Dongcheng District.

The Dongcheng District is in the middle of a swamp, and the surrounding swamp is thousands of miles wide.

It is a real marsh ocean.

This swamp is different from ordinary swamps, it is all dark red, like blood flowing in it.

And in the middle of the swamp was Dongcheng District.The ground of the Dongcheng District was land transported from other worlds, and it was forged with great mana.

Outside Dongcheng District, a dark red mist filled the air, extremely poisonous.In the depths of the marsh ocean, there are countless beasts.

Such Dongcheng District, if a mortal has no power, or only has minimal magic power, he will not be able to reach it even if he spends his whole life.But for a big guy like Chen Yang, as soon as he thought about it, he went to the sky above Dongcheng District.

Inside Dongcheng District, the lights are bright.

The enchantment above flickered, and it was also equipped with an enchantment.

Chen Yang found the entrance, he didn't have to force his way in at all, he just had to enter openly.

The entrance is a gate.Inside the gate, it was extremely dark.But there are two monsters guarding the gate. These two monsters look terrifying, but they are in the form of monsters.One of the monsters is a blood-winged tiger, and the other is a huge cat with black hair and a strange light in its eyes.If they are in the human world, they still exist as one party.But here, too, is the most despicable gatekeeper.

The blood-winged tiger uttered words first, this kind of language is the language between ascetics, and it can be interpreted with consciousness.The blood-winged tiger asked: "Who is the sacred one?"

Chen Yang didn't want to reveal his identity, and he was afraid of causing unnecessary trouble, so he said directly: "My name is Lin Feng, and I'm a monk from Tianzhou. I'm here to trade."

"A hundred Chunyang Pills are needed as an entry ticket, and one Shenyang Pill is also acceptable." Blood Winged Tiger said.

Chen Yang didn't talk nonsense, and threw out a magic pill.

He is no longer rich, but he still has some divine pills and pure Yang pills.Just not much anymore.

The blood-winged tiger and cat demon saw the magic pill, checked it, and let Chen Yang in.

After entering that door, the scene in front of him suddenly became clear again.Chen Yang entered the city directly, behind him was the thick city gate.

The city is not dark because there is a round ball of light in the sky.It's not the moon, it's not the sun, it's a magic weapon called the sun-moon wheel!

The sun-moon wheel is made of the inner alchemy of the sun-moon beast.

On this day and night, the sun and the moon alternately emit sunlight and moonlight.Fantastic.

At this moment, the sun is shining, making the whole city look sunny.

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