The strongest player in history

Chapter 2155 Xiao Ai's First Growth

Chen Yang really couldn't wait for his son, but he is a smart man with high EQ.So every time in front of Shen Mo Nong, he deliberately revealed that he paid more attention to Shen Mo Nong's appearance.There was no relative level between the two, but this would make Shen Mo Nong happier.

Chen Yang still said at this time: "Don't panic, you show me the soul crystal jade."

Shen Murong was slightly taken aback, and knew that Chen Yang also missed Lan Ziyi.She immediately took out the soul crystal jade from the ring sumeru. "I know this Soul Crystal Jade is very precious, so I always keep it with me. If I want to leave Yanjing, I will keep it safe!"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Of course I can trust your arrangement."

Chen Yang then checked the soul crystal jade, and found that the soul power inside was still unrivaled. Every time he checked it, he lamented the horror of this soul crystal jade.It can be said that Lan Ziyi's fortune was given to her by the Star Lord.Star Lord really took extra care of Lan Ziyi.

Lan Ziyi is in samsara, it is difficult to escape.The star lord sent the soul crystal jade, so that the power of the soul and the power of reincarnation can be fused, and in the future, Lan Ziyi will be able to achieve the invincible power of Lan Ziyi.

Chen Yang found that everything was fine inside, and knew that Lan Ziyi was still concentrating on cultivation.Moreover, there is no formal detachment from reincarnation, so I feel relieved at the moment.

He returned the soul crystal jade to Shen Mo Nong and asked Shen Mo Nong to keep it.After that, she went out with Shen Mo Nong.This time I drove over and did not cast any magic power.

Going all the way, it was fun.

Shen Murong was very happy, and his body was comfortable from top to bottom.Chen Yang returned as the king, and all her worries were gone.She doesn't care about Chen Yang's cultivation, as long as Chen Yang returns, everything will be fine.

Soon, the two arrived in front of Ye Ziqing's villa.

In the courtyard, Chen Yang saw Xuanyuan Yadan, Qin Baoer and Xiao Nianci.

Xiao Nianci is already a real little boy, wearing a sportswear, his face is still covered with sweat.Qin Baoer is also delicate and cute.The two had a great time, Zhao Ma and Liu Ma were on the side.

When Chen Yang saw his son, his eyes immediately became moist.

When he came, he kept talking to Shen Mo Nong, it's been so long, my son must not know me anymore.

But at this moment, Xiao Nianci saw Chen Yang, and after that, he cheered his father, and rushed towards Chen Yang.At this moment, tears welled up in Chen Yang's eyes, and he immediately squatted down, and when Xiao Nianci ran over, he picked him up and turned around.

"Good boy, good boy!" Chen Yang couldn't help but mutter.

After a long time, Chen Yang let go of his son.

Xiao Nianci's eyes were very beautiful. Then he looked at Chen Yang in a daze, and asked, "Dad, why have you been away for so long? People miss you every day."

Chen Yang couldn't help but kissed Nian Ci's forehead, and then said emotionally: "I'm sorry, Nian Ci, Dad has something to delay outside. But Dad has been thinking about you all the time, and he will come back as soon as he is free. Don't blame Dad , okay? In my heart, my favorite is our little Nianci."

Shen Mo Nong couldn't help but roll his eyes, and then felt amused again.This guy, in front of his son, couldn't help showing his true colors.

Xiao Nianci said, "Then did you bring me a present?"

"I brought it, I brought a lot of gifts." Chen Yang was slightly startled, and then said. "They're all at home."

After all, Xiao Nianci is a child, or a child's nature.

After hearing the words, Xiao Nianci immediately said, "Father, I want to go home."

Chen Yang picked up Xiao Nianci and said, "Okay!"

Only at this time did Chen Yang have the time to pay attention to Xuanyuan Yadan, the little guy Qin Baoer, Luo Silan, and Mama Zhao and Mama Liu.

Zhao's mother and Liu's mother were also a little excited when they saw Chen Yang, and they stepped forward and shouted: "Sir, you are finally back."

Chen Yang said, "Thank you for helping me take care of Nianci."

Zhao Ma and Liu Ma also laughed and said, "This is our responsibility."

Chen Yang looked at Xuanyuan Yadan, he smiled slightly, and said, "Second sister-in-law, you are getting more and more beautiful and younger."

Xuanyuan Yadan had already heard from Ye Ziqing that Chen Yang was back, so she wasn't that surprised, but seeing Chen Yang alive at this moment, she still couldn't help being excited. "Third brother, it's good if you come back. In the past few years, your second brother and eldest brother have talked about you a lot. I just said, you must be an auspicious person with a natural appearance."

Chen Yang said: "When the second brother and the eldest brother come back, we will not return home if we are drunk."

Xuanyuan Yadan said: "Of course!"

Afterwards, a group of people went into the house to meet Ye Ziqing.Chen Yang also hugged Qin Baoer and Luo Silan respectively.The two little guys were very polite and called Uncle Three to Chen Yang.

Qin Bao'er said: "Uncle San, my father often said, Uncle San, you are a legend."

Chen Yang laughed out loud.

Qin Baoer said again: "Then did you bring me a gift?"

Xuanyuan Yadan couldn't help laughing, and said: "You little ghost."

Chen Yang immediately said: "The third uncle is a legend, of course we have to bring a gift to our Bao'er."

The little girl Luo Silan immediately said timidly from the side: "Third Uncle, what about me?"

"Of course there is also our little friend Si Lan!" Chen Yang said.

Entering the house to meet Ye Ziqing, Ye Ziqing was also very happy to see Chen Yang.Afterwards, a group of people moved to Chen Yang's villa.Shen Monong said: "Let's have dinner together tonight, Xiao Ai is coming back too."

Qin Baoer immediately said: "I want to sleep with Sister Xiaoai at night!"

"Hmph, I'm going to sleep with my dad tonight." Chen Nianci said.

"Ouch, stinky bastard, it's great that you have a father." Qin Baoer pouted.

Between the few little guys, they are so innocent, intimate and lovely.

Seeing them happy, Chen Yang felt that no matter how hard he worked outside, it was worth it.

He also regretted that he did not accompany Xiao Yinuo's growth.

As for gifts, Chen Yang was naturally not prepared.But he wasn't worried, and Shen Mo Nong had already marked him with a K gesture, which meant that she would take care of everything.

Shen Mo Nong is the boss of Guoan, a call came, it was all pediatrics.

A group of people quickly drove to the garden villa.Mama Zhao and Mama Liu prepare the dinner for the dinner.

On the way back in the car, Xiao Nianci was still clinging to Chen Yang and refused to get off.Chen Yang also felt distressed, extremely cute.He was also a little surprised, how could the little guy be so clingy to himself?

Xuanyuan Yadan explained the doubts to Chen Yang, and said, "You don't know, Xiao Nianci falls asleep watching your video every day. When you were young, Mo Nong recorded many things that accompanied him. .”

Only then did Chen Yang suddenly realize.At the same time, he glanced at Shen Mo Nong, his eyes were full of gratitude.

Shen Murong smiled slightly, but everything was kept silent.

Chen Yang felt very ashamed, for Nian Ci, he had a lot of incompetence.However, Mo Nong never blamed him.

He has more love for Shen Mo Nong in his heart.

After returning home, there were indeed many gifts prepared in that house.All the little guys like it. The three little guys ran over, as if they had fallen into a happy ocean.

"Father, I love you so much!" Chen Nianci shouted happily holding a gift.

"Third Uncle, I love you too!" Qin Baoer also said.

Luo Silan also yelled: "Uncle Third, I love you too!" Her voice was the most childish, and it sounded the most playful.

Children are so easy to please.

At the same time, Chen Yang also said apologetically: "Sister-in-law, second sister-in-law, I came back in a hurry and didn't bring you any gifts..."

Ye Ziqing smiled and said, "Third brother, you really think we are children too."

Chen Yang laughed.

At around six o'clock in the evening, Xiao Ai came back.

She doesn't have to study by herself at night today.

When Chen Yang saw Xiao Ai, Xiao Ai was wearing a school uniform, but she was pure, cold, smart, with an indescribable taste.

She is very beautiful, and in school, she is also an absolute school beauty.

As soon as she came back, she saw Chen Yang.Before he could react, Qin Baoer and Chen Nianci rushed over and surrounded Xiao Ai like two chirping little sparrows.

Xiao Ai originally followed the indifferent style, but suddenly, she was turned into a teasing style by these two little treasures.

She picked up both guys.Chen Nianci said excitedly: "Sister Xiaoai, my father is back. Look..."

If he saw a stranger today, he would run over and say, my father is back.

Xiao Ai also put down the two little guys, and then led Bao'er and Nian Chi to Chen Yang.Xiao Ai shouted: "Godfather!"

Chen Yang smiled slightly. He wanted to touch Xiao Ai's head, but felt it was inappropriate.After all, he is not a child anymore.He was slightly embarrassed, and then said: "Xiao Ai, you have grown up."

Xiao Ai said: "It's good that you are back, Nianci has always missed you."

"Thank you, Xiaoai!" Chen Yang said.

Xiao Ai was slightly surprised, and said, "Thank me..."

She didn't know what Chen Yang thanked her for, but she didn't think it was appropriate to ask in detail.

Afterwards, Xiao Ai greeted the others politely.She went over to hold Shen Mo Nong's hand affectionately, and said, "Godmother, are you happy now. Godfather is back, you don't have to worry anymore."

Shen Monong also laughed, and said, "It would be even better if your father and the others came back."

Xiao Ai smiled and said, "They will come back."

The dinner was sumptuous, and today is a very happy day.Xiao Ai drank a lot of wine, Bao'er and Nian Ci also drank a little red wine mixed with Sprite.It made Rosiland want to drink, but was stopped.Later, Luo Silan burst into tears, but it was Xiao Ai who hugged her and comforted her.Xiao Ai seems to be extraordinarily good at treating the little ones.

The little guys are also very close to Xiao Ai.

After the dinner, everyone gathered together.The little ones were running around playing wildly in the villa, and Xiao Ai also accompanied them.Shen Monong couldn't help but said: "Don't pester Xiao Ai, she still has a lot of homework to do."

Xiao Ai poked her head out and said, "Godmother, go to her homework. Today, I'm going on strike."

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